Primary Five 21st April 2017

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday.  This is a very busy term for P5 with lots going on so we are really looking forward to getting started.

This week we have started practising for our next class assembly which will take place on the 5th May.  Parents are invited to come along to this assembly and letters will be issued with times etc shortly.  Words have been given to children so we would be grateful if you could practice these over the weekend as we will be having our first run through on Monday.

The show rehearsals will also be starting in the next week and children have been assigned parts and given scripts home.  They are all very excited and have been reading these at playtime and Free Time Friday today.  This will be ongoing over the term so keep learning lines in the coming weeks.

Reminders for next week-

Monday- Spelling and new reading book/activties

Tuesday- Gym kit/Maths

Wednesday- Maths

Friday- Gym Kit

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 7 – 21.04.17

Welcome to the last term in P7 and primary school for the children!

The children have been choosing their best piece of writing to enter the Young Writer competition. These have been sent away and fingers crossed we will have a winner!

Miss Lindsay from DCHS was in school on Wednesday working with the children on Didbook. The children will be identifying their strengths and next steps for high school. When the children receive their loin and password you will be able to read at home what they have written. This was all explained at the information meeting which took place last term.

Miss Thompson completed her final visit with P7W – the focus was on Algebra. The children were able to solve simple Algebraic equations. Initially the children were slightly apprehensive about this but by the end they were very confident!

PE this term will be on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure our child has appropriate kit for these days.

In health we will be using the Living and Growing resource to review the physical and emotional changes that take place at the onset of puberty. We will be looking at the development of relationships and how they can interact appropriately with others. You will receive a letter about this shortly.

The children will be working on their My Life So Far each Thursday for the next few weeks. Please ensure your child brings all/part of their project so that they can continue to work on it in class as well as at home.

Yesterday the children received information about the Residential to France. Please ensure the relevant sheets are returned to school as soon as possible. If your child will need medication, please ensure the relevant form ahs been filled in before hand.


Spelling homework

PE on Monday and Wednesday

Maths homework


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Parents’ Workshop – AAL (Anytime, Anywhere Learning)

On Tuesday, 02 May, parents have the opportunity to attend a workshop which will explain one of the initiatives being introduced as part of our School Improvement Plan (SIP). One of our SIP priorities this session was to refresh and update our Technologies curriculum. Introducing AAL (Anytime, Anywhere Learning) to Carmondean PS was one of our key targets and we are pleased to say that we are now ready to go with it.

AAL involves children in BYOD (Bring Your own Device) to school to use it to enhance learning and teaching. After the workshop and after children and parents have signed our updated Internet and AAL user agreement, children in Primaries 6 and 7 will be able to use the devices they already bring to school to enhance learning and teaching. This will not be a free for all with children using their phones and tablets to text each other or to access social media, but planned AAL lessons. It will be made clear to the children which lessons are AAL and which are not.

The Parent workshop will give parents of children in any class the opportunity to come along and hear about AAL and to ask any questions they may have. Mrs Laura Compton from the West Lothian ICT team will be present to describe how it all works and to provide answers. Also, some school staff and pupils will be present to demonstrate some of the activities that AAL will be useful for. So bring your smartphone and take part, or, come along and use one of the school devices

We hope to see as many parents/carers as possible at the AAL Parents’ Workshop on Tuesday, 02 May @ 6.00 p.m.

Primary 6 20.4.17

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely Easter break. We are glad to have the children back and we are looking forward to an exciting last term in Primary 6.

This week we have been busy practising for our assembly which will take place next Friday 28th April in the new school hall. The assembly will begin at 11:30am. You should have received 2 letters regarding the assembly. If you are planning on attending the assembly could you please send the slip back to the school as soon as possible detailing how many people will be attending. The children have also been asked to wear black trousers/leggings/jeans and a white t-shirt/shirt for the performance. Children can bring these clothes into school during the week next week in a carrier bag or can wear them to school on Friday for the performances. The children have been working very hard on this assembly and we can’t wait for you to see it! All children have received a section of the script and song lyrics home to practise. Any support you could provide your child with this would be much appreciated.

You should also have received a letter about our upcoming use of the Living & Growing programme in both Primary 6 classes. If you have any questions about this programme then please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.

Our PE times have changed. They will now be:
Outdoor PE – Monday
Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please note that for next week only the children will have their second PE time on Thursday instead of Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

week beginning 17.4.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to our final term of Primary 4.

This term our topic will be mini-beasts and our community. We will be learning about vertebrates, invertebrates, food chains, insects and lots more. We will be studying a wormery and also be observing the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

In language we will be focusing on the writing of Enid Blyton. This year celebrates her 75th anniversary so we shall be looking at her style of writing, her characters and how she develops her stories to keep the reader’s interest. We will be creating our own famous five novels throughout the term. If you have any of her Famous Five books that you would be happy to lend us, please send them in.

We are keen for parents / carers to hear children reading aloud when completing reading homework. Children will come home with a reading book within the next week. This will be given alongside a letter with the assigned pages for each week and some ideas for discussions and questions to ask your child during and after reading.

This term is very exciting as it is also the term where we will prepare and perform a show along with the Primary 5s. There are lots of different roles in the show like acting, singing, dancing, instruments and sound effects. Please keep an eye out for any lines or costumes that your child has to prepare for.

We are happy to see you all back from your holidays and hope you are excited to start all these new topics!

The Primary 4 teachers


homework this term will be spelling, reading and optional maths activities (these will not be sent weekly and instead be completed online using a username and password. These will be sent home next week). Also your child may or may not have lines to learn for the assembly.

Indoor P.E is on Monday

outdoor P.E is Tuesday

please ensure all clothing is named

Multisport festival is on the 28.4.17 – please look out for letter

Easter Egg Hunt

Hello Everyone – just wanted to pass on this information about an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday organised by Martin Hyman and his running club  – some of our children know Martin from their Sunday runs on Dechmont Law with him and Miss Ingles.  Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no cost involved.  If you are interested please be at car park at Dechmont Law for 9.50am – fun starts at 10am.

 Easter Egg Hunt at  Dechmont Law Park on

Sunday 16th April.

 Leave car park behind Deans High School at 10 am

 Collect packets of mini chocolate eggs from 10 checkpoints

 All welcome.  –  Free of Charge

Primary 6 – 31.3.17

Hello everyone

Primary 6 and 7 put on two excellent performances of “Alice the Musical” on Wednesday. We were all amazed with the high standard of the singing, acting, dancing and narration. We are so proud of all the children. Their dedication, hard work and commitment made this a show to remember! Thank you for all your support with helping children to learn lines, dances and providing costumes for the show. We really appreciate it 🙂

In Primary 6 this week we have begun preparing for our P6 Class Assembly which will take place on Friday 28th April at 11:15am in the new school hall. We have been decorating scenery and almost everyone has now been allocated parts. The remaining parts will be allocated and lines handed out on the first day back after the Easter Holidays. Any assistance you could provide the children with in learning their lines would be appreciated.

Thank you to all the children who handed in their Titanic Fact Files this week. They look fabulous and it is clear the children worked very hard on these personal projects. Well done everyone.

This week we have said goodbye to two very special members of staff. First, Eveline who has worked in the school kitchen since 2001. The children made a card in the shape of a school dinner tray which was presented to her today at assembly. Some children also said their favourite memories of Eveline.

The other member of staff leaving us yesterday was Miss Inglis the PE specialist. She has made a very positive impact on the children in the class, with many choosing to be part of her running after school club. We appreciate everything she did for us. We are hopeful that running club might continue after the holidays with another member of staff leading it. We will let the children know after the holidays if this is the case. We wish both Miss Inglis and Eveline well in the future.

Thank you for all your support. Have a relaxing and enjoyable Easter Holiday!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

Primary 7 – 31.03.17

A fantastic show was performed on Wednesday! The children worked very hard learning lines, songs and stage directions and their performance was outstanding! Thank you for all of your support in helping the children achieve this level of excellence. Thank you for an amazing turn out, the audience really helped the children perform to their best. The next show for P7 will be our Leavers Assembly!

Miss Thomson made her final visit to P7G working on algebra. This was a scary thought at first but by the end everyone was solving algebraic equations. Well done!

The children watched the film version of the book they had been reading in Literacy Circles – Goodnight Mr Tom, The Diary of Anne Frank and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The children discusses the differences and similarities between their books and the films.

The children have been working on memories about Eveline our dinner lady. There will be a special assembly today to wish her good luck in the next chapter of her life. Many of the children will miss her.

The children will be sharing what they have been working on up till now on their My Life So far. They will have an opportunity to work on this in school next term but most of it will need to be completed at home. The finished product should be handed in by Friday 2nd June. We look forward to reading the finished results.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy and holiday.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

‘Alice’ Rocks Carmondean

Primary 6 and 7 children put on two excellent performances of our 2017 School Show, ‘Alice the Musical’, in front of two very enthusiastic audiences yesterday. This was an ambitious project, but was obviously within the capabilities of our children and staff as the finished result was spectacular to watch and a delight to listen to. Well done to everyone involved. This occasion was also the first opportunity most parents and friends had to see inside our newly constructed school hall and our first opportunity to stage a performance in it. Everything worked perfectly and the new stage and sound system proved themselves to be well up to the task. What can we do next year to top this – I don’t know!

Primary 1 w/b/ 27.3.17

This week we have a lot of Easter activities planned. The PSA Easter Egg Hunt is on Thursday 30th March. If you have not yet handed in your permission slip and £1 please do so as soon as possible so that your child can take part. On Wednesday we will be decorating a hard boiled egg in class. Please bring in an egg for your child to decorate on Wednesday. On Friday we will be attending a Church service to mark the end of term.
This week homework will be only reading. Please can you return any library books borrowed over the term before Friday.
PE will be on Thursday this week, please remember to bring a PE kit on this day.
Thank you for your continued support.
We hope that you have a lovely Easter holiday
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 27.3.17

Primary 3 would like to say a huge thank you to all our visitors on Friday to our Medieval Banquet! The children really enjoyed sharing food, playing games and sharing their work. We hope you enjoyed it too!



There will be no homework this week.

Last Futsal on Tuesday so please bring indoor p.e kit.

Easter Egg hunt on Thursday- remember to bring your £1 if you have not already done so.

Finally we are off to the church on Friday for our Easter service.

Thanks for all your support this term.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith


Primary 7 – 24.03.17


It has been another busy week for Primary 7. On Wednesday the children performed their show for the rest of the school and the nursery. It was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed watching Alice the Musical. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to provide costumes for the show. There are still a few children who still have not brought in their costumes – could they please do so for Monday. Tickets are selling fast for the evening performance so if you would still like to buy tickets please send your form in as soon as possible.

The children have been delivering their WW2 class talks. It is obvious that many children have spent a long time researching and preparing their class talks. Well done to these children!

The children have been writing imaginative stories, trying to include all the information that they have learned about WW2. The most written so far is 6 pages – what a lot of reading we will have to do!

Yesterday we took part in Earth Hour by designing hearts to show what we love about nature and the environment. Look out for these on the Earth Hour trees that will be appearing in the corridors very soon.

We are taking part in Red Nose Day today. The children will be dressing down and buying cakes at the bake sale. If your child has forgotten to bring their donation for dressing down then please send it in on Monday.



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Last week of Literacy circles – please ensure all homework booklets are up to date and books handed in on Monday

School show 1.30 and 6.30 on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 6 23.03.17

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re having a great week. In P6 we have been working extremely hard on the school show. Yesterday was our dress rehearsal. We performed in front of the whole school and the teachers and everyone was very impressed! We are looking forward to showing you our finished performances next Wednesday at 1:30pm or 6:30pm. Tickets are still available from the school office.

Today we celebrated Earth Hour in class. We turned off our classroom lights and other electronic equipment and thought about what we appreciate most about our planet. We created love hearts which include a sentence and picture about our favourite thing about being outside. These are already looking fantastic and we can’t wait to see the finished products.

In writing, P6C have been writing about “The Magic Slide”. The children thought about where their magic slide would take them and what adventures they would go on whilst in their new and magical world. Miss Clark was very impressed with all of the children’s writing. Some of the children’s work will be entered into The West Lothian Young Writer of the Year Competition. Work will also be entered into the competition for children from P6KW. We will let you know how this goes 🙂

The children have been working hard in class on their Titanic Fact Files. These personal projects have been completed in class time and also at home. Please note that these projects are due in at the end of next week. Please encourage your child to complete their project at home and at school on time. If children need any materials to complete this then they can collect them from the classroom. Thank you for your support with this.

Our PE days are changing. Please note that PE days for both classes are now:
Indoor PE: Wednesday
Outdoor PE: Thursday

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 2 23.3.17

We have had another busy week this week.  We have started another block with the art specialist, Ms Fox, and will be having art every Wednesday.  Our indoor PE day will be Thursday and we have outdoor PE on a Tuesday.  Please make sure your child has PE kit on these days.

For Red Nose Day on Friday we are having a dress down day.  Children can dress in red, white or black or as one of the red nose characters and pay a donation of 50p to dress down.

Today we will be switching off our lights at 2.15 for Earth Hour and will be thinking about all the things we like about our earth and environment.

Next week we have an Easter Egg hunt in the school playground on Thursday.  Please can you return the form for this if you have not done so already?

Thanks for all your support,

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 20.3.17

This Friday is Red Nose Day. Your child is welcome to come to school wearing red, white or black, or dressing up as one of the red nose characters. There will be a bake sale run by the primary 6s. Children can buy a cake from here on Friday. Throughout the week Primary 6s will also be selling red noses in class.
Last week Brambleberry came to visit the primary 1s. On Thursday we came in to a letter from Brambleberry telling us that his forest was damaged by litter. He has come to live in our enchanted forest in the classroom. We will be looking at the problems of littering to help him return to his home.
In maths we are going to be learning number names (one, two, three etc) up to 10. Please encourage your child to practise these at home.
Water bottles should contain only water and not juice.
Please make sure that your child has indoor gym shoes in school.
Indoor gym is on Wednesday for the next 2 weeks. Please come with an indoor kit on this day.
The PSA is organising an Easter egg hunt next Wednesday. This costs £1 to take part. Please send in your permission slip and money as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 20.3.17

Primary 3 are looking forward to their trip tomorrow to Edinburgh Castle. The weather is not looking great so could everyone come to school dressed for cold weather? Half of our trip will be spent in a workshop however the other half will be outside in the castle rooms and grounds. All children need to bring a packed lunch with them unless they have ordered one from the school. Everyone is looking forward to finishing up our topic with the visit to Edinburgh Castle.

We also have our medieval banquet this Friday which we are all looking forward to. Children have invited one member of their family to come and join us to celebrate our learning. Children have been asked to dress up for the occasion and everyone will get a chance to have some food and play some medieval games.

We are marking Earth Hour on Thursday by turning off our lights for one hour and creating hanging love hearts to share why we love our earth.

Primary 6 have organised Red Nose Day and have asked the children to donate cakes for a bake sale on Friday 24th March. Children have also been told they can dress up as one of the characters or wear the colours: red, black or white.

P.E has changed:

P3R Monday and Tuesday (Futsal)

P3S Tuesday (Futsal) and Wednesday

Homework will continue as normal: Reading, Maths and Spelling

Any questions about up coming events please feel free to contact us.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Musical Masterpiece

Quite a number of Carmondean pupils past and present performed at the Scottish Concert Band Festival in Perth on Saturday, 18 March. The Cluster Band from Deans Community High School, which included a strong Carmondean PS contingent, excelled themselves and came away with a Gold Award for their performance. Special mention was made of the trumpet solo performance by Molly Stewart, a former Carmondean PS pupil, for its quality, clarity and musicianship. We are expecting great things of this young musician and wish her and the rest of the band every success in the future.

Primary 7 – 17.03.17

Primary 7 have had a very busy week. The children have been practising for the school show – Alice the Musical. The children have been working really hard learning their lines and song words. Please ensure you child brings their costume in as we have our school dress rehearsal on Wednesday. If you wish to purchase tickets for the school show please complete the tear off slip on the letter that was given out this week and return to school.

The children have been working hard on their WW2 personal projects during the past few weeks at home and in class. These are looking brilliant and are due in today. If your child has not been able to hand it in today, please ensure it is handed in on Monday.

As part of their personal project, the children have been asked to prepare a class talk where they will be able to present information about their chosen research area. These will be taking place next week. A lot of hard work has gone into these projects and we cannot wait to find out what the children have found out!



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Class talks

Continue to learn show scripts/songs

PE on Thursday with Miss Inglis

Friday 24th March – Red Nose Day – details to follow


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


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