North Lanarkshire Council Community Partnership Team in partnership with Banton Swingpark Group were delighted to announce that a new play area in Banton was completed in August 2020.
Pupils were invited to enter a competition to design a sign and think of a name for the new play area. The winning entry will then be made into a sign which will be installed in the new play area.
Here are the Biggies designs. They show off both their creativity and artistic skills. I am glad I am not picking a winner.
We needed a logo or icon to represent our class. This will be used in Teams and here on the blog as a site icon.
We though a bit about logos and how they are designed to stand out and look good at different sizes. The class had some great ideas and designs as you can see below. To be fair we asked Mrs Rae to judge which one to use, after a bit of a struggle she choose Heather’s which you can see above.
Over the last couple of days we have been learning about Vedic squares.
We started by making a times table square and then working out the digital root of each answer to get a vedic square. When the experimented with the patterns made on the squares.
Next we repeated the square using numbers on our iPads. We used conditional highlighting to make each number a different colour. We took screenshots into pages and keynote to duplicate and make symmetrical patterns.
A couple of the class decided to animating the patterns, and then we all tried. There are a few more to be finished off next week.
I am not going to put up any work for this week. I would like you to continue showing your learning from last week. I have loved what has been done so far. It is really worth the effort to get a few memories on your e-portfolio before summer!
I’ll have a Teams meeting on Monday at 2pm.
Check out Teams on Tuesday and Wednesday for other possible meetings.
Last week in teams we were looking at the poem Bluebottle by Judith Nicholls. We ended up by writing our own.
Who dives and thrives,
Who is always is wanting to chill,
When scared, there invisible because they stop and stay still,
They can go slow or full speed ahead,
Some people like to keep them as pets next to the bed,
People like to eat them, have them dead on a dish,
But they are just so beautiful, water dwelling fish,
Who races and chases, 🏁
Dashes through the water, 💦
A shine in his teeth, 🦷
And detail on his gills,🐟
Now swims in the ocean,🌊
Now gone with a trace, 🛣
A large fish, 🐟
Who moves like the light,💡
Bound for the sea bed, 🛏
Who’s lightning, wind, 🌩
Always chomping fish,🐟
Ocean chopper, fishes terror. Shark
Who licks and lies,
Who leaps and fetch,
A deep growl,
Now barks in the bright,
Who eats grass,
But will never fight, A dog
Who dives and dives,
splashes and crashes,
chomps and bites,
attaches and devours,
up and down,
round and round,
thrives and dives,
like a pouncing lion under water,
fish are a dish for the Megalodon.
Who goes round and round,
up and down,
jumps, pounces? Jaguars jumping about,
don’t go near of he might pounce
up and down,
round and round,
even if they do that they leave no trail.
You can see more poems written in out Teams meetings: TeamsPoems
It is getting near the end of the session! This week is going to be a little difference. We want you to spend some time this week celebrating some of your learning.
We will have meets at 2pm most days. I’ll be in school on Tuesday so not then.
To do that we want you to show your learning, I’ve put some suggestions in different curricular areas below but you could choose something else to do as well or instead of. You could be presenting some skill or knowledge you have learn in school or at home. I’ve also put a few ideas for Quick Creates to help you practise your creative skills without spending too long on it.
You can choose to do one or more projects over the week. It is up to you. What I do want to see is your best work, both in content and presentation.
You can choose how you present your work, some suggestions:
Make a movie, iMovie, Clips or some other app
Make a presentation, Keynote, PowerPoint
Make a poster
Record audio
Make a Mindmap
Whatever you are doing it and how you do it you need to plan out carefully what you are going to do. Make sure the ideas are in the right order. Think about your audience. They want to read, hear or see whatever you are doing clearly in a way they can understand. I want to see your very best.
The Features of Recount may help you think about how to organise your work.
Think about Skills.
The finished result should go on your blog. I’ll also put a link in Teams to let you send me huge files if you need them shrunk down a bit.
Create a text. This could be a poem, story or writing in one of the many genres we have learnt about this year. Really make an effort to polish the writing and present it well.
You could write and illustrate your work or type it and enhance it with images. If it is a poem you might like to record it as a audio or video file.
Take really care with your presentation, handwriting, spelling and illustrations. Make your work shine.
You could share a maths skill you have, create an explanation of how you do a formal calculation, work out a mental math problem using your number talk skill or show your knowledge of shape or measure.
We have made all sorts of Art, painted, drew and constructed a whole lot of different things.
You have an amazing set of Art Skills, can you produce something fabulous? If you need reminded or inspired look at the Art Category on our blog or the Art Gallery . If this is too much you could just click for a random piece of art.
IDL,Science RME
The world is your oyster, show what you know about the world, now or in the past. About nature, science, people. You could think of one of the topics we have studied in school or share your own interests.
Health & Welbeing
Could you explain what you know about one of the SHANARI indicators.
Create a guide or set of instructions on how to do something technological.
You could create a scratch programme, using your skills or adding more.
Show what you have been doing in Minecraft. Make a video, screencast or combine screenshots and writing in a blog post. Let me know in Teams if you want the Minecraft server turned on at a particular time.
Quick Creates
If you only have 30 minutes to fill and want to flex your creative muscles
Well done to all of you who are continuing to work hard. I just posted a selection of screenshots on the Blog: Home Learning for week beginning 1 June but you should visit your classmates blogs to see it in full.
This week will be a little different as I’ll be in school from Tuesday starting to get the classroom tidied up for next session. As you can imagine this might be a bit of a struggle for me and my tidiness issues 😱
I will have a meeting at 2pm on Monday and open the Minecraft server up at 1pm too, but I am not sure if I’ll be able to do them throughout the week. I will let you know in teams. I’ll still be in teams or answer email if you need help or a chat.
Pick a Fiction Book from Oxford Owl or one you have in the house.
There are three activities so spread them out over the week:
Think about the characters in the story – Who are they? What did they do? How did they feel? What type of relationships did they have with other characters? Write about one of the characters.
Pick out words and phrases from the book which
describe the character or setting. Draw and label the picture with quotes from the book.
Look at any unfamiliar words. What strategies could you use to help work out the meaning? Make a picture or explaination for some of these words.
Read & Green
Week 6 Tasks Own Novel be sure to look at this early in the week there are several parts to it. Plan out when you are going to do them.
North Lanarkshire Learning hub are having literacy challenges, you could give them a go.
This week I’d like you to try one of the writing task you have not tried before I’ve collected them all on the Lockdown Writing ideas page.
Watch the clip and answer the questions. We will discuss some of the questions in one of the meets this week. Watch the clip first!
Write at least three (more for p 6 & 7) of your answers to the questions out fully: Why do you think all of the prisoners turn around when Paddington approaches Mr Knuckles? think all of the prisoners turn around when Paddington approaches Mr Knuckles because…
Add those to your e-Portfolio.
Lets all try and make an effort on the Sumdog competition this week!
This NHS topic is from North Lanarkshire. You could work on this over the next few weeks. Try to organise the work you do. You could make a folder or put it on your e-Portfolio and make a NHS category. There are some Social Science tasks, Health & Wellbeing ones and some Expressive Arts.
Let me know in Teams or by posting to your e-portfolio about any progress you are making.
There are still lots of Art Ideas that have not been tried by everyone, why not have a look and try some out.