Primary 7 PE

Due to unforeseen circumstances PE for P7 will revert back to the original day of Wednesday. This will mean that for the next 5 weeks P7W will have swimming at the High School on Wednesday morning and PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday afternoon. P7W will not have outdoor PE on a Monday.

Mrs Gilmour’s class will continue to have outdoor PE on a Monday and Indoor PE on a Wednesday.


  • Mrs Gilmour’s class will have PE be on a Monday and a Wednesday
  • Miss Wilson’s class will have both PE sessions on Wednesday

Sorry for any confusion this has caused.

Thank you

Miss Wilson and Mrs Gilmour



P7 week beginning 19.09.16

For a short week it has been a very busy week! Your child should have brought home a letter explaining about their natural disaster challenge. This is to be worked on at home and in school and to be finished by Friday 7th October.

The children are also writing a book about Japan which will be completed in reading and topic time. Just a reminder that the children should be working on their ‘My life so far’ assignment each week.

The children will be starting transition work with teachers from the high school. The first of these will be PE. Miss Wilson’s class will be starting this on Wednesday 28th September for 5 weeks and Mrs Gilmour’s class will complete their transition PE block in January 2017.

The block will be swimming so please could the children in Miss Wilsons class ensure that on Wednesday 28th September they have their swimming costume(NB: girls must wear an all in one swimming costume and boys require swimming trunks or shorts) and a towel.

We will be leaving at 9.15 sharp so if your child wishes to wear their swimming costume they can but please remember to pack underwear!

Because of the transition block, PE with Miss Inglis will now be changed to a Thursday.

On Friday 30th September selected children will be attending the sportshall athletics event at Craigswood Sports Centre. They will need PE kit and suitable footwear for participating in a variety of sports.



  • PE will be on a Monday and Thursday
  • P7W swimming on Wednesday
  • Sportshall athletics on Friday



  • Spelling homework
  • Natural disasters challenge (continue to work on)
  • Maths homework

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary Five 23rd September 2016

This week we have been completing a challenge on the map of GB and NI.  We have researched the 4 different countries, labelled the main features on the map and had a look at some famous landmarks.  This will be built on next week when we look at landmarks in more detail-look out for Big Homework going out on Monday.

PE has changed from next week.  Children will need PE on a Tuesday for FUTSAL and a Wednesday for PE with Miss Inglis.  We will update you when this changes again.

Mr Greig and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 23.9.16

We hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. This has been a short week for us and we have begun practising for our school Harvest Assembly. This assembly is not a parent one but one for the children. Please look out for any speaking parts and help your child practise at home.

It was great to see some of you at our Residential information evening. Please if you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us.

Next week is our assessment week, whereby children will be working in one jotter to give us a snapshot view of their abilities in all areas of the curriculum. These will be on display at Parent’s night for your perusal.

We have completed our Vikings for the frieze also. see below for the pictures as promised.





Practise assembly words

Due Friday the 30th – Spelling and reading as normal
Due Friday 21st October – We will be handing out a big homework menu sheet. We know life is busy so please choose an activity according the time you have available to facilitate your child to complete this.

Primary 6 15.9.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had a busy week learning more about the Industrial Revolution. The children learned about the move for many people from the countryside into cities and the problems that were created by cramped tenement housing. We then created our own “City Landscape” at the back of the Primary 6 classrooms which looks fantastic!

In writing this week the children created their own “magic box” and thought about all the magical and exciting things they could put into their box. The children then worked very hard to write fantastic poetry based on their boxes. Well done!

In ICT, Mr Shanks introduced both classes to software called “Kodu”. This software enables us to create our own simple computer games using some visual programming language. The children thoroughly enjoyed becoming familiar with this software; controlling their own characters and developing their own unique worlds. We look forward to learning more in the coming weeks.

You should receive a letter today about our trip to New Lanark.  We are planning on making this visit on Thursday 29th September.  The cost of this trip is £5.50 per child and should be returned to the school with a completed EE2 form as soon as possible. Children should come prepared with their own packed lunch as we are not expected to arrive back to school until around 2:30pm. If any parents with a full disclosure are able to help out with this trip then please let the office know as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!

A quick reminder that this weekend is a holiday weekend. The children should return to school on Wednesday prepared with PE kit and appropriate shoes for participating in Cross Country.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

Primary 4 16.9.16

This week we are finishing off our Viking display and will be making our own long boat and our life size Vikings are ready to be placed. As promised, a picture is to follow!

We had a visitor from Scottish water explaining the importance of taking care of water supplies. We learned that in London, there was a fat mass the size of a double-decker bus clogging up the sewers as a result of careless disposal of oil and grease. In amongst this, was baby wipes and other items which should not be flushed, including a living goldfish who was then named ‘POOH’. The children found this very funny.

Scottish Water Team
Scottish Water Team

We will be starting our assembly next week and children will be given words home. Please can you ensure your child practises these. This assembly is an in school assembly for the rest of the classes, not a parent assembly on this occasion.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend this week and look forward to seeing you all back on Wednesday 21st September.

As it is a two and a half day week when we return, there will be no homework given or expected on the Friday.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson

Primary 7 Week Beginning 12.09.16


Primary 7 have had an exciting week. On Tuesday we had visitors from the Japanese society. We learned about Japanese food, clothes, games and much more. We enjoyed learning how to use chopsticks and making origami.

As part of the Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebrations we watched Matthew Fitt on Authors Live. Matthew is particularly well known for his Scots translations of Dahl’s stories. He made us think about words we might already know from the Scots language. Some of our favourites included braw, crabbit, dug, and mingin. We discussed some Scots language that we might use at home and also came up with some names for sweeties in Scots.

A number of pupils are not coming to school prepared with suitable PE kit. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear for doing PE outside.

Next week we will be working on ‘My life so far’ on Friday so please bring it in to school on this day.

Next week:

Monday – Holiday

Tuesday – In service

Wednesday – Children back to school

– PE

Thursday – Residential meeting about France visit



No spelling homework next week

Big homework focusing on an aspect of Japan



Thank you for your continued support

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary Five 15th September 2016

This week we have started work on our United Kingdom topic.  We  discussed the things that we would like to find out about the UK and the kind of activities the children would like to include alongside the activities already planned.   We have started working on a challenge about the map of the UK finding out about major cities, towns, mountains, rivers etc.  We hope to have these finished next week for display in the classroom.  Watch out for a BIG HOMEWORK coming soon!

In Language we have been redrafting our ‘Magic Whistle’ stories that we have been writing.  We have had great fun coming up with ideas for how we could use these to help people in trouble.

Mr Greig’s Maths group have been doing some revision this week while Mrs Steel’s group have been looking at Data Handling.

In Health we have been looking at the exercise we like and how it makes us feel after.

Reminders for next week:


Thursday/Friday-PE kits

House Captains and Vice Captains Elected

Our school has voted on who they would like our new House Captains and Vice Captains to be. Here are the results:


Deer Park: Captain = Helena Barbour; Vice-Captain = Molly Wilson

Raeburn: Captain = Niamh Henderson; Vice Captain = Melody McCulloch

Sutherland: Captain = Chanel McCulloch; Vice-Captain = Robyn McKissock

Waverley: Captain = Sarah Brown; Vice-Captain = Megan Paterson


Carmondean expects a lot from its House Captains and Vice-Captains and this year, as always, we have an able and committed team. Good luck everyone.

Primary 1 w.b. 12/9/16

Primary 1 had a very busy week last week. The children are working hard on their new sounds (s, a, t, p, i, n, m and d). This week they will be learning g, o and c. Please continue to practise all of the sounds learnt so far at home. You will find sound cards in your child’s homework folder.
In maths we are continuing to work on number formations and understanding the value of each number up to 10.
This week we will be talking about babies and the changes the children experience as they grow older. Please remember to send in a baby photo before Wednesday.
Next week the children will be off school on Monday (19th) and Tuesday (20th). No formal homework will be issued but please continue to practise sounds and number formations. We have noted below a few websites/ games which your child may enjoy.

Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 12.9.16

Primary 3 have started their Weather Topic. We have been learning about the seasons, different types of weather and how the movement of the earth around the sun affects the seasons. The children have had lots of questions and we can’t wait to dive deeper into our topic.

In Maths we have been doing lots of mental addition, adding on multiples of 10 and finding different strategies to help us, using the 100 square. We have worked round maths stations, completed worksheets and even managed a textbook page!

Guided reading has started and the children are beginning to settle into the routine. We encourage reading every night and we will write new reading pages in the diaries on a Tuesday and Thursday.

We are handing out our first piece of big homework and it is due on Tuesday 27th September. Children are being asked to make a weather mobile that can be presented and then displayed in the class. Children need to display their knowledge of the 4 seasons and the different types of weather that might occur in that season. (HW sheet in HW folders)

Spelling to be completed every evening along with a sentence.

Maths to be handed in on Friday.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 6 09.09.16

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re having a lovely week. Primary 6 have had an extremely busy week working hard as always!

This week the children began working with our maths teacher on circles. The children learned about the different parts of a circle and now know the difference between the radius and the diameter. The children then used a compass to create their own circle patterns and now are using lots of different colours to decorate them. We think they will look great on our maths wall.

Also this week we wrote short descriptive passages based on “The Village” pictures we created last week. We were so impressed with the quality of the children’s work and their use of descriptive language – including similies!

In Health, we have begun learning about Internet Safety and the importance of staying safe online. Please ask your child about the safety strategies they have learned this week.

Please remember –
Spelling homework is due on a Friday.
Outdoor PE kit – Monday
Indoor PE kit – Wednesday

More information about reading and maths homework is to follow.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

Primary 7 – 9.9.16

Primary 7 have had another really busy week this week.

In science we have been learning all about the structure of the Earth. We focused on the 4 main layers and found out the properties of each one. Next week we will be looking at different types of rock and how these are formed.

We have been learning about internet safety and the importance of telling an adult if something worries us.

For our topic we found out where Scotland and Japan are on the world map. We have been busy identifying some of the main features of each country including rivers, mountains, seas and cities.  We have also been looking at the differences and similarities of land use between Japan and Scotland. We will be learning about some of the key industries in Japan and using our knowledge to create a collage.

Next week we look forward to some visitors from the Japanese Society. Check out blog next week to see what we found out!



Outdoor PE – Monday (weather permitting)

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on the correct days



Spelling homework – Due Friday 16th

Topic homework – Due Thursday 15th


Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 4 9.9.16

This week we are well underway with all of our subjects. We have investigated water and what it is used for. It is great to see all of the tally charts coming in from home detailing water use in our houses. These will be used to compile a class tally chart on water use. They are due in on Monday. We have a visit from Scottish Water planned on Monday and are excited to see what they are going to tell us.

We have been making very scary life size Vikings for our classroom frieze and when they are finished, we will take a picture of them and post it on here to introduce them to you.


Could all clothing have children’s names or initials on them please.

Tuesdays – Outdoor PE kit (Weather permitting)

Wednesdays – Indoor PE kit



Due Monday 12th – Water tally table

Due Friday 16th

– Spelling homework

-Reading homework – at least 10 pages of own choice of book.

-Miss Smith’s Maths Group – Place Value homework focusing on Th H T U

-Miss Donaldson’s Maths Group – Place Value homework focusing on H T U

As homework this week, please spend some time on the following web site to practice place value. You should aim to work with numbers involving Th H T U but you can start at any level. You have not yet started decimals so if you do investigate these, please do not get worried if they are unclear at this stage. Please ask a parent to sign your homework diary or comment to let me know how you got on with this.
About Place Value Charts. Place value or hundreds, tens and units can be a difficult concept for children. The value of each digit in a number depends on its place or …


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson

Nursery Bulletin Week Beginning 12 September

Carmondean Nursery: Weekly Bulletin 12/09/16


Our learning focus this week will continue to be about setting expectations for behaviour, settling the children into Nursery rules and routines as well as welcoming our new children to Nursery. We will be showing the children how to self-register. At big group time we will continue to focus on learning the days of the week and the date along with working out what the weather is like and finding the correct symbol for the weather chart.

In gym we will begin our work on Perceptual Motor Skills where the children will be learning to balance, hop and freeze! We will be finding, moving and sharing a space and learning basic travelling skills while moving in different directions. We will talk about our different body parts and hopefully having lots of fun!

Literacy Group Time will focus on developing good listening skills and learning and sharing Nursery Rhymes.

Numeracy Group Time will focus on counting in sequence and making collections of different amounts of objects.

For the home link focus this week we would love you to share Nursery Rhymes at home – maybe your child could tell us some you have been learning.



  • The Nursery have our own page on the school blog, please go to the Carmondean Primary blog where you will be able to navigate your way to the Nursery page and find out what we did in Nursery last week. This will be updated on a Friday.
  • Please make sure your child has all his/her clothes labelled, particularly jumpers, cardigans and jackets.
  • We are looking for anyone who would be interested in joining our new Nursery Parents/Carers Association to let one of the Nursery Team know.
  • We are currently putting children’s names on shoes, if your child has not got their name on their gym shoes please hand them to the member of staff on the door.
  • Snack money is now due, please either pay via parent pay or put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on the front and clearly labelled ‘Snack Money’ (£12 from now to October holidays).
  • Any parent/carer who would like to be a Nursery Helper please speak to Mrs Fletcher who will organise the necessary paper work.
  • Our cloak room arrangements have changed. We are now using the small room in the middle of the nursery. You will come in as usual with your child and use the small room instead of the big room, which will now be used as a learning space.
  • A Parent/Carer meeting to roll out the new Learner’s Journey web site will be held on Thursday 29th September at 6pm in the Nursery.

Carmondean Nursery Week beginning 5 September 2016

Another busy week in our Nursery with lots of new boys and girls starting. Children have enjoyed playing in our garden, even in some rain showers! They have been making yummy mud soup and counting the ducks in the water tray. Please remember to send your child to Nursery with a coat as we do go outside in all weathers. In group time we have been practising how to be good learners by sitting with out legs crossed and having our eyes and ears switched on. We have read and discussed stories and talked about our Nursery Golden rules. In numeracy group time we have been counting and then matching our counting to collections of objects. We were learning counting Nursery rhymes and singing ‘One, two, three, four, five once I caught a fish alive’. We have been helping to make snack and are becoming very independent at collecting our own plate of food and water or milk to drink. Children have gone to the main school for gym lessons and here we are learning to listen carefully and find a space of our own. Well done boys and girls a very successful week at Carmondean Nursery.

P1/2 week beginning

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 are now settled into school and have made lots of new friends.

Primary 1 have been learning new sounds which have been sent home for homework this week.  Please practise these for a few minutes every night.  Primary 2 have started practising new sounds and key words which will be sent home for extra practice next week.

All homework will be handed out on Monday and will be collected in on Friday.  Please ensure that homework packs are brought to school every day thank you.

This week we have started working on our health topic keeping healthy.  We have talked about keeping clean and took part in a little investigation to show how germs are spread.  We have talked about healthy eating and made pictures of our favourite meals.  We are going to turn our role play area into a cafe while we learn more about healthy eating.

It was lovely to meet some of the parents at meet the teacher last week.  If you could not manage to come your child should have brought home a newsletter for this term.  Please check this for information on homework and gym days.

Have a lovely week.


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 5.9.16

Primary 1 have been settling in well to school routines over the past 2 weeks. The children are enjoying getting to know their new classroom and the wider school environment and are making lots of new friends in their class.
Last week primary 1 began learning phonic sounds s, a, t and p. The children have learnt how to say each sound and how to form each letter. Some pupils can also spot the sound within short words, very impressive! This week each child should receive sound cards for s, a, t and p home in their homework folder to practise at home.
In maths, primary 1 have been focusing on numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children’s counting is very good and so we are focusing on number formations. The homework task for maths this week is to practice writing 1, 2 and 3.
This week primary 1 will be continuing to learn more sounds and numbers. We will also be completing a display on how to be healthy to go up in the hall. This forms part of the government’s Getting It Right For Every Child initiative, and each stage is focusing on a different aspect of SHANARRI ( safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included) in the PSD fortnight.
Reminders: PE is on a Monday for all classes, please can the children bring navy shorts and a white T-shirt.
Homework will be issued on a Monday to be returned by Friday. Please can children bring their homework folder in every day as they are used in classroom activities.
Please ensure that your child comes to school with labelled gym rubbers/ inside shoes, a water bottle and snack.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

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