Primary 1/2 Week beginning 15.5.17

Good morning from Primary 1/2

This week we have been learning about the seaside in the past.  We looked at old photos and discussed the differences between then and now.  We will be continuing with this next week.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have set up a beach shop to buy different things for our trip to the beach.  Primary 2 have been learning to add 2 items together and also give change from 20p.  Primary 1 have been working on making amounts within 10p.

Next Tuesday we are going on our trip to the Seabird centre at North Berwick.  We will be working with the rangers in the rockpools and hope to learn about lots of interesting creatures.  Please check the weather forecast to decide on appropriate clothing for the day.  It would be best if children brought a waterproof jacket but also check if sun cream is needed and apply if necessary.   Wellies or old trainers would be best.

Have a lovely long weekend

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

P1/2 week beginning 8.5.17

Hello from P1/2

We have had a busy start to the term.  Our Seaside topic is already underway and we have been learning about some of the creatures which live in the sea around Scotland.  We have painted some of them and also written about them in our factfile.  We have been reading some stories about the Lighthouse keepers lunch and have started painting a frieze for our role play area which is going to be Mr and Mrs Grinling’s cottage.

Over the next few weeks we will be working on Lighthouses and making models.  If anyone has empty kitchen roll tubes these would be greatly appreciated.

In maths we have been practising our addition facts so that we can complete our sums more quickly.  We have also been learning more about time.  Primary 1 can now tell the time in o’clock and half past while Pimary 2 have been working on Quarter past and Quarter to.  This has been quite tricky and we still need to practise this.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and P1/2


Primary 4 week beginning 6.3.17

This week we enjoyed World Book Day. We were excited to share our favourite stories and pair read with the Primary 2’s.

This week we are beginning to practise our assembly for parents and carers. We are going to have lots of different roles in the assembly and we hope to see you there. Please keep a look out for any lines your child may have and help them to learn them. The parent assembly is on the 17th March. More information to follow nearer the time.

We are also beginning to focus our learning on Edinburgh in our Scotland topic and will be learning about some of Edinburgh’s most infamous characters. In reading we will be continuing to learn about the features of non-fiction texts and using the information to answer questions.

In ICT we will be continuing to create our own comics using the Comic Life software. This will involve a variety of ICT skills including use of the web cam to capture images of ourselves acting, following our story lines. We will include some of these in the blog in a few weeks when these are finished.

A date for your diaries is Fri 24th March, where we will be dressing in bright coloured clothes for Earth Hour.


Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March

Earth hour 24th March – bright clothes

PE Kit – Tuesday and Wednesday indoor for P4S

Tuesday indoor and Wednesday Outdoor for P4D



Due Friday 10th:

Maths homework

Reading – one chapter and an activity

Spelling as normal

Learn assembly songs and words

Class talk if it is your turn

P1/2 Week beginning 27.2.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week was the busiest week ever.  We had our HMI inspection and our children were very excited to welcome the inspectors to our class.  The children were very well behaved and worked hard throughout the week as always creating a very good impression so well done to you all.

Last week Miss Miller joined our class.  She is a student from Edinburgh university and will be working with us till the summer.

In topic last week we were learning about the effects of the weather.  We talked about how different types of weather affect us.  We also learned about different weather symbols and produced our own weather forecasts.

In Maths primary 1 were learning to order, count and recognise numbers to 20.  Primary 2 were learning to measure the area of objects.  they enjoyed completing a challenge to see who could make a kite closest in area to 20 counters.

In writing we learned about the legend of the Kelpie and have started writing our own stories.  We also made Kelpie stones out of clay.

On Thursday it will be world book day.  The children have been asked to bring their favourite book to school that day to share with the class.

Remember to bring gym kit on Thursday.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 4 week beg 27.2.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We have had a very busy week with lots of visitors to the classrooms. The children were super at sharing their learning, giving tours and taking part in discussion groups.

We have been continuing with our Scotland topic. Using our topic mind maps the children chose questions to research in more depth. They have been working in groups to become experts and will teach the other children about what they have learned.

We were also very lucky to have a visitor from Morrison’s, she brought in traditional foods from Scotland for us to taste and find out where they were produced.


In P.E this week our children took part in a Wimbeldon Tennis tournament. The children all had different roles and jobs to take on during the tournament.The children really enjoyed showing off their tennis skills!

Next week is world book day! This is on Thursday. The children will be taking part in a variety of reading tasks then. They will also be pairing up with the Primary 2’s to do some shared reading.


Please bring in your favourite book and a cushion on Thursday for world book day!
Spring disco letters

Class talks

P.E kits:
Tuesday and Wednesday

P1/2 week beginning 13.2.17

Primary 1/2 have been busy again this week.


We have been learning about positional language and using the Beebots to make journeys round the classroom.  We have made a large map of Struay and next week we will be using the beebots to make journeys round the island.

In Health we have been talking about how we feel when we are ill and how medicine helps us.

For topic we have started looking at the weather.  We have talked about different types of weather and have begun to talk about how the weather affects us.

We have been learning to tell the time using an analogue and digital clock.  Primary 1 have been learning o’clock times and Primary 2 have been learning half past.

Please remember to bring gym kit for Thursday.

Have a lovely week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 6 18.01.17

Hello everyone!

Primary 6 have had an enjoyable week so far. On Monday the children loved using Google Cardboard to explore far away places. They used virtual reality technology to explore the International Space Station and the moon (even looking at what experts think the moon will look like in the future!) They also explored The Great Wall of China and the Colosseum in Rome! The children had great fun and learned lots at the same time 🙂

Our Titanic topic is now well underway. On Monday we watched a documentary about the sinking of the Titanic which revealed that some new evidence has been uncovered in relation to a fire below deck before the ship hit the iceberg. The children were very interested in the findings! Every child has now been given their very own character who was on board the Titanic when it sank. The children researched their character using the website:
They used this information to create character profiles detailing their age, occupation, class and even their ticket numbers! This really brought the topic to life for us all!

Next week much of our learning will be centered around Scotland. On Tuesday afternoon the children will take part in a Traditional Burns Supper complete with the food, songs, poems and rhymes associated with this celebration. The children can wear tartan to school on Tuesday.

Next week P6C will be joined by another teacher for a period of 5 weeks to work alongside Miss Clark. His name is Mr Woodward and we look forward to welcoming him to Carmondean 🙂

Reminders –
Indoor PE – Monday
Outdoor PE – Thursday
Spelling homework – Due Friday
Maths homework – Due Friday (Miss Clark’s maths groups)

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

week beginning 9.1.17

Welcome back and Happy New Year!!

We hope you have had a lovely winter holiday and have enjoyed your time off. We are happy to see everyone after the new year and are looking forward to starting our term.
In the spirit of new year we have all set our own targets for improving ourselves in language, maths and in our own health and well-being.

This week we have introduced our new topic, Scotland. Next week We will be becoming more familiar with countries and main cities within the U.K.
We have also handed out Burn’s Poems for our upcoming competition. While it is not a requirement to take part in the competition all children must learn the poem they have selected. We will be learning about the language in class reading and developing our Scot’s Vocabulary. Please could your child bring their poem to school and could you also help them to practice at home.

We will be handing out class talk homework also. This will be done in stages so not everyone will have their talks at the same time, please do not be alarmed if your child does not get a talk letter this week as it may just mean they will in the following weeks.


Look out for our newsletter as there is a change to our time table. We will have indoor P.E on Wednesday and outdoor P.E on Thursday.
Please ensure that all uniform and kit is labelled with your child’s name
There are lots of items of uniform left in the class that are not being claimed and others who have lost named pieces that they cannot find. Please could you all check that your child has taken the correct items home and that they are not missing anything.

Reading – refer to task sheet for activities to match
Burn’s Poem
Class talks (for children with letters)

Thank you,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 1/2 week beginning 5.12.16

Primary 1/2 have been working hard on our Nativity play this week and its starting to look really good.  We are looking forward to performing for our parents next week.

Last week we were learning about houses round the world.  We learned how Innuit people build an igloo from snow and also learned how houses stay cool in hot countries.

In Maths we were learning about 2D shapes.  Primary 2 are very good at recording how may edges and corners each shape has.

Last week we made our snowman soup for our Christmas Enterprise and were very pleased to have sold all of it.  It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair.

This week we will be writing letters to Santa and also beginning our Christmas RME project.

There will be no new homework this week but Primary 1 should continue to practise their key words and sounds.  Primary 2 should practise number bonds to 14 and continue to play spelling games.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson


P1/2 Week beginnning 28.11.16

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.

The Nativity is well underway and children are making super progress in learning their parts.  Primary 2 are working particularly hard to learn their lines so thank you to all parents who have helped with this.  They have asked if they can be dressed in party clothes for the performance and letters will be sent out with information about this later in the week.

We have continued to work on our Houses and Homes topic this week.  We have completed our first challenge to make Gingerbread Houses and the results are fantastic.  We have also been painting our clay models.

This week we are completing our Enterprise for the Christmas Fair.  We are making Santa Soup which is hot chocolate, marshmallows and a candy cane.  These will be on sale at the Christmas Fair for £1 however if anyone wants to buy their own they can bring the money before Friday.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 21.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.  Last week we welcomed our Erasmus visitors.  They came to visit us in class and taught us some new words from different countries.  We also took part in a Scottish assembly.

In science we were learning about the moon.  We have learned about the phases of the moon and watched videos of last weeks super moon.  Over the next month we will be looking out for the moon and recording the phases we can see.

We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and enjoyed playing in the Gingerbread cottage.  We have also been working on puppet shows to retell the story and have made clay gingerbread cottages.  We look forward to painting these this week.

Rehearsals for our Nativity play are well underway.  Primary 1 are working hard learning their parts.  All Primary 1 children will be on the stage and will be provided with a costume.  Primary 2 children are also working hard to learn their parts.  Thank you to all parents for your support with this; it is greatly appreciated.  We will be using our hall time over the next few weeks for rehearsals and PE will be party games, therefore no PE kit will be required for the rest of the term.

Have a good week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week.  We have started our nativity play which is called Christmas Counts.  We know lots of the songs already and will begin acting out our parts soon.  Everyone in Primary 1 will have an acting part and P2 will be given their narration parts to begin practising this week.  This will be quite tricky for them at first so any help with practising would be greatly appreciated.

We are working on our Houses and Homes topic and last week Primary 2 entertained us with their interesting class talks.  Well done Primary 2.  This week we look forward to listening to Primary 1.  We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and have made a beautiful wall frieze of the gingerbread house.

Last week in Maths Primary 1 were working on the concept of addition and feel very proud of our progress.  Primary 2 have been working on halving and doubling.

This week we are very excited to welcome teachers from all over Europe as part of the Erasmus project.  We will be showing them our classrooms and how we learn in Scotland.  We will also be taking part in a Scottish Assembly and learning some vocabulary form all over Europe.  We have made special thistle badges to give to the visitors.

On Friday we will be taking part in Children in Need.  We can wear something spotty and bring in a donation of 50p.  Wristbands and badge pins will be on sale this week.  Wristbands are 50p and £1, badge pins are £2.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 4 7.10.16

This week ended with a bang! Our Harvest Assembly and all of our hard work was a huge success.


We forgot to also show you photos of us measuring the length of a Viking long boat and pretending we were on a voyage. We couldn’t believe the length of it!!


We are looking forward to meeting parents next week for our first parent’s night of the year! If you have not yet made an appointment, you can book online.

This Monday we are going to be transported back in time with our Viking visitors. They will be showing us battles, ways of life, dress, food and treasures of the times of the Vikings. We will post photos next week to show you the types of things we got up to.


Tuesday – outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday Indoor PE Kit


Due Friday 14th: Spelling and Reading as normal (New sheets will be issued.)

Due 21st October: Viking Big Homework, see last week’s blog post for instructions.

Primary 4 18.3.16

We have started a challenge to round off our learning about Scotland and its main cities. We have been put into groups and provided with a big map to fill with information about 4 of the main cities. This  should be information for tourists and demonstrate the knowledge we have gained. I will post pictures of the finished products next week!

This week Primary six did a super job of organising Sport Relief bake sale. It ran smoothly and we all enjoyed a little sweet treat in preparation of our sporty Friday!

Primary 4 , 4/3 and 5 have also started casting for the school show. We are excited about it and are learning of the cast list today. Thank you to everyone who auditioned.

In other news, look out in Morrisons for Carmondean Primary School’s entries to the Easter competition. They are being displayed in the window of Morrisons at Carmondean and the winners will be chosen next Tuesday.


Monday: Indoor PE kit

Tuesday: outdoor PE kit

Thursday: Last day before Easter break

Homework for next week:

Due Monday 21st: Miss Smith’s Maths class – Multiplication homework

No Spelling this week.

P4/3 update

Only one more week until our well deserved Easter holiday. The boys and girls have worked so hard this term and I’m sure they’re looking forward to the break. Remember we finish up on Thursday of next week.
We will be finishing our Mary Queen of Scots topic next week and after the holidays we will be introducing our new topic of the Rainforest with a very exciting visitor. A company called Cool Creatures will be coming along to class with a variety of tropical animals, including this very large snake who also visited us last year in Primary 2.

100_3320 zzzzzz

PE times have now altered slightly as we no longer have Mrs Ferguson. Indoor PE is now on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Wednesday.
We have started to look at our school show for this year with Mr Platt. We are all very excited about it and parts will be given out very soon.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Wallace

Primary 4, 11.3.15

This week we went to see the dress rehearsal of the P7 show Hosanna. Those of you who are going to see it will love the songs and the acting! Well done P7! We will be beginning our show practice next week ready for our production of ‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies’.

We had Mrs Henry in from Morrisons yesterday giving us a taster of some Scottish foods. We tried things like potato scones, oatcakes, tablet, Ayrshire ham, scotch pies, and cheddar cheese among lots of others!  We were very adventurous with our choices and most people in the class tried everything. We then found out where each piece of food was from in Scotland.

We are looking forward to hearing the class talks over the next couple of weeks we have had power points, drawings, photographs, books and tickets as some of the materials brought in to accompany our talks. They look very interesting so far!

As of Monday our timetable will be changing slightly. We have  indoor PE on a Monday now instead of a Wednesday. Could you ensure appropriate kit be brought on this day. Outdoor PE remains a Tuesday.

Next week, we will be supporting Sport Relief. In order to do this, the P6’s who are organising will be holding a bake sale on Thursday 17th. The cakes will range between 20 and 50p. If you wish to contribute, they will be collecting baking donations next week.

On Friday the 18th to mark the event we will be having a dress down day where children should come to school dressed in sporty clothes. A 50p donation is required for dress down and all proceeds go to Sport Relief. On Friday break time, there will be a beat the teacher challenge which children can pay 50p to take part in also.


Monday 14th – Indoor PE kit

Thursday 15th – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday 17th – Bake Sale for Sport Relief

Friday 18th – Dress down, 50p Sporty clothes

Please remember to sign homework diaries


Miss Smith’s Maths Class – multiplication homework due Monday 21st.

Reading – Please continue to read a library book or books from home to keep practising reading skills, continuing through the holidays.

Spelling as normal.

Primary 4 12.2.16

Thank you to all parents who attended parent’s night over the last two nights. It was great to see so many of you again and the conversations had by all were extremely helpful. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support this year.

This week we said goodbye to Miss Leyland who had been in our class since we came back to school in January. The children put together a lovely card for her and wished her good luck on her next journey in learning and in life.

This week we received an e-mail with further clues for our travels of Scotland’s main cities. We put together the clues and found we were in Huntly, near Aberdeen. We have been researching the oil and fishing industries, the main rivers, Dee and Don and also the famous silver granite buildings!


We are off on Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th)

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit required.

Friday 26th Parent Assembly more details to follow.



Even though we are off Monday and Tuesday Spelling and reading as normal.

Reading Pages:

Red: 110 – 131

Blue: 93 – 112

Green: 85 – 94

Maths: worksheet will be handed out on Wednesday.

P4/3 Update 15.1.16

We have been busy in class this week starting our new Mary Queen of Scots topic and are already finding out some interesting information about her life.
We have a trip planned to Linlithgow Palace in a coupe of weeks to learn about the time Mary spent there and we are very excited about it.

On Monday (18th) we are going to be reciting our Burns poems in class and two children will be chosen to perform these next Friday at our Burns assembly.

We still have a lot of children forgetting PE kit on a weekly basis despite numerous reminders. The day for indoor PE is written in homework diaries weekly. Outdoor PE is always on a Monday and indoor PE on a Wednesday and any change to this will be noted in homework diaries on a Monday morning.

Can you please ensure that you are checking and signing the homework diary weekly once your child has completed their homework for the week?
Thank you.

Have a good week,

Mrs Wallace

Primary 4 15.1.16

We received a letter to kick start our Scotland topic which asked us to help with some research of Scottish myths and legends. Children participated in research tasks and found out three main mythical creatures connected to Scotland. These are Kelpies, selkies and Nessie.

We have been using our atlas skills to work out the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom. We also were learning more about North, South, East and West, as well as the points in between.

In science, we conducted experiments, learning about static electricity. We had some very interesting hairstyles afterwards as we had to think of ways to ‘charge’ our balloons.

I hope children have been practising their poems over the last week ready for our class competition next Thursday. There will also be opportunities in class to recite poems with the teacher and classmates before then. Class winners will then recite their poem to the school on Friday of next week. Winners from this competition will attend the main Burns poetry recital.

Thank you this week to everyone for having their PE kit in on the days we had PE with only the exception of one or two both days. It made a huge difference. Hopefully the weather will pick up for next Tuesday and we will be able to get out for some rugby. It was not in our favour this week.


Sign homework diaries

Tuesday –  Outdoor PE kit needed. Please bring warm clothes

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit needed.




Thursday 21st – Burns poem recital in class. Please have these learned. Children know the expectations for this as they differ between poems.

Friday 22nd – Reading Red – p.27-46

Blue – p.23 – 36

Green – p.20-28

Spelling – look cover write check each night. One night sentences in Berol script handwriting. Please note, this is to build confidence, and is as practice. I am by no means expecting perfection with linked script at this stage.


Thank you,

Miss Smith

Primary 4, 8.1.16

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had an enjoyable and well rested festive break. We are happy to be back and are looking forward to a busy term ahead full of learning.

We are very lucky to have Miss Leyland with us for the next six weeks. She will be working in our classroom and with the children throughout her time at Carmondean.

This week, we started our new Interdisciplinary Topic, Scotland. The children were eager to share their existing knowledge and keen to give their suggestions as to what and how they wish to learn.

We have chosen our Burns poems and these have been sent home with the pupils today. We have selected one out of the following four Robert Burns poems; On Holy Willie, Scots Wha Hae, A Bard’s Epitaph and Willie Wastle. I have attached these below. Click on the ‘Poems’ link to access them. These should be learned by Thursday 21st January.

Please check your child’s bag for a newsletter detailing what is happening this term.




Please sign and check homework diaries weekly.

Outdoor PE – Tuesday (Please bring old, warm clothes in case they get muddy.)

Indoor PE – Wednesday (Please check your child has appropriate indoor kit with them on these days. There are a lot of children coming to school unprepared.)

Homework Due:

Monday 18th: Maths co-ordinates worksheet Miss Smith’s Maths group.

Friday 15th: Spelling and Reading Homework. Spelling should have one day chosen for sentences written in Berol Script.

Learn Burns poem by 21st January.

Thank you,

Miss Smith

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