Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Digital Literacy • Opens and saves a file to and from a specific location.

• Uses digital technology to collect, capture, combine and share text, sound, video and images.

• Identifies the key components of frequently used digital technology and whether it is a piece of hardware or software.

• Communicate and collaborate with others using digital technology, for example, email, Glow or other platforms.

Using digital products and services in a variety of contexts to achieve a purposeful outcome

I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.

TCH 1-01a




For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to For a range of purposes across my learning & play I can/am able to
With support, begin to open, edit & save files e.g. within “My documents” With support, use the main functions of familiar software to open, edit & save files from & to a specific location e.g. saving to “My Documents” & shared area. Begin to use the main functions of software to open, edit & save files from & to existing & new folder locations

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

“When learning about sharing their ideas and thinking learners might:

* Create texts indifferent media, such as a class news report with a green screen where they have a background to simulate a report from an exotic or dangerous location, such as the moon or a volcanic eruption
* Use apps, such as Chatterpix, Talkr, Sock Puppets or Puppet Pals, to create short films that demonstrate their skills or understanding of a topic, for example: French vocabulary, explaining a maths process or a HWB drama on friendship
* Present information in a chronological sequence, with PowerPoint or Keynote, including relevant images and information about events in a topic, such as The Romans or Our Local Area
* Create a collection of information in an organised (but non chronological) format, such as a table about animals for Science, with data, including: number of legs, habitat or species”

With support, explore & experiment with digital technologies to collect, capture & combine sound, text & images e.g. Clips, Word, Book Creator, etc Explore & experiment with digital technologies to collect, capture & combine sound, text, images & video e.g. PowerPoint, iMovie, etc. Explore & experiment with a wider range of digital technologies to collect, capture & combine text, images and video e.g. video within Sway, audio with Garage band in iMovie

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

“When learning about tools that help us learners might:

* Use the iPad Measure app alongside traditional measuring instruments, such as tape, ruler or metre stick, to measure everyday objects
 * Use the stopwatch app on a digital device to measure time during P.E. when running races or taking turns with equipment
* Create a spreadsheet, using Excel or Sheets, to keep a record of times throughout the term
* Use the slow-motion video or photobursts functions on a device’s camera to determine who was first to cross the line in a race or whether someone’s foot crossed the line before jumping
* Use the time-lapse video recording function to detail the direction of the sun when exploring how shadows work
* Use the slow-motion in order to examine how surface tension is present on water when popping a water balloon (see Slow Mo Science on Apple Books)
* Access class novels and reading books in a range of formats, including audio books, Office Lens or a built-in screen-reader (such as on iPad or in O365 Word). Learners can use these  tools to personalise their learning and are especially effective in supporting emerging readers, those with speech and language needs, or speakers of a foreign language”

With support, extend the range of digital hardware & software I am able to use. Begin to recognise & name the key components of digital technology I use frequently. Identify the key components of frequently used digital hardware & software & begin to say whether these are input or output devices.
Use touch-screen and/or mouse/key board functions with increasing confidence to enhance my learning in different contexts e.g. space bar, enter/return, backspace, shift keys. Extend & develop my use of a wider range of key board functions to enhance my learning in different contexts e.g. begin to use features such as “Esc” to switch between programs. Identify & use most common key board functions & say what they do.
With support, begin to participate in collaborative communications with others online using safe platforms such as Glow e.g. class email, class Skype session, etc. Explore & experiment with ways to collaborate & communicate with others online using safe platforms such as Glow e.g. Word Online for creation of a shared document Use Glow & other safe digital platforms to communicate & collaborate with others e.g. saving a piece of work to Microsoft Teams area.

From Education Scotland National Improvement Hub “What digital learning might look like”:

“When learning about online communications learners might:

* Access learning through online collaboration sites, such as Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom. Learners might
complete a reading comprehension activity with questions or peer assessment through sharing a digital text
and then receive feedback from the teacher on the site
* contribute examples of learning updates to the class blog, this could be a video of a drama sequence, a song written about topical learning or an animation explaining what they’ve learned”