Primary 7 – 06.01.17

Happy New Year to everyone!

We hope you have had an excellent holiday.

It has been a short but busy week in primary 7. We have started practising for our school show which this year is ‘Alice the Musical’. The children have been auditioning for parts and learning the songs. Next week they will being home a song booklet to help them to learn the words of the songs.

The children have been working hard on their My life so far. This will now be done at home as in class during reading sessions we will be working on literacy circles, source work and key comprehension.

Our topic this term will be WWII. They will be learning about all aspects of life during this time.

This term the children will have indoor PE on a Tuesday and outdoor PE on a Friday. For the next 3 weeks for Mrs Gilmour’s class this will be swimming at the high school.


After school clubs start next week

Spelling homework

Burns Poems to be learned

On Tuesday we are visiting the Risk Factory.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

week beginning 9.1.17

Welcome back and Happy New Year!!

We hope you have had a lovely winter holiday and have enjoyed your time off. We are happy to see everyone after the new year and are looking forward to starting our term.
In the spirit of new year we have all set our own targets for improving ourselves in language, maths and in our own health and well-being.

This week we have introduced our new topic, Scotland. Next week We will be becoming more familiar with countries and main cities within the U.K.
We have also handed out Burn’s Poems for our upcoming competition. While it is not a requirement to take part in the competition all children must learn the poem they have selected. We will be learning about the language in class reading and developing our Scot’s Vocabulary. Please could your child bring their poem to school and could you also help them to practice at home.

We will be handing out class talk homework also. This will be done in stages so not everyone will have their talks at the same time, please do not be alarmed if your child does not get a talk letter this week as it may just mean they will in the following weeks.


Look out for our newsletter as there is a change to our time table. We will have indoor P.E on Wednesday and outdoor P.E on Thursday.
Please ensure that all uniform and kit is labelled with your child’s name
There are lots of items of uniform left in the class that are not being claimed and others who have lost named pieces that they cannot find. Please could you all check that your child has taken the correct items home and that they are not missing anything.

Reading – refer to task sheet for activities to match
Burn’s Poem
Class talks (for children with letters)

Thank you,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 6 04.01.17

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope that you had a fantastic festive period. We were very happy to welcome the children back to school today and hear about their exciting holidays.

This week is the start of a very busy term for Primary 6. Today we began learning songs with Mr Platt for the P6/7 Show which this year is “Alice in Wonderland”. Some children have chosen to audition for bigger roles in the production. Everyone will find out their role within the show in the next couple of weeks. Please look out for scripts in your child’s school bag. We appreciate all of the support you give children to prepare for school shows at home.

We will be continuing to work on “A Tale Unfolds” for the first few weeks of this term until our class film has been completed. Once this is completed we will begin work on our new Interdisciplinary topic: The Titanic.

This week the children have also been reflecting on their own progress last term and will set themselves new goals for what they would like to achieve both in and outwith school in 2017. Please discuss these targets with your child.

PE days are now:
Indoor PE – Monday
Outdoor PE – Thursday

Thank you for all your support. See you next week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 7 15.12.16

The last two weeks have been really busy in primary 7!

We have been busy rehearsing for the concert at Deans High School which is tonight. The children had a practice on the stage and they are sounding wonderful. A reminder that children should arrive before 6.45pm in the foyer at the front reception.

In PE we have been learning ceilidh dancing – Gay Gordon’s and Dashing White Sergeant in preparation for our disco on Monday 19th December. The disco finishes at 8pm and all children must be collected by an adult.

In outdoor PE primary 7 have been creating playground games. They taught these to primary 1 and a great time was had by all. We used the Ipads to film the playground games and these recordings will be sent to our ERASMUS partners and the children in those countries will play our games.

Miss Thomson from the maths department at DCHS has been working with P7W for the last two weeks focusing on mental strategies and decimals. She also showed us how to make a 3D snowflake and some children have been making these in their own time. It is looking very wintery in the classroom!

In school today the children will be watching the pantomime with their P1 buddy. I’m sure they will tell you all about it when they get home!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 6 7.12.16

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re all having a good week. Primary 6 have had a fantastic week so far. On Monday we gathered together for our Primary 6 Christmas Party. We listened to lots of Christmas music, played some festive games, danced the Dashing White Sergeant and ate some delicious party food. We hope everyone had fun 🙂

We have been continuing to practise our P6 Assembly which is next Friday. A letter will be sent out shortly about clothing the children may need to bring in to wear for the assembly. You will receive a paper copy of this letter later on in the week and it will also be posted on the blog. We appreciate your support.

In RME we have begun learning about the Christmas story and the symbols associated with the Nativity story and the Christian religion in general. The children are beginning to understand the importance of symbols in our everyday life and are about to embark on the challenge of creating a symbol that represents our class – stay tuned for more! 🙂

A quick reminder of our new PE days:
Monday – Indoor PE
Thursday – Outdoor PE
Children should come prepared appropriately for both PE sessions.

Have a great week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

2nd December 2016

This week we have been busy completing the Christmas Fair Enterprise products for the Christmas Fair tonight.  There will be a variety of things on sale at the Enterprise Zone including tea lights, bracelets, keyrings, baubles and much more.  Come and have a look at all the things we have made at our stall in the P6 classroom tonight.

Thank you to the children who have volunteered to help at the stall tonight-check homework diaries for the time they have been given.

Next week the Christmas fun will continue with our Christmas Party on Friday morning! Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes as the party will run from 10am onwards.

Our block of FUTSAL has now ended.  The children really enjoyed learning new skills through this and outdoor gym will resume W/B 12th December after the Christmas Party.

Reminders this week

Monday- Spelling and Reading homework

Thursday- PE kit (Miss Inglis)

Friday- Christmas Party 10am

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Greig and Mrs Steel

Primary 7 02.12.16

Another busy week in Primary 7!

The children have been working hard on their Enterprise activities for the Christmas Fair. Hopefully you can come along to the Christmas fair tonight and see them in action!

In PE the children have been creating playground games for their buddies. Next week they will be teaching their buddies how to play these games.

Mr Anderson from DCHS had another practice with all the children and they are sounding fantastic! The children are getting excited about singing at the high school on Thursday 15th December.

P7 assisted in the smooth running of the Christmas lunch. They served the children from P1 to P6. Then the adults in the dining room served the P7s with their lunch.


Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December at 6pm

PE days have changed to a Monday and Tuesday – please ensure that your child has kit on these days

Children should continue to bring in their My Life So Far folder on a Thursday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 4 1.12.16

Welcome back to the primary 4 blog,

This week we have been continuing to learn through our Enterprise Topic. We have created persuasive pieces of writing to sell our products. We focused on language used to persuade buyers and thought of creative slogans and phrases.

We have also been filming our adverts for our product. We worked in groups to create a script and used the iPads to film the final adverts.

We have also worked hard to make our enterprise sweet bottles. We began by decorating them, then we filled them before finally quality checking them in our job roles. We are selling these at the fair for £2.00. A big thanks to everyone who has supported our class enterprise by allowing the children to buy their products. The children were very excited at the prospect of buying what they had made.

This week we are going to the Handball Festival. We are excited to play with other school teams and we have been practising hard and are keen to show what we have learned. (Please ensure that your child has indoor P.E kit with them for this.)

We will post photos of this on next week’s blog.

Finally Christmas Fair day has arrived!!! We are excited to hear that so many of you are planning on attending and we hope to see you there. Please come and join the fun as there will be plenty to see and buy.


Outdoor PE Kit – Tuesdays

P.E is changing – P.E will now be on Wednesday afternoons (please bring indoor kit)

We will also be getting art on Wednesdays with Miss Fox


Reading homework (please see attached timetable on previous blog)

Spelling as normal


We hope to see you on Friday between 6-8pm,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 6 29.11.16

Hello everyone!

Primary 6 are having a very busy and productive week so far. Our “A Tale Unfolds” topic is well underway and the children are participating very enthusiastically. We have been exploring different camera angles and have been using these whilst filming others to great effect. We’re looking forward to the rest of the topic!

The children have also begun rehearsing hard for their assembly which is next Friday. Please continue to encourage them to practise their words at home.

In maths both classes have been continuing to work on our multiplication skills. We have been doing this through a variety of activities including whole class multiplication challenges. Well done to Murray & Louisa who are the current champions in Miss Clark’s maths class. Keep practising!

Please note that the children no longer have indoor PE with Miss Inglis on a Wednesday. From now on P6 PE days will be:
Monday – Indoor Gym with Miss Clark & Mrs Wylie.
Thursday – Outdoor Gym with Miss Clark & Mrs Kelly.

Enjoy the rest of your week! 😊

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly



The date of our assembly has now changed to Friday 16th December – even more time to practise! 😊

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 21.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.  Last week we welcomed our Erasmus visitors.  They came to visit us in class and taught us some new words from different countries.  We also took part in a Scottish assembly.

In science we were learning about the moon.  We have learned about the phases of the moon and watched videos of last weeks super moon.  Over the next month we will be looking out for the moon and recording the phases we can see.

We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and enjoyed playing in the Gingerbread cottage.  We have also been working on puppet shows to retell the story and have made clay gingerbread cottages.  We look forward to painting these this week.

Rehearsals for our Nativity play are well underway.  Primary 1 are working hard learning their parts.  All Primary 1 children will be on the stage and will be provided with a costume.  Primary 2 children are also working hard to learn their parts.  Thank you to all parents for your support with this; it is greatly appreciated.  We will be using our hall time over the next few weeks for rehearsals and PE will be party games, therefore no PE kit will be required for the rest of the term.

Have a good week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 7 18.11.16

Hello, Bonjour, Ciao, Zdraveite, Ahoj, Cxesc !

We have had a busy week with our ERASMUS visitors. The children have been learning a variety of words in French, Italian, Bulgarian, Slovakian and Polish. Their pronunciation was very good! We noticed a few similarities between many of the words. The children in the choir and the house captains attended a very successful evening of Scottish entertainment on Thursday evening. The choir sang a selection of Scottish songs and they were outstanding! Our ERASMUS visitors gave them a standing ovation at the very end. The children then led the visitors in a variety of ceilidh dances. A great time was had by all.

The children had their final visit from WLDAS with the focus on smoke free homes and zones. Please return the pledge form by Monday 21st November if you wish to participate in this.

We have started our Enterprise topic. The children have decided if they would like to organise games or sell goods at the Christmas Fair. They will be working on this for the next two weeks. Please can you ensure your child has checked with their teacher before spending any money on resources for their chosen Enterprise activity as the school are often able to provide these cheaper than if the are bought in the shops.

We have noticed that many children are coming to school with no jacket or just a thin cotton hoody. Please be aware the children are outdoors on many occasions and so it is very important that they have  a waterproof jacket with them every day. A gentle reminder that the children have PE on a Monday and Wednesday and require kit for both of these days.

The children will be working on their My life so far in school until Christmas on a Thursday. Thank you for all the support that you have given your child so far. They are looking fabulous!




Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

My life so far – Thursday

PE on Monday and Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 6 11.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had an excellent week this week.

On Tuesday we went outdoors to do some art work. We used natural materials from the playground like different coloured leaves, berries, twigs and stones to create symmetrical pieces of art. The children worked very well together in groups and we think the finished products are fantastic! You’ll see some examples of the children’s work below.

In Outdoor PE we have began to learn the skills of hockey. This week we learned how to control and pass the ball and in the coming weeks we will be playing small team games together.

Next week we will begin work on our new topic of “A Tale Unfolds”. The children will be working in small groups to create a story that they will eventually write a script for and then perform. We can’t wait to start this project and we are sure that the finished results will be fantastic.

Your child should have brought home a copy of their latest big homework challenge. It is due in on Friday 9th December. Children should plan a short class talk about a current European news story. They can do a powerpoint or poster to accompany their talk. If your child needs any resources from the school (paper, pens, colouring pencils, use of laptop etc.) then they should let their class teacher know as soon as possible.

A quick reminder that PE days are Monday (outdoor PE) and Wednesday (indoor PE but children should also come prepared for being outdoors). Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing and footwear to school on these days.

Maths and Spelling homework is handed out weekly. Please look out for them on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie and Mrs Kelly

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Primary 7 04.11.16

Hello to all,

We had a visit from West Lothian drug and Alcohol Services on Monday where the children learned about the dangers of smoking. The children were given a task to research some of the different chemicals found in cigarettes which will be used in their lesson next week.

The children have started a Remembrance challenge. They have been learning about how different countries commemorate Remembrance and the significance of poppies and war memorials. The children have put a lot of effort into their challenge and we look forward to seeing the completed displays!

On Tuesday Primary 7 went to DCHS for a transition morning where they got to experience a range of lessons including PE, Art, Maths and Science. The children had a great experience and are looking forward to their next transition visit.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Anderson from the music department at DCHS visited primary 7 to practise the song we will be singing at the High School Christmas concert.

Today selected pupils will be attending the Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports centre. Check the blog next week to find out how they got on!


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words

Both classes will need outdoor PE kit on Monday

PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 28/10/16

A spooky time as had by all at the Halloween party last night. A fantastic range of outfits were worn and well done to the winners!

This week has been another busy week in P7. The children finished their Japan books and read them to primary 4. Primary 4 then gave P7 feedback on what they liked about the books and what needed to be improved.

After school clubs started this week, please remind the children that it is important to attend every week. If they are unable to attend then please let the school know.

On Wednesday we had a visit from two high school teachers – Miss Thomson worked with Mrs Gilmour’s class in maths and Mr Anderson worked with both classes to start preparing them for the song that they will sing at the High School Christmas concert.

Next week we will begin work on our Remembrance topic – if you have any photographs or memories to share about relatives who died during a war and you are happy to share these, please could you contact the school. The children will be creating a display/wreath to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of why Remembrance is important. We will be learning the song ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ to sing at assembly.

We have also started preparing for our ERASMUS visitors coming on the week beginning 14 November. The children are creating a display for the classroom. They will also be making boxes on the theme of Scotty dogs which we will fill with homemade tablet to give to our visitors. We will be learning the song ‘Scotland’s Story’ by the Proclaimers to sing for our visitors.

Next Monday we have a visit from West Lothian Drug and Alcohol service who will be working with the children on he dangers of substance misuse.

Next Friday 4th selected children will be attending the rearranged Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports Centre. Please remember to wear your PE kit and bring a water bottle. The rest of the children will e having outdoor PE on this day so they will also need PE kit and water bottle.


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Remembrance homework

Learn lyrics to songs – Scotland’s Story and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

PE kit on Wednesday and Friday

P7W swimming kit on Wednesday (last session)


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 6 07.10.16


Thank you to all the children who handed in very creative and well thought out inventions to school today.  We can’t wait to look at them in closer detail! Our Inventions Showcase will be on Wednesday 12th October.  Parents and families are able to visit the P6 classrooms to view the inventions from 9:45-10:45am and 2:15-3:15pm.  Please enter and exit the school through the P4/5 entrance.

Parents’ nights are on Wednesday 12th (5-7:30pm) and Thursday 13th (4-6:30pm).  We look forward to seeing you all to discuss your child’s progress.

Please note that next week our Indoor PE day has changed for one week only. This week PE with Miss Inglis will be on Thursday.  Miss Clark’s class should not come to school dressed in their PE kit as they do on Wednesdays as our time for PE on Thursday is later in the day. Outdoor PE will be on Monday as normal.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have had a busy week.  Last week was assessment week and we have completed lots of work to put in our new assessment jotters.  In science we have been learning about food chains and worked with a partner to make our own food chain for the wall.

We have been visiting the library and are enjoying reading our chosen books at home.  Please remember to return these on Friday so that we can choose our new book.

In maths P2 have been working on numbers to 100 and this week we will be looking at place value.  P1 have finished learning to write numbers to 10 and have been working on adding 1 more on a numberline.  We also worked on capacity using the sand and water tray.

Please remember that our indoor gym day is Monday although there will be on gym next week as the hall is being used.  Hopefully the weather will be good and we can go outside instead.

This week we will begin looking at birth customs in RME.  The children have been asked to bring in an item they received as a baby to talk about.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

Primary Five 23rd September 2016

This week we have been completing a challenge on the map of GB and NI.  We have researched the 4 different countries, labelled the main features on the map and had a look at some famous landmarks.  This will be built on next week when we look at landmarks in more detail-look out for Big Homework going out on Monday.

PE has changed from next week.  Children will need PE on a Tuesday for FUTSAL and a Wednesday for PE with Miss Inglis.  We will update you when this changes again.

Mr Greig and Mrs Steel

Primary 6 15.9.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had a busy week learning more about the Industrial Revolution. The children learned about the move for many people from the countryside into cities and the problems that were created by cramped tenement housing. We then created our own “City Landscape” at the back of the Primary 6 classrooms which looks fantastic!

In writing this week the children created their own “magic box” and thought about all the magical and exciting things they could put into their box. The children then worked very hard to write fantastic poetry based on their boxes. Well done!

In ICT, Mr Shanks introduced both classes to software called “Kodu”. This software enables us to create our own simple computer games using some visual programming language. The children thoroughly enjoyed becoming familiar with this software; controlling their own characters and developing their own unique worlds. We look forward to learning more in the coming weeks.

You should receive a letter today about our trip to New Lanark.  We are planning on making this visit on Thursday 29th September.  The cost of this trip is £5.50 per child and should be returned to the school with a completed EE2 form as soon as possible. Children should come prepared with their own packed lunch as we are not expected to arrive back to school until around 2:30pm. If any parents with a full disclosure are able to help out with this trip then please let the office know as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!

A quick reminder that this weekend is a holiday weekend. The children should return to school on Wednesday prepared with PE kit and appropriate shoes for participating in Cross Country.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

Primary 7 Week Beginning 12.09.16


Primary 7 have had an exciting week. On Tuesday we had visitors from the Japanese society. We learned about Japanese food, clothes, games and much more. We enjoyed learning how to use chopsticks and making origami.

As part of the Roald Dahl 100th birthday celebrations we watched Matthew Fitt on Authors Live. Matthew is particularly well known for his Scots translations of Dahl’s stories. He made us think about words we might already know from the Scots language. Some of our favourites included braw, crabbit, dug, and mingin. We discussed some Scots language that we might use at home and also came up with some names for sweeties in Scots.

A number of pupils are not coming to school prepared with suitable PE kit. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing and footwear for doing PE outside.

Next week we will be working on ‘My life so far’ on Friday so please bring it in to school on this day.

Next week:

Monday – Holiday

Tuesday – In service

Wednesday – Children back to school

– PE

Thursday – Residential meeting about France visit



No spelling homework next week

Big homework focusing on an aspect of Japan



Thank you for your continued support

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 9.9.16

Primary 7 have had another really busy week this week.

In science we have been learning all about the structure of the Earth. We focused on the 4 main layers and found out the properties of each one. Next week we will be looking at different types of rock and how these are formed.

We have been learning about internet safety and the importance of telling an adult if something worries us.

For our topic we found out where Scotland and Japan are on the world map. We have been busy identifying some of the main features of each country including rivers, mountains, seas and cities.  We have also been looking at the differences and similarities of land use between Japan and Scotland. We will be learning about some of the key industries in Japan and using our knowledge to create a collage.

Next week we look forward to some visitors from the Japanese Society. Check out blog next week to see what we found out!



Outdoor PE – Monday (weather permitting)

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on the correct days



Spelling homework – Due Friday 16th

Topic homework – Due Thursday 15th


Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

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