Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 22nd June
Hello boys and girls, we made it! It’s the last few days before the summer holidays! I never thought that this is how the term would end but I just want to say a huge well done for working so hard at home. Well done for completing tasks online, for completing the tasks I have set on here and for doing your own learning at home, I am very proud of you! This week I am just posting a few fun things to look at over the summer and a final wee task for our Extreme Earth topic. I hope you all have a really lovely summer, and I am so looking forward to August when we can all see each other again
Remember to have a go at the virtual sports day tomorrow if you can!
Summer of Reading
Each time you read for 20 minutes colour in one of the boxes and by the time you complete the sheet you will have read for 1,000 minutes!
Summer of Drawing
Some ideas for things to draw each day.
A message from Bishop Toal….
This week to finish off our Extreme Earth Topic I would like you to choose a Natural Disaster to research, it could be wildfires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes or something else. You could make a fact file or a poster warning of the dangers.
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 15th June – part 2
Hello boys and girls, I hope you are all getting on well this week and enjoying some of the tasks? It has been lovely to hear from some of you on Teams and I am so proud of the work you have been doing, well done!
Here are some additional tasks for this week:
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Mythical Beasts and Fabulous Monsters’, and finish reading the book, then you could try this task, remember our topic on Vikings at the start of the year might help you with this…
Green & Purple groups please search for ‘Dragon’s Tale’ and finish reading the book then you could try this task:
At the start of the week we looked at volcanoes, now I would like us to look at something referred to as ‘The Ring of Fire’ which describes an area where many volcanoes are located.
KS2 The Ring of Fire Information PowerPoint
KS2 The Ring of Fire Activity Sheet
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 15th June – part 1
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well? I have enjoyed being back in school over the last week, I have really enjoyed seeing all the staff and being back in our room but it really isn’t the same without all of you!
Here are some tasks to get you started this week and I will add some more on Wednesday or Thursday
This week we are going to look at fractions and percentages and the relationship between them. Have a look at this video…
and then try these worksheets
Visual representations of percentages
Fractions & Percentages Marbles
This week I thought we could try writing a set of instructions….
Instructional Writing (Second Level)
This week we are going to try a revision spelling task…
This week in our Extreme Earth topic we are going to look at Volcanoes.
Yesterday was Corpus Christi Sunday, here is the Children’s Liturgy video
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 8th June – part 2
Good Morning boys and girls? How are you getting on with this weeks tasks? Remember you can send me a message or a picture of you work on Teams I’d love to see how you are all getting on. Here are some additional tasks for this week:
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Mythical Beasts and Fabulous Monsters’, and read Chapter 2 then you could try this task:
Green & Purple groups please search for ‘Dragon’s Tale’ and read Chapter 2 then you could try this task:
This is a wee task looking at punctuating sentences, there are three sheets which get start with the easiest and finish with the hardest, you should only do the one which suits you.
Health & Wellbeing
1 – Try to go outside for some exercise, perhaps you could try a walk, jog, run, cylcle or go on you scooter?
2 -Listen to Disney relaxing music for 15 minutes, or longer.
3 – Bubbles of Gratitude Colouring – you don’t have to complete the whole sheet this week, perhaps instead you could focus on one or two things each week that you are grateful for?
Bubbles of Gratitude Mindfulness colouring
P.S if you don’t have a printer you could draw round lots of circles on a piece of paper to create your own bubbles
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 8th June – part 1
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well this week? We have had more lovely weather this weekend I would love to hear what you did? We went a walk in the Coby and even took a picnic, it was good fun!
Here are some tasks to get you started this week and I will post some more on Wednesday.
We will continue our work on Fractions, the first set of worksheets here are more challenging than the second set so please have a look and choose the ones which work for you
Fractions Set 1
Fractions Set 2
This week for Writing I thought we could try a recount…
Recount Writing (Second Level)
Last week as part of our Extreme Earth Topic we looked at Earthquakes, this week we are going to look at another Natural Disaster which is often caused as a result of earthquakes…..Tsunamis.
Yesterday was Trinity Sunday, here is a short children’s liturgy video you could watch…
and a worksheet to complete afterwards
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 1st June – part 2 (updated 4th June)
Good Morning boys and girls! I hope you are well? Here are some more tasks for this week
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Mythical Beasts and Fabulous Monsters’, and read Chapter 1 then you could try this task:
Green & Purple groups please search for ‘Dragon’s Tale’ and read Chapter 1 then you could try this task:
Here are some worksheets on reading and following timetables, the second one is more challenging so have a look and pick the one you feel most comfortable with
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 1st June
Hello boys and girls? I can’t believe it is the 1st of June already!? How did that happen? It feels like such a long time since we were all in class together and I am missing everyone very much! The weather this weekend has certainly felt like the start of summer I hope you all managed to get out and enjoy some of the sunshine safely? At my house the boys got a new paddling pool and we had BBQ’s for dinner so it really felt like summer. Let’s hope the good weather continues and if you are outside remember your sun cream
Here are some tasks for you to try this week:
Please have a look at this BBC bitesize clip which explains equivalent fractions:
and then you can try these worksheets
This week I thought we could try a writing task, it will involve some reading and research on the NHS, I hope you like it.
Last week we looked at Tectonic Plates as part of our Extreme Earth Topic, I wanted us to have an understanding of these as they can sometimes be the cause of some of the Natural Disasters we are going to look at, one of which is Earthquakes which we are going to look at this week.
Design an earthquake proof building
This week I thought we could look at a Scottish Pilgrimage site which we are very fortunate to live so close to. Have a look at the Carfin Grotto website by clicking the link below and then try to make a poster or information leaflet using the information you have gathered.
Health & Wellbeing
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 26th May
Good Morning everyone? How are you all today? I hope you had a nice bank holiday weekend, I’d love to hear what you were doing! We went walks, cycled on our bikes and had another movie night!
Here are some tasks for this week, as always do what you can and take some time to spend with your family and enjoy the sunshine if you can . If you get a wee chance this week try and login to Teams, we are all learning how it works but it looks like a great way to keep in touch!
Please watch this video which should remind you about fractions Fractions
( you might need your espresso username and password which should be in your homework diary)
Once you have watched the video you could have a go at these worksheets:
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Exploring the Deep’, we are continuing with this book this week and here is a task you could try:
Green & Purple Groups please search for ‘Dinosaur Safari’, we are continuing with this book this week and here is a task you could try:
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, we should be familiar with the story as it was a big part of our preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Here is a reminder of the story and a wordsearch to try afterwards:
This week for our topic I thought we could look at Tectonic Plates, some of the Natural Disasters we are going to look at are a result of Tectonic Plates moving so I think it will be helpful to understand what they are. This powerpoint will help to introduce them to you:
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 18th May
Hello boys and girls! I hope you are all well? This week I have been looking at ideas for a new topic since we have completed our work on Animals. I looked at a few different ones but I have decided on one which I am going to call ‘Extreme Earth’ I have picked it because I am hoping I will be able to give you some information and some ideas for experiments at home and you will be able to do some research too
. I hope you like it!
Here are some tasks for this week:
Multiplication & Division
Colour by multiplication and division
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Exploring the Deep’, we are continuing with this book this week and here is a task you could try:
Green & Purple Groups please search for ‘Dinosaur Safari’, we are continuing with this book this week and here is a task you could try:
This Thursday 21st May is Ascension Thursday, you can read the story here
and here is a colouring sheet to complete once you have read the story, perhaps you could also write a short summary of the story too.
Topic – Extreme Earth
Here is a power point to introduce the topic – it looks at the difference between Natural Disasters which are caused by nature and Human Disasters which are caused by people.
Natural and human disasters ppt
After looking at the power point you cloud try these activities:
Natural and Man Made Worksheet
Natural Disasters Table Worksheet
French Activity
Good morning Primary 5/6. I hope you are all well. I am missing you, missing the outdoor PE we would have been doing and missing our French lessons. I hope you are keeping fit as best you can. Below is some revision of animals in French. Do you remember what “un chien” is? Have a look at the first link to refresh your memory then try the worksheet. Good luck.
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 12th May
Hello boys and girls! I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend? Did anyone do anything nice? I am very lucky that from where I live I can go a walk which takes us past some fields with cows, horses and sheep, so on Saturday we went a walk to see the animals which the boys really enjoyed and then we had a movie night with popcorn and chocolate I would love to hear what you have been doing? Did anyone manage to log on to Oxford Owl last week? Did you enjoy reading the books? I hope you did
Here are some suggested tasks for this week.
username: stpats5/6
password: Patrick
Red & Blue groups please search for ‘Exploring the Deep’, once you have read the book you could try this task:
Comprehension Exploring the Deep
Green & Purple Groups please search for ‘Dinosaur Safari’, once you have read the book you could try this task:
Now that we have learned how to classify animals using keys that means we have come to the end of our ‘Animals’ topic. Perhaps this week you could make a poster showing all the things you have learned during our topic? You could include habitats, adaptations, food chains, vertebrates & invertebrates, classification and anything else you can remember. In the meantime I will have a think what Topic we could learn about next, if there is anything you would like to suggest perhaps you could leave me a wee comment
Remember to have a look on Studyladder for some activities too.
Take care,
Mrs Allan
The lovely month of May!
Hello boys and girls, as it is the month of May, the month of Our Lady,
Mrs Carroll has kindly shared a wee activity to help us learn the Memorare .
Let me know if you are doing anything else to celebrate the month of May.
Take care, Mrs Allan
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 4th May
Hello everyone! How are you all this week? We had a little bit of excitement at home this week as the caterpillars we had been looking after finally emerged from their chrysalis as butterflies and we released them in our garden, the boys were really excited although Max was a little sad not to have them at home anymore. If you have any news or anything you would like to tell me about please leave a wee comment, I miss you all and I would love to hear how you are all getting on.
Here are some new tasks for this week, there are a few options for Maths, Reading and Spelling so that you can do the one which is best for you. You do not have to do them all.
Take care, Mrs Allan
Second Level Time Units of Time
T2-M-1334-Formal-Division-3-Digit-Numbers-Bus-Stop-Method-Powerpoint (This is a division powerpoint to help remind you of the method before you try the worksheets below)
This week I have found two books on the website ‘Oxford Owl’ that you might like to read. If you would like to have a look then search for ‘Oxford Owl’, when you enter the page you will see a pink bar at the top that says ‘My class login’ if you click on this box and then enter the username stpats5/6 and the password Patrick this will allow you free access to the ebooks.
If you are in the green and purple reading groups search for the book ‘Cool Clive’, there are some questions inside the book you could try to answer after reading and you could also do a visualisation on Clive.
If you are in the red and blue reading groups search for the book ‘Big Game Adventure’, there are some animal fact files in this book and perhaps after reading you could create an animal fact file of your own.
Topic – Classification of animals
Animal Connections Puzzle Sheet (just for fun)
I will set some Sumdog challenges too incase anyone would like to work online.
Maths Puzzle from Miss Coyle
Bonjour! I hope you are all still keeping safe and well. I am still missing you. I have put a few maths puzzles for you to try below. The football shirts is the most difficult. You can choose which one to do or try all three. If you want to check you have found the culprit, let me know in the comments section and I will reveal the answers next Monday. Good luck!
Miss Coyle
2h Football Shirts Maths Mystery Game
French Activity
Good morning boys and girls. Just a wee French activity and quiz to keep you connected to France and french. Hopefully one day you can visit Paris and actually see the Eiffel Tower. In the meantime, good luck in the quiz.
Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 27th April
Hello everyone! How are you all this week? What lovely weather we had this weekend! I hope you were all able to enjoy some of it, either in your garden or on a safe walk. I was at the hub a few days last week and while it was nice to be in the building it wasn’t the same without all of you! I miss you lots and cannot wait to be back in St. Patrick’s with all your smiling faces!
Here are some tasks for this week, as before you do not have to complete everything. There are lots of tasks here for you to choose from and please remember that getting out in the fresh air and playing games with your family is just as important.
Take care, Mrs. Allan
Second Level Multiples and Factors Relationship between multiplication and division
Second Level Number and Number Processes Division Wheels
Spelling – choose one from below
2nd Level Writing – Spelling – Week 2
Topic – Classification of Living Things
I will make a Sumdog Maths and Spelling challenge this week too in case anyone would like to work online
Hello boys and girls!
How are you all? I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed some yummy chocolate! The weather has been lovely hasn’t it? I hope if you have a garden you have manged to get out and have some fresh air and if not them hopefully you have manged to go a walk safely in the sunshine! I know some of you have been doing this as I have seen you whilst out my daily walk :0) It was lovely to see you and if I haven’t seen you then hopefully I’ll see you back in school as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, here are some tasks you could work through this week, please remember that I don’t expect you to be completing everything – these are just some tasks you could work through but while the weather is so nice make sure you enjoy it and try to help around the house and spend time with your family.
Spelling – Choose one from below
Topic – Classification of Living Things
Before we finished school we had been looking at animals, their habitats and some of their adaptations and characteristics. Scientists like to group or ‘classify’ animals and one way they do this is by using ‘keys’. Here is a video clip and a powerpoint which helps to explain how they work and a worksheet for you to try.
French Easter Activity for P5/6 and P6/7
Read through the interesting facts about what happens in France at Easter then try Delphine’s quiz. Good luck!
Second Level Literacy Activities
Second Level Speech & Language Homework Activities
EF_00204 Supporting Children Interactive (1)
Useful online resources to pray at home