Primary 3 Thursday 7th May  2020

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was our second ever class call and it was so lovely to speak to you all again and hear your voices sounding happy and healthy. It really is the highlight of our weeks! We hope you made the most of the sunshine after our call, the weather was beautiful.

Here are your tasks for today should you choose to complete them. We hope you have a lovely day!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Phonics stories have been put into folders in Teams.

Maths – Babylonian Number system:

Watch this short clip on Youtube about Babylonian number systems of a lady talking you through how we would write the numbers.

Can you go into the garden and make the numbers from natural things you can find outside or things you can find around the home, eg. twigs, grass, cocktail sticks, crayons, wool? The numbers are all made from straight lines. See how far you can go with your numbers.

Reading today is a written task. There are two in the Teams assignments because we had a holiday, however, posted below is just one of the activities so that we don’t take up too much room on the Blog. Please message if you can’t access Teams and would like the other one to go with your book.

Yellow group / Level 11 – Brer Rabbit

A simile is a sentence that describes something as something else using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ e.g. It was as dark as the night.

Can you write a simile to describe:

Brer Fox’s tail

Brer Rabbit’s tail

Brer Wolf’s teeth

Brer Terrapin’s head

The swarm of angry wasps

Red Group – Nelly the Monster Sitter

Answer the following questions in sentences.

  1. What advice did Nelly’s Dad give her that meant Nelly was not scared of the first monster?
  2. What advice did Nelly’s Mum give her that meant Nelly was not scared of the second monster?
  3. Why do you think the 3rd monsters were called thwuckery, suckery?
  4. In your opinion, why are the monsters worried when they first open the door?
  5. If you had the opportunity, would you ever babysit for monsters? Explain your answer.

Blue Group – Tiger’s Discovery

Sentence Level Activity

Choose the correct punctuation for the end of the sentences and write them on the line. Choose between ! ? and .

  1. What a mess__ Mrs Mills said.
  2. Where do you think you lost it__
  3. What a shame__ said Mrs Mills__
  4. I will look for my earring later__
  5. Oh no___ cried Tiger ___

Level 8 – The Secret Whirlpool

Choose an alternate word for the underlined word in the sentence. Re-write the sentence using your new word. The word should still make sense in the story.

A rough set of steps led inside it.

The friends followed Breni along the narrow path.

The deeper they went, the colder it became.

They followed her into the eerie waters of the lake.

They saw a huge column of water spinning around and around.

Level 6 – Blast Off

Choose an alternate word for the underlined word in the sentence. Re-write the sentence using your new word. The word should still make sense in the story.

  1. The engines thundered as they zoomed up into the air.
  2. Their own planet was getting smaller and smaller.
  3. Tiger felt sick.
  4. Nok reached for the controls.
  5. The controls were not responding.
  6. The steering must have been damaged in the crash.

Here is your Number Talks for today, the solution to yesterday’s challenge sum will be posted in Teams -> Files -> Numeracy -> Instructional videos:

3 x 10                                        10 x 10

3 x 9                                          10 x 21

3 x 19                                        12 x 21

14 x 29

Challenge Sum

436 x 74


Primary 2 – Home Learning 7.5.20

Hello Everyone!

What another beautiful day it is going to be! We hope you enjoy getting out to do some exercise and if possible do some of your learning outside! Check your learning grids to see if there is an activity for Numeracy, Literacy or Learning Across the Curriculum that may be well suited to being completed outside in the garden or when you are out getting some exercise.

A Special Day

Major street party in Exeter to mark 75th anniversary of VE Day ...

Primary 2, you may have heard adults talking about celebrating VE Day tomorrow (Friday 8 May) or maybe you are even doing something to mark ‘Victory in Europe’ Day with your family. People around the country are remembering the celebrations which happened 75 years ago on this day when the Second World War ended. Newsround has some more information

This online lesson from Poppy Scotland is about child evacuees from the Second World War and discovering what is inside Paddington’s suitcase!

Maybe you could make and decorate some bunting using triangles of paper and stringing them together to hang in your window.

Here is a template if you would prefer:

Union Flag VE Day Bunting

RRS Weekly Focus – Article 7

This week’s RRS Article is Article 7 – Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

How can your name & nationality be respected?

  • By being called your preferred name
  • Your name being pronounced properly and spelt correctly
  • A birth certificate
  • A passport (if you need to travel out of the UK)
  • You are encouraged to be proud of your name and nationality.
  • You get a chance to celebrate your national identity perhaps with a special day, food or music.
  • To know and be cared for by your parents – it might be two parents, or it might be one parent, or someone else in your family, like a grandparent or an aunt or uncle or maybe a carer, an adult who children live with, and are looked after by

Maybe you could try one of these activities to help further your understanding of this Article:

-Watch the story – The Name Jar

-Have you ever been to a naming and welcoming ceremony, like a christening or aqiqa? Write a short description of what happened or share what you remember by telling someone about it.  Find out about naming ceremonies from other faiths or cultures.

Draw an identity hand! Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents. Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs. We would love to see any of your hands on your Learning Journal!

We are sure that there will be times every day when children and adults would benefit from relaxation and down time – even if it is only for short time! There is some good advice and relaxation activities for children (and adults) here:

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 3 Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning Primary 3 and welcome back! Please remember there is a class check-in at 1:30pm for anyone who is available to join. Have a think in advance of something you have been proud of learning during the time the schools have been closed.

Well done to everyone who found out Hubble’s birthday! You were right, it was on the 24th April and he is 30 this year! We hope the challenge is going well if you have decided to complete it.

Please can we take this moment to reiterate that although there are lots of activities given each day, as well as Education City and our continued home learning grid, the expectation is not for every single task to be completed and handed in. We are providing the work, and should it fit in with your home/working life, that’s a bonus. However, it is up to you what you believe is manageable for your situation. We are all new to this and you should do what works for you.

The main thing we would love to see completed each day is the establishment of a routine, and to ensure everyone in your household is safe, happy and well. If that happens, the learning will naturally happen from there anyway. Thank you all for your continued efforts, we really do appreciate how difficult this situation could be.


Thank you,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith.

If it fits with your day, the work that can be completed today is below:

Today we are looking at perimeter of 2D shapes. Perimeter is the length of all the sides of a shape added together. There will be an instructional video put up on Teams in the Numeracy/ Maths folders to explain perimeter as well as a Shape section on Education City with activities and learning videos.

Choose your own challenge level for completing the perimeter task:







And your Number Talks for today:

4 x 5                                3 x 25

5 x 9                                4 x 25

5 x 19                              7 x 25

4 x 19                              12 x 25

17 x 25

Challenge Sum

23 x 463

Article of the week for RRS: Article 7 The right to a name and nationality.

Spelling words:

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 4th May

Reading: Read the first half of your new books. New books can be accessed at Should you have any problems accessing your books, please let us know. New book titles are below:

Miss Smith’s Class:

Yellow Group / Level  11 – Brer Rabbit’s Trick Bag

Red Group – Nelly the Monster Sitter

Blue Group – Tiger’s Discovery


Mr Woodward’s Class:

Level  11 – Brer Rabbit’s Trick Bag

Level 8 – The Secret Whirlpool

Level  6  – Blast Off


Activities related to this can be found in Teams, but also below for ease of access:

Yellow / Level 11 – Brer Rabbit’s Trick Bag

Comprehension: T/F – Read the following statements and compare them to what you have read in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

  1. Brer Rabbit stands for ‘Better Rabbit’ .
  2. Brer Fox’s belly was red.
  3. Brer Rabbit had ears as dark and soft as cotton wool.
  4. Brer Rabbit had replaced Brer Terrapin with a hive of bees.
  5. Brer Fox was helped by Brer Wolf to trick Brer rabbit.
  6. Brer Rabbit still managed to fool Brer Fox during Brer Fox’s prank!

Red – Nelly The Monster Sitter

Comprehension: T/F Read the following statements and compare them to what you have read in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

  1. The author is Kes Gray and the illustrator is Tony Ross.
  2. Nelly’s Dad told her that monsters never go out because they can never get a babysitter.
  3. Nelly knocked the door and a big green eye peeked out.
  4. When the first monsters arrived home, they had a big tub of ice-cream for Nelly.
  5. When the second monsters arrived home, they gave Nelly a big stick of purple candy floss.
  6. Nelly had to babysit twins.

Blue – Tiger’s Discovery

Comprehension: T/F Read the following statements and compare them to what you have read in your book. Mark them either True, or False. If they are false, write what the truth should be.

  1. Miss Jones is Tiger’s teacher
  2. Miss Jones has found something and she sounds happy.
  3. Tiger liked to see Miss Jones upset.
  4. Tiger turned his watch and he shrunk.
  5. Tiger had to hide behind the bin.
  6. Mrs Mills left the rubbish lying on the floor in the staff room.

Group 6 – Blast Off

Comprehension: T/F Read the following sentences as and compare them to what you have read in your book. Mark them either True, or False.

  1. The children were on a school trip at first and they shrank.
  2. The space ship was under a pile of rubbish.
  3. They met Six the robot.
  4. The space ship took off and everyone inside fell.
  5. Tiger felt sick when he saw Earth getting smaller.
  6. Seven couldn’t turn the systems off.

Primary 1 6.5.20

Welcome back Primary 1s!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. The sun has certainly been out. What did you get up to? It was my birthday yesterday so I went on a lovely evening walk and saw a squirrel run across the path in front of me. It was very cute! Miss Christy went on her daily walks and she has done lots of sewing projects too. She sewed different coloured material together to create baskets to help organise her baking cupboard. Miss Daun also went on local walks, played board games and did some yoga. Have you tried any yoga at home yet?

Can you believe it is May already? You are all doing so well with your learning from home. We have an exciting week ahead of us. I have attached the grids and resources for this week. We hope you enjoy doing the tasks if you are able to and we can’t wait to hear how you get on.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.


Can You Find Poster

Poster Instructions

maths week 5

digital o’clock worksheet


Primary 3 Friday 1st May 2020

Good morning boys and girls! Well, it is now May! Can anyone remember how to say “the first” in French? Let’s see who remembers and can tell us!

Today is Friday, so that means you have to make sure you get some free time today!  We have a special job for you today. Your special job is to make sure all of the adults at home have some free time to themselves today, because they have been working just as hard as you this week! Especially helping us with our class chats on Wednesday! Can you do that!?

Today we have a little Friday challenge to keep you busy next week. It is about the Hubble space telescope and we hope you enjoy learning about it. It was Hubble’s birthday last week. Can anyone find out what age Hubble is? There are a few links for you to investigate to help you with your research.

Link to Pdf and screenshot of challenge:

Critical Skills Challenge Hubble

We also have a little mental Maths test for you to complete. I will upload the answers later on in the day for you to check your work. You can choose whether to do Number 2 or Number 16 this week.







Please remember it is a holiday for you next Monday and Tuesday, so there will be no new work posted for you on these days. If you are treating it like a normal day, there are plenty of activities for you to work on, in your learning grid and on Education City.

We will speak to you again on Wednesday, where we will have another class check-in online at 1:30pm. If you are free it would be lovely to welcome you and hear your news. Remember to join with microphones and videos off. We are really looking forward to it!

Thank you all for such a productive week and we hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Primary 2 – 1.5.20

Hello Primary 2 and Happy Friday!

We hope you have been getting through the activities and games on your grids and have managed to tick some of them off. We have seen some fantastic work on the Learner’s Journals.

It’s the 1st day in May today which means you have an extra long weekend!! Monday and Tuesday (for pupils) are school holidays so no new work or feedback will be given out until Wednesday when we will issue the next fortnight’s activities.

If you have been very busy and have run out of space in your jotter, new ones will be available next week and Ms Millar has issued details of how to obtain these.

We often watch our weekly episode of Newsround at milk/story – maybe you could watch it with someone at home.

It is Friday today and I am sure you will not have forgotten that means Freetime Friday!! Has anybody lost any time from their teachers at home?Sometime we put a bit of dancing music on at Freetime Friday. What about some Just Dance? Here are some of our favourites

Have a good weekend Primary 2 and we will catch up with you on Wednesday.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 – Home Learning 01.05.20

Bonjour Primary 1! Happy Vendredi!

It’s almost the weekend and we hope you have had another lovely week of learning at home. Please feel free to finish off any activities left on the home learning grids this morning as we will be posting new grids on Wednesday. If you fancy getting active this morning and while having some ‘Fun Family Friday’ time then you could invent your own assault course in your garden! You could use hoops, balls, skipping ropes, toys or any other resources you have to hand! You could even draw some activities outside with chalk. Alternatively you could create your own fitness circuit for example: star jumps, bunny hops, push ups, running and high knees. Get creative! Check out this fun assault course that the organiser of Glack Attack created in their garden:

There are lots of other great resources to keep fit indoors if you are unable to get outside! You could try building your body and mind with Jack Hartmann:

Some other fun activities to help you stay fit indoors:

  • Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) streams live P.E. sessions on his YouTube channel at 9am daily:
  • You can sign up for a GoNoodle account for for free which has lots of physical activities:
  • Sing and dance along to some Tumble Tots, The Learning Station or Sticky Kids videos on YouTube
  • Try some cosmic yoga:

We hope you enjoy your long weekend at home with your family. We are missing you all very much and hope we will get to see you all soon!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 30 4 20

Good morning on this slightly wet and overcast Thursday, Primary 3. we hope the change in the weather hasn’t dampened your spirits! Both classes had their Teams chat yesterday and the chats were well attended and it was so lovely to hear your voices and catch up on what you’ve been doing. We very much miss you all and we are looking forward to being able to see you again in school hopefully sometime soon. Thank you again to you all for joining the chat and thank you to your parents for setting it up and for helping you throughout this time!

For your reading for today we are looking at speech. Speech marks tell us when someone is saying something, remember to use punctuation marks too! (, ? ! .) Example : “I love this book,” said Lucy. Put the correct punctuation and speech marks in the correct places in the sentences below, choose your own challenge level. Sentences will also be assignments in Teams:


1) What time is it? asked Angel.
2) I want chicken for dinner, said Monica.
3) Can I play on the computer Mum? asked Kayla.
4) I would like an ice cream please, said Sarah.
5) That costs 12 pounds said the shop-keeper.
6) Would you like to read a book? asked the teacher.
7) John hit me, said Henry.
8) Where is the cheese? asked Kayleigh.
9) It is time to go to computers, said the teacher.
10) What is 10 + 2? asked Miss Byrne.
11) Hooray shouted the children.


1) what time is it? asked Angel
2) i want chicken for dinner, said Monica
3) can i play on the computer Mum? asked Kayla
4) i would like an ice cream please, said Sarah
5) that costs 12 pounds, said the shop-keeper
6) would you like to read a book? asked the teacher
7) john hit me, said Henry
8) where is the cheese? asked Kayleigh
9) it is time to go to computers, said the teacher
10) what is 10 + 2? asked Miss Byrne
11) hooray! shouted the children


1) what time is it asked Angel
2) i want chicken for dinner said Monica
3) can i play on the computer Mum asked Kayla
4) i would like an ice cream please said Sarah
5) that costs 12 pounds said the shop-keeper
6) would you like to read a book asked the teacher
7) john hit me said Henry
8) where is the cheese asked Kayleigh
9) it is time to go to computers said the teacher
10) what is 10 + 2 asked Miss Byrne
11) hooray shouted the children

And your Number Talks for today (Remember the solution to yesterday’s challenge sum will be posted on Teams):

2 x 5                                                                       5 x 10

2 x 10                                                                     5 x 50

2 x 20                                                                     10 x 50

2 x 19                                                                     15 x 50

15 x 49

Challenge Sum

51 x 423

Answers for your Word Boost definitions have been posted in the Literacy, Word Boost Teams files. If you have completed these in assignments, then you will receive feedback for them.

Maths for today is looking at Egyptian number systems. They used shapes to represent their numbers. There are differentiated sheets in the file, so please choose your challenge. Watch this short video from 1 minute to two minutes for a little information about Egyptian numbers.

The link to the pdf file:


And picture file form for those who do not have access: and pictures of the pages are below:












Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 – Home Learning 30.04.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Jeudi!

This week we have been focusing on the fairy tale story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and for our writing activity we were looking at the story from the wolf’s perspective. Did anyone manage to create a fun alternative ending to the story? We would love to see some examples of your work on the learning journals! This morning we would like to challenge you to create your own mask for the big bad wolf to add to your story. Perhaps you could even act out your story while wearing the wolf mask!

For this activity you will need:

  • a paper plate
  • white, black and brown card (or tissue paper)
  • glue
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • string

Instructions to create your own big bad wolf mask:

First cut your brown tissue paper (or card) into small squares (this is great for practicing your cutting skills!)
Take your paper plate and put a good amount of glue all over it. Place the tissue paper on top of the glue, until the paper plate is completely covered.
Cut out circles for the eyes – two large white circles and two smaller black circles for the pupils (or alternatively you could ask an adult to cut out eye holes so you can see when you wear your mask!)

Then cut out two pointy ears using brown card.

Next cut out your long snout using brown card and add a small black circle for the nose at the end.

Then add some sharp teeth by cutting out rectangles out of white card.

Glue all of the facial features onto your wolf.
Finally, staple some string to your wolf mask, making sure that the length of the string will fit snugly around your head.
Then display proudly!

If you would like more information on how to create the mask, you can access Glued to My Craft’s blog here:

Some challenging alternative wolf mask ideas:

Happy crafting! Don’t forget to share pictures with us!


Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 – 29.4.20

Good morning Primary 2!

What a busy week some of you have had already – lovely to see lots of photographs on Learner’s Journals of what you have been working on.

This week in our Across the Curriculum learning grid, we have included an optional experiment to investigate how animals and people have adapted to the cold climate in the Polar Regions. Please see below for details of experiment – there is a messy option and clean option!

From your photos, it is also great to see some of you enjoying time outdoors in the sun. The weather may get a little colder and wetter over the next few days and we thought you might enjoy some Cosmic Kids Yoga. We know some of you will particularly enjoyed this Pokemon Yoga but there are lots of themes to choose from Frozen to Star Wars!


On a Wednesday we would normally have PE with Mrs Ferguson. Have a look at some of her suggested activities on the Blog and let us know if you try any.

When you are having a little break, Mrs Oliver will upload another story to your Learner’s Journal which we hope you enjoy.

We know that there are some issues with the Learning Journals whilst they are trying to update systems and storage – thank you for your patience.

Keep up the good work Primary 2 and thank you to anyone at home who is helping you with your learning activities whilst juggling everyday work and routines! We would love to hear from you and please just ask if you have any questions.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 3 29 4 20

Bonjour primary 3! Aujourd’hui c’est Mercredi vingt neuf Avril, we’re nearly into May! We hope that your week has been interesting and productive so far and it has been so lovely chatting to you all and seeing examples of the work you’ve been doing. We couldn’t be more proud of how hard you’ve been working and how much enthusiasm you’ve shown! We will put the work you’ve been sending in the Class photos file in Teams for you to all have a look at. If you are able to, we will be doing a check-in on Teams today at 1:30 and we hope to chat to you all then. If you can’t make it today we will do another check in next Wednesday with a time still to be decided.

For your maths for today we are looking at 3D shapes and their properties. Try to do what you can of the work task and then watch this short video which explains some of the more difficult shape words that we haven’t yet covered in class to finish off filling in the table:

For each reading book here is a writing task for you to complete, please remember capital letters and full stops, joined writing and correct spelling. Write at least half a page of A4 for your writing but please feel free to write more if you can.

The Frog Prince

This story is all about being a good friend. Your writing task is to write about a time you have been a good friend to someone. Describe where you were, who you were with, what happened and how you felt during what was happening.

Attack of the Buzzles

In Attack of the Buzzles they land on a strange alien planet. Write a story about you exploring a strange alien planet. What does it look like, are there aliens there and what do they look like and sound like? How does it feel to be on a strange planet? What do you do on the planet?

Attack of the Centipede

In the story Tiger is shrunk and has an adventure with a centipede. Your writing task is to pretend you have been shrunk and placed in your garden/ a local park. What creatures might you see and what do they look like when you are small? How do you feel as you explore the world around you and describe in detail how everything looks after you have been shrunk. What kind of an adventure might you have where you are in your story?

Eric’s Talking Ears

Eric is able to talk to animals at the zoo who then try and escape the zoo. Your writing task is to imagine you are one of the animals and you do end up escaping the zoo. What animal are you, describe yourself. Where do you go and what do you do when you escape the zoo? How did it feel to live in the zoo and how does it feel now that you are out of the zoo? What kind of adventures do you go on outside the zoo?

Clever Monkey

Clever Monkey is a story about a family going on an adventure together. Your writing task is to write a story about an adventure you are going to go on with a member of your family. Where would you go and who would you go with? What would you do on your adventure and make sure to use lots of descriptive words.

Here are your Number Talks for today – a solution to yesterday’s problem will be posted in files on Teams:

3 x 5                                                                       10 x 10

3 x 10                                                                     10 x 30

3 x 9                                                                       2 x 30

12 x 29

Challenge Sum

39 x 92

Thank you for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward


Primary 1 – Home Learning 29.04.20

Happy Vendredi Primary 1!

This morning we thought it would be a nice idea for you to explore Glasgow Science Centre’s video on how to create your own bird feeder. There are bound to be lots of hungry birds in your own garden so why not make them feel at home with a handmade bird feeder? Maybe you could even try to identify some of the birds you see in your garden and make a note of how many birds visit each day?  If you are interested, Glasgow Science Centre also will be bringing a bit of science into your home every day at 10am to help keep everyone inspired in these challenging times, so please feel free to explore some of their other videos too.

Link to Glasgow Science Centre website:

The bird feeder will allow you to give the birds in your local area a helping hand while recycling some materials you have at home. You can access the Glasgow Science Centre’s bird feeder video by following the link below:

For this activity you will need:

  • a clean yogurt pot
  • seeds (or you can also use nuts/raisins/sultanas/apples/bananas)
  • string
  • a pencil
  • a bowl
  • lard (or substitutes like peanut butter, almond butter mixed with flour or vegetable/beef suet)

When you have created your bird feeder, think about how the materials you have used feel. For example are they sticky, squidgy, soft, fluffy, hard, rough, wet, light or heavy? We would love to see some examples of your bird feeders on the learning journals! Maybe you could even take a picture of a hungry bird eating the seeds?

If you would like to access the step by step guide you can follow the instructions in the document below:

How To Make A Bird Feeder

Thank you for all of your support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Sharing the Learning

Hi Primary 1!

We thought we would share some examples of the work we have seen this week on the Learning Journals with you.

Here are some super examples of the boys and girls across Primary 1 that have made their own analogue clocks!



Here are some other fantastic examples of learning across the curriculum this week:





Primary 1 Home Learning 28.04.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Jeudi!

We hope that you are still enjoying learning from home and that you are still finding lots of time to play, relax and enjoy time with your family.

Our school is currently working towards getting the Gold Rights Respecting School Award. UNICEF have provided a set of remote learning activities that you can access at home to encourage children to learn about their rights in fun engaging ways. This week they are focusing on Article 12 – Respect for the views of the child. This article is particularly important right now when so many of the mechanisms for children’s voice to be heard are absent during this crisis. The activities related to ‘Respecting Children’s Views’ can be found below. Can you pick one of the tasks to complete and post your work on to the Learning Journals? We would love to see some examples of your work!

You can also access the full document of activities related to the Article of the Week below:

If you are interested, last week’s pack on ‘Article 24 – The Right to Healthcare’ is still available online. Please share any work on the RRSA facebook community group, or on Twitter under the hashtag #RRSA.

If you would like to go further you can get involved in the Unicef campaign to promote the voices and needs of children in lockdown. Unicef have produced a report into the risks to children during this crisis and our Youth Advisory Board have written an open letter asking the UK Government to directly address children in a special coronavirus broadcast. If you want to help you can add your name to the letter by accessing the following link:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 28 4 20

Hello and happy Tuesday Primary 3! Hope you are all coping well this week with the activities and are enjoying your home learning! It’s been so nice to hear about all your work and to be getting regular updates about how you are all doing, keep sending us updates as we love to hear about it! We are planning, if you can access Teams, to do a check-in for each class on Wednesday at 1:30. To join you will need to log in to Glow and get onto Teams. Click onto your own classes page and then a message will pop up when the chat is starting, please make sure that you join with audio only and during the chat you and those at home with you will be able to share what you’ve been up to and ask questions and have a catch up with the rest of your class.

Please remember to write the answers to your comprehension in full sentences and try and use your joined up writing.  The comprehension questions will also be up as assignments in Teams.

The Frog Prince Comprehension

  1. Why do you think the Princess didn’t want the Queen to open the door? (p.12)
  2. What did the Frog want the Princess to do? (p.14)
  3. Where did the Princess want the Frog to sleep and where did the Frog end up sleeping? (p.18)
  4. When did the Frog turn into a Prince? (p.19)
  5. Who turned the Prince into a Frog? (p.20)

Attack of the Buzzles Comprehension

  1. What did the button on Cat and Tiger’s watches do? (p.18)
  2. Where did the swarm buzz? (p.19)
  3. Who was swallowed up by the Buzzles? (p.21)
  4. When did the plants brighten up? (p.23)
  5. Why did the Buzzles not hurt Nok?

Attack of the Centipede Comprehension

  1. Why could Ant not put his hand in the wormery?
  2. How does the story describe Sydney’s pincers?
  3. What did Tiger use to defend himself against Sydney?
  4. Where did Ant find the tape measure?
  5. Why was Ant sorry to Tiger?

Eric’s Talking Ears Comprehension

  1. What horrified Eric on page 32?
  2. Where did the elephants want to escape to?
  3. What were the dreadful thoughts that Eric had?
  4. Why were the animals angry at Eric?
  5. Who was the one animal that would still talk to Eric by the end?

Clever Monkey Comprehension

  1. How did the monkeys disguise themselves?
  2. What safety advice did the monkeys get from Milton?
  3. How did the monkeys feel when they went into the van?
  4. Why did the monkeys drive away with the van?
  5. Who did the monkeys get help from?

Now try to make up at least 3 of your own comprehension questions for someone at home to try.

Your Maths for today is another example of 2 digit numbers multiplied with 1 digit numbers involving carrying. This is also in the Maths files on Teams.

Your Word Boost Story will be posted in Teams in the Word Boost folder.

Your Number Talks for today:

5 x 5                                                       5 x 200

5 x 10                                                     20 x 200

5 x 30                                                     25 x 200

5 x 29                                                     25 x 199

Challenge Sum

59 x 638

The solution to yesterday’s Number Talks will be posted as an instructional video in Teams.

There were different possibilities for the answers for your Problem Solving from yesterday but here is one possible combination you could have had:

8              1              6              =15

3              5              7              =15

4              9              2              =15

=15         =15         =15

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 3 27 4 20

Good morning Primary 3, we hope you had a fantastic weekend and made the most of the beautiful weather as much as possible. It has been lovely to see some wee baby lambs in fields round about and it’s the perfect weather for the new life that Spring brings! Today, if you can, if you are doing the Joe Wicks, or any kind of PE today, try doing it out in your garden and make the most of the lovely weather!

Now that there are some beautiful blooms and flowers coming through, why not use your creative sides to draw or paint your favourite flower or a range of flowers and send us your artwork so we can share your amazing work.

Remember to make use of the learning grids that were posted last week on the blog for activities for the start of this term and there are lots of activities on Education City for you to work through as well.

For your reading today, please make sure to read the second half of your reading books, there will be activities to go along with your books throughout the week.

This week we have a new Rights Respecting Schools Article to focus on. Article 12, the right to have your views respected. Try a couple of the activities below and use the #RRSA, post it on twitter, or Rights Respecting Schools on Facebook.

Have a go at this problem solving the answer will be posted in tomorrow’s blog.

And your Number Talks for today:

5 x 5                                                       2 x 25

5 x 10                                                     4 x 25

5 x 20                                                     8 x 25

5 x 19                                                     10 x 25

16 x 25

Challenge Sum

64 x 285

Spelling for this week with link to the pdf or screenshot of words in case you have no access to pdf files:

Spelling Words Week Beginning Monday 27th April

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 27.4.20

Good morning!
We hope that you had a fantastic weekend with your family. What did you get up to? We hope that you managed to spend some time outside. Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham are all missing you so thank you so much to everyone who has posted on the Learning Journals to show us all your hard work. Every time we see a photo it makes us smile!

This week we are continuing our learning through the learning grid format.

Here are the literacy activities for the week:

Literacy Week 4

The maths activities:

Maths week 4

And some activities from other areas of the curriculum:

IDL Week 4

These learning grids will also be sent out through the Learning Journal messages where you can download them onto your computer, tablet or phone. This week we have trialed using a short video to teach new concepts in maths. Please let us know if this is helpful for the children. We are hoping to use this format more in the next few weeks and hope that it eases some of the teaching pressure at home. The video will be sent through a dropbox link in the Learning Journal messages. We will also be sending out a message with your child’s reading homework.
Thank you for all your support in this time. We really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in to maintaining some sort of normal at this time for the children.
Please let us know how we can support you.
The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 Home Learning 24.04.20

Happy Vendredi Primary 1!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely time learning from home this week. It has been wonderful to see all of you working so hard and enjoying learning at home with your family. Thank you for continuing to share all of your hard work with us on the Learning Journals. We have shared some of the best work we have seen on the school blog and will continue to celebrate all of your efforts next week! Did anyone manage to go outdoors and see some of the signs of Spring of Spring this week? Maybe you were able to spot some daffodils, bumblebees and baby lambs in the fields? The weather has been beautiful, I hope you’ve all been outside enjoying the sunshine!

We will provide you with some fun new activities on Monday so it’s a great time to finish off any of the activities on the home learning grids this morning. We hope that you are finding the grids useful and that you are managing to access all of the resources you need. If you have any questions or feedback about the activities we are providing, please get in touch with us on the learning journals or school blog. Thank you for all of your support with this.

Fridays are truly the beginning of the weekend and it’s a great time to start winding down for some ‘Fun Family Friday’ time. We would like you to spend some quality time with your family today, whether that’s in the garden, going for a walk, baking a cake or playing a board game. It’s so important for us to stay healthy, happy and connected during this time. You could even perhaps give an aunt, uncle, grandparent or friend a phone call to catch up on what you have been getting up to at home this week.  Or you could write a letter to a friend or family member if you have time.

Get Set have posted some free resources, activities and challenges for the whole family to enjoy. Here are some examples of the active challenges you can take part in today:


  • Train to win activity sheet – keep kids active at home by challenging them to try a simple activity such as star jumps, jumping jacks or line jumps (jumping from one side of a line to the other with your feet together and knees bent) each day and track their personal best.
  • Domes and dishes – try to fun group game in the garden or living room to get active and explore the Olympic Value of respect. Use cones if available, or paper plates, books, or toys – anything that you can turn over!
  • Play Boccia – read the rules for the Paralympic sport of boccia and see if you can adapt and play a game in or outside of the house!
  • Winter team sports challenge – try these adapted (no snow required) versions of sports from the Olympic Winter Games.

The activity guides, information sheets and further information about these activities can be found in the document below:

Get active resources

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1’s learning this week

Good afternoon!
Here are some more pictures of the super work Primary 1 have been up to over the past few days.

We are so impressed by the dragon pictures you have drawn, what talented artists we have in P1!

We are also pleased to see so many of you completing activities from the Rights Respecting Schools Award. It is great to see you are all keeping healthy!

You have also been busy completing the learning grids. We are impressed with the progress all the boys and girls are making, but here are a few highlights…

Primary 3 Thursday 24th April 2020

Bonjour and good morning to you all!

Today’s Maths task is based on different number systems, focusing on the Roman number system. The Roman number system is slightly different to ours in that they used capital letters to represent their numbers. The letters are  I, V, X, L, C, D and M. See if you can use this to complete the worksheet today. Click on this link to be taken straight to the pdf Roman-numerals

or here is a screenshot of the sheet if you do not have software to download. 

In the files and Literacy tab in teams, the new word boost screens have been uploaded. See whether your answers to the definitions task set in the assignments are correct!

We have also uploaded a little lesson video on multiplication with carrying numbers. If you would like more of these, please let us know. Equally, if you found these helpful, or otherwise let us know so we can learn from this going forward. If they were a success, we may look to doing this and uploading more for more curriculum areas. Check out yesterday’s blog post and also your class Maths file on Teams for the videos.

Number Talks

2 x 50                                                                     3 x 50


4 x 50                                                                     50 x 50


8 x 50                                                                     53 x 50

53 x 48

Challenge Sum

84 x 352

Reading: Answer these True or False questions in full sentences. When you have completed these, make up at least 3 of your own for someone at home to try and find.

The Frog Prince

  1. The girl wanted a ball made of diamonds for her birthday.
  2. The girl lost her ball in a pond.
  3. The frog made the girl promise to give him the crown.
  4. The frog got the girl’s ball back.
  5. The girl did not say thank you to the frog.

Attack of the Buzzles

  1. The micro-friends were in an alien forest.
  2. The hid the ship by covering it in leaves.
  3. The loud rumbling sound was two giant crystal balls rolling by.
  4. Buzzles are only dangerous in swarms.
  5. Nok’s home was very far away.

Attack of the Centipede

  1. Tiger and Cat went to get a drink at the café.
  2. Compost helps plants to grow.
  3. Ant’s watch was working perfectly.
  4. Sydney is a giant Canadian centipede.
  5. Centipedes are carnivores.

Eric’s Talking Ears

  1. Eric’s Dad explained the stuff belonged to an old safari park guide.
  2. In Giraffe talk, two twitches and a waggle of both ears means your water hole has dried up.
  3. Eric’s Dad told him to throw the stuff away but Eric took the box home with him.
  4. Eric started using his ears to talk to 2 adult Elephants.
  5. The gazelles were confident and unafraid.

Clever Monkey

  1. Mr Otterbank, who was the head keeper, lost his big bunch of keys.
  2. The monkeys gave Mr Otterbank his keys back straight away.
  3. Sandy didn’t know what a fridge was.
  4. Dad said it sounded like a real old jumble sale.
  5. The monkeys had to break up into groups to see more of outside Monkey Land faster.

Did you do anything to mark World Earth Day yesterday? If so, let us know about it. Also, let us know if you have tried any of the Rights Respecting Schools Activities and don’t forget to share what you have done!

I have loved seeing all of the space work and science projects happening in P3S.

Have a lovely day and remember we are here to help,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

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