Primary 3 News!

We have been looking at all things Polish this week for our Erasmus + project. This morning the children sampled some of the local delicacies such as pretzels, cookies, gherkins, sausage, cheese, wafer biscuits and cake. A big thank you to all the mums who donated lots of yummy goodies!

We also went to Eliburn Park yesterday as part of our Outstanding Outdoors Topic. The weather was very kind to us and the children had a great time! Thank you to our parent helpers!

What a Knight!

Wednesday saw another triumph for Carmondean Primary School with two public performances of the Primary 4 & 5 school show, What a Knight!  Both audiences were treated to excellent singing, scintillating dance routines and acting that bordered on the professional.  All children performed to a very high standard making the whole performance much greater than the sum of its parts.  Well done to everyone who took part or supported What a Knight! – It was, indeed, a night to remember!


Primary 2

The children are all looking forward to their holidays but we still have a lot of exciting things to do in the last two weeks.

Tomorrow we are supporting UNICEF’s Day for Change by having an ‘opposite’ day.  Children can come in wearing their clothes back to front, their pyjamas, dressed as an adult, or any other ‘opposite’ idea they can think of.  The children have already been sharing their ideas and are very excited about it!

On Tuesday we will have our P1-3 beach trip.  You should have received a letter about it.  If you haven’t already, please can you return the EE2 form as soon as possible as we will need it before the trip.

We haven’t had a class trip this year and have organised a visit to the Botanic gardens in Edinburgh where we will learn about plants and how they grow.  This will support the learning we have had in the classroom during our garden centre topic. You will have received a letter about this.

There will be no homework for the last two weeks of term.

If you have any questions about anything that is happening over the next couple of weeks, please let us know.

Thank you,

Mrs Muir and Ms Matheson.

Primary 4 week beginning 12.6.17

Wow! What a fantastic week we have had in Primary 4. We were so pleased with how well our show went, we had 2 very successful performances. We were very happy to see so many people turn up to watch the show. We would like to extend a massive thank you to all the parents/carers who turned up and helped their child to learn lines, songs or dances. We (the teachers) thought that the children were amazing! The acting was brilliant, the dancing was superb and the singing was beautiful.

We hope that having now experienced school shows first hand and be seeing what is involved in them, we will have many more children who feel confident enough to put themselves forward for roles. We know this stage are very talented in dancing, acting and singing so we are hoping to see lots more of our stars centre stage next year!

This week will also be our organised event which is Day for change. This will happen on Friday and the children are invited to school to take part in opposite day. This means that they can come dressed as teachers, in pj, in wet weather gear (if it is sunny) etc. We will also be collecting any change you have lying around throughout the week and will use the money collected from the whole school to spell out day for change in the hall.

You may have noticed that new homework tasks have been issued. We would like you to use the rest of term and the longer evenings to make the most of the experiences (rather than written tasks). Spelling tests will still be taking place however we have handed over ownership to the children of how they would like to practice spelling their words. Please also be aware that we will be collecting in reading books shortly so if you see any please send them in.

Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers



Friday 16th – Day for Change

Wednesday 21st – Sports day (upper in the morning)

Friday 23rd – collect in reading books

Friday 23rd – Erasmus open morning

Primary Five 15th June 2017

Well we have had a very successful week this week with our two performances of ‘What A Knight’.  I am sure that everyone who came along will agree that the children worked very hard to put on a fantastic show.  We are very proud of all our amazing singers, dancers and actors!

This week we have been making final preparations for The Carmondean General Election.  Party Political Broadcasts have been filmed and the leaders are making final adjustments to their speeches in preparation for the election.  We will keep you posted with some pictures and of course the winning party as soon as the final count is made.


Friday 16th- Day for change-bring any spare change in and dress as something opposite.

No homework next week.

Wednesday- Sports Day (am)- children to wear a top the colour of their house (Deer Park-blue, Sutherland-yellow, Raeburn-green, Waverley- red.)

Friday- Open Morning to showcase the work we have done on Erasmus.  Please return reply slip to indicate how many people will be attending.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 3 HIIT Session with The Body Coach!

Primary 3 joined hundreds of other schools across the UK, as well as internationally, for a Joe Wicks HIIT workout! It involved working out to different exercises for 30 seconds with a 30 second rest. We were lunging, doing press ups, mountain climbers, squats, high knees and climbing the rope. Our heart rates were up and there was a lot of sweating going on! Check out some of our moves below!

Primary 3

Primary 3 h.ave a busy couple of weeks coming up.

This week we are looking at Poland as part of our Erasmus + project and we will be showcasing our work at the open afternoon on Friday 23rd June. The children have been set a homework task about this. They are to find out any facts about Poland and present to the class. This can be done in any form such as through photos, sentences, craft, stories, food or dance and it is due this Friday 16th June.

We are also planning our beach trip next Tuesday so could you make sure all forms have been handed back in to school along with the £5 payment.

Weather permitting we will be visiting Eliburn Park this Thursday. Please make sure your child has a waterproof jacket, sensible walking shoes and a snack as we won’t return to school until lunch time.

This Friday is our Day of Change, please send in any spare change and the children can dress in opposites such as pjs, scarf, hat and gloves etc.

Have a great week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty


Primary 6 9.6.17

Hello everyone

We have had an interesting and busy week in Primary 6. Early in the week we focused on the work of Henri Matisse: the French abstract artist. We looked at two of his most famous pieces “The Snail” and “Icarus”. P6KW made life size images of “Icarus” in a variety of different colours, using different materials to decorate each part of the body. In P6C the children looked at “The Snail” and decided to make abstract images of natural and inanimate objects out of cut out pieces of paper – just like Matisse did! The results look fantastic!

As part of our Inclusion topic the children brought in their own devices and used school laptops to research famous paralympians. The children then chose an interesting and creative way to share their knowledge. Children in P6C created audio recordings, powerpoints, posters and video recordings in order to share their knowledge. We look forward to viewing all of the final products next week.

Mrs Ferguson, our PE specialist, returned from maternity leave this week. The children were pleased to welcome her back and took part in some of the activities that will be stations during our Sports Day. This will take place on Wednesday 21st June. P4-7 will take part in the morning session. We will provide you with more details of this in due course.

Next week we will be learning all about Slovakia as part of our work on the ERASMUS+ Project. The children will be learning about the famous landmarks, traditional food and language of Slovakia. There will be an Open Morning on Friday 23rd June where the children can share their learning with you. We hope you can come.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary Five 9th June 2017

This week we performed the dress rehearsal of our show to the rest of the school. The children did really well and the staff and pupils gave excellent feedback to us-the children did us proud!

We have also been continuing our Parliament challenge.  This week we made speeches to the P7 classes.  They then made a ‘postal vote’.  These votes will be put together with the P4 and P6 votes on the 16th June and then we will find out the winner of the Carmondean General Election!



Making speeches to P7-Well done everyone!

Can we also remind everyone that we are collecting change for the Day for Change on 16th June.   On the day you are invited to come dressed as something opposite- child coming as a teacher, coming to school in PJs, inside out clothes etc.

Reminders this week-

Monday-Spelling, Reading activty


Wednesday-Show at 1.30pm and 6,30pm

Friday- Day for change, Carmondean General Election

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig


Primary 7 – 09.06.17

Hello from all in P7,

This week we have been working on our Leaver Assembly. The children have been remembering a lot of funny memories and deciding which ones will go into our assembly. They have written acrostic poems for the teachers they have had over the years and these are looking great and will be presented during the Leavers Assembly. The children have decided that there will be an awards ceremony and they have voted for who they would like to win each category. The votes are in and counted but will not be announced until the Leavers Assembly.

The children are continuing to add to their Didbook. Please feel free to read and discuss what they have written.

On Wednesday the children worked on their songs with Mr Platt for the leavers assembly. We are hoping you will enjoy these and there are a few surprises in store.

Yesterday the children completed a French assessment for the High School. We were very impressed at how much effort the children put into this and it seems that they know more French than they are letting on! These will be sent to the High School and use to help decide what the children will learn in first year.

P7 went through their own General Election. P5 shared their manifestos and the children voted for their favourite poster.

Today in assembly the children shared their My Life So Far with the children and teachers. They shared their favourite part of their project and answered any questions that were asked. The children have put so much effort into these over the past year and they should be very proud of what they have achieved.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 1 Update 7.6.17


First of all thank you to everyone who was able to come along to the super Primary 1 Assembly on Monday. They children did very well and all remembered their lines.

We are having another busy week continuing work on our farming topic and were excited to welcome a Royal Highland Trust Volunteer on Tuesday to help us learn lots of new facts about livestock and arable farming. She even showed us how to use a crook to hook the sheep! We really enjoyed it and will be writing a letter to say thank you during our writing lesson.

In maths, we are continuing to consolidate learning about money through our class farm shop role play and working to improve mental recall of addition facts up to 10.

We are also lucky to be invited along to see the P4/5 show dress rehearsal and are excited to see friends and siblings on the stage!

We will keep you posted on the many events coming up in the last few weeks of term including Sports Day, Beach Trip and Open Morning.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Primary 1 Teachers


Primary 7 – Friday 2nd June


It has been another busy week in Primary 7 with many activities connected to transition to High School. In writing the children were writing an overview of their time in primary school. This brought back a lot of memories and many of these may be shared in the leavers assembly. 

We have started planning for the leavers assembly and the children have come up with ideas and songs that they would like to perform. We will be busy with this for the next few weeks. 

The children are continuing to add entries into Didbook. Please feel free to read these at home and help the children add to them if you wish. 

On Thursday Ms Mordaunt visited and the children were given their new first year timetables for high school. These indicate the children’s house, tutor group and practical group. The children will follow this on their transition week. When the children visit High School, the children should come to Carmondean on Monday 12th June and we will walk them up to the High School, but for the rest of the week the children will make their own way

My Life So Far was due to be handed in on Friday 2nd June. If your child is still to hand this in please ensure it is handed in on Monday 5th June. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary Five 2nd June

This week we have been continuing our show practice which is going well and we are looking forward to the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. If you have not yet sent in your child’s costume can you please do so as soon as possible.

We have also been continuing work on our Political Party Challenge.  The children are really enjoying this and we are excited about presenting to the Upper School on 16th June.  Below you can see some photos of a couple of our parties.

Reminders this week-

Monday- Reading/Spelling

Tuesday/Wednesday- Maths

Wednesday- Dress Rehearsal

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig






P6C – First AAL Experience

Hello again everyone!
Today the children in P6C had the opportunity to bring in their own devices from home to use as part of a lesson. The children used their devices to research a famous Paralympian as part of our Inclusion topic. They had to research their nationality, age, disability, major successes and achievements and any other interesting information. Next week the children will use this information to create a presentation. I was very impressed with how well the children worked today and they were filled with enthusiasm when discussing the advantages of using their own devices. Laptops were also available for the children to use. P6KW will be able to bring in their devices for use next week.

Well done P6C!

Miss Clark


Primary 6 31.05.17

Hello everyone, we can’t believe that it’s almost June already!

Everyone has been working very hard in Primary 6 this past week. In writing, we have been working on persuasive writing. Last week the children created advertisements for their favourite place to visit. The children thought about adjectives to describe the place, a catchphrase that would stick in people’s minds and learned how to use rhetorical questions to convince people that their destination was the best. This week the children will try to persuade the reader of their text of their opinion of school uniform. We are sure this will be a fun and interesting debate!

As part of our inclusion topic we took advantage of the lovely weather last week and went outside to try and experience what it might be like to be physically disabled. The children were able to experience walking blindfolded, using noise cancelling headphones, using a wheelchair unaided and using crutches. The children were able to discuss some of the difficulties that they were presented with when trying to negotiate the playground. This week we will be learning about how society and the local community support those with physical and mental disabilities.

Three children in P6 (Daisy, Luci and Rhianna) made us all very proud this week. They made a group decision that they wanted to raise money for school funds in order to buy equipment for the playground. So on Sunday the girls ran from Dechmont Law to Dobbies and back in order to raise the money. They went around the classes last week asking for any donations and ended up raising a massive £125.10!! We are so proud of the girls for making the decision to do this and organising the entire event themselves. Well done girls! We will let you know what Luci, Daisy and Rhianna choose to spend the money on 🙂

Reminders –
Futsal – Tuesday
Outdoor PE – Wednesday
Spelling homework – Due on Friday

Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.


Well done Daisy, Luci and Rhianna!

Primary 3 30.5.17

Primary 3 are going to be creating their very own dream play park out of junk! The children will work in small groups and use their prior knowledge and imagination to construct a park and the play equipment. The children will have to design their parks on paper, identifying what equipment they want to have and what materials they will require to complete the challenge. They will then work together to create their park and finally present their model to the class. We are looking forward to what master pieces are going to be constructed over the next couple of days!

If you have any recycling/junk at home, please send it in with your child. Thank you!

We are coming to the end of our division topic and the children have worked really well. We will still encourage the children to practise their times tables at home because they have been so helpful in allowing us to solve division questions and problems.

In Health we have been doing quite a bit of work on Road Safety. The children were able to discuss and clearly state the Green Cross Code and this week we will be discussing the importance of being SEEN while walking on footpaths and crossing the roads.

P.E will continue to be the same days until the end of term:

P3R- Monday and Tuesday

P3S- Tuesday and Wednesday

Homework: Spelling/ Reading/ Maths


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 2 Update 29 May


Primary 2 have been really busy making things for our garden centre and cafe role play area. We have decorated flags, designed flower pots and even made flowers from tissue paper and art straws. By the end of the week we will have a fantastic garden centre to play in. We will also be using it to develop our money skills.

Last week, as part of our ‘garden centre’ topic, we all planted a bean seed. We planted them in clear cups so we can see the root system as it develops. We will be measuring them every week to see how tall they grow.

Now, as the weather is warmer, please could you send your child to school with water every day. Last week there were a few children who came to school with nothing to drink.

As mentioned in the newsletter, outdoor gym is on Tuesday (weather permitting) and indoor gym is on Thursday. Please could the children bring appropriate clothing to school on these days?

Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir


Primary 1/2 Week beginning 29.5.17

Primary 1/2 had a very exciting week last week.  We went on a trip to the Seabird Centre at North Berwick.  In the morning we visited the rockpools where we were able to find lots of sea creatures, including sea snails and crabs.  We also learned about lots of other animals found in the sea in Scotland.  In the afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt on the seashore and found lots of interesting objects.  We used these objects to decorate sandcastles at the end of the day.  It was a super sunny day; we had lots of fun and learned lots.

In Maths we have been learning about solid shapes and Primary 2 have been working on the properties of these.  We have  a homework activity this week in which we have to look for these shapes at home.

We have been continuing with our topic this week and have learned a little more about the seaside in the past.  We have been looking at the clothes people would have worn and designed our own swimming costumes for the past and present.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

Primary 7 – 26/05/17

Bonjour! We are back from France. All the children have enjoyed sharing what they did last week. The people who stayed in school did a variety of activities such as researching Mardi Gras, working with their buddies and helping to plan sports day. Hopefully everyone has been able to read the blog that the France blog posted each day. The children have added their experiences from last week to Didbook. Please feel free to go on and read their entries.

As part of transition to High School, the children started one of the hurricane challenge activities which was to make as tall a structure as possible using art straws and paper. These are still a work in progress and we will complete them next week.

Today science teachers from DCHS visited and worked with the children. The children identified key safety rules for carrying out investigations. They then carried out two different investigations on how to decide if water is safe to drink.. The children were able to see very clearly which water was safe to drink and which was not.

On Thursday next week when we are working on our Didbook profiles, the children will be able to use their devices if they have returned their AAL agreement forms. This could be their phone, iPad etc. These will be stored securely in school when not in use and returned at the end of the day.


My Life So Far – Due Friday 2nd June


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Quality Success

Our Erasmus+ project (For Learners Around the Globe) has been awarded a ‘Quality Label’ for the work done by Carmondean PS children and staff over the last two years. This award is a recognition that the work done on the project was extremely high quality and realised the aims of International Education and collaboration. Here is how we received the news:

Congratulations! You have been just awarded with the Quality Label for the project For Learners Around the Globe/FLAG.

An Erasmus+ project that has used eTwinning and other online tools effectively to ensure really meaningful collaboration between the schools in the project. The school successfully integrated the project work in to a number of areas of the curriculum and across the whole school which had positive impacts on the skills development of the pupils involved. All schools in the project contributed meaningfully to project outputs and collaborative activities were numerous. The results and impact have been significant in terms of increasing tolerance of other cultures and backgrounds and the Scottish children feeling increasingly part of a European and international community. Congratulations on being award this eTwinning Quality Label. 

This is an outstanding statement and description of the impact of the project. A huge ‘Thank you’ and ‘Well done’ to all children and staff who helped in any way and led to this public recognition of their work.

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