
Sungazers Home Learning Week 5

Hello, hope everyone is doing well! We are all really missing you and hope that it is not long now until we are all back together again.  Here are some activities for you to try at home and enjoy.


Numeracy – Number Pairs

You Will Need: A4 paper, scissors and a pen

  1. Fold a piece of A4 paper or card three times to give you eight equal rectangles.
  2. Cut out the rectangles.
  3. Write pairs of numbers on the rectangles. Can choose higher numbers if you wish.
  4.  Mix the rectangles up and turn them over to face down, so you can’t see the numbers.
  5. Take turns to turn over two of the rectangles. If you get two that match, you get to keep them.
  6. Play until all the numbers are gone.
  7. (Make more rectangles to add to the game for a challenge for next time if suitable).

Literacy – Chinese New Year Story

On Friday, it will Chinese New Year.  Click on the link to hear the story all about it.   We have previously read the story of The Great Race in class.  Each year a different animal is celebrated.  Can you find the year you were born?  What animal is associated with your birth year? This year it is the year of the Ox.

See the source image

Health and Wellbeing – Dressing Games

Image result for clothes clipart

  1. Lay out three items of clothing for two people, eg socks, trousers and sweatshirt.
  2. Ask child to stand in front of items of clothing.
  3. Who can dress the quickest?
  4. On your marks, get set, race!

Expressive Arts – Chinese New Year 2021 Song for Kids 

Image result for chinese new year clipart

Have a listen to this song about the Chinese New Year.  Enjoy!


Expressive Arts – Chinese Cupcake Cases Dragon

Click on this link to see how to make a Chinese Dragon out of paper cases.

We would love to see photos of all your activities! Have fun!

Team Sungazers 🙂


Oak Home Learning 8th Feb

Hi Oak team, Mrs Murray has ran into some technology issues and her laptop has died on her! So apologises for the work this week not being in our usual format.

Thankfully almost everyone has collected your February packs.

It is the week leading up to Valentine’s Day and for the past few years our cupid class have been the delivery service for Willowbank.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide this service this year.  However you can still have a think about who you would like to send a special message to.

I would like you to create and design a card for someone. This person should be someone you care alot about, someone who cares for you  a lot, makes you feel safe and makes you happy when you feel sad. I would love to see your cards, email me a picture of your cards if you can

This week your home learning tasks are as follows;







Work through this section of initial sounds, can you get the first letter.

Some of you will be able to write each picture in your best hand writing. Some of you will be able to work on writing and forming the first letter of each picture.

Do not forget to sign and finger spell each picture too.

If you are up for a challenge, ask an adult to call out one of the pictures and try and remember how to spell it. 1 point for getting the first letter correct, 2 points for spelling the full word correctly.

Your numeracy task this week is to work on your coins.

Can you ask an adult for all the coins from 1p through to £2. Can you get the bingo money cards from your folder and take on our money challenge.

I challenge you to be blind folded and feel one coin at a time. Ask an adult to help you, they can ask you to think about the size and shape. An adult will remove the coin from your hand, you can remove your blind fold and look at the bingo card. Can you guess which coin you were holding?

Then everyone in the family take a bingo card and play a game, who will be the coin bingo champion in your family!

Time to get moving to keep us healthy. We all need to look after our head. If your head feels happy then you will have a good day. The best way to keep your head happy is to get your body moving every morning before you start your hard work. So you and your family please remember this message from Mrs Murray!

Remember, ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Head means Healthy You’.

To get active, complete the exercises from the sheet below (you will find this in your February pack). Can you complete each exercise for 1 minute with a 30 second rest in between each exercise.

Can you do all these exercises for three rounds, giving you a half hour exercise programme.

Cooking: Have a go at trying to make some oat flapjacks. Get an adult to read the instructions to you. Can you listen and complete each task one step at a time.

Health and Wellbeing

My Body- Your task this week, find the tooth brushing sheet in your folder, cut them all out.  Discuss with an adult what is happening in each picture and then stick them down in the correct order.

Once you have created your poster can you pin this up in your bathroom.

Remember to brush your teeth in the morning and before going to bed. This will keep your smile looking lovely and you very handsome!

I want to finish with saying, I am very pleased with how well you are all doing, we all know this is very hard for you and your family. We are all desperate to be back together, have some fun whilst learning and working hard.

Well done Oak Team! 🤗



Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 01.02.21

Hi everyone. 😀  Find below some activities you might like to try. Maybe you would like to send us photographs of some of the things you’ve been doing at home.

Sound ‘s’

Listen to the Crazy Stir Fry ‘s’ Song

You collected some things from around the house last week beginning with the sound ‘s’. Have you found any more? Play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye Find Something Beginning With ‘s”

Roll out some playdoh in to a long snake and form into the shape s.

Enjoy playing the game Ten Little Snowmen


Play the game Planet Pals

Try printing coloured patterns with household items e.g. cotton reels, back of fork, pen tops, duplo/lego bricks, cookie cutters.


To relax, make this Home Made Stress Ball 

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments

Cookie Cutter Bird Seed Ornaments 

You will need – 2.5 cups birdseed, 2 packs unflavoured gelatine, 2 tbl golden syrup, 1 cup water, 12 cookie cutters, 12 x 5cm lengths drinking straws, string.

  1. Prepare gelatine as per packet instructions.
  2. Add 2 tbl syrup and stir.
  3. Add bird seed, mix, and put in fridge to firm up. (approx 10 minutes)
  4. Put cookie cutters on to parchment baking sheet.
  5. Spoon mixture in to each cookie cutter to the top and press down firmly with the back of a spoon.
  6. Press length of straw into bird seed before it is set so you have a nice neat hole for the string to go through afterwards. Make sure it is at least 1 cm from the edge.
  7. Refrigerate overnight.
  8. Remove straws and remove from cutters. Thread string through holes and tie the ends in a knot.
  9. Hang in the garden from trees and shrubs and wait for the birds to come.

I hope you have fun with these activities should you wish to try them.

Have fun! Stay safe! 😀


February Home Learning

Welcome to February, let’s see what this month has in store for us.

As always I have attached the work set for the week in the attached document.  Please do what you can, some days you will be able to do more than others.  This is ok, go at your own pace.Click this link 1st Feb to access the work.

Valentine’s day is approaching, use this link below to work on your literacy skills.

I see February

Keeping with our Valentine theme for numeracy, you will need to use your coins to buy a packet of love heart sweets.  Use these sweet to count and make a graph.

Click this link for Love Hearts Counting and Graphing

Our topic work is Scottish music, click on the link below to make your poster of your favourite Scottish singer.

Scottish Singer

Keep smiling my Oak team, you are all doing fantastic!

We have a special birthday this week, one young man is turning 13!

A massive happy birthday!

Keep smiling and do something this week to make someone in your family smile.



FAOL Christmas Event Show

We enjoyed taking part in lots of different Christmas activities throughout December.  We created a Christmas showcase to share with our families and enjoying watching the finished showcase in class too.





Sungazers Home Learning Week 3

Hello! Hope you are all well and have been enjoying some fun in the snow over the weekend!

Our new literacy booklets will be ready for collection by the end of the week, if you are looking for some new activities to try at home.  Please phone the school before collecting, so we can have them ready for your arrival.

This week is Scottish week and we have some Scottish activities for you to try and enjoy.

Literacy – Have a listen to this Scottish song performed by Singing Hands.  Can you copy and learn some of these signs?

 Youtube – I’m On My Way CarPark Karaoke by Singing Hands)

Numeracy – Simple maths addition. Have a go at counting and join in at home.

Art – Try some of these fun art activities using everyday items you may have at home.

Health and Wellbeing – Here are some Scottish cookery recipes and videos – try to make some delicious treats. Which one was your favourite?

Just For Fun – if you still have any snow (or it might snow again this week), gather some up and make a mini snowman.  Use paints to make him look colourful.

Painting Little Snowmen - Snow Painting - Easy Peasy and Fun


Have a good week! 🙂





FAOL Enterprise- Creating Christmas Gifts

We had lots of fun creating Christmas gifts for our families throughout December.

We were effective contributors and sourced the supplies needed for each of our gifts. We then carefully shared out the supplies to ensure that all our peers could create a gift using the resources we had gathered.



Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 18.01.2021

We hope all is well with you and your families. Find below some new learning challenges for you to do should you wish to. Adjust them as needed but above all, have fun!

Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes       

Sing the song, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes but using Scottish words. See how fast you can sing it!

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes

Knaps and taes

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes

Knaps and taes

And een and lugs and mooth and neb

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes, knaps and taes.

Scottish Counting. How many?







Hide small plastic toys in a tray of lentils or oatmeal. Count how many toys you can find. Match your number word with the written number.

Scottish Food


Help someone at home prepare some Scottish foods to eat. It might be porridge, shortbread, pancakes, haggis, a scotch pie, oatcakes and cheese or heating up a tin of lentil soup! Enjoy a taste and try. The smells are good too.! Before you eat your Scottish fare you could maybe recite the Selkirk Grace. This is the prayer normally said before you eat your meal at a Burn’s Supper which is a celebration of the poet Robert Burn’s life and work.

Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it;

But we hae meat, and we can eat,

And sae let the Lord be thankit.

Tartan Car Track Painting


Design a new tartan for Burns night. Use toy cars dipped in paint to roll on the coloured lines.

On You Tube, choose and listen to some Scottish music. What is your favourite? Find a few ideas linked below.

The Proclaimers 500 miles

Dougie McLean Caledonia

Coulter’s Candy

Have fun! Stay safe!


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 11.01.2021

Happy New Year! I hope all is well with you and your families. The ladies and I are fine but are missing you all very much. We can’t wait until we can all be together again.

Find below some home learning challenges for you to do should you wish to. I will post new ones every Monday. Adjust them to suit yourselves but the main thing is to have fun!

The Glasgow Gruffalo

Listen to our theme book, The Glasgow Gruffalo by Elaine C. Smith. Can you sign the characters, mouse, fox, owl, snake and gruffalo?

Owl on Toast

Decorate toast with chocolate spread or jam and a selection of fruit to make your very own version of owl on toast. I bet it tastes yummy.

Finding Colours

How many green things can you find in your kitchen in 30 seconds? Next time, how many red things can you find.

Counting How many underwater creatures can you find? Match your answer with the written number. Good luck!

Sensory Sparkles

Collect shiny things like a mirror, tin foil and metal pot scourer. Darken your room and shine a torch on the shiny items. Can you see sparkles and reflections?

Winter Ice Ornaments

Collect lots of natural things from your garden or the park. e.g. leaves, cones, berries, holly leaves. Count how many items you collected.

Place these in to a cupcake tray and fill each space up with water. Remember to dip a loop of string or ribbon in to each pot.

Either leave outside to freeze, if cold enough, or put in to your freezer. How many ornaments did you make?

When frozen, hang them in your garden to decorate. Watch them. Do they melt when the sun comes out? Do they sparkle in the sunshine? Choose your favourite ornament. Why is it your favourite?

Have some fun playing the attached games. You have to be pretty fast though!

Have fun! Stay safe! 🙂


Sungazers Home Learning Activities

Hello! Hope you are all keeping well. We are all missing you very much and hope that we can all be together again soon.

We will be posting some online activities for you to complete each week, if you wish.  It will include numeracy, literacy and health and well-being tasks.

You may already have your lockdown activity pack which you can work through at home with supervision too.  Everyone is very familiar with these packs as we have been working with them in class.  If you do not have a pack and would like one, please contact the school and arrange a suitable collection time.

This week’s literacy task – Listen to and enjoy one of our favourite class stories ‘Jack and the Flum Flum Tree’ by Julia Donaldson. You will find this story on Youtube.

Numeracy Task – Addition Song
Health and Wellbeing Task – Blazerfresh Brain Gym – Copy the actions, jump around and have fun!
Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle - YouTube
Music Craft
Can you make a musical shaker using a plastic bottle and fill it with different ingredients to create various sounds?  We can use these bottles during music sessions.
Homemade Sensory Music Shakers | Homemade musical instruments, Homemade instruments, Instrument craft


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