All posts by J Carson

Outside Play

With the weather being so nice this week we have been making the most of the opportunity to spend most of our time outside.  The children have enjoyed playing in the garden and on the play equipment in the playground.  The slide and the swing are still the favourites but we have had fun with the water tray, climbing on the tyres and playing “holidays” in the boat.


The afternoon children have been exploring their interest in dinosaurs.  We have learned about some dinosaur behaviours and made different types of dinosaur pictures.  We love stories about dinosaurs and have also made fossils out of clay.


We have been talking about which aspects of spring we are interested in and have chosen to learn more about spring festivals.  We celebrated Pancake Day on Tuesday and learned more about what a recipe is.  We wrote our own recipes for soup and made soup today for snack.

It is World book Day today too. We talked about our favourite stories and some of us made books of our own.


The Frog Prince

We have been reading stories which have castles in them.  It was suggested by a few children that we should read The Frog Prince (aka The Princess and the Frog).  This has given us the opportunity to do some froggy activities.  We are hoping the frogs will soon be laying their eggs so we can get some tadpoles in the nursery.