
Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 18.01.2021

We hope all is well with you and your families. Find below some new learning challenges for you to do should you wish to. Adjust them as needed but above all, have fun!

Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes       

Sing the song, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes but using Scottish words. See how fast you can sing it!

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes

Knaps and taes

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes

Knaps and taes

And een and lugs and mooth and neb

Heid, shooders, knaps and taes, knaps and taes.

Scottish Counting. How many?







Hide small plastic toys in a tray of lentils or oatmeal. Count how many toys you can find. Match your number word with the written number.

Scottish Food


Help someone at home prepare some Scottish foods to eat. It might be porridge, shortbread, pancakes, haggis, a scotch pie, oatcakes and cheese or heating up a tin of lentil soup! Enjoy a taste and try. The smells are good too.! Before you eat your Scottish fare you could maybe recite the Selkirk Grace. This is the prayer normally said before you eat your meal at a Burn’s Supper which is a celebration of the poet Robert Burn’s life and work.

Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it;

But we hae meat, and we can eat,

And sae let the Lord be thankit.

Tartan Car Track Painting


Design a new tartan for Burns night. Use toy cars dipped in paint to roll on the coloured lines.

On You Tube, choose and listen to some Scottish music. What is your favourite? Find a few ideas linked below.

The Proclaimers 500 miles

Dougie McLean Caledonia

Coulter’s Candy

Have fun! Stay safe!


Transition Home Learning Week 2

Hello Transition Class,

I hope that you are all well and have been helping to look after your family. Here are this week’s Home Learning Challenges. Below that link is a link to the first verse of the poem Nessie. I hope you enjoy your tasks. Remember, only do as much as you can.

Home learning 2

Nessie verse one

Keep well and be kind to each other

Mr Nicoll


Home learning tasks- week 2.

Hello Comets,

First, I hope you are all well and have enjoyed some of the tasks from last week. The suggested activities for this week can be found HERE- do what you can, when you can. I would love to see any work that you manage to complete,  you can email this to me on

It has been lovely to see some of you on our VScene calls and we look forward to seeing you again. Our VScene sessions are on a Tuesday at 10.30am, Thursday at 10.00am and Friday at 10.00am.

Our story  this week is called ‘’The Lion Inside’’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. I will read this to you on our call on Thursday. In the meantime, you can listen to the book and practise the signs.

Stay safe and have a fabulous week!

Miss Robertson


Sungazers Home Learning Week 2

Hello! We hope you all enjoyed the activities provided for week 1 of home learning and managed to try some of them out.

This week, we have some new activities for you to try based on our new class theme ‘The Glasgow Gruffalo’.  We are very familiar with both ‘The Gruffalo’ story and also ‘The Grufflo’s Child’ in the Sungazers class, so thought it would be good to explore the Scottish version for our Scottish theme.  Hope you enjoy it!

Literacy – Here is Elaine C Smith reading ‘The Glasgow Gruffalo’ story for you to enjoy.  Can you hear that some of the animal names and words sound different in this story? A mouse is a moose and a house is a hoose.  Have a listen and enjoy.

Numeracy – One More or One Less.  Use your number line in your maths activity pack or pause this video, find the number and add on more more or take one away (one less).  Can you find the correct answer?

one more one less counting maths game for kids – YouTube

Science – Experimenting with Ice

We have previously enjoyed experimenting with ice in the Sungazers Class.  We know we can make ice by freezing water. One of our favourite activities was filling up plastic gloves or balloons with water and small plastic toys.  We then put them in the freezer.   You could try this again at home! How long did it take to melt and free the toys?

New activity – Can you build an ice cube tower? Using ice cubes try and see if you can stack them on top of one another.  Does it work or is it too slippery? Now try adding some salt between each ice cube – the salt works as a kind of glue.  How many can you stack now?

Health and Wellbeing – Hope you enjoy this song about washing our hands

How to wash your hands NHS song | NHS – YouTube



Oak Home Learning w/c 18th January


Well Oak class here is the work for this week, 18th Jan.  There are many activities within this file so please do what you can.  Again we would welcome any photos of you completing your tasks, send them to

Please click on the links below as additional sheets that are listed in the work list for w/c 18th January.

Scots-language word-and-picture-matching


The new movement routine has been made and is ready for you all to watch, learn and dance along.  Have fun! Click on this link to access the routine.

This term our topic work is based on Scotland, the Oak class were exploring Scottish music.  We can still complete topic work at home, activities for this week are added onto the file 18th January listed above.

I was very happy to see many of my class on Vscene last week and look forward to having more join our session this week.  This week will be filled with more stories, movement and we will try a music lesson.

Let’s start the week with some positive thoughts.  We know this is tough and the Oak staff miss you all very much.  Always remember to stay home and stay safe and we will be back together soon.



Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 11.01.2021

Happy New Year! I hope all is well with you and your families. The ladies and I are fine but are missing you all very much. We can’t wait until we can all be together again.

Find below some home learning challenges for you to do should you wish to. I will post new ones every Monday. Adjust them to suit yourselves but the main thing is to have fun!

The Glasgow Gruffalo

Listen to our theme book, The Glasgow Gruffalo by Elaine C. Smith. Can you sign the characters, mouse, fox, owl, snake and gruffalo?

Owl on Toast

Decorate toast with chocolate spread or jam and a selection of fruit to make your very own version of owl on toast. I bet it tastes yummy.

Finding Colours

How many green things can you find in your kitchen in 30 seconds? Next time, how many red things can you find.

Counting How many underwater creatures can you find? Match your answer with the written number. Good luck!

Sensory Sparkles

Collect shiny things like a mirror, tin foil and metal pot scourer. Darken your room and shine a torch on the shiny items. Can you see sparkles and reflections?

Winter Ice Ornaments

Collect lots of natural things from your garden or the park. e.g. leaves, cones, berries, holly leaves. Count how many items you collected.

Place these in to a cupcake tray and fill each space up with water. Remember to dip a loop of string or ribbon in to each pot.

Either leave outside to freeze, if cold enough, or put in to your freezer. How many ornaments did you make?

When frozen, hang them in your garden to decorate. Watch them. Do they melt when the sun comes out? Do they sparkle in the sunshine? Choose your favourite ornament. Why is it your favourite?

Have some fun playing the attached games. You have to be pretty fast though!

Have fun! Stay safe! 🙂


Home learning tasks- week 1

Hello Comets family and happy new year!

We are all missing you in school and hope it won’t be long until we see you again. We are sad that the start of the year is looking a little different to what we had planned.

We will be checking in each week with fun activities that can be completed from home. You can do these tasks in your own time and pace, there is no pressure to complete them all. In addition to this home learning packs can be requested. We would love to see some of the things you are getting up to at home and if you would like to share these you can email me on

Suggested activities for the week beginning 11th of January can be found HERE.

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope the first day of home learning is going well.


Sungazers Home Learning Activities

Hello! Hope you are all keeping well. We are all missing you very much and hope that we can all be together again soon.

We will be posting some online activities for you to complete each week, if you wish.  It will include numeracy, literacy and health and well-being tasks.

You may already have your lockdown activity pack which you can work through at home with supervision too.  Everyone is very familiar with these packs as we have been working with them in class.  If you do not have a pack and would like one, please contact the school and arrange a suitable collection time.

This week’s literacy task – Listen to and enjoy one of our favourite class stories ‘Jack and the Flum Flum Tree’ by Julia Donaldson. You will find this story on Youtube.

Numeracy Task – Addition Song
Health and Wellbeing Task – Blazerfresh Brain Gym – Copy the actions, jump around and have fun!
Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle - YouTube
Music Craft
Can you make a musical shaker using a plastic bottle and fill it with different ingredients to create various sounds?  We can use these bottles during music sessions.
Homemade Sensory Music Shakers | Homemade musical instruments, Homemade instruments, Instrument craft



Home learning – week beg. 11th Jan

Morning everyone,

I hope you are all well. Over the coming weeks you will be working from home this means doing some of the fun activities we do in school with your family at home. Each week I will post 4 activities to be completed throughout the week.  I hope you have fun.  You can send photos of the completed tasks to my email

Literacy- Writing and mark making

Have lots of fun this week mark marking, writing letters with help or on your own copying. You could fill a tray with rice or flour and make marks with your fingers or utensils from the kitchen.

You could also have fun with this activity using a handheld device. Use your finger to copy the letters of the alphabet it is lots of fun.

Numeracy- Colour

Go on a colour hunt around your house. How many colours can you find? Do you have Lego or bricks or other toys that are different colours? Can you sort them? Make a pile of red, a pile of blue etc.

Health and Wellbeing- Edible faces

Have a think of what foods you can make a face on. You could use icing and fruit or sweets to make a face on a biscuit. You could use cheese and vegetables to make a face on a wrap pizza.

Art- Potato printing

Get an adult to cut a potato in half. You can then dip this in paint to create a picture. You can also cut out different shapes in the potato and make different patterns.


Pine Lockdown Week 1 – Spinderella 🕷🕸

Well Happy New Year Pine Class – different start to the New Year from what we had hoped!!!

There is a pack with different activities – you can pick and choose the bits you want to do or do it all – remember we love to see your photos and lovely art work.

While Wilson and Logan were in the Beech Room last term they heard the lovely Mrs Wilson reading the story Spinderella to some of the class during Numeracy – what a great story for counting!!! So for this we are going to base all our activities on Spinderella ….and Spiders!!!!

Who likes SPIDERS???

LOGAN is not a fan – used to be really scared, but she loves the Spinderella Story.

SHIELDS only likes tarantulas!!!!!

WILSON is the Spider Catcher – no squashing spiders on her watch -Joan the Janitor comes to get her when there is one in the school!

BOYLE is fine with them as long as they aren’t too close, but loves how they can spin their magic webs.

Spider’s Web  are very impressive indeed, check out the link below.

Natural History Museum – Spider’s Webs

Literacy – Click on the Link below to hear the Story of Spinderella 📚

Spinderella is a spider that wants to learn to count, and enjoys a game of Football!


  • Can you remember what some of Spinderella’s brothers were called?
  • What did they use for a football?
  • What colour was the Hairy Godmother?
  • What number did the class count to?
  • What colours were the bibs?
  • How many flies did Spinderella have for dinner?
  • How many spiders were on each team?
  • How many legs does each spider have?
  • What did mum use for a whistle?
  • Who scored the winning goal?

Well did you like this story?

Think this might be a new favourite Numeracy Story in the Pine Room. 🔢

Some more Numeracy – concentrating on the number 8 – like the legs of a spider!!

Counting with Rodd

Click the Link below for a story – watch the waves and the shapes.

Walter’s Wonderful Web

Okay – time for some signing!

So let’s join the Singing Hands for some Incy Wincy Spider – click on the Link below.

Incy Wincy Spider

Arts and Crafts 🎨

What about making a spider hand print? Below is a Link to the site Messy Little Monsters – this is a really good web site with loads of good art activities.

Messy Little Monsters

Below is a Link to a lovely wee Spider Story  – if you like it there are lots more episodes.

Spider! Episode 1 – Spider in the Bath

Some spider information from the BBC Bitesize Science Site 🧪🕷🕸

Spider Facts


Can you help make a spidery treat??

A chopping board serving Halloween spider pizzas

Spider Pizza

Image result for spider sandwich

Spider Sandwiches

Image result for spider oreos

Oreo Spiders

Oh! think we need to do some singing and dancing – ready…1,2,3…go!!!🎶

The Spider Prance

Now this Term we should have been studying our Scottish Topic – so we will add a Scottish Inspirational Spider Story.

Robert the Bruce and the Spider

So have you changed you mind about Spiders???

Now please send in a photo of a SPIDER – it could be one you have made….or one you have found!!!!

Take care Pinettes


The Pine Ladies


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