Category Archives: Whole School

Beat the Street Presentation

On Thursday 29th October Dalbeattie Primary School hosted the ‘Beat the Street’ presentation event for the community of  Dalbeattie. It was a pleasure to welcome Sue Ingham from Intelligent Health to school to share information about the impact of the event on Dalbeattie and to present prizes. Thank you to all those who attended the event. Well done to everyone in Dalbeattie who took part in Beat the Street.

 House and Sport Captains accepting trophies on behalf of Dalbeattie Primary School.



Ready Steady Cook Harvest Assembly

Dalbeattie Primary has been celebrating Harvest time with a new approach this year…and it certainly had all the pupils completely engaged! Two of the teachers, Mrs Dawes and Mrs Burn were willing participants in a game of Ready Steady Cook. Head Teacher Mrs Duncan set the challenge by presenting each candidate with a selection of vegetables or fruit. While the green pepper contestant’s dish of vegetables  arranged as a scarecrow’s face did prove very popular with the pupils, it was the red tomato contestant who won the challenge; the children voted for her ‘Seasonal fruit Salad.’

The challenge, although fun, reminded the children about being thankful for our harvest and the assembly was made complete with harvest songs and a prayer of thanks.

Mrs Dawes and Mrs Burn both hard at work.   





Mrs Duncan shows the winning ‘Seasonal Fruit Salad’ to the pupils.