Having fun together

Over the past week we have been sharing thoughts on how to stay positive and how we can help other people feel good about themselves.  On Monday, everyone decided on some positive words to paint on to a rock and chose a design to accompany it.  These will be displayed outside the school next term for all to enjoy.

We have also been finding out even more interesting facts about Space and enjoyed looking at some of the PowerPoints that were created during Online Learning.

On Tuesday we visited the frog pond in the nature garden.  It was good fun trying to find the frogs hiding in the heather.  They were very camouflaged!

On Wednesday, we had lots of fun with our literacy Escape Room challenge.  It was very active!  Each team raced to find clues hidden outside and then brought them back indoors to solve as a team. Everyone did really well to take turns and involve every team member in the game.

Just before the next rain shower came, we squeezed in an Easter egg hunt and had fun re-hiding our eggs for someone else to find!

Phew!  What a busy time and still two more days to go! Well done everyone!

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First Week Back – Done!

For the final two days of the first week back, we focused on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing to structure our days. These were…Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Take Notice and Give. The link is below for you to watch at home.This clip is for children … and adults too!

All our class activities fitted into one or more of these areas. At the end of the week, the children wrote in their Think Books to say which activities they enjoyed on returning to school. “Connect” and “Keep Active” were definitely the firm favourites!

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Creative Class!

Primary 5/6 spent another lovely day being creative on Wednesday!  We took a wander down to the beach in the sunshine  in search of some interesting natural items to use back in the classroom.  We had great fun “purlin in da ebb” to look for crabs, fish and other interesting living things.

Just look at these some of the fantastic pictures P5/6 made using the items they found!! More photos to be added so keep an eye out for them coming very soon!

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Welcome back!

We’re only a couple of days in and already we have been busy reconnecting with each other through various games and crafts.  This week we started a collaborative painting project.  Each person has a grid to paint and when all the grids come together it will reveal a mystery picture!  Watch this space to find out what it is!

We have also enjoyed making some new bookmarks in preparation for getting back into our daily reading in class.  There were even families of bookmarks made…of all sizes!

During our online learning, we began to look at stars and constellations as part of our Space topic.  We had fun today finding out about the Zodiac sign our birthdays fall under and what that constellation looks like.  Can you guess what they are?

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Group Presentations

P5/6 have spent many weeks researching an area from our Biodiversity topic and have been preparing a PowerPoint presentation to share their learning.  It was wonderful to finally see their presentations this week and give each other feedback as to what we thought went well and what could be done to make it even better.  Each group looked at the importance of plants and how they benefit society in different ways.

Well done P5/6!

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Christmas Party!

What a brilliant afternoon we had today in P5/6!  We managed to squeeze in quite a few games in a short space of time and a quick snack before it was time to go home.

Mrs Henderson’s favourite game was the “drawing on your head” game.  Brilliant concentration and amazing results!  I wonder if you can tell what they were asked to draw…?

Unfortunately we didn’t manage to capture any photos of the fabulous dancing that was going on in the P5/6 classroom, but I can tell you it was full of fun and there were smiles all round!

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Christmas Lunch…Three Cheers For The Cooks!

We really enjoyed having our Christmas meal in our classroom this year.  Although some changes are difficult just now, this was one that we all agreed was good fun!  We got on the Christmas songs and tried hard not to sing along!  We couldn’t have crackers this year which was a shame.  We would have loved sharing this tradition with Eveline and Liam!  However, we did tell some Christmas cracker jokes.
Here are some of them….What do you call a reindeer with ear muffs on.     ANYTHING YOU WANT!  What’s the best Christmas present?  A BROKEN DRUM….YOU CAN’T BEAT THAT!

Once again, the canteen staff did us all proud!  Thanks too, to all those who delivered the food to our room.  Team effort as always!

Not too many photos from today but these will give you an idea of the atmosphere in P5/6!



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