Primary 1 – Sharing Learning at Home

Good morning Primary 1,

We wanted to share some fantastic examples of the work we’ve seen on the Learning Journals so far this week. Well done to all of the boys and girls who have already participated in some super Sports Day activities! Check out some of the pictures we have received so far below:

Here are some other super examples of home learning across the curriculum in Primary 1 this week:


Thank you for continuing to share your work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

Sports Day – Your team needs YOU!

Today was supposed to be Carmondean Sports Day 2020.  If you haven’t completed the sports day activities yet then today is the perfect day to do it. My forecast says the sun will shine today.

I am really enjoying seeing photos of everyone taking part and lots are in their house team colours.  Here are a few more fab photos of sports day ( at home) 2020.

The results are looking very even at the moment so every point counts.  Let’s hear you cheer    Let’s go


Good Luck everyone

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 18.06.20

Good morning Primary 1s!

How are you today? We hope you have managed to do some learning, playing and relaxing this week. We have loved looking at your pictures from your sports days. Well done to you all! Your house teams will be so proud.

Since we have been finding lots of fun things to do at home over the past few months we thought it would be nice to read ‘Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home’ on the Oxford Owl website. You can read this book with an adult and try to read the words that you can on your own. Once you have read the book you can have a discussion about it with an adult. You can think about all the fun things that you have decided to do at home and see if they are the same as Winnie and Wilbur. I really enjoyed reading this book and I hope you do too.

If you want to do this extra activity you can also let us know what you think of the book by commenting on this blog. We love hearing from you!

Just a quick reminder on how to get access to the book, go to Then click on ‘My class login’ at the top of the page and enter your teacher’s name and the password: Carmondean1

We hope you all have a fantastic Thursday.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Sports Day – submitting results

Well done  to those who have completed the sports day tasks so far. Results have to be submitted via the online form. Here it is  for anyone who can’t find the link


I’m also attaching the activity information again for anyone who missed the first blog post.  You have until Friday at 12 noon to submit results. Click on this document Carmondean Sports Day

Deer Park are currently in the lead-  Come on Raeburn, Sutherland and Waverley !   Parents can join in too for extra points for houses.  Just tick adult instead of class on the form.

Good Luck!

Mrs Ferguson

Sports Day update – Raeburn in the lead

Good morning everyone.

Well done to everyone who has submitted sports day results so far. There is still plenty time to take part so  COME ON Deer Park, Raeburn, Sutherland and Waverley.  Raeburn are in the lead at the moment so if you don’t want them to be winners you’d better get scoring points for your house.

I was delighted to see photos of some P1s taking part in their first primary school sports day.  Can you do as well as them?  I’d love to see some more photos.

And look at the fun P2 are having.

Have fun and score lots of points .

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 – Home Learning 17.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

I hope you have managed to complete some of the learning activities this week and are still enjoying learning from home. We know how hard you have all been working and thank you again to all of you for sharing your work with us on the Learning Journals. It makes us so happy to see how well you are all getting on at home. Remember to make time for lots of playing, relaxing and spending quality time with your family too!

Did you know that today is World Day? The World Day is an initiative from the United Nations to raise awareness global environmental issues such as the destruction of eco-systems, pollution, conservation, desertification and drought. This day is all about protecting our planet, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change.

We would like you to watch the following video child friendly video on climate change and then discuss some of the steps you can take at home to reduce climate change:

World Population Day 2020 – National Awareness Days Events ...

We would like to encourage you to switch off today and unplug electrical resources you have in your house. Maybe you could go outside and have a picnic today instead of using the cooker? Maybe you could play a board game instead of watching the TV? There are lots of different ways you can conserve energy. We would love to see some examples of you doing your bit to save the planet today on the Learning Journals! We can’t wait to see all of your creative ideas!

Stay safe,

Primary 1 teachers

Keep up the good work on Sports Day

Good morning everyone. I hope you enjoyed watching our video yesterday. I’m delighted to see that some of you have completed your sports day already and manged to submit your results.  Deer Park, Raeburn and Waverley already have points in the bag for their house,  so come on Sutherland complete the sports day activities and submit your results.

Good luck everyone and fingers crossed for some sunshine!

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 16.6.20

Hello Primary 1.
How are you all? Are you keeping safe and healthy? Remember that this week is our sports day at home. We hope that you are managing to complete lots of the fun activities and are logging your efforts on the spreadsheet. I wonder which house will win?

This week we will be considering Article 2 for our Rights Respecting Schools Award. This article is all about discrimination. That is a big word which means that people are treated differently because of the way they look, speak, act or because of the place they live. That doesn’t seem fair, does it? We need to treat everyone kindly, the way that we would like to be treated. Have a little look at the slide below and try to complete one of these activities over the next few days.

There is a video linked on the slide. It tells the story of a flamingo who didn’t want to be pink anymore. By the end of the story she has learnt that everyone is beautiful in their own way and that we should celebrate our differences.

Thank you to everyone who is continuing to stay in contact with us through the Learning Journal, we love seeing all the fun things you are getting up to! If you have any questions about the activities or about your child’s learning then please get in touch, we are more than happy to help in whatever way we can.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 15.06.20

Bonjour Primary 1s,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to?

We are almost at the end of the term already, we can’t quite believe it. We just want to remind you that you have been doing a wonderful job over the past 12 weeks. All of us Primary 1 teachers are so proud and you always bring a smile to our faces. We have two more weeks to go!

In this blog we have attached all of the grids and resources for this week.

Here are the literacy resources:




Here are the maths resources:

maths week 11

Pictogram template

Pictogram example

Number Talks (the video with the answers to these number talks patterns will be posted in the learning journal message)

The venn diagram video:

Sweet sorting activity

Here are the IDL resources:

IDL Week 11

Fairtrade powerpoint with audio

We hope you enjoy your day! We can’t wait to see your posts on your learning journals.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 – Home Learning 12.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Happy Friday! Well done for all of your hard work this week. We know you are all doing an amazing job at home and thank you again for continuing to share all of your fantastic work with us on the learning journals. It would be a great idea for you to finish off any of the activities on the home learning grids today as we will be posting new activities on Monday. If you have already completed the work and fancy an extra challenge then why not follow Rob Biddulph’s online art lesson? You can follow the link to Rob’s rainbow whale picture here:

He also has lots of other art videos on his channel that you can follow too! He has drawn aliens, dinosaurs, animals and lots of fun cartoon characters. His work is fantastic and easy to follow!

The Scottish Book Trust have also created a series of videos with authors live on demand. If you are interested in hearing some bedtime stories from your favourite authors then you can find some videos here:

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that we get to see you all soon!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 11.6.20

Good morning
We hope that you are having a lovely week and are managing to complete some of the activities we set for you on Monday.
Each morning, Glasgow Science Centre are posting a live science lesson on their website. These lessons are great and cover a wide variety of topics. If you have time today, we would like you to watch the lesson from last Friday. In it, you will learn all about minibeasts and the differences between humans and invertebrates. After watching the lesson, why don’t you go outside either into a garden or a local green space and count the minibeasts you can see? Can you count them using tally marks?

GSC-At-Home-Bug-count (This is a bug count worksheet you can print out, alternatively, you could write 4 or 5 types of minibeast in your jotter and write the number you count beside it).

Mini beasts are important on a farm. They provide food for some animals, help to spread pollen to different plants and put nutrients back into the soil.
Bugs like to live in lots of different places and we can help to build them a safe home in our gardens. Here are some ways you can give bugs a helping hand…
– When clearing away dead plants in your garden, why don’t you keep some stems aside in a little bundle for minibeasts to live in?
– During your daily walk, can you find some dead woods or leaves for bugs to live in?
– If you are feeling very adventurous, you could make a bug hotel in your garden. Here are some photos of great examples you might want to copy.

As always, please don’t feel any pressure to do these additional tasks. They are only suggestions for if you are stuck for something to do! We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy and that you are enjoying some family time after your school work is finished.
We are missing you lots
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 10.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We would like to thank all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 that have completed some of the activities from UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools pack. We are using the photos you upload to the Learning Journals as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation later in the year. We would like you to have a look at this week’s Article, number 42 – Knowledge of Rights. What do you think is needed for every adult and every child to know about children’s rights? Choose one of the following activities to complete today:

  1. Article 42 says that all adults should know about rights. Why do you think this is important?
  2. Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel about that? Can you think of any problems children might face? Write a story called “Child with no Rights”.
  3. Do you know your ‘birthday right?’ This is a fun idea thought up by schools in the North East of England – look up, and remember if you can, the article with the same number as the day of the month you were born. Try to get all your family and friends to know their ‘Birthday Right’. Here are all the rights on one page.
  4. Watch the video on this Unicef page. Does it inspire you believe that the rights of children and young people are important? Having watched this, produce something creative (art, music, poetry…) entitled Children’s Rights Matter. Share your work with others.

Do you know children have rights? Have a look at the 1989 UN Convention on  the Rights of the Child. (With images) | Childrens rights, Children's rights,  Child advocacy

We look forward to seeing all of your fantastic ideas on the learning journals.

Thank you for all of your support with this,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 09.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope that you all have managed to access the new weekly home learning grids yesterday are enjoying completing some of the activities on there.

Did you know it was World Environment day on Friday? While you’re playing outdoors today, why not have a go at one of the outdoor Tokyo Ten activities such as the Rainbow Trail? By participating, you can stay connected to the wider school community and improve your wellbeing at the same time. It only takes ten minutes and can be logged as activity! Follow the link to log your activity – type in the school postcode and log the activity that you completed:,1L9J9,63BYTS,5E49F,1

How to play the rainbow trail:

  1. Cut up a paint colour chart into its separate colours. Put the squares into a container.
  2. Go to your garden or local woodland area.
  3. Each player chooses a colour from the container (no peeking!)
  4. Try to find an object in the area that is the same colour (don’t move the objects)
  5. When you have found a match, return to the container replace your square and choose another colour. What will you find this time?

If you would like to find out some more information about this activity or some of the other Toyko Get Set activities you can get involved in, follow the link to the Toyko 10 activities:

We hope you enjoy the rest of your day Primary 1! Stay active!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 8.6.20

Good morning Primary 1. We hope that you had a lovely weekend and managed to have a good rest and lots of fun.
It is so important to stay active and healthy while we are at home and so here are a few dances we used to enjoy in class that you might want to try this morning:


Attached below are the learning activities for the coming week and the associated resources. Please try to complete as many of these as you can throughout the week.


Literacy Week 10

Book template


Maths Week 10

Below is a video by Miss Daun introducing bar charts. Please watch this first before completing the grid activities.

old macdonald bar chart   (The bar graph worksheet)

tally mark car hunt

number talks week 10 (the video with the answers to these Number Talks patterns will be posted in the Learning Journal Message alongside the reading activity)

Other areas of the curriculum

IDL Week 10

Arable or livestock sorting cards

Right Way Wrong Way PE activity

We hope that you have a fantastic week of learning and fun. Please keep posting on the Learning Journals to let us know how you are getting on.
Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 1 5.6.20

Happy Friday everyone!
How are you all? We hope you have had a lovely week and that you have had time to do learning, playing and relaxing. We have had a lovely week looking at all your posts on your learning journals, it brings a smile to our faces! Thank you for all your hard work primary 1s.
We have seen lots of kindness over the past few months, including kind acts from you! We thought we could challenge ourselves to do another act of kindness today.
You could do something to help around the house, tell a joke, make something for a friend or family member or teach someone something new.
We have joined in on this challenge too! Miss Christy baked cookies and made face masks for her neighbours to help them feel safe going out. Miss Daun wrote a letter to her Auntie last week who lives alone. Her Auntie phoned her back to say it made her feel really happy.  Miss Cunningham arranged flowers to be delivered to some of her friends’ houses. They loved them! It is really nice to do something kind for someone because it makes you and them feel happy.
We hope you enjoy doing an extra kind thing for someone this weekend.
Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1’s Home Learning

Hi Primary 1!

We hope you have had another fantastic day of home learning today and you are managing to complete some of the activities we have provided on our weekly grids. We would like to say a huge big well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1. We know how hard you have all been working and we love to see all of your excellent learning at home on the Learning Journals. We wanted to share some of the fantastic posts we’ve had this week so far:





Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see more examples of your work to celebrate next week.

Thanks for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 04.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Did you know it was children’s gardening week last week? We would like to challenge you to look at some of the fun gardening activities on the National Children’s Gardening Week website. To get involved, just look at the ‘Things to Do section of their website:

Today we would like you to create your own pebble garden marker or insect. All you will need is a smooth garden pebble and some paint.


  1. Wash your rocks with water and let them dry. Think about what bugs/garden marker you would like to paint e.g.  ladybird, bee, vegetable etc
  2. When the rocks are dry, start painting your bugs.
  3. Let the paint dry and then paint a layer of gloss varnish on top
  4. Give your pebble to a friend (you can leave this at their door for them to put in their garden!)

For more information about this activity and downloadable sheets you can follow the links below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Wednesday.

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well and that you are enjoying completing the work set as well as having some time to play.
Are you managing to get outside for some exercise each day? If you get a chance we would love it if you could continue to log your exercise through this website:

Today we would like you to have a look at the next Article from the Rights Respecting Schools Award. Thank you to everyone who has completed these tasks so far and posted photos of their work on the Learning Journals. We are using these photos as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation attempt later in the year.
This week’s article is number 19: protection from violence, abuse and neglect. At the Primary 1 level we will be focusing on people who protect us and keep us safe in our everyday life. Why don’t you watch and sing the ‘Bounceback’ song to start thinking about ways to cope when things go wrong and about people who help us.

You are welcome to do any of the activities in the slide below, however, here are 2 that I think the Primary 1s would enjoy:
1. Can you create a poster showing some of the rules put in place to keep you safe? Your poster could display rules to stay safe in the garden, in the classroom, at the swimming pool, in a car etc. Choose 1 place and draw or write 3 or 4 rules that you try to keep.
2. There are many people all around us whose job is to keep you safe. Draw or write a list of some of these people in your jotter and talk to an adult about some of the things these people do to keep you safe.

We hope that you are getting on well with all the activities posted in the learning grids on Monday. If you have any questions about the activities or about your child’s learning then please get in touch.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

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