Tag Archives: Effective Contributors

Roman Roads

As part of their class learning, Primary 4 have been building Roman Roads. Please read the fantastic reports below to find out more about what the pupils have been learning about,the skills they used and what they really thought of Roman road building.

Mini Roman Roads (2)

Mini Roman Roads 2

Reported Roman Roads

Reporting Roman Roads

Rock ‘ n Roman Roads report

Rocky Roman roads

Roman News

Roman Roads

Roman Empire

Bug Hotel Building

On the 28th November, James Hutchinson Visitor Services Supervisor (Natural Heritage) from Threave, came to our Primary 3 class along with his fantastic helpers to talk to us about mini-beasts. They also brought a range of materials to build a bug hotel. This fitted in with our topic from last term, and the children were very enthusiastic, keen to learn and could offer lots of what they knew already.
Some of our class also brought in materials from home to use. As you will see from the pictures, it was a great morning! We were very pleased with the finished product. Freya and Murrin from the class, talked to the whole school at assembly on Friday to let them know what we made/how we made it and also to let them know that it would be placed in our playground to attract mini-beasts.
Thank you to all representatives from Threave for a great experience. We all thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mrs Wixon

Children In Need

Today we had a fun run wearing bright and sporty clothes to raise money for both Children in Need and the Janice Jamieson Memorial Trust to sponsor the education of a student in Malawi.

At the time of writing we are delighted to have raised the sum of £341. If anyone has not yet brought in a donation and would still like to contribute, we can still add more money to the total next week. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting these charities and for our young people for wearing their bright, sporty outfits and for showing such enthusiasm in participating in today’s event.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to Mr Drennan, the Sports Department and Sports Leaders of Dalbeattie High School. Today, we were not only able to use all the High School facilities but Mr Drennan and the Sports Leaders also organised warms ups for all the children before we made our way our onto the athletics track for running several laps. Some children managed quite a number of laps. Everyone enjoyed this ‘fun’ morning which proved to be a great start to a Friday morning.

Later in the day Mrs Duncan held two assemblies for Primary 1-4 and P5-7 where there was a focus on these charities. we were also joined by Rev mark Smith.








Tag Rugby Tournament

Pupils from Dalbeattie Primary participated in a Tag Rugby tournament today at Stewartry Rugby Club organised by Active Schools. The children enjoyed the experience and played well as a team supporting  and encouraging each other at all times. In the final results, Dalbeattie Primary were second overall. Well done to all other teams who participated today.  Thank you to Amy and Louise and their team from Active schools for organising the event. Thank you to  the rugby club for use of the facilities.