Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Food and Textile Demonstrates simple techniques with textiles, for example, threading cards, selecting materials, gluing,


Food and Textile
I enjoy experimenting with a range of textiles

TCH 0-04b

Links to Health & Wellbeing – Food & Health – The Food Experience HWB 0-29a, Developing Healthy Choices HWB 0-30a, Keeping Safe & Hygienic HWB 0-33a, The Journey of Food HWB 0-35a



Through play & other activities, I can/am able to Through play & other activities, I can/am able to Through play & other activities,  I can/am able to
Begin to explore & handle a range of textiles & use a variety of textile-based techniques e.g. fabric collage, threading, gluing, etc.


Use an increasing range of textile-based techniques when making things e.g. tasks which require more challenging fine motor skills or appreciation & understanding of the properties of the fabrics, yarns or tools being used.


Cut, glue, thread & tie with increasing skill.

Use simple techniques to make things using a range of textiles.