Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Technological Developments in Society and Business Identifies changes to technologies for example, televisions and mobile phones.
Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work
I can explore the latest technologies and consider the ways in which they have developed.TCH 1-05a

Links to: Social Studies – People, past events & Societies SOC 1-01a, People, Society, Economy & Business SOC 1-15a





Through play & other activities, I can/am able to Through play & other activities, I can/am able to Through play & other activities, I can/am able to
Investigate & show how an example of existing technology has changed over time e.g. washing machines, transport, etc. Investigate & show how a broader range of familiar objects have changed over time e.g. telephones, cameras, etc. Investigate & show how a broadening range of existing technology has changed over time e.g. televisions, computers, etc.
Talk about or show how & why these changes happened e.g. the invention of power supplies. Talk about or show what this technology might be like in the future. Talk about or show how & why these changes happened & make appropriate predictions about how they might change in the future e.g. the invention of digital technologies.