Day 2 of being snowed in!

Good morning to all the children at Carmondean! I hope you had great fun in the snow yesterday and it would be good to see pictures of what you got up to.  The children near my house had great fun sledging and building snowmen.

An activity to do today- measure the height of any snowdrifts in your garden. I have one which is nearly 50cm tall! The snow reaches half way up my French doors.

All my groups hopefully you have been able to try some of the activities I suggested yesterday but remember you do not need to complete them all as you also have ideas in your winter activity booklets.

Today is World Book day so a good opportunity to curl up with a book, comic or magazine. Perhaps you could let us know what you have been reading and why other people may like to read it too.

Have a safe day today and stay warm.

Mrs Gilmour

Mrs Gilmour’s Groups

Good morning to all my groups. I have listed below some activities you can work on at home. You can also access the P5-7 winter weather work which is posted on the BLOG.

Primary 5-Reading
Please practice reading the stories about different families we have read so far. Remember to discuss any words you do not know with an adult.
Here are some activities you could work on-
o Make a family tree of all the people in your family. You can design it any way you like. Try to include name, date of birth and relation to you.
o Interview someone in your family about their life at school-what they liked, did not like, what they did at playtime etc.
You can also practice your phonic book and complete the next new page if you have at least 5 ticks on your previous one

Primary 6
o We have been working on adding TU to TU. Make up some sums and have a race with someone else to see who can complete them first.
o Practice reading the time throughout the day. You could make a timeline of everything you do today- what time you started, what time you finished and how long you spent on the activity. You could also draw a picture on your timeline.
o go online to or and play some games

o Practice reading your Totem book.
o Remember you have homework sheets to be completed this week.
o You can also play the game on the back with different people in your house.
o You could also write a book review of a book, comic, magazine you have read explaining why you found it so enjoyable.

Primary 7-Reading
o Read the pages of War Horse we have discussed in class.
o Complete Literacy Circle homework-Art Director. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what picture you have drawn and the main events.

To all my groups remember to have fun outside in the snow. Take pictures of any snow people you build or be adventurous and build an igloo. Upload your pictures to the BLOG.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

Mrs Gilmour

Primary 2/1 Snow Day

Good morning  everyone! I hope you are having a good morning and staying cosy and warm!

Mr Shanks posted some great activity booklets at the beginning of the term in the event of a snow day, go and have a look at the P1_2 section of the post for some fun things to do.

Here are some more things you can do today on your unexpected day off:

  1. Build a snowman, measure it to see how tall it is.  Can you make one that is the same height as you?
  2. Make a spelling word poster- use the words from your spelling homework book (P1-th words/P2- o_e words) and write them in different colours or in bubble writing.  Decorate your poster and bring it into school to put on the wall.
  3. P1- Have a go at finding all the addition and subtraction facts up to 10.  See if an adult can test you on some addition and subtraction facts.
  4. P2- Have a go at making some addition and subtraction fact sums to 20.  See if you can remember all the double number facts we have been working on in class.  You could even sing our double number song to someone at home.  The link for the song is at the end of this post.
  5. Draw or paint a snowy picture-bring it to school to show the rest of the class.
  6. Write a story about a snowy day- see if you can include some WOW words in your writing.
  7. Tell an adult 4 things you have learned so far about Katie Morag and the Isle of Struay.  Make a poster for our Post Office and Shop role play area showing what the shop sells and how much it costs.
  8. Warm up after playing in the snow with a warm drink and a book-read your homework books to an adult.
  9. Have a go at some of the games that I have given the links for below.
  10. Have a fun day and stay safe!

Mrs Steel

Hit the button- P1s you can try the number bonds section, P2s try the doubles section!

Money shop game-

P2 Double number song-P1s can have a listen too!

Primary 5 26.3.18

This week in Primary 5 we have been working on our assembly related to the Scottish Wars of Independence and look forward to welcoming parents to see it on Friday morning at 9.15.

In Reading we have been working on reading for information and this week we have been looking at evidence from non fiction books and maps to find information on William Wallace and the Battle of Stirling bridge.

In Health we have been working on a project on resilience using the Bounceback programme.

In maths we have been working on fractions and have homework related to this.  Mrs Jamieson’s set should be working on developing a game using their equivalent fractions cards and we look forward to playing some of the games in school later this week.

In RME we have started learning about the story of Moses.  We have written reports about his childhood and will be working on cartoon strips to record the plagues of Egypt.  Later we will be learning about why this story is so important in Judaism and will be learning about festivals related to this.


We look forward to seeing you at school of Friday

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 1 w.b. 19.2.18

We hope that you all had a lovely few days off last week. The children came back with lots of stories about what they got up to and have enjoyed writing about their time in class.
We are nearing the end of our dinosaurs topic this week. We enjoyed learning all about pterodactyls yesterday and tomorrow will be finding out facts about the stegosaurus. The children have been creating super fact files all about the different dinosaurs we are learning about. Their favourite has definitely been the T-Rex!
In our Health and wellbeing lessons we have been following a programme called ‘Bounceback’. The children have been learning about how to ‘bounce back’ from mistakes and disappointments in life. On Monday we made bounce back people who remind us that we can bounce back from hard times.
In maths we are continuing our work on subtraction and telling the time. Today we learnt how to tell a half past time on analogue clocks. Thank you for your help consolidating this learning at home.
PE is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school with a named PE kit.
Water bottles should only contain water and should be named.
This week your child’s homework contained a purple jotter with a sheet entitled ‘Time your climb’. The children have been shown how to complete this sheet, but please ask if you need any more explanation.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2/3 21.2.18

Primary 2/3 had a fantastic trip to the North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre. The children took part in a Roman workshop. The children looked at maps, photographs and were able to handle some Roman artefacts. The children got to dress up in Togas, touch and hold a Roman soldier’s armour and helmet. The children were also given the chance to hold some Roman weapons and a huge Roman shield. We learned lots about the Roman Bath House and Hadrians Wall.  To finish our trip off, the children got to design their very own Roman shield and they took a walk up the viewing tower which allowed them to see for miles. It was rather windy up there!

Last week was also very exciting because we learned about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent. We enjoyed eating our pancakes and deciding something that they thought they could possibly give up for Lent. Some of us think that this will be a huge challenge!

In maths Primary 3 are continuing to learn their times tables (2, 5 and 10) and Primary 2 are learning how to double numbers using rekenreks.

In Science we are still working our way through the Polar Explorer programme. This week we are investigation how animals stay warm in the freezing temperatures and next week we are going to “pack our bags” for a polar explorer experience. What will we need to take to keep us warm?

Next Thursday (1st March) in Health we are looking at how we grow up and bounce back. Could all children bring in a toy or comforter from when they were younger please? We are going to be using them in our discussion.

P.E is still on a Monday and Wednesday

Homework- Reading, Spelling/Time your climb, maths worksheet

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

P2/1 7th February 2018

Both the P1s and P2s have been working very hard with subtraction in the past few weeks.  The P1s have been learning subtraction facts to 10 and the P2s have been doing missing number subtraction facts.  We have been able to discuss lots of different strategies to complete these sums and have been using 10 frames and number lines to help us.

In language the P1s have been consolidating all the initial sounds and will be moving onto consonant blends-sh, th, ch etc.

The children are really enjoying their Katie Morag topic and we now have our Struay Post Office and Shop open for business!

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

Primary 1 w.b. 29.1.18

Primary 1 have been having another busy week. We are enjoying our Dinosaur topic so far. The children are playing well in the dinosaur areas in the classroom pretending to be paleontologists searching for dinosaur bones. This week we have also acted out different dinosaurs in drama and made a sound map of a dinosaur land. Today we will be investigating dinosaur footprints.
In phonics, we have come to the end of our single letter sounds. The children are growing in confidence reading and writing short words. We will continue to practise this in the coming weeks before moving onto reading diagraphs (sh, ch, th etc). Thank you for all your help supporting your children with this learning at home.
This week you will have noticed that your child brought a non-fiction book home with them. Please read this book with you child and talk about how a non-fiction book is different from fiction. We will be doing work on this in class in the coming weeks.
In maths we are learning how to take away from numbers up to 5 and how to tell the time on analogue clocks. Thank you for practising at home.
– Please send your child to school with a named water bottle. This should only contain water.
– Homework folders should come to school every day so that we can read throughout the week.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2/3 30.1.18

Primary 2/3 would like to say a huge well done to Zara Walker and Oliver Wheelans!! They both did a fantastic job reciting their Scottish poem in front of the whole school. Well done!!

Primary 2/3 have been learning about Roman numerals. They managed to use the Roman numerals to count confidently up to 10 and also use them to crack codes. This week we are learning about Roman towns and villas.

In science, we have been continuing our lessons in the Polar Explorer programme. Yesterday we were learning about the Arctic food chain and how important it is in keeping some of our beautiful arctic animals alive! We even learned about a little fish called a copepod!

In health last week the boys and girls were learning about our feelings when we have good days and bad days. The children were able to describe these days and how it made them feel. We also learned that if we are having a bad day we can always turn it round to a good day by changing our thought process! Primary 2/3 are hoping for lots of good days to come!

Primary 3 have started learning their 2x tables and are hoping to move onto their 10x next week- keep practising P3!

Primary 2 are working hard in subtraction, using concrete materials and number lines. The children are also been working out missing subtrahends which can be tricky but they are doing really well. Keep up the hard work P2!

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday

Homework- Spelling, Reading, Maths

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 6 26.1.18

“And there’s a hand, my trusty fere”….We have had a braw week celebrating the life and works of Rabbie Burns. Most pupils were willing to try some haggis at our Burns supper and we enjoyed some dramatic renditions of Burns poetry. We ended our celebrations with a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Well done to all the pupils who put themselves forward for our school Scottish poetry competition!

Please remember to look out for fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life .

Auditions have now been completed for our school show and parts will be announced very soon.

Our class novel has reached a very moving point this week, we have been discussing extreme happiness and sadness and thinking of ways in which we can describe how this feels. Our pupils are now coming up with interesting alternatives to using the words happy or sad.


PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays –

Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays 6Wo – Mondays

Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupil’s games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 19.1.18

The sound of deep Scottish brogues can be heard throughout the Primary 6 classrooms as we prepare for our Scottish School Assembly. Each pupil has chosen a Scottish poem to learn and two pupils from each class will be put forward to the school competition. Primary 6 are also planning to have a Burns Supper next Thursday , 25th January. Haggis will be available for those who would like to try it and pupils are welcome to wear tartan. Pupils should come to school in uniform and will be given the opportunity to change into any tartan items before the supper.
Mrs Wylie’s math class are working on fractions, decimals and percentages at the moment. It would be great if the pupils could note where we use the above in everyday life.

Show auditions have begun in earnest and Mr Platt is very pleased with the number of pupils who have put themselves forward. We are sure it will be a rocking success!

All pupils have been given their Literacy Circle booklets home to be used with their novels. Tasks have been assigned and each pupil should note this in their booklets. We had a new addition to primary 6 this week ….. We now have a cat! The children can explain!

We had a visit from a Polar explorer on Monday who discussed his expeditions, demonstrated some survival techniques and allowed the pupils to sample some expedition food ….Yum!! We have used this topic as a stimulus for our science lessons this week.

PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays
Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays
P6W – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday , spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .
Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families , Number Bonds . We have shown the pupil’s games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 15.12.17

We had a very creative start to the week as Primary six constructed different aspects of the nativity story from a variety of recycled materials. Their creations were so successful that we felt we had to invite the rest of the school to see them!

We were privileged to see the dress rehearsals for the nursery and infant classes’ nativities. We thought they were fantastic. Their parents and visitors are in for a treat next week.

Auditions were held for the school talent show next week. Well done to all the acts that entered what a talented bunch we have. We wish the two acts which were selected from primary six the very best of luck.

On Thursday it was our Christmas jumper day and everyone looked very festive and jolly and of course in between all these festivities we continued working hard at multiplication and division!

We had our primary six assembly this morning and it was a great success! There were amazing teamwork skills on display and we are very proud of the hard work and presentation skills of ALL the pupils.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Homework – Spelling Test will take place on Monday and will include words from the last six weeks.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Wylie, Mr. Woodward and Mr Shanks

Primary 5 15.12.17

Primary 5 have had another very busy week.

In Maths we have continued to learn about the properties of 3D objects and we completed this topic with a K nex challenge.  All children participated well and produced a group of shapes to display.

In language this week we have been writing stories related to Harry Potter.  We have been redrafting our writing using the Clicker programme and will be collating our work into a book next week.

In PE we have started a block of Basketball with Mrs Ferguson which we will continue after the holidays.


Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 6 8.12.17

We had a fun filled start to our week with our Primary Six Christmas party. Our pupils Scottish country skills were in full flow and what an impressive group they are! It was pantomime time too this week and the pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed the interactive performance of the Wizard of Oz.

We have been tackling problem solving challenges in maths this week, putting our analytical skills to the test. The key message … the question, highlight the important information and work out which mathematical operation will help you solve the problem. We had some great breakthroughs and look forward to cracking the codes next week!

Primary Six have an assembly on the 15th December and the pupils have created interesting, fact filled and humorous scripts. May we remind you that this is an assembly for pupils only, we will have another assembly in 2018 where guests will be invited.

We are continuing with our ‘Beat That’ maths challenge on a Friday morning and whilst scores are rising, there is work to be done. Come on Primary Six, Practise your tables!!!


PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Homework – spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 24.11.17

The entire school has been preparing for our St. Andrews Day assembly next week. Primary Six are performing the Burns song, “Your Welcome Wullie Stewart”. The song is about welcoming a dear friend. We have added guitars, drums and other percussion instruments to our ensemble and it is sounding superb.

We had an interactive science session this week, where we made part of the human digestive system! The pupils questioning skills have certainly added to our learning and we have now created a new science section within the classrooms where pupils can write down their ‘Big Science Questions’. Selected pupils then research the answers to the questions and present back to the class. It’s proving to be extremely interesting!

Many pupils have been choosing to do extra work on their European country books during their own time and it is wonderful to see such enthusiasm from them. The children are working hard in class and we have been impressed with the standard of work being produced. Well done Primary Six.

It’s hard to believe that we will be entering the month of December next week, may we remind you that the Primary Six Christmas party is on the afternoon of Monday 4th of December. The children can bring their party clothes to school and change at lunch time.

The school is having a reading day next Wednesday and we would like the children to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be lots of exciting activities happening in the classroom and the children are getting to design their own library area.

Our Christmas Fair is next Friday and tickets are selling fast. The choir will be singing, Santa will be in attendance and there will be a variety of stalls selling exciting goods. Please come along if you can.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie, Mr. Woodward and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 17.11.17

The children have all finished designing their Red Nose on the theme of magical lands for the Red Nose Competition. They worked very hard on them and we have some fantastic designs. The House Captains will judge them next week and we are all very excited to see who will represent Carmondean in the competition.

In writing, the children created posters to advertise our Christmas Fair. Look out for these around the school as they are colourful, eye-catching and full of information. If you have any donations for the Fair they will be gratefully received.

In reading the children are continuing with their non-fiction book on a European country. Lots of interesting facts are being found and thank you to the parents who have shared information with the children. We hope to share these books with the nursery children once they are finished.

We have started to learn our song for the St Andrew’s day assembly. This year the children will be singing ‘Yer welcome Wullie Stewart.’ We are also having musical accompaniment with children playing the guitar, drums and clapping in time with the music. It will sound fabulous!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to Children in Need. The children have been buying wrist bands, badges and colouring sheets all week. They look very restful today in their pyjamas! We are excitedly waiting for the final total raised.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Reading – due on a Wednesday but can be handed in before. Children can borrow a dictionary to use at home if they do not have one.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 3.11.17

This week the children were writing atmospheric poems. They tried to include repetition, adjectives, metaphors, similes and words to create an atmosphere! The end result was a collection of fantastic poems which the children read to each other. We were all very impressed with the hard work put in to writing these poems. Well done everyone!

Our journey around Europe has begun in earnest! Each pupil now has their own country to research with the main aim being to write a factual book on their chosen destination. We will be doing the majority of work for this in class but we would appreciate any information which could be gathered outside of school. If you have any books on European countries which you would be willing to let the class borrow it would be much appreciated. Indeed any text that you think maybe useful would be great, for example travel brochures which contain information on particular countries etc.

Newsletters were handed out this week, detailing the term ahead. As always it is going to be a busy one! We have a St. Andrews assembly to prepare for as well as our own class assembly in December. This will be a school only one with our visitor one taking place in the spring.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 1 30/10/17

Welcome back after the October holiday. We hope you all had a lovely break. This term our interdisciplinary topic will be ‘toys’. The children enjoyed bringing in their favourite toy last week and were all able to talk about it in front of the class and write about what they like to play with their toy in our writing lesson. This week we will be setting up our toy shop in the classroom role play area. So far we have made unicorns and this week we will make some teddy bears. This topic will teach the children about money, materials and forces.
In maths we are learning to add 2 sets of objects together. The children have made lots of progress recognising numbers and counting out sets which is aiding them as they move onto addition strategies.
We have also started learning the nativity songs in class this week. We will be practising these songs regularly in class and will give out speaking parts in the next week or so.
PE is on a Monday. Please ensure your child comes prepared with a PE kit.
Homework folders should be returned to school every day so that we can read with your child throughout the week and write in homework diaries when necessary.

Primary 6 27.10.17

We hope everyone enjoyed their October holiday and the stormy weather did not disrupt too many plans.

The children have been working hard this week. In writing they wrote all about their October holiday and what they had been doing. The skills we focused on were correct spelling, starting each sentence with a different word and including adjectives. The children then peer assessed their partner’s story and provided feedback.

We have completed our Topic on the Industrial Revolution and have started Europe. The children will be creating non-fiction books on a European country in the coming weeks. We are excited to learn lots of new facts about our European neighbours.

In Reading we have finished our novel and the children shared a range of emotions about how the story ended. Lots of great discussion took place. Next week the children will be writing a book review about the novel.

After school clubs have started this week. Thank you to all children who have signed up already. There are still spaces in many of the clubs so please ask for an application form if your child is interested in joining a club.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of a worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

P2/1 3rd October 2017

This week in Maths the P1s are consolidating work done with numbers 0-10. We will be practising writing these numbers, making sets of these numbers, ordering them and looking for numbers before after and between. The P2s are beginning to add by combining sets with a range of numbers. In topic maths we will be continuing to work with organising and displaying data.

In phonics this week the P1s will be focusing on the sounds ‘r’ and ‘m’. You might want to discuss the sounds that the children have learned so far at home and do some discussion about things that start with these sounds. We have also been working on blending sounds to make words and we will be continuing this in the coming weeks.
The P2s will be spending this week looking at -ay words. Again, this is a good opportunity to discuss words that have this sound with your child at home. The P2s will be getting a Time Your Climb spelling homework after the October break.

Mon- Indoor Gym
Tues- New reading book
Thurs- Please return library book so your child can choose a new one.
Please remember that the Parent Consultations are next week- you can book a slot online. The children are looking forward to you coming to see the fantastic work they have done so far in P2/1.
Thank you
Mrs Steel

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