Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Digital Literacy • Uses strong passwords.

• Demonstrates an understanding of the content they should include in an online profile.

• Discusses the importance of being a responsible digital citizen, giving examples of appropriate online behaviours and actions.

• Identifies appropriate ways to report concerns.

• Has an understanding of the law as it relates to inappropriate or illegal online behaviours,
for example, the sharing of inappropriate images

Cyber resilience and internet safety
I can explore online communities demonstrating an understanding of responsible digital behaviour and I’m aware of how to keep myself safe and secure.

TCH 2-03a

Links to: Health & Wellbeing – Mental, Social, Emotional & Physical Wellbeing – Physical Wellbeing HWB 2-16a & HWB 2-17a




I can/am able to I can/am able to I can/am able to
Say what a password is for & why I should not share my passwords Describe how to choose a good password e.g. Glow

Password Guidance from Education Scotland Glow Connect

Show what a safe personal profile should contain

Name an online community Describe a range of online communities Describe the purposes of selected online communities

Say what is good & bad about online communities e.g. school or class social media, gaming communities Say how online friends are different from “real” friends Say whether an online community is closed or open – how to make profiles/details private

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

 “When learning about internet safety learners might:

 * Make links throughout all of their HWB learning to digital aspects of their life, following the code of: Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Kind.

* Access resources such as Think U Know and BBC Own It and are able to discuss internet safety and make relevant links to real life experiences, for example: “I know that I shouldn’t share my social media passwords with people in case they steal my information or send mean messages from my account.”

 * Explore links between internet safety and online shopping in their maths ‘money’ learning. This might be identifying good habits for online safety or exploring cyber security aspects, such as encryption and cyphers

 * Discuss the difference between friends (someone you know and have met) and online acquaintances (people you have met online and may not be who they say they are)

 * Suggest good internet etiquette, such as ways of behaving kindly to others online or supporting friends who are not feeling excluded or picked upon online

 * As Digital Leaders, hold Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety (CR:IS) assemblies to raise awareness amongst parents and peers about risks and safe practice online

Explain why it could be dangerous to share personal information online Show awareness that people I speak to online may not be who they say they are Recognise who can see things I share online

Say how the things I do online are observed & can be traced back to me e.g. Microsoft Teams Describe what kind of online behaviour is ok Recognise that some information can stay online forever

Talk about things that happen online which are illegal Understand the legal, safety or privacy rules of different social networks/communities Identify ways to report concerns I have about what happens to me online e.g. CEOP “Report a concern” button, etc

Talk about rules & responsibilities online by looking at privacy & acceptable use policies

Glow Community Rules from Education Scotland Glow Connect


Say what I should do if I am worried about something which happens online Say how I could evidence illegal or upsetting online experiences e.g. take a screenshot

Say why there are age limits on games & online communities