Primary 6 6.11.20

It has been another jam packed week of learning opportunities.

The boys and girls produced some fantastic inventions and shared these with the class. We had a pet app where you could talk to your pet and interpret what they needed, a teleporter, a cooker that cooks itself, a portable cleaning system, the ideas were very inventive and thank you for any input you might have given.

We also created our own parachutes and investigated air resistance a little more by designing something that could travel slowly and safely to the ground without cracking the boiled egg! Our winning team made it land safely in 0.8 seconds!!

Drawing the other half of a symmetrical shape proved a little tricky for some ensuring they used the squares to navigate their way across the mirror line. There will be a follow up homework task next week to develop this skill a little more.

We have also been finding out about Children in Need and what it does. We are in the process of writing a persuasive argument as to why it is necessary plus it is good timing as this is taking place next Friday. The boys and girls can buy a duck in class for 50p for the duck race that takes place on the Children in Need website. Winners in each class will receive a small prize.

It is getting colder so can we remind the boys and girls to wear coats as well as their jumpers or hoodies to school and they still need gloves on a Thursday for their weekly HIIT!

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Jamieson & Ms Matheson

Primary 5 – 06.11.2020


It has been a great week in Primary Five!

In Reading the children have continued working in their Reciprocal Reading groups. They have been doing well in their independent discussion groups where they each hold a role (Big Boss, Predictor, Summariser, Clarifier and Questioner) and each contribute to the discussion. We have been very impressed with how well they have been working independently.  

In Writing this week, the class were working on persuasive letter writing. The children were given the hard task of persuading Nicola Sturgeon to allow Bonfire Night parties this year. We heard really great arguments from the class on why they deserved a party. It was hard not to disagree with them!  

In Maths the children started learning about coordinates. We were pleasantly surprised by the excitement and knowledge the learner had for this topic. We have also been working on angles in shapes. We had a lot of fun playing Simon Says: Angles Edition!  

In Science, we have continued with our new topic of Endangered Animals. Everyone chose an endangered animal from Scotland to research over the term. We were shocked to find out that so many Scottish animals are endangered!

This week we started our new topic on Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We had a great conversation discussing everything we already know about the topic and then what the learners hoped to learn throughout the topic. We also practiced our map reading skills as we used an atlas to label a blank map with the key features in the four countries. A tricky task but the class did excellent job!

The children have distributed their posters they made last week to each class to advertise the Children in Need activities; Dress Down Day on Friday 13th November bring £1, Duck Race choose a duck for 50p and Pudsey wristbands for a reasonable donation.  


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a numeracy quiz and an activity based on our Rights Respecting Schools- Article 45 – UNICEF. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 4 6 11 20

Research has been in full flow this week as the pupils have chosen their own animals to discover more about in our topic. We have had a huge array of animals, from little hamsters, endangered snow leopards to the Australian quokka, which Mr Woodward had never heard of before! We are looking forward to hearing about all the amazing facts and information that the pupils come up with throughout our topic and we are so pleased and impressed with the enthusiasm and hard work that has gone into it so far.

In our writing we have begun to develop our persuasive writing. We looked at recycling and have created some very informative and persuasive posters to encourage people to recycle. The pupils love of the environment and wildlife really came through when we discussed littering and recycling and the effects on the world and the posters they created really reflected that passion.

We have been continuing to explore times tables in numeracy, looking at dividing by 6. The pupils have been able to link strategies from previous tables to dividing by 6 and this has helped them immensely. In maths we have continued to explore shapes, both 2D and 3D, and we have been identifying the properties of shapes as well as having a lot of fun trying to pronounce quadrilateral and parallelogram!

Children in Need takes place next week and on Friday 13th November there will be a colourful Dress Down Day for £1. There is also a Duck Race in which pupils can pay 50p to choose one of the ducks which will then be raced on the night of Children in Need. For a small donation there are also Children in Need wristbands.


PE days Monday and Friday.

Homework is posted on Teams on Mondays. Pupils who are unable to regularly access Teams can request paper copies if that is more suitable.

Thank you for all of your continued support and hard work, have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Clark and Mr Woodward

P2 1 update 2.11.20

We all had a fantastically spooky Friday and the children looked great in their outfits. We had lots of fun making Halloween crafts and dancing to Halloween songs. We even had a surprise visit from Mrs Steel. It was her day off but she doesn’t like to miss a good party!

This week we will be working on our skills of prediction in reading.  The children will be talking about what they think will happen in stories or when shown a picture and P2s in particular will be encouraged to give reasons for their predictions.

In writing we are starting our block of persuasive writing so will be using lots of powerful words and phrases to persuade others to do something. Most of our writing will be linked to our topic on ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’.

In maths, the P1s will be learning to count out two different sets of numbers and then add them together. The P2s will be consolidating their understanding of addition and working with bigger numbers. We will be learning lots of different strategies for addition and trying to talk about the strategies we are using.

Homework will be issued every two weeks and so there will be a new home learning grid next Monday 9th.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.


P2 Monday 2nd November

Good morning from Primary 2.  Here is some news about things we did last week.

In reading, we were developing skills for a new learning style called Reciprocal reading.  Last week we were developing prediction skills and this week we will be looking at summarising skills.

In writing, the children wrote imaginative spooky stories.  They used their description bubbles to add detail.  These was a real success and everyone enjoyed writing them.

In ICT, we have been working on logging on to the laptop, using individual usernames and passwords.  The children created a Word document, typed their name and changed the font, size and colour.  We will be developing these skills by typing more text and adding graphics.

In Maths, we are continuing to work on addition and measure.  On Friday, we will be going to the woods to measure some objects and distances using metre sticks.

On Friday, the children had a super morning participating in Halloween activities.  Everyone loved the craft  and goody bags so we would all like to say a big thank you to the PSA.  The children looked amazing and put a lot of effort into their costumes.

The homework sheet issued last week is for 2 weeks.  Please remember to have a look for the moon every night and record it on the sheet.  Were you able to see the full moon on Halloween?

Please return reading books every Friday.  This is important so they can be quarantined over the weekend.

from Mrs Harris, Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty.

Primary 1 2/11/20

Good morning
Primary 1 had a great time celebrating Halloween last week. In class we decorated pumpkins, designed costumes and had a fun Halloween party on Friday where we made spiders webs. The children looked fantastic in their costumes!
This week we will be thinking about Bonfire night and are looking forward to creating firework pictures later in the week.
In phonics we will be revising the sounds learnt so far, concentrating on the letters r, m, d, e, c and k. We appreciate all the work being done at home to support the children’s learning of these.
In maths we are moving on to a block of learning on addition. We will be completing lots of activities in class where children have to count how many altogether from 2 sets.
A new homework sheet will be posted next Monday. Thank you for all your posts on the Learning Journals showing us what your children are achieving at home.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 6 1.11.20

Good morning from Primary 6.  Here is some news about everything we have been doing this week.

In reading we have been working on new roles for a new learning style called Reciprocal reading.  We have been discussing tools for reading and have been given new task roles.  They are Clarifyer, Predictor, Questioner and Summariser.  We will continue to practise these roles over the next few weeks.

We are so pleased to see all the inventions arriving in school this week and are looking forward to presenting these on Monday.  Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this, your support is greatly appreciated.

We have started writing haunted house stories using our description genre targets.  These was a real success, everyone enjoyed writing them and we will be redrafting these for display next week.

In ICT we have been working on Garage band with Mr Shanks, there were some fantastic pieces of music  being played this week.

In Maths we are continuing to work on place value and have completed our angles topic.  On Thursday we had an activities session where we were challenged to create pathways using compasses and draw shapes by programming instructions using the Probots.

On Friday we had a super morning participating in Halloween activities.  Everyone loved the Quiz which was made by the PSA  and goody bags so we would all like to say a big thank you for that.  We also took part in a murder mystery where we had to use our maths and group work skills to solve the problem.

Class newsletters were handed out on Friday with information on the rest of the term so have a look in bags if you didn’t receive yours.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson, Ms Mathieson and Mrs Smith.

Primary 3 30.10.20

What a spook-tacular day Primary 3 have had today. We have been blown away with the costumes and effort everyone went to, to make This year’s Halloween a success with all that is going on.

We had some Halloween themed potion making in Maths, learning about volume and measure using a variety on scales. We successfully created a variety of potions, following specific instructions.

This week, we investigated the process of building the pyramids. We wondered how they managed to lift and move the huge stones into place, and shared our thoughts. We then put some of their methods into practice to see for ourselves. We managed to lift a table with 4 ropes, and a heavy basket using rolling tubes. We needed 12 people to shift the table by pulling the ropes outwards.

We have started looking at the genre of persuasion in Writing. Our first look at this was in the form of a collaborative letter to Miss Millar, persuading her to allow us to have museum items in our classroom. Our 3D pyramid within the class is beginning to take shape.

Newsletters were handed out this week detailing our curricular focus in a variety of areas. We hope this was useful and we will continue to keep you updated on any changes via the blog.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend and enjoy all the fun that’s to be had with Halloween. Stay safe, and take care.

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson

Primary 7

There was great excitement in Primary 7 this week as our first official recording of CPN was shown to the rest of the school ! We have had a very positive reaction from the other pupils and their feedback has encouraged us to make more improvements.

We were researching life on Japanese classrooms and we were surprised to find out that in Japan the pupils have to clean their own schools, serve their own lunches and eat them in their classrooms! We wonder how successful we would be if Scotland decide to do this!

Once again primary 7 have inspired us with their mature discussions around our class novel Wonder. This week we have discussed in depth the actions of characters, relating them to real life circumstances and how we would have perhaps dealt with certain situations.

Our focus in PE is now hockey. Please remember to dress appropriately for Scottish weather.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays and Thursdays

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie  and Miss Morris


Primary 4 30.10.20

Hello everyone

We have had a fun week in Primary 4 and can’t wait to see the children dressed up in their Halloween costumes today! We are sure they will have a fabulous day!

Yesterday your child should have come home with a class newsletter in their school bag. This details everything that we will be covering in class during the coming term.

Our PE days will continue to be on a Monday and a Friday for the next few weeks. Towards the end of November they will change when the one of P4’s PE lessons will be taken by Mrs Ferguson our PE specialist.

This week the children presented their class talks. Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed with the level of preparation and rehearsal that have went into creating and presenting these talks. Thank you everyone for all your hard work! If we have not heard your child present yet then we will hear them early next week 🙂

In Maths we have begun to learn about 3D shape. We have been exploring 3D shapes in our environment and discussing their properties. We will move on in the coming weeks to explore 2D shape and tiling with 2D shape. In Numeracy we have been learning our 6 times table. Please ask your child what facts they know 🙂 Next week we will explore dividing by 6 using our times table facts to help us.

Remember – Homework is handed out on Teams each Monday and is due in on Friday.
Please can your child bring a full bottle of water to school each day.

Thank you for all your support. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 5- 30.10.2020


It has been a busy week in Primary Five!

In Reading the children have started working in their Reciprocal Reading groups and seem to be enjoying their new books. They have been working on their reading skills including predicting what is going to happen next, summarising what they have read, asking questions and clarifying any tricky words.

In Writing this week, the class were working on creative stories with a Halloween theme.  We listened to some Halloween music to get in the mood before writing some excellent, spooky stories using lots of adjectives and descriptions.

In Maths the children have been continuing to work on reading the exact time and time intervals. We are really improving with our time reading skills but everyone could do with a little bit more practice.

This week Primary 5M started with Spanish lessons where we were learning basic greetings. We were absolutely amazed by some of the children’s Spanish skills who were even able to teach us a thing or two! Primary 5G will be starting their lessons next week. Both classes are continuing with French this term and will be moving on to colours, numbers and food!

In Science, we have started our new topic of Endangered Animals. We had some excellent discussions about the impact of climate change on animals all over the world, and discussed what we can do to help. Over the term we will be doing lots of research into our chosen endangered Scottish animal to create a fact-file book.

There was much excitement in Primary 5 when we started planning the school activities for Children in Need. We made some colourful posters to advertise these activities; Dress Down Day on Friday 13th November bring £1, Duck Race choose a duck for 50p and Pudsey wristbands for a reasonable donation.   These posters will be put up in all classrooms and corridors to encourage everyone to take part.

Congratulations to Oliver in Primary 5G for winning the P7 Design-a-Bin competition!! His fantastic design is currently being made into a bin for the playground! We cannot wait to see the finish product!


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a time/triangle quiz and an activity based on our Rights Respecting Schools- Article 13 – Sharing Thoughts Freely. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 2 26.10.20

Happy Monday Primary 2!

Here is your homework sheet:

Homework Sheet – Monday 26th October

Remember you have two weeks to complete the activities on the grid. We will collect the homework back in on Friday 6th November. However reading books will be issued every week and please remember to bring them to school with you every day.

We had a super trip to the woods on Friday and we are looking forward to go back on Friday 6th November. We were using our non standard measuring skills to measure different items in the woods. The children did really well!

Halloween is approaching and we are looking forward to seeing you all dressed up on Friday. We have a few Halloween crafts and activities to do this week. We will also be writing a spooky story with lots of description, using our describing bubbles to help us.

We will be putting our prediction skills to the test this week in reading. They will be listening/reading short stories and predicting what they think might happen next based on what they have already read and found out about the characters/setting.

In maths were are beginning to work on our addition and counting on skills. We are combining sets to start and then we will be using number lines to help us count on.

We are going to be using the netbooks this week to practise logging on and off (typing in usernames and passwords), practise writing our names and changing the font and size.

In science we are going to be investigating the moon and learning about why/how the moon changes every night. We will ask you to take a look at the moon every night before bed to see if you can see it changing!

We hope you all have a wonderful week and stay safe.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1 26.10.20

Good morning.
It was lovely welcoming the children back last week after the October holiday. We hope that you all had a fun and restful time. Here is the homework grid for the next 2 weeks. Homework 26.10.20 Homework will now be given out on a Monday with 2 weeks to complete it. This should hopefully give you more flexibility and time to do all the tasks. Reading books will be continue to be issued on a weekly basis. Please can you ensure that this book is brought to school every day so that we can read in class. The reading book is to be handed in on a Friday so that it can quarantine for 72 hours before a new book comes out on the Monday.
In phonics we learnt the sounds d and e last week and will be learning c and k this coming week. We are concentrating on writing these letters neatly and thinking of words containing the sound. Thank you for all your help with this skill.
In maths we are focusing on 2D and 3D shapes. Last week we learnt about a square, circle, rectangle and triangle. The children learnt to identify each of these 2D shapes, spot the shapes in everyday objects and describe them clearly to a friend. This week we are looking at 3D shapes. Why don’t you go for a shape hunt around your house or garden looking for 2D and 3D shapes.
A reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. It is now becoming colder and so please ensure that your child is prepared with warm clothing and sensible shoes.
There will be a PSA run Halloween party in school this Friday. Please remember to send in the permission slip with the correct money as soon as possible.
Thank you for all your support. As always, if you have any questions please contact the school and we will be happy to help.
Miss Christy and Miss Daun

P2 /1 update 26th October 2020

Hi everyone,

We hope you had a lovely October break.  It was so lovely to see the children back in school last week.


Thank you for your support with the home learning.  Attached are the new home learning grids and we’ll now issue home learning every two weeks. Please could the children take school reading books into school every day. We will issue new reading books weekly on a Monday.

p1 26th Oct                                                       P2 26th Oct


We started our new topic which based on ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.  The children have been thinking about how we can use our play corner for our new topic. We are looking forward to turning it into something new where we can use our imaginations in play.


In maths we were learning about 2D shape and the children loved identifying the shapes in our playground when we went on a shape hunt.  The primary 2s have been focusing on using the appropriate language (vertices and edges) when describing the shapes and extended their learning to cover pentagons, hexagons and octagons.  Next week we will use our understanding of 2d shapes when learning about 3d objects. We’ll be identifying 3d objects in our classroom and in the playground and will be making and describing 3d objects such as cones, cubes, spheres and cuboids.  The P2s will be encouraged to describe the objects using the correct mathematical language – vertices, edges and faces.


We’re going to be working on our listening skills this week with a few listening games and activities.

Reading:  Thanks for all the support you are giving at home by reading with your child.  We will be starting to look at the reading skill of prediction over the next couple of weeks so when reading anything at home it would be great if you could ask your child what they think will happen next and why.

Writing: We are going to be learning about the persuasive genre of writing and will use our new topic, ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ as a stimulus for our writing.  As well as learning about how to write persuasively, the primary 1s will continue to gain confidence at writing some of the letters they know and the primary 2s will be focusing on using capital letters and full stops in their writing.

Dates / important information

  • Don’t forget that Friday is our Halloween Dress Down Day and we will be having a little party in class with Halloween activities.
  • Outdoor PE is still on Tuesday and Wednesday so please come dressed for PE on those days.
  • Please remember a water bottle every day.

We hope you have a great week!

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 6 23.10.20

Hi there,

Hope you all had a lovely half term break and are back into the swing of things once again.

In Maths this week we have been looking at Compass points and calculating various angle turns using a compass. We have also been looking at our addition strategies in Number Talks and looking at the quickest way we can get to the answer.

In Writing we have been peer assessing our work using a variety of success criteria. We wrote a descriptive piece and checked for use of similes, metaphors and alliteration. There were some excellent examples and we were very pleased with P6’s efforts.

In RME we talked about the Golden Rule: ‘Treat others how you would like to be treated’ and came up with our very own. There were some lovely ones such as: Don’t hurt, help! Don’t sing by yourself, sing with others!, Build bridges not walls! It has led to some good discussions about current news events too and how we can all be respectful to others.

In PE we have moved on to some HIIT Training. We had a little taster of this yesterday and it was a little wet underfoot so please can you send children in with gloves, old gloves, as we will be doing the odd burpee or mountain climber which will require hands on the ground! This will be on a Thursday.

Next week all children need to bring in their inventions by Friday so that they can be quarantined for the following week’s showcase to each other and their partner class. Homework on Teams will also resume from Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Smith, Ms Matheson & Mrs Jamieson


Primary 3 23.10.20

We hope you all had a lovely rest during the October holidays. It is great to see everyone back at school and raring to go this term. We have lots of exciting things planned.

Our Ancient Egypt topic has well and truly started this week. We came back to school with a letter from the museum explaining that because of current restrictions, they would not be able to visit us to show us Egyptian artifacts. Because of this, they are going to meet us virtually and then deliver the objects to us to be quarantined and then displayed in our class.

We accepted a challenge to turn part of our class into a museum to display the artifacts, so this week, the challenge began. We now have a part built pyramid and are excited to finish it.

We learned about the job of an archaeologist today and Miss Dig and Professor W came to lead us on an archaeological dig. There were traps, obstacles and rivers to cross. Armed with our brushes, we brushed away sand to reveal Egyptian artifacts. It was very exciting!

The children thoroughly enjoyed it. This is what they had to say, “I liked going outside to dig.” “I like finding the stuff because it was very interesting and tremendous to look at.” “I liked writing my story about the dig and I also like finding the treasures and displaying them.” “I liked finding the treasure and I liked writing the stories too.” “I like to put my imagination into everything, the dig and the story.”

This Monday, homework will be handed out again. From this date, there will always be two weeks to complete the homework tasks. Homework will be added to the blog for your reference.

There will be a newsletter to follow this week as well, so please keep an eye out for this to inform you of what we plan to do this term.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Smith and Mr Williamson


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