Primary 3 News! 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week!

In Maths we are really getting to grips with subtraction, taking away 9, 19, 29 and 11, 21, 31 and looking at strategies we can use. We also revisited the 2x tables so keep practising these at home!

In preparation for our Erasmus + visitors we made some Scottish gifts, a bookmark with a felt covered kilted man to show off our traditional dress. We also located on a map the six different countries and found out about their traditions, local food and monuments.

We are really getting into our Nativity rehearsals and parts will be given this week so we would really appreciate your support with line learning at home as the time is flying in! We will organise props and costumes this week and will let you know what your child needs to bring in from home. It is an all singing, all dancing show so all children will be involved whether they are speaking, dancing or singing.

This week’s homework:

Reading: As indicated in their diaries

Spelling: ‘ea’ focus

Maths: 10x table

Please ensure your child makes a really big effort with their sentences and include lots of description.

Our Erasmus + visitors arrive tomorrow so it’s a very exciting week for us all. Some teachers will be popping into our classrooms to say hello so do ask the boys and girls about it.

Massive thank you to those mums that assisted us in the woods today, although a little muddy at the entrance it was a great woodland walk and gave the children lots of descriptive ideas for their writing tomorrow!

PE will be on Wednesday for P3S and Thursday for P3R

Have a great week!

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Smith


Primary 1/2 Week beginning 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week.  We have started our nativity play which is called Christmas Counts.  We know lots of the songs already and will begin acting out our parts soon.  Everyone in Primary 1 will have an acting part and P2 will be given their narration parts to begin practising this week.  This will be quite tricky for them at first so any help with practising would be greatly appreciated.

We are working on our Houses and Homes topic and last week Primary 2 entertained us with their interesting class talks.  Well done Primary 2.  This week we look forward to listening to Primary 1.  We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and have made a beautiful wall frieze of the gingerbread house.

Last week in Maths Primary 1 were working on the concept of addition and feel very proud of our progress.  Primary 2 have been working on halving and doubling.

This week we are very excited to welcome teachers from all over Europe as part of the Erasmus project.  We will be showing them our classrooms and how we learn in Scotland.  We will also be taking part in a Scottish Assembly and learning some vocabulary form all over Europe.  We have made special thistle badges to give to the visitors.

On Friday we will be taking part in Children in Need.  We can wear something spotty and bring in a donation of 50p.  Wristbands and badge pins will be on sale this week.  Wristbands are 50p and £1, badge pins are £2.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 14/11/16

We have a busy week ahead in Primary 1. The children are very excited to welcome our European visitors as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The whole school will perform a Scottish welcome assembly on Tuesday. The children have been practising very hard to sing their song ‘3 craws’. The children will have the opportunity to meet the teachers during classroom visits on Tuesday and Thursday.
Rehearsals for the Primary 1 nativity are now in full swing. Speaking parts will be given to some children in homework diaries tonight. Please check whether your child has words to learn at home.
This Friday is Children in Need. Children can dress up in something spotty for a donation of 50p. Throughout the week there will be pins (2 for £2) and wrist bands (50p for last years and £1 for this years) on sale.
As we approach the busy Christmas period we will endeavour to continue some P.E. with the children, however at times this may not be possible due to hall availability/ other events.
Thank you for your continuing support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 6 11.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had an excellent week this week.

On Tuesday we went outdoors to do some art work. We used natural materials from the playground like different coloured leaves, berries, twigs and stones to create symmetrical pieces of art. The children worked very well together in groups and we think the finished products are fantastic! You’ll see some examples of the children’s work below.

In Outdoor PE we have began to learn the skills of hockey. This week we learned how to control and pass the ball and in the coming weeks we will be playing small team games together.

Next week we will begin work on our new topic of “A Tale Unfolds”. The children will be working in small groups to create a story that they will eventually write a script for and then perform. We can’t wait to start this project and we are sure that the finished results will be fantastic.

Your child should have brought home a copy of their latest big homework challenge. It is due in on Friday 9th December. Children should plan a short class talk about a current European news story. They can do a powerpoint or poster to accompany their talk. If your child needs any resources from the school (paper, pens, colouring pencils, use of laptop etc.) then they should let their class teacher know as soon as possible.

A quick reminder that PE days are Monday (outdoor PE) and Wednesday (indoor PE but children should also come prepared for being outdoors). Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing and footwear to school on these days.

Maths and Spelling homework is handed out weekly. Please look out for them on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie and Mrs Kelly

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Primary 7 – 11.11.16


A huge well done to the boys and girls from P7 for an outstanding performance during our Remembrance assembly. The children worked hard all week to plan, research and create this assembly.

The children have made boxes decorated with Scotty dogs for our ERASMUS visitors. Those that did not go to the sportshall athletics got the opportunity to make tablet which has been put into each box. Congratulations to the children who went to the sportshall athletics – as Carmondean came first. What a talented bunch they are!

On Tuesday the children read a variety of Remembrance poems and then wrote their own. These were emotive, reflective and poignant.

WLDAS worked with the children again this week. We were looking at how smoking can affect our bodies. Smokey Sue gave an excellent demonstration of what smoking does to your body. The children were horrified at the effect smoking has on our lungs.

Mr Anderson continued to work with primary 7 on the song they will sing at the Christmas concert at DCHS.

Next week:

  • we welcome our ERASMUS visitors who will be teaching in class at various points throughout the week
  • on Monday we will have our last visit from WLDAS
  • We will be starting our Enterprise topic where the children will either work on running a game or raising money at the Christmas fair.
  • all children are to bring in their ‘My life so far’ as we will be working on this for the next few week


Thank you for your continued support in helping make the children’s learning as enriching as possible.

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 4 11.11.16

Today we held a one minute silence for Remembrance Day. Primary Sevens have been selling poppies all week in the lead up to today.

Next week we will be welcoming our Erasmus guests to Carmondean Primary School. We are very excited and this week we have been working on a challenge to learn more about the countries involved. These will be shown in a display for their arrival. We looked at the country’s national flowers, capital cities, important rivers and flags as well as their language.

We will be beginning our new topic next week, enterprise, whereby the pupils will be choosing their object they wish to make and sell. We will be carrying out surveys and using data handling in order to plan something we hope will sell well. We will discuss the terms ‘profit’ and ‘loss’.


Tuesday and Thursday – No PE Kit required.

Can all parents please ensure their children do not play on the sandpit at the beginning or end of the day where there is no adult supervision. Thank you for your support with this.

Friday 18th November – Dress down in spots for Children in Need and bring 50p donation. Wristbands will be on sale from Monday.



Due Friday 18th November: Reading, please see the homework grid from last week’s blog.

Maths for both classes – worksheet.

Spelling as normal.

Children in Need

Primary Five are organising Children in Need events in the school this year.  This year we will be-

  1. Selling Pudsey wristbands for £1 each.  These are adjustable so will fit both adults and children.
  2. Selling Pudsey and Blush Pin Badges for £2 (one of each).
  3. Dressing down on Friday 18th November.  We would ask you to wear something spotty as this year’s theme is Spotacular.  We would ask that you would donate at least 50p if you would like to dress down.
  4. We will also be selling off last year’s plastic wristbands for 50p.

We hope that you will be able to support us in this fundraising event and hope to raise a large amount of money for this very special charity.

Thank you

Mrs Steel, Mr Greig and the P5 boys and girls.

Primary 5 11th November 2016

This week we have been working hard to get the classrooms ready for the Erasmus visitors next week.   We have made lovely Highland Cow badges and magnets to give them as gifts when they visit our classrooms- we are very proud of them!

We have also been working on organising Children in Need which is P5’s charity event this year.  We will be selling badges for £2, wristbands for £1 and also selling off last year’s wristbands for 50p.  These will be on sale from Monday 14th – Friday 18th.  We are also organising a dress down day for Friday 18th November, where we invite the children to wear something spotty for a minimum donation of 50p.  We hope you will be able to help us raise money for a great cause.

This week we have also been starting work on our first stage assembly based around our Topic of GB and NI.  We have given out the words for this and this will be part of the homework from now until 25th November which is our performance date.  Next week you may also get some information about costumes/things we would like the children to wear on this day.

Next week we are looking forward to doing some cooking and tasting on Tuesday where we will be sampling food from around GB and NI.  We will be preparing Leek and Potato Soup from Wales, Haggis from Scotland, champ from NI and scones with cream and jam from England.  We hope that the children will enjoy this and that the Erasmus visitors might even pop in for a taste!

Homework and important events

Monday- Spelling and Reading

Tuesday- Gym kit for FUTSAL

Wednesday- Maths Homework

Thursday- Gym kit for Miss Inglis

Friday- Dress Down Day

Thank you for your support

Mr Greig and Mrs Steel

ERASMUS+ Visit Imminent


The long-awaited visit by our ERASMUS+ Partners is almost upon us. Our visitors begin arriving in Scotland from Sunday, 13 November, work with us from Tuesday, 15th to Thursday 17th, and fly home again on Friday, 18 November, hopefully having had a wonderful time and having learned loads about Scotland and the Scottish Education System. All the children are very excited about the visit and have been preparing gifts for our visitors and learning about their countries and cultures. All the hard work has been done, now it’s time to reap the rewards.  Check the Erasmus+ Tab at the top of the Blog to keep up to date with what’s happening.

Primary 1 Update – 7.11.16

We have a busy week ahead of us in Primary 1 with preparations in full swing for the arrival of our Erasmus visitors next week. The children are beginning to learn a Scottish song to welcome the visitors and will be creating a Scottish gift to present to them. Also over the past week the children have been auditioning for parts in the nativity. All children in Primary 1 will take part, some may have words to learn. Please check your child’s homework diary to help them with this if required.
In Maths, we have started learning about the concept of addition using concrete materials. This can be followed up at home by combining 2 sets of everyday object e.g. pennies, sweeties, toys etc.
We are continuing to introduce initial sounds and blending these together. The children will be applying their knowledge in their new reading book and in writing tasks.
Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy, Mrs Muir.

Primary 3 7.11.16

Primary 3 had a fantastic time creating Quaichs from clay last week. All the children were able to follow some simple steps and managed to mold the clay into a small bowl with handles. We can’t wait to see them once they have been fired and returned back to us!



Primary 3 have been introduced to the 2x table. The children have been using concrete materials, chanting and writing to help remember our 2x table. Please encourage your children to practise this at home too.

We have began practising your Nativity songs! The music is very “funky” and the children are having lots of fun learning the words and dance moves. We are beginning to look at handing out parts and children will be informed soon. If your child does come home with a part and words to learn please encourage them to practise them aloud at home.

The children wrote fantastic acrostic poems about fireworks and bonfire night. They tried hard to use lots of adjectives to describe the sights and sounds. We also created firework pictures using chalks. The children used bright colours and smudging techniques to create explosions in the sky! They look brilliant!!

Homework: Reading, Spelling and Maths

P.E:  Wednesday for P3S

Thursday for P3R

Newsletters will be handed out today.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 2 update 4.11.16

We’ve had another exciting week in Primary 2 learning more about what life was like in the past.  We’ve even turned our classrooms into 1950s classrooms!

We’ve now started rehearsing for our P2/3 Nativity show which is called ‘Lights, Camel, Action’.  Our singing is sounding fabulous already!  The Nativity takes place on the 7th December – further details to follow.

During the week of 14th November we will have a visit from teachers from our partner Erasmus+ schools.  They come from Slovakia, France, Italy, Bulgaria and Poland.  We are very excited about their visit and will be learning a bit about the different countries next week.

We hope you have a great weekend,

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir

Primary 6 04.11.16


We have had a very busy week in Primary 6. On Monday we started to learn a song for a Scottish Assembly which will be taking place when our ERASMUS+ visitors arrive in a couple of weeks time. We are learning “You’re Welcome Wullie Stewart” a song written by Robert Burns about the arrival of his best friend. The children have received the words home with them. Please encourage them to learn their words by Monday.

We have started our new Interdisciplinary Topic of Europe. The children have been using Atlases to complete a variety of tasks to help them to gain a better understanding of the geography of the continent. The children are now working in groups using their research skills to create a poster about a European Country for our classroom display. The children have made a great start to these posters and Mrs Kelly and I are looking forward to seeing the finished products! We will also be using our writing session next week to write letters to our European Visitors; telling them about our country and asking them questions about their own. We are looking forward to our visitors reading our letters and replying!

All groups in maths have begun work on multiplication and division in class. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home as knowledge of these facts can help them to access many other more complex areas of maths in the future. Thank you for your support with this. Here is a useful website that can help the children to practise their times tables and division facts:

Maths Game

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

Primary 4 week beginning 31.10.16

We hope you enjoyed the Halloween weekend. We were glad to see so many of you at the school disco. The costumes were fabulous!!

This week we have been focusing on RME and linking this to our science topic about water.
We have been learning about how water is used in religion, particularly in ceremonies and prayer. We are now beginning to look at special buildings in world religions and are discussing and highlighting their features.

We have also begun our guided reading sessions in class. The children are following structured reading sessions that include independent writing tasks, reading with their group and discussions with the teacher about their story. We are setting homework to support the learning happening in the classroom.

After school clubs are now up and running and we would like to remind parents that the children play in the playground until 3:30 pm before clubs start. Clubs finish at 4:30, with the exception of homework club (it has a 4:15 pm finish).

Next week we will be sending out a table detailing the homework up until the winter break. Please refer to this if unsure about tasks. The diaries will still be used as plans may change and maths homework will be added to the diaries.

Homework due Friday 11th November (please see document attached for group reading):
Reading – (see table)
Skye Boat song

Thank you,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 7 04.11.16

Hello to all,

We had a visit from West Lothian drug and Alcohol Services on Monday where the children learned about the dangers of smoking. The children were given a task to research some of the different chemicals found in cigarettes which will be used in their lesson next week.

The children have started a Remembrance challenge. They have been learning about how different countries commemorate Remembrance and the significance of poppies and war memorials. The children have put a lot of effort into their challenge and we look forward to seeing the completed displays!

On Tuesday Primary 7 went to DCHS for a transition morning where they got to experience a range of lessons including PE, Art, Maths and Science. The children had a great experience and are looking forward to their next transition visit.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Anderson from the music department at DCHS visited primary 7 to practise the song we will be singing at the High School Christmas concert.

Today selected pupils will be attending the Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports centre. Check the blog next week to find out how they got on!


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words

Both classes will need outdoor PE kit on Monday

PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 5. 04.11.2016

This week we have started preparing for our assembly by learning the words to four different songs, one for each of the countries in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We have also begun to learn about the patron saints of these countries.

We have also finished writing our latest stories, “I was left behind”. Some of our stories are so good that we have chosen to put them in our learning journals.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to start selling wrist bands to support children in need. To raise publicity for this we are creating posters which we can stick up around the school.

Primary 5B have had a a student from Deans Community High School helping us out this week.

Reminders for next week

  • Spelling homework
  • Maths homework
  • Reading Homework
  • PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday

Can you make sure that you sign your child’s homework diary so that we know you are checking them?


Mrs. Steel and Mr. Greig

Primary 1 w.b.31/10/16

We hope that you all had a good October Break. It now seems like a long time ago! We have had a busy first week back. The children have begun practising for the Nativity and have learnt some of the songs and read through the script. We will begin casting in the next few weeks and appreciate any help you can give your children learning songs and lines at home.
Last week we spent some time consolidating learning on the sounds learnt so far and blending these together to make short words. We will continue to learn new sounds this week and appreciate all your help at home with this.
This week we will also be sending home key words boxes with the first 5 words we have introduced. Please help your children to practise these. New words will be added throughout the term.
In maths we are beginning to work on the concept of addition this week using concrete materials and resources.
Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 3 31.10.16

Primary 3 have been learning 4 verses from the Katie Bairdie song. They will be performing this song to our Erasmus visitors when they arrive next week. Could you please encourage your child to practise the song.

Primary 3 are having a Quaich workshop today. The children will be using materials such as clay, to create their very own Quaichs. We are looking forward to seeing the final products.

In maths, we are moving onto subtraction. We plan on using similar strategies we used in addition to help solve subtraction questions and problems. We will also be introducing multiplication, starting with the two times table.

Our new topic this term is Inclusion. The children will be learning about our senses, disabilities and how people can be helped or supported. Nativity will also play a big part in our timetable, especially in the run up to Christmas.

Afterschool clubs have now started and we hope the children that signed up for the clubs, enjoyed their first week.



Spelling, Maths and regular reading

P.E: P3R on a Tuesday and Thursday

P.E P3S on a Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 7 – 28/10/16

A spooky time as had by all at the Halloween party last night. A fantastic range of outfits were worn and well done to the winners!

This week has been another busy week in P7. The children finished their Japan books and read them to primary 4. Primary 4 then gave P7 feedback on what they liked about the books and what needed to be improved.

After school clubs started this week, please remind the children that it is important to attend every week. If they are unable to attend then please let the school know.

On Wednesday we had a visit from two high school teachers – Miss Thomson worked with Mrs Gilmour’s class in maths and Mr Anderson worked with both classes to start preparing them for the song that they will sing at the High School Christmas concert.

Next week we will begin work on our Remembrance topic – if you have any photographs or memories to share about relatives who died during a war and you are happy to share these, please could you contact the school. The children will be creating a display/wreath to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of why Remembrance is important. We will be learning the song ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ to sing at assembly.

We have also started preparing for our ERASMUS visitors coming on the week beginning 14 November. The children are creating a display for the classroom. They will also be making boxes on the theme of Scotty dogs which we will fill with homemade tablet to give to our visitors. We will be learning the song ‘Scotland’s Story’ by the Proclaimers to sing for our visitors.

Next Monday we have a visit from West Lothian Drug and Alcohol service who will be working with the children on he dangers of substance misuse.

Next Friday 4th selected children will be attending the rearranged Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports Centre. Please remember to wear your PE kit and bring a water bottle. The rest of the children will e having outdoor PE on this day so they will also need PE kit and water bottle.


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Remembrance homework

Learn lyrics to songs – Scotland’s Story and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

PE kit on Wednesday and Friday

P7W swimming kit on Wednesday (last session)


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


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