Primary 1 17.4.18

Last week primary 1 welcomed a visitor into their classrooms. Brambleberry, a forest elf from Perthshire, came to our school to escape his enchanted forest which is being spoiled by littering. The children have enjoyed showing him their work and listening to him talk about his enchanted forest. This afternoon the children enjoyed creating fairy houses for Brambleberry and his friends to live in. The children worked very hard with their buddies to create these houses and the finished products look great! Thank you so much for providing boxes and materials for this project.
In maths we have been learning about data handling. The children have learnt to count using tally marks and this week have interpreted and created their own pictograms. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 30 and adding and subtracting within 10 at home.
In phonics we are learning the ‘wh’ sound this week. please continue to practise at home and to learn the common words in the blue jotter.
Reminders: PE is on a Thursday for both classes. Please remember to bring a named PE kit to school.
Water bottles should contain only water and should be named.
This week the children have maths homework as well as ‘time your climb’, common words and a reading book.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

w.b. 13.3.17 Primary 1

This week we have started our new ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic. The children have already created a fantastic display in our classroom and are looking forward to learning about woodland creatures and forest life.
As part of our ERASMUS project we will be learning about Italy this week. We will be sharing our learning with our partner schools across Europe.
Last week in maths the children learnt about fractions. They were able to talk about sharing equally and could find a half and quarter. This week we will be looking at numbers to 20, comparing size and finding odd and even numbers. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 at home.
We will be continuing our new homework format which was started last week. If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to ask.
On Wednesday we will be taking the children to the local woods to look at trees and woodland animals. Please ensure that your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 6/3/17

This week our homework is changing. Your child will no longer have a key word box in their homework folder. Instead, your child will have a yellow ‘reading words’ jotter with a list of words they need to know for their reading books. Please encourage your child to learn these words over a number of weeks. We will test the children on these words regularly and highlight the words they know. Your child will also have a blue spelling homework jotter in their homework folder. This includes a ‘time you climb’ worksheet. Each child will have a number of words to learn using ‘look, say, cover, write and check’. We will be going over how to do this in class with the children, however, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
In maths this week the children will be learning about fractions. We will be finding half and a quarter of a shape. Please continue to practise counting to 20 at home as we will be continuing this after our fractions topic.
This week we will conclude our dinosaurs topic and begin learning on the ‘Enchanted Forest’. The children will be learning about forest creatures and will be taking a visit to the local woods.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 update 25.2.16

Primary One are having a busy week and our Dinosaur topic is coming to an end. This week we have been learning about the Stegosaurus and we have completed another page for our Dinosaur Fact Files. We have also continued to be Palaeontologists by making our own fossils with clay and pretending to dig bones by extracting chocolate chips from cookies! Tricky and delicious at the same time!
Next week we will be starting our new topic – The Enchanted Forest! We can’t wait to tell you more!

In Maths, we have been completing addition up to 10 and next week we will be moving on to Weight. We will be focusing on comparing objects and the language heavy/light, heavier/lighter and the same.
Reminders for next week –
• Indoor gym is every Thursday so please remember gym kit!
• Thursday is World Book Day. Children may dress up as a character from a book if they choose.
• Could every child please bring their favourite book to school on Thursday. They will be completing a task with their P7 buddy.
Thank you for your continued support.
P1 Teachers

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