Primary 2 – Friday 19 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How is everyone today? It is Miss Pringle here. Today is my last day before I go off to have my baby so I just wanted to say that I hope you all have a lovely summer and I will bring baby in to see you all as soon as I can. Keep an eye on your Learning Journal as I will send a message and a photo once baby is born. Lots of you were guessing whether it was a boy or a girl before the school closed and very soon we will find out who was right! I have been so proud of how you have all coped over this period of closure and seeing your photos on the Learning Journals has really cheered me up. Well done to you all and to your families too. Have a lovely, safe summer!

Today is a half day so remember to take some time to relax this afternoon and over the weekend. How have you found the beach themed activities this week? We have been so impressed with the colourful patterned picnic blankets and have had rumbling tummies looking at what you would buy from the ice cream van. All we need is a little sunshine and we can hopefully get to a real beach soon!

Remember to take your Free Time Friday today. Around 30 minutes is what we usually do in class – hopefully you have earned all your time this week through hard work and good behaviour. We are sure you have!

Please remember to upload your Sport’s Day scores to Mrs Ferguson’s document before 12 noon. You can find it on the blog home page. We have loved seeing your photos of you taking part in Sport’s Day on your journals.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 19.6.20

Good morning Primary 1

I hope that you have had a great time this week taking part in our Sports Day at home. I can’t wait to find out which house has won! If you haven’t already, please remember to update the online form with your score from each event. Here is a link to the spreadsheet:

What was your favourite activity?

Are there any you want to try again?

Why don’t you create your own sports day activities for your family to try over the weekend? Think about fun sports you can do in your back garden or in your Living room. You might want to see who can balance on 1 leg the longest or see who can hop the fastest around the garden? Remember you will need to keep scores and create a prize for the winner.

You can also log your information on Get Set Tokyo. Well done Primary 1, we met our target last week!!!

Alternatively, why don’t you try some of these super exercise videos in your house? It is so important to exercise every day: it keeps our heart healthy, our bones strong and stops us getting sick.


Have a lovely day and a fantastic weekend.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 3 Friday 19th June 2020

Good morning Primary 3!

What are you planning to do for your Free Time Friday today?

Hopefully by now you have managed to complete most of the Sports Day activities and you have done, or are almost ready, to submit your points! Mrs Ferguson will let us know the House winner early next week. As Grace reminded us though, everyone is a winner and it’s the taking part that counts, so we hope you all had a fantastic time and enjoyed yourselves.

Mental Maths

Your topic challenge for today is to design your own futuristic robot. What might robots look like years from now? Here is your chance to create the future for yourselves! Critical Skills Challenge Build a robot

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Take care,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Primary 1 – Sharing Learning at Home

Good morning Primary 1,

We wanted to share some fantastic examples of the work we’ve seen on the Learning Journals so far this week. Well done to all of the boys and girls who have already participated in some super Sports Day activities! Check out some of the pictures we have received so far below:

Here are some other super examples of home learning across the curriculum in Primary 1 this week:


Thank you for continuing to share your work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 18.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Hope you are enjoying Sports Day. We have had some super pictures uploaded on to Learning Journals. Enter your points to Mrs Ferguson on the Sports Day blog post. Brilliant effort by so many boys and girls so far. Keep up the good work Primary 2- may the best house win!

We hope you are enjoying the beach trip activities. If you can, we suggest that you try to do two activities a day. Keep us updated with your progress on Learning Journals.

Article 3- Non Discrimination

The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. What activities have you managed to do to explore this article? (Refer back to Tuesday’s post)


Here are some activities for you to do to help keep you safe when chatting online. Click on the link below:


Travel Tokyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? You can also log your sports day activities.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Sports Day – Your team needs YOU!

Today was supposed to be Carmondean Sports Day 2020.  If you haven’t completed the sports day activities yet then today is the perfect day to do it. My forecast says the sun will shine today.

I am really enjoying seeing photos of everyone taking part and lots are in their house team colours.  Here are a few more fab photos of sports day ( at home) 2020.

The results are looking very even at the moment so every point counts.  Let’s hear you cheer    Let’s go


Good Luck everyone

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 18.06.20

Good morning Primary 1s!

How are you today? We hope you have managed to do some learning, playing and relaxing this week. We have loved looking at your pictures from your sports days. Well done to you all! Your house teams will be so proud.

Since we have been finding lots of fun things to do at home over the past few months we thought it would be nice to read ‘Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home’ on the Oxford Owl website. You can read this book with an adult and try to read the words that you can on your own. Once you have read the book you can have a discussion about it with an adult. You can think about all the fun things that you have decided to do at home and see if they are the same as Winnie and Wilbur. I really enjoyed reading this book and I hope you do too.

If you want to do this extra activity you can also let us know what you think of the book by commenting on this blog. We love hearing from you!

Just a quick reminder on how to get access to the book, go to Then click on ‘My class login’ at the top of the page and enter your teacher’s name and the password: Carmondean1

We hope you all have a fantastic Thursday.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 3 18th June 2020

How did we all like the Great Science Share yesterday? There was lots of amazing things to learn and even more impressive was all of the children from all over the country and the work and questions they have put into exploring Science over the last few months. If you submitted a question or work, or even applied for your badges, let us know about it!

It was lovely, again to speak with so many of you yesterday. We really do look forward to hearing from you and it is the best part of the week!

Remember to continue your Sports Day activities! We will be watching as the points come rolling in for the teams. It is lovely seeing the whole school working on the same thing across all of the classes. Let us know what you think of it all and don’t forget to send in pics. Mrs Ferguson, as well as the staff would love to see you all taking part.

Reading: For today’s reading we would like you to pick 1 book from the books you added to your reading passport. We would then like you try create your own dictionary based off of the interesting, descriptive or difficult words that you find in your story as you read. You can create your own dictionary however you want, you can do it on paper, on a computer, on a tablet, and it’s entirely up to you! Make sure to make it bright and colourful and make sure that you leave space to keep adding to it as you read other books. It should be something to be added to whenever you read books and find words that you would like to add to your dictionary. Try to make sure you get a front cover and a few words added and remember dictionaries are in alphabetical order!

Numeracy/ Maths: Your maths for today is to continue to work on the revision work we have looked at all week. If you have completed all of the revision work so far make sure to look at Education City for any tasks you might not have done as well as completing work from our Learning Grid. There will also be some revision  Number Talks today, please do not worry about doing all these at once, there is no time limit for completing them.

Number Talks:


8 + 4 + 18                             30 – 24                  2 x 15                     9 ÷ 3

18 + 4 + 18                           30 – 19                  3 x 15                     15 ÷ 3

28 + 5 + 27                           30 – 15                  6 x 5                       24 ÷ 3

24+ 3 + 48                            30 – 12                  6 x 15                     33 ÷ 3


48 + 4 + 48                           750 – 709             3 x 15                     42 ÷ 6

48 + 49 + 3                           750 – 599             10 x 15                  54 ÷ 6

98 + 97 + 5                           750 – 449             13 x 10                  72 ÷ 6

99 + 98 + 97 + 5                  750 – 324             13 x 5                     96 ÷ 6

13 x 15

Challenge Sums

493 + 879                             423 – 157               135 x 6                  72 ÷ 3

Keep up the good work Primary 3,

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Sports Day – submitting results

Well done  to those who have completed the sports day tasks so far. Results have to be submitted via the online form. Here it is  for anyone who can’t find the link


I’m also attaching the activity information again for anyone who missed the first blog post.  You have until Friday at 12 noon to submit results. Click on this document Carmondean Sports Day

Deer Park are currently in the lead-  Come on Raeburn, Sutherland and Waverley !   Parents can join in too for extra points for houses.  Just tick adult instead of class on the form.

Good Luck!

Mrs Ferguson

Sports Day update – Raeburn in the lead

Good morning everyone.

Well done to everyone who has submitted sports day results so far. There is still plenty time to take part so  COME ON Deer Park, Raeburn, Sutherland and Waverley.  Raeburn are in the lead at the moment so if you don’t want them to be winners you’d better get scoring points for your house.

I was delighted to see photos of some P1s taking part in their first primary school sports day.  Can you do as well as them?  I’d love to see some more photos.

And look at the fun P2 are having.

Have fun and score lots of points .

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 – Home Learning 17.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

I hope you have managed to complete some of the learning activities this week and are still enjoying learning from home. We know how hard you have all been working and thank you again to all of you for sharing your work with us on the Learning Journals. It makes us so happy to see how well you are all getting on at home. Remember to make time for lots of playing, relaxing and spending quality time with your family too!

Did you know that today is World Day? The World Day is an initiative from the United Nations to raise awareness global environmental issues such as the destruction of eco-systems, pollution, conservation, desertification and drought. This day is all about protecting our planet, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change.

We would like you to watch the following video child friendly video on climate change and then discuss some of the steps you can take at home to reduce climate change:

World Population Day 2020 – National Awareness Days Events ...

We would like to encourage you to switch off today and unplug electrical resources you have in your house. Maybe you could go outside and have a picnic today instead of using the cooker? Maybe you could play a board game instead of watching the TV? There are lots of different ways you can conserve energy. We would love to see some examples of you doing your bit to save the planet today on the Learning Journals! We can’t wait to see all of your creative ideas!

Stay safe,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 -17.6.20

Good morning Everyone!

We hope you are all doing well today.

A little bit of a secret task coming up below so if your Dad happens to be reading this tell him to STOP NOW! Ask someone else to help you read the next part 🙂

Right boys and girls Sunday is Father’s Day so you might want to prepare something special for your Dad or maybe you could choose someone else close to you. We have put together a few ideas for you below. If you make something, are you able to keep it a secret and pop it under your bed or in a drawer until Sunday? 😉

-Make a medal, certificate or trophy


-Make a Father’s Day Card – here are some ideas


-Write 5 (or 10 things) you love about your Dad/ someone special. 

-Ask someone to help you plan a special lunch -you could even make a menu and play waiter/waitress by taking his order. Think about setting a table or tray nicely and maybe even playing some relaxing music like a restaurant !

-Plan a games afternoon/evening with all your Dad’s favourite games.

We are sure that life at home can be very busy for many of you just now so here is it a little 5 minute activity to slow everything down – a mindfulness activity from Cosmic Yoga. Boys and Girls you can grab a teddy to do it with but adults we would really recommend trying to take 5 minutes with your children and sit on the floor to also do this with them  – it will benefit everyone!

Have a good day Primary 2. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 3 Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning and Super Science Share day to you all!

Today is very exciting. If you have been following the Great Science Share and taking part in our weekly Science themes, the day has come to celebrate all things Science!

Why not complete this form to be in with the chance of earning your very own FREE enamel Super Scientist pin badge by sharing the science that has fascinated you! Scientist+form+GSS+with+links

Once you have filled it in with information about your favourite science question and experiment, upload it here: Great Science Share

Here are all of the activities happening all day today along with times, but please visit the page to access links and further information. These are screen grabs and are not very clear.











Thank you everyone! Don’t forget to share anything you do with us connected with Science, especially today. Let us know what you thought!

Writing: For today’s writing we are going to revise letter writing from the first term. Remember when we wrote letters to Mrs Thunder, and to the chairs when they quit on us? That was persuasive writing but today we are looking at writing letters. Think about the author of one of your books from your reading passport. We’d like you to write a letter to the author thanking them for writing their story so you are able to read it. You should talk about why you like that book, what are some of the characters you like and why and what you like about the story and think of a question you’d like to ask your author. Here is a template to help you, feel free to use it or write your own.

Author Letter

Maths: Here is a selection of work that will help you to revise some of the maths we have worked on this year. There is time, money, shape, fractions and measure. We do not expect you to complete these today or even this week. There are 10 sheets all together and please work through them at your own pace in your own time.

Maths Revision

Number Talks – Remember there are instruction videos on how to do the challenge sums being posted in Teams and we also understand that we have done less division than multiplication so there is no expectation for all these sums to be completed, as long as you complete the sums you are comfortable with.

15 ÷ 5                                    100 ÷ 4

25 ÷ 5                                    64 ÷ 4

40 ÷ 5                                    164 ÷ 4

65 ÷ 5                                    228 ÷ 4

Challenge Sum

336 ÷ 7

Remember…stay sporty! Let’s keep these points coming in!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Keep up the good work on Sports Day

Good morning everyone. I hope you enjoyed watching our video yesterday. I’m delighted to see that some of you have completed your sports day already and manged to submit your results.  Deer Park, Raeburn and Waverley already have points in the bag for their house,  so come on Sutherland complete the sports day activities and submit your results.

Good luck everyone and fingers crossed for some sunshine!

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 2 16.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

How are you all this morning? Are you enjoying the new Learning Grids? Remember choose two activities to complete daily. Keep all your work together to make it into a mini project.

Have you started the Sports Day activities? Do what you can to earn house points for your house- you could do one activity a day to spread out your activities. Take photos and put them up onto Learning Journals.


Article 3- Non Discrimination

The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. Here are some activities you can do to explore this article:

  • Imagine that you are treated differently and not allowed to go to school, have friends and play because of the colour of your hair. … How would this feel? What would you say and do? Discuss this with the grown ups at home.
  • Being happy and proud about who we are as people is important. Have you read ‘The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink’? Watch the story made by children at William Tyndale School. Try to get all your family and friends to tell you the best things they like about being themselves and the best things about you.
  • Think of somewhere that you know well. It might be a library, a park or a swimming pool. Does it welcome everyone? Can all children take part there equally? Talk to your friends or family about what could make this place better for everyone.


Travel Tokoyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? You can also log your sports day activities.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 3 Tuesday 16th June 2020

How are you all today Primary 3?

I hope you managed to get some sports day activities completed yesterday? If not, don’t worry, you have all week! The important thing to remember is to save all of your scores and submit them altogether on the online form.

Today for Maths, we thought it would be a good idea to go over mixed sums. You will find multiplication, division, addition and subtraction in the worksheets below. Choose your challenge and see how you get on. Please refer to the original instruction videos if you get stuck.

Mild Addition and Subtraction

Spicy Addition and Subtraction

Hot Addition and Subtraction

Mild Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Spicy Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Hot Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Please find the phonics Stories in the Teams files for practise with sounds.

Reading: For reading today we want you to choose one of the books from your reading passport from yesterday. Pick 1 character from that book for our study for today. It doesn’t have to be your favourite character it can be any character as long as you find them interesting. Draw your character in the middle of a sheet of paper and then you are going to write as many descriptive words around your character as possible. We are looking for you to describe what the character is like not what they look like. Are they brave, are they loyal, honest, funny etc. Fill up your page with descriptive words. Then we would like you to write a short paragraph telling us why you chose this character and why they are important to the story/ interesting in the story. Here is Mr Woodward’s picture and description to give you some ideas (please don’t judge the drawing too harshly, Mr Woodward can’t draw feet or hands well!):

Number Talks

15 ÷ 3                       40 ÷ 4

30 ÷ 3                      24 ÷ 4

21 ÷ 3                       64 ÷ 4

51 ÷ 3                       128 ÷ 4

Challenge Sum

342 ÷ 6

Well done Primary three. We can’t wait to see who the winning house is for Sports Day! Keep up the good work!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 16.6.20

Hello Primary 1.
How are you all? Are you keeping safe and healthy? Remember that this week is our sports day at home. We hope that you are managing to complete lots of the fun activities and are logging your efforts on the spreadsheet. I wonder which house will win?

This week we will be considering Article 2 for our Rights Respecting Schools Award. This article is all about discrimination. That is a big word which means that people are treated differently because of the way they look, speak, act or because of the place they live. That doesn’t seem fair, does it? We need to treat everyone kindly, the way that we would like to be treated. Have a little look at the slide below and try to complete one of these activities over the next few days.

There is a video linked on the slide. It tells the story of a flamingo who didn’t want to be pink anymore. By the end of the story she has learnt that everyone is beautiful in their own way and that we should celebrate our differences.

Thank you to everyone who is continuing to stay in contact with us through the Learning Journal, we love seeing all the fun things you are getting up to! If you have any questions about the activities or about your child’s learning then please get in touch, we are more than happy to help in whatever way we can.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 15.06.20

Bonjour Primary 1s,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to?

We are almost at the end of the term already, we can’t quite believe it. We just want to remind you that you have been doing a wonderful job over the past 12 weeks. All of us Primary 1 teachers are so proud and you always bring a smile to our faces. We have two more weeks to go!

In this blog we have attached all of the grids and resources for this week.

Here are the literacy resources:




Here are the maths resources:

maths week 11

Pictogram template

Pictogram example

Number Talks (the video with the answers to these number talks patterns will be posted in the learning journal message)

The venn diagram video:

Sweet sorting activity

Here are the IDL resources:

IDL Week 11

Fairtrade powerpoint with audio

We hope you enjoy your day! We can’t wait to see your posts on your learning journals.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 2 – Monday 15 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

Did you all have a nice weekend? The weather was not great but it was a good excuse to relax and watch some good movies. What did you do over the weekend?

We can’t quite believe the end of term is so close! This week it is Sport’s Week so keep an eye on the blog as Mrs Ferguson will be uploading your task grid and our staff video. We had lots of fun making it and hope you enjoy watching it! Complete as many of the tasks as you can over this week and keep your scores – you can then send your scores in and win points for your house. I wonder who the winning house will be this year?!

As it is the second last week of term and we would usually be going on our beach trip we have decided to do a slightly different learning grid for this week and next. We are going to plan our very own beach trip and all the activities are related to the beach. You can ‘go’ to any beach you wish for your virtual trip and for once the weather does not matter! We usually go to Silversands in Aberdour with the school but you might want to try Portobello, Elie, Gullane or maybe even further afield! We cannot wait to hear where you plan to go! We absolutely love seeing you and your work on your Learning Journal so please continue to upload photos as and when you can. You could also comment on this post if you prefer.

Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

P2 – week beginning 15.06.20

15.06.20 Ice Cream Van Price List

Primary 3 Monday 15th June 2020

Monday 15th June

Good morning boys and girls!

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for our final two weeks of the term. This year, our last two weeks of P3 are looking very different to normal, however, we have some very exciting things coming up.

Mrs Ferguson has been busy planning a virtual Sports Day with the P7s and some of the Sports Committee from the Upper School. I have had a look at what is involved and it is very exciting indeed. A message of support has been given to you all to cheer the house teams along too! Let us know what you thought of it once you watch it!

There are a few activities for you to complete. It is up to you whether you complete these all in one day, a few a day or just one a day this week. The important thing is that you keep track of your scores and at the end of all of the activities, you submit your scores into the form provided. Mrs Ferguson will then count everyone’s scores altogether and announce the winning house, exciting stuff!  Mr Woodward and I will be taking part for our teams too! Let’s go Waverley, let’s go! J

Please see the blog for more information.

Rights Respecting Schools

This week our RRS Article is all about discrimination. Article 2 is in the News right now, so could make for some interesting discussion. Some activities you may wish to try are:

  • Article 2 uses some words you might not know very well. Look up discrimination, ethnicity, race and gender to find out what they mean. Try to explain Article 2 to somebody at home now that you know the meaning of these words.

  • Being happy and proud about who we are as people is important. If you have read the book ‘The Flamingo Who Didn’t Want To Be Pink’, children at William Tyndale School made the story into a video. Try to get all your family and friends to tell you the best things they like about being themselves and the best things about you.
  • Imagine that you are treated differently and not allowed to go to school, have friends and play because of the colour of your hair. … How would this feel? What would you say and do? Discuss this with the grown ups at home
  • Look at these images above. They show Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Create a poster showing these images with a written caption explaining what each word means and why Article 2: Non-Discrimination is important.

Please remember to forward on all work you do with these articles to help build evidence for the reaccreditation of our Gold award. Thank you.


Spelling Words Week Beginning 15th June 2020

This will be our last formal week of giving spelling words. Remember to go over your common words too.

Problem Solving

Tom’s Dad sowed some tomato seed in February. He gave Tom one of the tomato plants in a pot.

At the beginning of May, Tom put his tomato plant outside. On the same day he sowed a bean in another pot.

Ten days later the bean plant was just 1 cm (centimetre) above the soil surface. Tom measured his tomato plant which was already 38 cm tall.

Each evening Tom measured his two plants.

On the evening of the next day the little bean plant had grown another 2 cm so it was 3 cm high. Each day it continued to grow double the amount it had grown the day before.

The tomato plant grew at a steady 5 cm a day.

After how many days were the two plants the same height when Tom measured them in the evening? How high were they?

Reading: For today’s reading we would like you to begin a reading passport. This is a record of some books that you have read. It does not have to be school books so if you have read all 7 Harry Potter books then you can put down each of the books and write a little bit about them. We need the name of the book, the author and a little bit about what happens in the book as well as what you think about the book. If you can on the map, fill in where the book takes place or where it was written.

Reading Passport

Number Talks:

10 ÷ 2                       18 ÷ 6

6 ÷ 2                        6 ÷ 6

16 ÷ 2                       24 ÷ 6

22 ÷ 2                      48 ÷ 6

Challenge Sum

224 ÷ 7

There will be an instructional video explaining doing the division in Class Materials->Numeracy->Instructional Videos->Number Talks.

Well done everyone for all of your hard work this term. We are so close to the end of P3 now and could not be more proud of how well you are doing. Thank you again to the parent’s for all of your support.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

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