Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Digital Literacy • Demonstrates understanding of my rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen.

• Demonstrates understanding of the potential dangers online and who to go to for advice and who to report a concern to.

• Demonstrates an understanding of the need for strong passwords.

• Explains the need to get a person’s permission before taking a picture or video of them.

Cyber resilience and internet safety
I can extend my knowledge of how to use digital technology to communicate with others and I am aware of ways to keep safe and secure.

TCH 1-03a

Links to: Health & Wellbeing – Mental, Social, Emotional & Physical Wellbeing – Physical Wellbeing HWB 1-16a & 1-17a





For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to
Explore & learn how to use digital technologies which help us communicate with others e.g. co-writing class Tweets, beginning to use Conversation tool in Microsoft Teams. Explore appropriate online communities & begin to talk about how this form of digital technology can help people e.g. positive & negative impact of social media Talk about how digital technologies affect my rights & responsibilities as a citizen.

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

“When learning about Health & Wellbeing learners might:

* Explore friendships and discuss ‘who are our friends’ and ‘are people we meet online really friends?’
* Identify ways to be kind to their friends online as well as in the playground, such as including them in online games or chat groups
* Explain how to respect themselves and others on digital platforms,such as games and social media
* Look at how the use of technology and online networks to support different groups of people, including ASN, LGBT or ASL
* Update a log of achievements, or Learning Journey, in an ePortfolio, such as Glow Blogs, Google Sites or Seesaw
* Investigate how much sleep, eating or exercise is best for their health and produce a timetable to plan and track this using a spreadsheet, such as Numbers or Excel”

With support, begin to explore & say how digital communication can hurt or endanger people including myself. With support, begin to talk about the dangers of online communication & explore who can help or advise me. Talk about the dangers of online communication & say who can help & advise me.
Begin to use, create & recall strong passwords & codes. Say what personal information I should keep private e.g. name, address, date of birth, passwords etc. Create & use strong passwords & codes for different purposes across my learning & real life.
Password Guidance from Education Scotland Glow Connect
Talk about how I should & should not communicate online e.g. courteous, honest, kind. Say how I can help protect other peoples’ privacy and rights when I use digital technology e.g. get permission before sharing photographs, not sharing their personal information. With support, explore & talk about how the things I do online are observed & can be traced back to me e.g. Microsoft Teams

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

“When learning about Internet Safety learners might: 

* Describe the features of their secure and unique password and why it might be difficult for others to guess
* Develop a class/school charter on digital and online use, with digital leaders leading learning for younger
learners as part of CR:IS learning on internet safety and use of sites, such as Google Interlands and ThinkUKnow
Discuss the risks and benefits of using online platforms, such as Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams
Explore their ‘digital rights’ and linking this learning to the Young Scot 5 Rights”