Experiences and Outcomes Benchmarks
Organiser – Craft, Design, Engineering and Graphics Describes materials by touch for example: sticky, squidgy, soft, fluffy, hard, rough, wet, heavy, light.

Uses a range of materials when creating pictures/models/concepts for example: sticky, squidgy, soft, fluffy, hard, rough, wet, heavy, light.

Identifies when a material is suitable or not for specific function or task e.g. sticky, squidgy, soft, fluffy, hard, rough, wet, heavy, light.

Exploring uses of materials
I explore everyday materials in the creation of pictures/models/concepts

TCH 0-10a

Links to: TCH 0-09a & TCH 0-11a

Literacy & English – Listening & Talking – Enjoyment & Choice LIT 0-01a & Creating Texts LIT 0-09a

Science – Materials – Properties & uses of Substances SCN -0-15a

Expressive Arts – Art & Design EXA 0-02a



Through a range of play & activities, I can/am able to Through a range of play & activities, I can/am able to Through a range of play & activities, I can/am able to
Explore & name everyday materials & use appropriate words to describe how materials look & feel. Explore & name a wider range of materials & use a growing vocabulary to describe how they look & feel e.g. describing how they look, their texture, weight & other qualities. Describe how a range of materials look & feel using a varied range of appropriate vocabulary.
Explore how everyday materials can help me create pictures & models e.g. mark-making in clay or mud, mixed media textural collages, practical exploration of heavy & light. Combine & use a wider range of materials to create pictures & models. Combine & make considered use of a range of materials when creating pictures & models & exploring & sharing my thinking & ideas.
With support, begin to say what a material is good at (useful for) or not good at (not useful for). Say what a material is good at (useful for) or not good at (not useful for). Answer questions and/or show that I have considered what my chosen materials are good at or useful for.