Primary 1 23.10.19

Welcome back after the holiday! We hope that you had a lovely break, it was great seeing the children again and hearing all their news yesterday.
This week we are learning the letters ‘c’ and ‘k’. The children will be learning how to write these letters and will be thinking of words containing both sounds. Please practise these sounds at home and use the letter cards in your homework pack to make short words (cat, kip, neck etc).
In maths we are beginning to learn about addition. This week we will be doing a lot of practical activities creating and combining 2 sets of objects. The children have been very good at doing this so far.
The children are very excited for Halloween just now. Yesterday we changed the play areas in the classroom to include lots of Halloween themed activities. The children have enjoyed dressing up in spooky costumes, writing magical spells and using spiders to count out amounts.
On Thursday we are planning on going to the nursery garden to do some outdoor learning. Please come to school with wellies or shoes which can get muddy and a warm coat.
Thank you for all your support
Primary 1 teachers

P1 4.10.19

We have had another busy week in Primary One.  In Maths we have been working on numbers before, after and between up to 10.  This is something that you can continue to practise at home with your child-try and challenge them and see if they can extend this to 20 or beyond!

We have been focusing on the sounds r and m this week in Phonics.  We have been making ‘r’ in rice and writing’m’ on mirrors.  At home you can be talking about things that start with these sounds and using the other sounds we have learned so far to make short 3 and 4 letter words.

In Writing this week we wrote about our buddies and the lovely things they have done to help us so far in P1. Next week we will be working on a very special wall display along with our buddies- keep an eye our for this outside P3 at parents night!


Monday- Gym kit.  If you can, wear this under school uniform so it is easy to change.

Tuesday- Homework due back/new homework issued. Please remember to bring homework bags every day.

Wednesday/Thursday- Parents Consultations-make an appointment using the link sent by office.

Friday- last day of term.

We thank you for your continued support, any questions/issues you might have please don’t hesitate to speak to us at the end of the day or contact the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Mrs Steel

P4 update 30.9.19

This month has just flown by and we can’t believe it’s October tomorrow already!  We’ve been continuing learning about the Vikings including what they ate, where they lived and which gods they believed in. We hope you enjoyed us writing our secret messages in runes for our homework.

In maths we have finished our lessons about time but will practise what we have learned on a daily basis.  It would be great if you could continue to talk about the time with  your child at home, using both analogue and digital clocks. Our focus will now be on multiplication and building our confidence and speed with the 2,3,4 and 5 times tables as well as learning new tables. This week we are starting with the 8 times table.  We will be encouraging the children to practise their tables at home including counting up in 8s.

Over the next couple of months, we will be focusing on persuasive writing during our writing lessons. This should be lots of fun as the children create arguments to support their points of view.

In PE the children will be developing skills in handball in preparation for the P4 handball festival on 31st October. You will receive an EE2 form shortly for this event.

Some useful reminders:

  • Homework is due in this Thursday 3rd October.
  • Please label all clothes, especially jumpers, as we already have some which are unclaimed but don’t have names on them.
  • Please ensure your child has a bottle of water in class every day.

We are looking forward to seeing you during the parent evening.   Thanks for all your support.

Mrs Muir and Miss Clark.

Primary 1 25.9.19

This week Primary 1 have been thinking a lot about caring and how to look after each other, babies, animals and plants. The children have enjoyed setting up the classroom so that they can explore this more. We now have a hospital in the role play area and pet toys and resources in the home corner. We have been thinking about the people who care for us and how we can care for babies.
In maths we have been learning the numbers 7,8 and 9. The children are becoming very good at writing each number correctly and counting out amounts on fingers, cubes, rekenreks and 10s frames.
We have been learning the sound ‘n’ this week and consolidating our learning on all sounds so far (s,a,t,p,i,n). Please continue to practise each sound at home: how to say it, write it and identify which words have the sound at the start.
We gave out homework for the first time this week. Your child should have received a reading book. This should be read throughout the week and discussed with an adult. Please bring in the reading book every day so that children can also read in class. Your child will also have a yellow jotter and a sheet of paper with 6 suggested activities to try at home. Please complete the starred activities over the next 2 weeks, recording what you have done (when required) in the yellow jotter. The homework activities are to be completed by Tuesday 8th October. Your child’s teacher is happy to discuss homework with you further if you have any questions.
A reminder that PE is on a Monday. We are now changing for PE so please ensure that your child comes to school with a white T-shirt and blue/black shorts on this day.
Thank you for your continued support
P1 teachers

Primary 4 22.9.19

Hello everyone

We hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

It has been another busy week in Primary 4. In RME we have been continuing to learn about Communities and Belonging. We understand that some people choose how to live their lives based on the religion that they follow. For the past 3 weeks we have been learning about how people who follow the Jewish religion only eat certain foods called “Kosher”. We have also learned that they never mix meat or milk together, they even have separate sinks, plate and cutlery for meat and milk dishes. This week the children shared their understandings by creating a meat menu and a milk menu (starter, main course and dessert) containing only Kosher foods. We will continue to explore different food laws, looking at different religions and what they believe.

Our Viking topic is well underway. The children have been comparing how a Viking’s life was different to our own lives. However we have found some similarities too. The children noted how Viking boys often led very different lives to those of Viking girls and how boys and girls now have much more similar lives. We will create our own realistic Viking characters and will write scripts telling of some of their adventures. We hope to share these with you at parents evenings in October.

We have been very impressed with the children’s developing knowledge of time in numeracy. We have now explored both analogue and digital clocks and have practised o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have also explored the differences between am and pm times and the children learned what activities in their lives that they do in a.m. times and in p.m. times. Next week we will explore time in 5 minute intervals using the digital clock. We will also look at longer periods of time such as weeks, months and years through using calendars. Please continue to support your child with telling the time at home.

Homework share it jotters are not due in until Thursday 3rd October. All starred activities must be completed, the rest are optional.
PE days are Tuesday (Outdoor, weather permitting) and Thursday for Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson.
Parents Consultations take place on Wednesday 9th October 5-7:30pm and Thursday 10th October 4-6:30pm. Information regarding appointments will be made available soon.

Thank you for your continued help and support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 6 13.9.19

Primary 6 have had another busy week.  In topic we have been learning about the conditions for children working in a mill at the start of the industrial revolution.  We have been quite shocked by how hard these children’s lives were.  We have also started looking at inventions and will shortly be starting our Big homework inventors challenge.  Details about this will be sent home next week.

In Maths we have been working on calculating numbers to 1 figure accuracy.  We have also completed our work on angles and can now successfully use a protractor to draw and measure angles.

In PE we have been working hard on our cross county running.  We have had a lot of success with this and most children have voluteered to take part in a cross country run at the high school next month.

Letters are going home today about our New Lanark trip at the end of the month, please look out for this and send it back to school as soon as possible.

Have a lovely long weekend.  We look forward to seeing the children return on Wednesday.


Primary One 13th September 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary One, continuing to learn the routines of the classroom and bringing ideas to our play areas.  We have been looking at healthy eating this week, starting by sorting foods into healthy and unhealthy.  In the areas around the classroom we have been coming up with fab ideas about how we can incorporate learning about healthy and unhealthy foods in our play.  In the writing areas we have been busy coming up with healthy menus and lists of foods that we like.  In the house corner we have been role playing preparing healthy foods, including some delicious sounding smoothies!  We have also been printing with apples and potatoes and have even opening our own fruit tuck shop.

In language this week we have been focusing on ‘s’ and ‘i’.  At home you can consolidate what we have been learning by looking out for these sounds when you are out and about and thinking of things that have these sounds in them.  Children can also have a go at writing these sounds.

In maths we have been looking at numbers 0-5 and counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting at different numbers.  This is something you could be practising at home or children can be challenged by going further than 20.

Reminders for next week-

Mon/Tues- Holiday

Homework will begin week beginning 23rd of September.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch by speaking to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 13.9.19

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have been working very hard this week. We have been exploring the use of digital clocks and looking at how o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to are written on digital clocks. Next week we will be learning more about this and exploring am and pm. Please continue to ask your child about what they are learning at home.

Thank you for all the support that you have provided the children in completing their first piece of homework in Primary 4. Homework jotters were due in yesterday and the children will be sharing their homework with their peers and their teacher today in class. New homework will be handed out next Wednesday 18th and once again the children will have 2 weeks to complete the starred activities and any of the extra activities they wish to complete.

In writing this week the children were learning about writing in paragraphs. The children were able to identify where paragraphs should start and end and what the main idea of a paragraph is in a text. Next week the children will be writing about themselves using paragraphs. We can’t wait to see how they get on 🙂

Reminders –
Homework to be given out – Wednesday 18th
Homework due in – Thursday 3rd October
*Starred activities must be completed, the rest are optional*
Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Thursday with Mrs Ferguson
Please note that we are on holiday next Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th Sept. We look forward to welcoming the children back next Wednesday 18th.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

The children have been working hard on a variety of activities this week.

All children were given their BIG Homework task on Wednesday which is to be completed by Friday 27th September. The children can choose any landmark they wish and use a variety of materials to build their model. If you encounter any difficulties with this task please contact us at school. Good Luck and have fun building!

We have been using our imagination when writing. Our story is set in the woods and the children have been working hard on thinking of imaginative words to describe the setting. Some of these were our Word Boost words as well.

Another key focus this week has been internet safety. We have been looking at how to stay safe online when on different websites and games. We would appreciate it if you could also discuss this with your child.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. It is important that the children have a PE kit they can change in to for indoor and outdoor PE. Unfortunately quite a few children are coming to school with no kit. Please can you ensure that your child has outdoor kit on a Monday and indoor kit on a Thursday. Thank you for your help and support with this.

In maths we are investigating symmetry. We have been discussing what makes a shape symmetrical and drawing symmetrical patterns. As homework please could you support your child to  look for real life examples of symmetry at home and in the community. Thank you.


PE- Outdoor on a Monday. Indoor on a Thursday


Spelling given out on a Monday due in on a Friday. The children have to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check and a sentence for each word.

Maths – Time homework given out on Tuesday 3rd due in Tuesday 10th.

Landmark homework- due Friday 27th September

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks, Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 2.9.19

Primary 1 have had another busy week! This week we have begun our formal number and phonics learning. In phonics, the children have learnt the sounds ‘a’ and ‘t’. The children were learning to write the letters correctly and to think of words with each sound at the beginning. Please continue to practise these things at home to support your child’s learning.
In maths, we have been learning the numbers 0,1,2 and 3. Our focus has been on correct number formation, but we have also worked on counting out amounts and ordering numbers to 10.
During our story time we have introduced the children to the key characters in our reading scheme. This week we met Kipper, Floppy, Biff, Chip, Mum and Dad. We will work more on these characters as we begin home reading books in a few weeks time.
This week the children decided to take forward a play focus on ‘our school’. The children chose what they would like in each play area in our classroom and are enjoying ‘being teachers’, building their dream school and designing new uniforms.

As always, we value home-school links and are happy to discuss anything after school.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 5 16.06.09

Primary 5 have had a fantastic week.  On Thursday we performed our show Rockbottom Rocks.  We were so proud of the children; they sang, danced and acted so well and had great fun doing it.  A big thank you to all parents and families who came to see us, having such a good audience made the performance special to us.

This week we have continued to work on our topic Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  We wrote stories about a visit to Loompa Land to bring the Oompa Loompas back to the factory.  Everyone has worked hard and really enjoyed writing these stories.

In maths we completed our weight topic with a problem solving activity afternoon.  We weighed out ingredients to make chocolate crispies, worked on studyladder and worked on problem solving activities.

We have been thinking about sports day next week and in PE we identified the fastest runners for each house for the house relay.  We look forward to seeing you next Thursday morning.  Remember to wear house colours if possible.


Have a lovely week.


Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 4 14.6.19

Hello everyone

It has been a hectic but enormously fun week in Primary 4! Yesterday we performed our show “Rock Bottom” to friends and family and the children did an absolutely fantastic job! Every single child worked so hard to make this show such a success and they shone yesterday during both performances. Miss Donaldson and I were extremely proud teachers and would like to thank the children for their dedication to this show. We would also like to thank all the parents and carers for supporting the children with learning lines, songs, dances and for providing costumes. We really appreciate all of your help.

In numeracy this week we began learning about time. We have been exploring analogue clocks and revising o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We also made our own analogue clocks which we will use to play games with a partner to test our knowledge. Next week we will link our knowledge of time to the digital clock and explore time in some five minute intervals. Please encourage your child to look at clocks to tell the time at home.

Also in numeracy the children finished their work on fractions by completing a “Pizza Party Challenge”. Each child worked with a partner to create their own pizza collage. The catch? The children had to interpret a series of fractions to work out how many slices should have each ingredient. The children were able to work out that 4/6 of the pizza meant 8 slices must have mushrooms and that 1/4 meant that 3 slices of the pizza should have pepperoni. The children then presented their finished pizza creations to the class. Watching the presentations made us all feel very hungry!

This week the children began to create their own booklets about their time in Primary 4. They will write and illustrate their achievements, favourite subjects, things they have learned and their hopes for Primary 5. You will be able to read your child’s completed booklet and explore the rest of their Primary 4 work during our Open Morning which will take place next Friday 21st June from 9:15-10:15. A letter will be sent home with more details about this shortly.

Calum from “Cool Creatures” will be visiting Primary 4 next Tuesday afternoon to round off our mini beast topic. He will be bringing a variety of mini beasts and other animals for the children to look at and possibly interact with if they would like. We would like to thank the PSA for funding this visit, it is much appreciated and we know the children are going to love it!

Reminders –
Sports day next Thursday (9:30 start on the field). Children will be competing in their houses and if they could wear their house colour that would be helpful. If this is not possible then coloured bibs will be provided.
Deer Park – blue
Raeburn – green
Sutherland – yellow
Waverley – red
No more homework to be handed out in Primary 4. Reading books are to be returned to school once they have been completed. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 5 7.06.19

This week Primary 5 performed our show Rockbottom Rocks for the school.  We were all very proud of ourselves. The  singing, dancing and acting was amazing and we can’t wait to show our Parents next week.  Thank you to everyone for their help in providing costumes.

We have been working on our project Charlie and the Chocolate factory.  We learned about the Cadbury family and completed posters to display our learning.   We made models of the Chocolate room which were very good.  We designed our own chocolate bars and next week we will be recording adverts to promote them.

In Maths we  have been learning about weight.  We have been learning about the relationship between Kgs and grams.

Some of us took part in the Triathlon at Deans on Tuesday.  We are all very proud of our medals.

Letters were given out this week about our next Health topic which is relationships and sexual health.  Please ask your child if you didn’t receive it.

We look forward to seeing you all next week.

P5 24th May 2019

Good afternoon,

We have had a busy week rehearsing for the show, everything is coming together nicely.  Can we please ask parents and guardians to help your children to learn their lines as our dress rehearsal is only a week away.

A letter regarding t-shirts and leggings will be coming home asap.  If your child is a main character, an egghead, a growler, a miner or a cavey your tops will be provided.  Everyone will need to provide black leggings/trousers with zig zag cuts at the bottom please.

In maths we have started looking at measurement, using rulers to calculate the perimeters of different shapes.

In reading we have begun to plan our debate on whether Charlie (and the chocolate factory) should have saved or spent his 50p.  We will continue with this next week, children have come up with great arguments!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Davies and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 4 17.5.19

Hello everyone

This week has been an exciting one in Primary 4. We are really enjoying watching our caterpillars grow and grow. They are so much bigger than they were last week and we hope that by the time we are back to school on Tuesday that they will each be in their chrysalis! See the photo below to see how much they have grown.

In maths we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of fractions. We have been using whiteboards, pens and coloured counters to help us to find fractions of amounts (such as 1/4 of 24). The children have worked very hard with this and most are now also able to find 2/5 or 7/9 of a number too! Well done P4!

Show rehearsals are continuing and our dress rehearsal in front of the school is in 3 weeks time. If your child has a script at home and still has words to learn can you please encourage them to have their words fully learned by Tuesday. We really appreciate all the support you are providing your child with at home.

Our first homework share today was a huge success! Many children were able to share fantastic pieces of homework and tell us all about what they have been doing at home this week. This learning experience would not be possible without your help so thank you so much for working with the children on this at home. We look forward to homework share again next Friday!

PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework share – Friday
Reading pages – Read pages before Friday 24th

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to welcoming back the children on Tuesday 21st May.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 5 10/05/19

Good Afternoon,

Hope you all had a lovely long weekend, great hearing all the children’s news when they returned on Wednesday.

We have had a busy few days, in Math’s we continued looking at money, adding up different items from a menu and problem solving with decimal points.

In Literacy, the children carried on planning and writing their newspaper report on Willy Wonka’s competition to win 5 golden tickets, great seeing them come together!

Show rehearsals are now in full swing.  We would really appreciate if you could continue to practice any words your child has to learn with them at home. The show performances are on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. More details will be provided about tickets for this event soon.

Please remember that the P5s have their Learn to Swim session at DCHS on 15th May.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Davies & Mrs Jamieson


PE – Wednesday and Friday – please make sure your child has the correct gym kit for outdoors.

Primary 5 3.5.19

Primary 5 have had a busy week with  rehearsals for our show Rock Bottom.  We have been learning our songs and dances and the actors are beginning to learn their parts too.  Please encourage them to keep learning their lines at home.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have been working on problems related to best value for money.  All children have a new studyladder account to work on money at home.

In Spanish we have been learning about different foods, we have also learned to say what we like and don’t like.

In health we have completed our topic on drug education.

This term we are doing some reading for enjoyment.  The children have been given a sheet to fill in to encourage them to read at home.  There are books in school for them to borrow if they need to so we would appreciate your encouragement with this.


Have a lovely holiday weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 7 3.5.19

We can’t quite believe we have reached May already, in true Primary 7 style our last term looks like it will be as busy as all the others!

Primary 7 have decided that they would like to leave a legacy for the rest of the school in the form of a campaign involving environmental messages that they hope will be adopted by all. They have also thought of a physical legacy and are currently working on plans to achieve this …watch this space!

For this term we have changed our language homework, moving the focus away from predominantly spelling to boosting our vocabulary. Within our classrooms we have Word Boost Walls, please ask your child for an explanation of how we use these walls. Each Monday, your child will choose FIVE words. They will research the meaning of each word and write a sentence for each word. Various stimuli will be provided throughout the school week but the pupils may choose their words independently. Jotters must be handed in on a Friday at the latest. If a pupil does not finish their sentences in class they should complete them as homework.

We are studying data handling in maths, if you use spreadsheets or any other forms of data handling at home or in work please discuss what you use it for with your child. We are currently compiling, displaying and analysing information.

Your child was given a letter regarding our Living and Growing topic this term. We aim to start using this resource next week, please contact the school ASAP if you would like to discuss any aspect of this area of the curriculum.

The prom committee met for the first time this week. They will be helping to organise the decorations, picking what food will be served and deciding on any other activities they may want at the prom. Their first job is to ask the rest of P7 for any ideas and thoughts. The excitement is building!

The residential trip to France is coming up fast! The children are being given reminders in school to help them organise their belongings. Remember if your child needs medication please collect the appropriate form from the school office. Bonjour!



PE – Outdoor Kit – Mondays

Indoor / Outdoor Kit- Wednesday

Homework – Word boost sentences completed by Friday

My Life So Far – Please bring to school each Thursday.

Deadline FRIDAY 31st MAY


Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Mrs Gilmour


Primary 4 2.5.19

Hello everyone

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 4. If you look in the “Residential news” section of this blog then you will see several updates about the visit to Auchengillan that some primary 4 children attended on Monday and Tuesday. A great time was had by all and there were a few sleepy faces in school yesterday morning – and that was just the teachers!

The children who did not go to Auchengillan had a fun time back in school learning more about caterpillars and butterflies before our real caterpillars arrive in class in a few weeks time! They also had the opportunity to explore the International Space Station and the solar system through using Google Expeditions on the iPads. Some children also created fabulous mini beasts out of clay. Sounds like a fabulous couple of days!

This week we have begun working on the 7 times table in class. The children have picked this up quickly and they are using concrete materials, number lines and known multiplication facts to help them develop their understandings of this tricky times table!

Today in class we had the opportunity to design and create our very own mini beasts using our knowledge of common insects characteristics and defenses. The children designed their insects in their topic jotters before using different shapes, sizes and colours of paper to create a collage of their mini beast in the style of the artist Matisse. These are looking fabulous so far and we look forward to putting the finished products up on the wall for all to see!

A quick reminder that there will be no school next Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May due to the May bank holiday. All children will resume on Wednesday 8th May.

Thank you for all support. Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark and Miss Donaldson

Primary 1 w.b. 25.3.19

We are now well into our ‘Fairyland’ interdisciplinary topic. This week Primary 1 are looking forward to some more letters from the dragon. They are enjoying reading lots of fairytales in class and playing with the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ play activities around the classrooms. Today the dragon delivered some castle books to the class and the Primary 1s decorated them. They are looking forward to writing all about the dragon and the different Fairytales they read in the books.
In maths, we are learning about data handling by creating and interpreting pictograms and bar graphs. Tomorrow the Primary 1s are looking forward to creating a pictogram showing the Fairytales we read at home and in school. We hope the dragon is pleased by all the reading we have been doing!
Primary 1 had a fantastic time this morning on the PSA Eater Egg hunt. They enjoyed running around the playground looking for plastic eggs which they swapped for an Easter chocolate. Please see the photos below.
Reminders: PE is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes prepared for this with a named PE kit and water bottle.
Homework folders must be brought to school every day so that we can do reading.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers.


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