Tag Archives: Primary 5

Fairtrade visitor to P5

Mrs Dyson was delighted that Mrs Van Zwanenberg (a member of Kirkcudbright Fairtrade group) once again, was able to visit our school and work with pupils discussing issues around Fairtrade. Primary 5 pupils shared their knowledge with our guest speaker and Mrs Dyson was very impressed with the quality of questions they asked. Pupils learned more about how communities use the Fairtrade Premium. They also explored packaging of Fairtrade goods to identify what percentage of the product is made from Fairtrade ingredients. We would like to say a massive thank you to Mrs Van Zwanenberg for her support and input with our Fairtrade work at Dalbeattie Primary School.




P5 Fairtrade Games Event

Primary 5 pupils organised and ran a very successful Fairtrade Games Event. They had been learning about Fairtrade in class and wanted to continue to raise awareness throughout the school. They worked in teams to design and create their own game based around Fairtrade. Games included a Fairtrade Obstacle Race, Fairtrade Throw, Pin the Fairtrade product on the Fairtrade Mark while blindfolded, running games and a  Fairtrade Quiz. The whole school were invited to play their games. For 50p, pupils were allocated a 15 minute slot to play all the games. Mrs Dyson and Primary 5 pupils would like to say a big thank you to all who supported our event. 160 people came to play our games. We even had family members join in the fun. Primary 5 pupils have decided to spend the £80 raised to buy Fairtrade footballs for use by all pupils within our school. The school has kindly agreed to match our amount raised so that double the number of balls can be bought. We look forward to introducing Fairtrade footballs into Dalbeattie Primary School.


(Please click on each photo to enlarge and see everyone)













Watersports Fun!

Primary 5 pupils enjoyed a day of Watersports at Carlingwark Loch in Castle Douglas. They showed perseverance, resilience, courage, communication and teamwork skills while sailing, canoeing and kayaking. Mrs Dyson, Mrs Cox and Mrs Fortnum were very proud of the effort made by everyone! A big thank you to all the instructors who helped make this such a fantastic day.












P5D create Lego Robots!

Primary 5D pupils participated in an amazing  ComputerXplorers Workshop and astounded everyone with their engineering skills. They used the latest Lego Robotics Technology to build and program amazing creatures that moved using motors, gears and wheels. Pupils learned how to program sensors to make robots respond to their surroundings. They worked collaboratively to make Lego lions roar and then lie down when thrown a bone. They used skills of coding and programming to make crocodiles snap, sailboats rock, footballers dive randomly for the ball, kicking legs , plane engines rev and a sleeping giant wake up when approached. Mrs Dyson, Mrs Connel, Mrs Cox and Mrs Ross were blown away by the teamwork and computer skills demonstrated by every single participant. Fantastic work Primary Five!











Primary 5 French Breakfast

Primary 5 pupils enjoyed practising their French conversation during our French Breakfast. They ordered breakfast items for each other and enjoyed tasting a selection of traditional breakfast items. Mrs Dyson and Primary 5 pupils  would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Kinghorn for organising the event. Merci Madame Kinghorn! As this was Mrs Kinghorn’s final session in our class, we surprised her with a special thank you card.



P5D Singing at Dalbeattie Day Centre

Great enthusiasm and a responsible attitude were shown by pupils in Primary 5D who performed to visitors at Dalbeattie Day Centre. The class have been working with musicians from Feis Rois to learn a variety of Scots songs. They have also learned to play rhythms on the taiko drums to accompany the song “Hey Donal”. Pupils performed a selection of their favourite songs as well as sharing their drumming skills. Mrs Dyson was delighted by the great attitude shown by all pupils when performing and in their conversations with the visitors afterwards. We would like to say thank you to the visitors of Dalbeattie Day Centre for being a wonderful audience, to the staff for the juice and biscuits afterwards, to the adults who accompanied us on the walk and also to Kate and Peter from Feis Rois who have worked so enthusiastically with us!


P5D Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and have been amazed at some of the sculptures he created. We especially loved his artwork using ice, snow and leaves. We were inspired by his work and were keen to create our own nature artwork. Mrs Dyson was very pleased with how well we worked with others to create our art and how confidently we spoke about our creations.





Pitch Pulse and Magic!

Pupils from P4, P4/5 and P5 enjoyed a visit from two more musicians as part of the Pitch, Pulse and Magic initiative. We were amazed at the playing techniques of the musicians and recognised some of the classical musical pieces from films like ‘Harry Potter’. Pupils worked with the musicians to explore Pitch and we even created our own performance piece linked to an atmospheric poem. This was another great visit and we look forward to exploring ‘Magic’ next term.