Our hopes and dreams for the future.

We have recently completed our Health and Well-being topic where we focussed on  “Hopes and Dreams”. The pupils have been discussing their personal hopes for the future (displayed on the clouds) and investigating their dream job and the steps needed to achieve this (their steps are on the leaves).

It has been really interesting to hear the variation of careers that the class would wish to pursue in the future. I’m certain a lot of them have found some information regarding expected salaries and the qualifications needed to achieve this enlightening too – the importance of some key subjects in school for most careers was a shock to many.

I hope that many of them manage to achieve their hopes and dreams in the future.

Engineers in the making

This term we have been exploring forces. Using this knowledge and understanding we spent the morning designing and constructing our own bottle rockets.

The pupils were working in pairs to design a rocket that they thought would be aerodynamic and light, but withstand enough pressure to create optimum thrust (and distance) for launch day.

We are looking forward to finishing the project at the beginning of the next term and seeing who’s rocket performed the best on launch day!

Achievement Talks.

This week we had 5 members of the class sharing their achievements with us.

Isabel told us about her success in finally landing a front flip on her trampoline. She has been practicing for a while now and was thrilled to share her success with the class. Although she doesn’t always successfully land on her feet she is happy to say that she’s getting more confident at it. Well done Isabel!

Abi built on a previous achievement talk this week. She was proud to share that she had learnt how to do a tumble turn push off in her swimming. This is a big step for Abi in building her skills to hopefully compete for the swimming club in the future. Keep it up Abi.

Kelsi demonstrated her abilty to walk in the bridge position, she can then go up and down the wall again (whilst remaining in the bridge position!!) This was impressive to watch, I wish I was that flexible! Well done Kelsi!

Isaiah was proud to share the success of the school football team in the recent triangular sport event. Dunrossness successfully won both of their games, pulling it back from being behind at half time – a real team effort from all involved. Isaiah also shared his success at the local climbing wall, explaining how although it was a little scary at times it was also great fun. Well done!

Ellie shared her excitement that her family were going to start building their own house in the very near future! She is very excited to be getting her own room. Another blessing is that she will not have to leave her family and friends who live nearby as the new house will be built in the field next to her current home. We look forward to hearing all about the developments as the build progresses.


Thank you to all those sharng their achievements. The pupils are all gaining confidence with their presentation skills through these talks and it’s fantastic for us all to hear them sharing something that they are proud of inside and outside school. Well done P5/6

French in the sunshine

Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather and used the multicourt to cement our recent French learning. The pupils competed in a game of dictation.

They had to run to the opposite side of the court to read a French phrase, try to memorise it and repeat to their awaiting team members – correct spelling and pronunciation was key as they later found when peer assessing their efforts in class.

The pupils really enjoyed the activity and are looking forward to playing it again in the future – next time some will focus on the attention to detail and not just the speed.

Achievement Talks – Pink Fluffy Unicorns

Today the class were delighted to have another installment of our class achievement talks.

Mia shared her success in class spellings – Mia has really improved with her spelling this year and it is lovely to see that she is making use of this in her written work too.

Emma told us about her first trial of doing the hurdles at the athletics track in town. Her uncle had spent time at the track teaching her how to do it, now she’s hoping to go on the waiting list.

Tory demonstrated his ability to perform a handstand-walk. He’s been working on it for a few weeks and still has time to practice but he has come on a long way.

Koll showed us a video of him throwing playing cards and getting it stuck in an apple. To prove how hard it is we all had a go at throwing our own cards – it’s not that easy.

Frankie shared with the class that he was very excited to have his very own Poochon puppy arriving on the plane on Sunday. He is delighted that his parents have trusted him with this responsibility.

Balloon rockets

This afternoon we have been building on our understanding of forces. We began the afternoon with discussions over what forces are and how they are used to propel rockets to space. We also looked at the impact friction, air and water resistance have on movement of objects.

These discussions then created more interest on rocket launches, with questions of how is a rocket launched and what happens when it goes wrong? We watched a few video clips to gain a better understanding.

After this, it was our chance to put some of this learning into action with investigations into how size and material (friction) impact on the distance a balloon rocket travels along a “track”.

This will form the foundations for further understanding and applications of our forces investigations.



Paper bridges

This morning we worked in pairs to see how strong we could make a bridge using only paper …

We investigated how a simple activity of adding folds or additional support structures could greatly increase the mass that one piece of paper could support.

Some then explored how this differed if we used card instead of paper.

There was a clear buzz in the classroom during the activity and it was great to see so many groups working so well together.

Well done P5/6

Big Hit Badminton

This morning we, and the P5 pupils from Mrs Moars class, were blessed with a visit from Jane Grant, from Badminton Scotland. It was great to have the extra P5 pupils involved with us too.

This was us practicing our foot work.

by Becca
This was us when we were warming up doing different sorts of jumps and shasie.

By Carla

This was a fun exercise, I really enjoyed it.

By Tory.
This was us trying to keep the the shuttle
cock in the air.

By Hannah
It was really fun to play badminton, because it warmed us up for the start of the day.

By Isabel

We all had lots of fun and are inspired to look at this more in the future for possible PE lessons.


Today was the big day for all of us in P5/6, time to share our learning with friends, family and the whole school. There were a few nerves building as the day progressed and much relief when it was all finished – also some pleasure in being able to reduce some parents and staff members to a tear at the end!

Isabel, Jay and Alex sharing details of how WW1 started.

Emma, Carla and Tory sharing details of women in WW1

Robbie, Ronan and Robert shared information about life in the trenches.

Kelsi, Mia and Evie talked about some key Shetlanders from WW1

Amy, Koll and Frankie spoke about the battle of the Somme, where Shetland suffered the biggest loss.

Hayden, Isaiah and Lucien shared some details of the weapons used in WW1.

Becca, Hannah and Daniel shared their thoughts on the end of the war and our learning.

Ellie, Evie, Hannah, Isabel and Robbie all shared information about their own connections to WW1. This was a lovely addition to the assembly and all of the pupils had found this information in their own time!

Quiz time (Abi, Ellie and Kayla): time to check if the audience had been paying enough attention to the assembly… Well done audience!

Getting ready to sing “Keep the Home Fires Burning” – we are blessed with such beautiful singers in P5/6

Soloists: Emma, Evie, Hannah, Tory, Kelsi, Abi, Becca and Carla.

Quartets: Robbie, Lucien, Hayden and Koll and Ellie, Kayla, Jay and Frankie.

I can honestly say that I could not have been more proud of all of the P5/6 pupils. They have put so much thought and effort into this. They have been very instrumental in deciding how we should do it, what should be included, all slides and scripts were prepared by themselves too.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the topic of WW1, both the pupils and myself, and I believe that was clear in the presentation of their assembly this afternoon.

Well done P5/6, you should all be super proud of yourselves – have a well deserved break over the weekend!

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