Primary 6 8.12.17

We had a fun filled start to our week with our Primary Six Christmas party. Our pupils Scottish country skills were in full flow and what an impressive group they are! It was pantomime time too this week and the pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed the interactive performance of the Wizard of Oz.

We have been tackling problem solving challenges in maths this week, putting our analytical skills to the test. The key message … the question, highlight the important information and work out which mathematical operation will help you solve the problem. We had some great breakthroughs and look forward to cracking the codes next week!

Primary Six have an assembly on the 15th December and the pupils have created interesting, fact filled and humorous scripts. May we remind you that this is an assembly for pupils only, we will have another assembly in 2018 where guests will be invited.

We are continuing with our ‘Beat That’ maths challenge on a Friday morning and whilst scores are rising, there is work to be done. Come on Primary Six, Practise your tables!!!


PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Homework – spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 7: Ready, read, repeat

Hello everyone

Primary 7 had an excellent day last Wednesday during “Ready, read, repeat” (our school book event). Many children dressed up as their favourite book character and participated in our first P7 book swap! Each child brought in a wrapped up book and swapped it with someone else.  It felt a bit like Christmas morning when we all opened our ‘presents’!

The children then used their own devices to look into the different types of furniture they could buy to brighten up our classroom library.  Each child also picked a new book each for our classroom library after looking online.

At the end of the day we went down to P1 to visit our buddies.  We gifted them with a special book that we had created for them.  Our buddies were the main character of our stories! We also read other story books with them.

P7 had a fantastic day of reading! We hope you enjoy reading your books everyone!

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 30.11.17

This week in p7 we have been busy getting ready for the Christmas fair. We have made lots of unique products, games and tasty foods that you can buy tomorrow. The Christmas Fair takes place betwen 6-8pm. Please come to the P2 classrooms to visit our stalls!

On Tuesday we had a whole school St Andrew’s Assembly hosted by our fantastic house captains. Every year group sang a Scottish song. We sang Caledonia.

On Wednesday we had our book day (Ready, Read, Repeat). We all dressed up as our favourite book characters and every year group got £1000 to redecorate their library. We also received an extra £200 to pick new awesome books for the library. We also took part in a P7 book swap and were delighted with our new books! We were eager to start reading right away. For a couple of weeks we have also been very busy making books for our buddies and yesterday we finally read our buddies our books and they loved it! We think the next years Primary 7s are going to love this activity.

Also, a huge congratulations to Cara, Louisa, Melody and Anna G who all came back from the West Lothian Gymnastics Competition with medals! We are very proud of you 🙂

Zayan, Lu’ay, Molly and Anna – P7C

Reminders –

PE days have now changed. The children will have Outdoor PE on a Monday and Indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children come prepared for PE on both days. P7C have another 2 weeks of swimming lessons on a Monday.

Spelling and maths homework is due in on Friday

Christmas Fair tomorrow – If helping to set up after school P7s should bring a packed lunch to school or order a packed lunch in the morning.

Primary 7 16.11.17


This week in Primary 7, P7C went swimming at Deans Community High School. We began by playing a game in the shallow end then we went into the deep end and did 2 laps.

Also Michelle from the West Lothian Drug and Alcohol service came in to talk to us on Wednesday about the dangers of second hand smoke. We then started to make leaflets about smoke free homes and zones. These leaflets are being entered into a competition. The best leaflet will be printed professionally and handed out to the whole school community to make everyone aware about the dangers of second hand smoke.

In PE we are doing gymnastics with Mrs Ferguson. We are trying to get perfect landings and shapes in the air. Some of us are going to a competition next week. Wish us luck!

We have also been looking at energy in science. We started making energy posters in small groups about different types of energy.

In art we have been making Japanese cups with clay and we are painting them. We are now adding the finishing touches.

Have a nice weekend!

By Mason, Megan, Ryan, Natalia.

Primary 7 3.11.17

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Primary 7 blog.

We have had a fun filled week in P7 this week. On Monday Michelle came to visit us from WLDAS (West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service). She spoke to both classes about smoking. The children learned how many chemicals are in cigarettes (over 4000!) and they also discussed the impact that smoking can have on our bodies and also on other areas of our lives. However, the children are aware that it is very difficult to stop smoking. In order to experience what it might be like to give up smoking the children have all been asked to give up something that they do frequently and replace it with a healthy alternative. Some of the habits that the children have given up include sweets, playing the Xbox, watching TV and drinking fizzy juice. The children have replaced these habits with a variety of alternatives this week including eating more fruit and vegetables, playing with their siblings and going outside to play. Miss Clark is even giving up chocolate for the week (which is proving very difficult!) Well done Primary 7 for all of your hard work and dedication! We are really impressed at your ability to resist even when it’s difficult.

This week we also handed out speaking parts for our P7 Remembrance Assembly. The children have also been given song lyrics to learn for next week. Any support you could give your child in learning these would be greatly appreciated. The children have taken control of the assembly and have created a PowerPoint, quiz and art work. The children are also selling poppies around the school for a donation of 50p-£1. Thank you for all your hard work. Please note – this is a school only assembly.

The children have now been allocated their Enterprise groups after applying for one of five different jobs (manager, materials manager, finance expert, quality control and human resources). They have been working really well in their groups to decide on which product or game they would like to create for others to buy/play at the Christmas Fair on Friday 1st December. Each group then created a purchase list and calculated their required spending and projected profit. The children had to shop around on different websites to find the best deals. They then wrote to Miss Millar to ask for the required funds in order to begin to buy, make and sell their products and games. Thankfully we received word this week through letters to each group that Miss Millar is funding each groups project! Soon the children will have all of the products and materials they need in order to create their products and games.

Some reminders
Outdoor PE – Monday (As we are going outside each week can you please ensure that your child comes prepared with appropriate outdoor shoes to take part in all activities. They will also need a warm, waterproof jacket).
Indoor PE – Wednesday (Mrs Ferguson is working on gymnastics with the children and it is therefore vitally important that all children wear PE kit in order to take part in all activities).

Beginning next week (Monday 13th November) the children in Miss Clark’s class will be taking part in swimming lessons at DCHS for 4 weeks. It is very important that the children come prepared with a swimming kit, towel and full change of clothing (school uniform) each Monday. A letter will be sent home to remind children of this. Mrs Macaulay’s class will take part in swimming lessons later on in the year.

Thank you, as always, for your help and support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 12.10.17

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Primary 7! The children handed in excellent Natural Disaster homework. Mrs Macaulay and I were very impressed with the high standard of the projects and the varied nature of them too! We saw fantastic landscapes, well resourced emergency boxes, descriptive imaginative stories and explosive volcanoes! Thank you for all your hard work 🙂

This week P7 have been completing our Japan Challenges on an area of Japanese culture that they find interesting. The children are completing well researched posters on martial arts, origami, computer games, traditional houses, clothing and even Pokemon! The children will present their poster to a group of their peers after the October break.

The children have also been creating short books for their buddies this week. We have been blown away by how thoughtful, interesting and fun filled these short stories are. Some titles of the stories include: “Jessica the Unicorn Fairy Queen”, “DJ’s Adventure” and “Super Mia to the Rescue!” These have been written and illustrated by the pupils and we can’t wait for them to read them to their buddies after the October break.

Thank you to all who attended our parent consultations last night. We look forward to welcoming more parents into Primary 7 tonight.

Please remember that we are on holiday next week for the October break. School will resume on Tuesday 24th October when Primary 7 will begin another busy term full of exciting learning, challenges and our Enterprise topic!

Have a lovely October week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 28.9.17

Hello everyone

In Art we have been making Japanese cups. They are looking good so far. Next week we are going to paint them.

We have also been looking at the famous Japanese painting “The Great Wave” and we have been painting with watercolour paint. They are looking great so far.
In writing we have been writing Haiku poems. A Haiku poem has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and in the third line there are 5 syllables. A Haiku poem only has 3 lines. We also drew pictures to go with our poem.

We have been learning about Japanese music and seeing the differences between traditional Japanese music and Scottish music. The Japanese music sounds unusual to us but it is good.

Did you know that in Japan when a shop is closing they play Auld Lang Syne to tell everyone to leave at the end of the day? 🙂

In RME we have been making power points and posters about different religions like Christianity and Sikhism. Today we presented them to a small group of our friends.


Big Homework is due in next Friday 6th October. If your child requires a new homework sheet or any materials to complete their project then they should speak to their class teacher as soon as possible. Remember they only need to pick one of the eight tasks on the sheet to complete.

Maths and Spelling homework is due in on a Friday every week.

Hope you have a good weekend
Kaydi, Nathan, Alistair and Murray

Primary 7 14.9.17

Hello everyone. This week Primary 7 were visited by Yoko and Jess, visitors from the Japanese Consulate. They taught us about the Japanese language. They taught us how to say hello, good afternoon, good morning and numbers up to four in Japanese. They also showed us how to make origami Sumo wrestlers.

Here are some words we learned: Kon’nichiwa (hello/good afternoon), Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning), Arigatō (thank you), Sensei Clark (Sensei means teacher) and the numbers 1-4 (1) Ichi (2) Ni (3) San (4) Shi.

In Art we are making these Japanese Tea Cups with clay. We have also learned what it’s like to be in a Japanese classroom. Thank you Sensei Fox.

As part of our topic we are learning about Global Trade and what type of things you can export from your country. e.g. clothes, games, cars, food, electronics etc. We were teaching others about what trade was like in the Stone Age, the 17th century and now in the 21st century.

In Reading P7C have been reading our new book called “Oranges in no man’s land”. So far it has been a really good book. We answered questions on the 3rd chapter and discussed it with our teacher.

Primary 7 have been really caring buddies. On Tuesday we were reading books with our buddies and we had some playtime with them.

Have a great weekend!
Logan, Patrick, Imane, Nicole and Avinash 🙂

Primary 7 31.08.17

Hello everyone! This week has been very busy in Primary 7.

We have been very busy down in Primary 1 with our buddies and helping them with their first lunchtimes in school. We have to be very patient because some of our buddies take forever at lunchtime!

We have been learning about how to be responsible Primary 7’s and have started doing a display for the hall. We have spoken about all the different qualities you need to have to be a responsible P7 and a responsible buddy.

This term our topic is Japan and in Art we have been making traditional Japanese tea cups. Also in Art we have been learning about the language they use in an art classroom in Japan. Thanks Miss Fox 🙂

In P.E Mrs Ferguson is our teacher and we have been playing basketball. We have been learning about the different passes you can use to shoot in the basketball hoops. We have been working in the new hall for P.E.

We have had lots of fun in Primary 7 this week. Have a nice weekend!

By Luci, Katie, Maddie and Logan

Reminders –
PE days: Monday (outdoor)
Wednesday (indoor)
Maths & Spelling homework due on Fridays

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 25.08.17

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing summer. We were happy to welcome all of the children back on Tuesday for their final year at Carmondean. Primary 7 is a very busy year and the first week back has been no exception! We are looking forward to a fun, happy and productive year of learning with the children.

This week, almost all of the children have now met their new P1 buddy. Each morning they have been showing the children how to get ready for the start of the day. They have also been playing with their P1 buddies at break time. Next week the Primary 7’s will help their buddies to navigate the lunch hall on their first full days in school. We are both so impressed with how kind, helpful and responsible the children have been when working with their buddies. We are sure this will continue throughout the year.

This week we created our class charter. We discussed the rights that children all over the world are entitled to. We also thought about the importance of respecting others rights. The theme of our class charter displays this year is: “We are all different but equal”. The children made mature contributions to discussion and all have designed part of our classroom display.

On Wednesday you are welcome to attend our Meet the Teacher event. This is an informal event where you have the chance to explore your child’s classroom, meet the class teacher and look at resources that the children will be using this coming year. The event will take place from 4:30-5:30pm. We hope to see lots of you there!

Next week, we will begin working through our full timetable. Children will receive spelling and maths homework next week. We will also begin work on our first topic of Japan. Further details of our work this term can be found in the class newsletter which will be handed out later this week.

Outdoor PE will take place on a Monday for both classes. Children should come prepared with long trousers, trainers and a warm jumper/hoodie that they don’t mind getting slightly muddy on occasion.

Indoor PE will take place on a Wednesday for both classes with Mrs Ferguson. Children should come prepared with indoor shoes, shorts and a t-shirt.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark and Mrs Macaulay

Primary 6 23.06.17

Hello everyone

A big thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended our Carmondean open morning this morning where we shared our learning about the ERASMUS+ country of Slovakia. The children loved sharing their knowledge with you and showing you how using their own devices in the classroom can be extremely beneficial.

This week has been a busy week at Carmondean. On Wednesday all of the children took part in sports day. They showed team work, sportsmanship and skill throughout. Well done to the winning house – Waverley!
Yesterday most P6’s met their future P1 buddies for the first time. This was an exciting afternoon wherein children got a chance to play with their buddy and meet their buddies’ parents. Both Mrs Kelly and I were so impressed with the way in which all of the children conducted themselves. They showed caring and mature attitudes and we are sure that they will be excellent buddies.

Next week will be an exciting week too! The children will find out who will be their new teachers next year. They will also watch the annual school talent show and attend both the P7 and nursery leavers assemblies.

This will be our last blog post of the session. Mrs Kelly, Mrs Wylie and I would like to thank you all for your support this session. It has been a great year in P6 and we wish all the children every success in Primary 7 and beyond!

Have a lovely summer holiday!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 9.6.17

Hello everyone

We have had an interesting and busy week in Primary 6. Early in the week we focused on the work of Henri Matisse: the French abstract artist. We looked at two of his most famous pieces “The Snail” and “Icarus”. P6KW made life size images of “Icarus” in a variety of different colours, using different materials to decorate each part of the body. In P6C the children looked at “The Snail” and decided to make abstract images of natural and inanimate objects out of cut out pieces of paper – just like Matisse did! The results look fantastic!

As part of our Inclusion topic the children brought in their own devices and used school laptops to research famous paralympians. The children then chose an interesting and creative way to share their knowledge. Children in P6C created audio recordings, powerpoints, posters and video recordings in order to share their knowledge. We look forward to viewing all of the final products next week.

Mrs Ferguson, our PE specialist, returned from maternity leave this week. The children were pleased to welcome her back and took part in some of the activities that will be stations during our Sports Day. This will take place on Wednesday 21st June. P4-7 will take part in the morning session. We will provide you with more details of this in due course.

Next week we will be learning all about Slovakia as part of our work on the ERASMUS+ Project. The children will be learning about the famous landmarks, traditional food and language of Slovakia. There will be an Open Morning on Friday 23rd June where the children can share their learning with you. We hope you can come.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

P6C – First AAL Experience

Hello again everyone!
Today the children in P6C had the opportunity to bring in their own devices from home to use as part of a lesson. The children used their devices to research a famous Paralympian as part of our Inclusion topic. They had to research their nationality, age, disability, major successes and achievements and any other interesting information. Next week the children will use this information to create a presentation. I was very impressed with how well the children worked today and they were filled with enthusiasm when discussing the advantages of using their own devices. Laptops were also available for the children to use. P6KW will be able to bring in their devices for use next week.

Well done P6C!

Miss Clark


Primary 6 31.05.17

Hello everyone, we can’t believe that it’s almost June already!

Everyone has been working very hard in Primary 6 this past week. In writing, we have been working on persuasive writing. Last week the children created advertisements for their favourite place to visit. The children thought about adjectives to describe the place, a catchphrase that would stick in people’s minds and learned how to use rhetorical questions to convince people that their destination was the best. This week the children will try to persuade the reader of their text of their opinion of school uniform. We are sure this will be a fun and interesting debate!

As part of our inclusion topic we took advantage of the lovely weather last week and went outside to try and experience what it might be like to be physically disabled. The children were able to experience walking blindfolded, using noise cancelling headphones, using a wheelchair unaided and using crutches. The children were able to discuss some of the difficulties that they were presented with when trying to negotiate the playground. This week we will be learning about how society and the local community support those with physical and mental disabilities.

Three children in P6 (Daisy, Luci and Rhianna) made us all very proud this week. They made a group decision that they wanted to raise money for school funds in order to buy equipment for the playground. So on Sunday the girls ran from Dechmont Law to Dobbies and back in order to raise the money. They went around the classes last week asking for any donations and ended up raising a massive £125.10!! We are so proud of the girls for making the decision to do this and organising the entire event themselves. Well done girls! We will let you know what Luci, Daisy and Rhianna choose to spend the money on 🙂

Reminders –
Futsal – Tuesday
Outdoor PE – Wednesday
Spelling homework – Due on Friday

Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.


Well done Daisy, Luci and Rhianna!

Primary 6 18.5.17

Hello everyone

It has been (yet another!) extremely busy week in Primary 6 this week.

On Tuesday we visited Deans Community High School for the children’s first visit as they begin the transition from Primary School to High School. The children were met in the hall by Mrs Mordaunt (The head of S1 and S2) who introduced the children to the school, told them about their day and answered a few questions. The children then followed a short timetable attending a variety of different subjects such as PSE, English, Maths, Science, PE and Music. The children met new teachers, had experiences of High School classrooms and were allowed to discuss worries about going to High School but also what they were looking forward to. Every single child that attended behaved excellently and many of the teachers from Deans commented on how polite, well behaved and enthusiastic the children were. They were a credit to the school, their teachers and themselves. Well done everyone! The children’s next visit to Deans will be in November when they are in P7.

This week the children have also been working on booklets for their future P1 buddy. These booklets have been started by the school office staff and are created for P1 children and their parents. Primary 6 have the job of filling in important information and then decorating their future buddy’s booklet. The children are really taking their time to make these booklets fantastic. We can’t wait to see the finished products. The children will meet their buddies in June.

In PE the children have been continuing with the Futsal programme with their instructor Neil. They have also been taking part in different activities related to Athletics in Outdoor PE. So far the children have looked at sprinting, endurance running and hurdling. Please remember that children should have their PE kit with them on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Homework reminder –
Spelling – Due on a Friday
Reading (P6C only) – Due on a Monday
Maths – Teacher dependent, but usually a Friday

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 6 11.05.17

Hello everyone

We hope you have had a lovely week. This week has been an excellent week in Primary 6. The children have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum and have been impressing us all!

In maths, Miss Clark’s groups have been practising their addition and subtraction strategies. They have been using empty number lines to help them add and subtract larger numbers mentally. Ask your child to show you this at home 🙂 The children have also been working hard to say their times tables more quickly and accurately. We have been practising lots in class. Test your child at home and see what they know? 🙂 Natalia is our new “Beat the Buddy” champion! We are all very impressed with her times table knowledge!

Today in Primary 6 we had a special visit from the Primary 7 pupils who shared with us some posters and information leaflets they had created about how to be a good buddy. You’ll see some pictures of this visit below. The children received their “Buddy Booklets” today which they will be making to give to their Primary 1 buddies in June. The children are all looking forward to being buddies and we are sure they will take on their responsibilities maturely.

As part of our topic we have been learning about how we are all different and yet how we are all equally important. We have discussed certain types of disabilities and how they can impact on people’s lives. We have also discussed how we can help others who have mental, sensory or physical disabilities. The children in Miss Clark’s class have begun to research different types of disabilities so that they can create information posters for others. We look forward to seeing the final results.

In French, the children have been learning how to tell the time using o’clock and half past times. Next week we will explore the times quarter past and quarter to. The children have also been practising writing French words and phrases through the creation of calendars.

Reminders –
PE – Tuesday (Futsal) and Wednesday (athletics). Children can come to school in their PE kits on both days with a change of clothes in their bags.
Reading homework – Due for Monday each week (Miss Clark’s class only).
Spelling homework – Due Friday each week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie


Primary 6 05.05.17

Hello everyone

We hope the children have had an enjoyable couple of days off school this week.

This week the children continued with the Living and Growing programme. They have been learning about the changes that happen in our bodies, particularly girls’ bodies, as we grow older. If you have any queries about this programme please do not hesitate to ask.

In PE we have been participating in Athletics based activities. All of the activities this week involved sprinting. The children also researched one of 3 Olympians/Paralympians: Usain Bolt, Jessica Ennis-Hill or Ellie Simmonds. The children then used this research to write detailed biographies about their chosen athlete. We discussed the skills and qualities that athletes need to develop in order to become successful. We linked these to our work on Athletics in PE. Next week we will move onto jumping activities.

Next week, the children will take part in a Judo taster session on Tuesday morning. They will also have Futsal as normal on Tuesday and Outdoor PE on Wednesday. Please remind your child to bring full PE kit (including trainers) to school on these days.

On Tuesday 16th May the children will be making their first visit to Deans Community High School as part of their transition to High School next year. We will be at the high school from 9:15-12:20 and we will be back at Carmondean in time for lunch as normal. Children can take a snack with them up to the high school too.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 6 27.4.17

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy week in Primary 6.  We have been continuing to rehearse for our assembly tomorrow.  We hope you can make it to see our final performance in the new school hall tomorrow at 11:30am.  The children have been working so hard and we hope you enjoy our assembly.

This week we began learning about our new topic of Inclusion.  We will explore how life can be challenging for different groups of people and how we can work to include others.  Today we discussed the definition of the word inclusion and also how rules in society can be used to include or exclude people. We are looking forward to learning more about how we can be inclusive citizens.

In writing this week we wrote newspaper articles about our role in planning and organising the school’s Red Nose Day event this year. We learned that we all helped to raise a massive £1070.42 for the children in Africa and the UK that need it most.  The newspaper articles are looking fabulous and we are looking forward to seeing the final finished products!

Our PE times have changed slightly from the information given last week.  We will now have a Futsal instructor coming into school every Tuesday morning to work with the children.  Both classes can come to school dressed in their PE kit with their school uniforms in their bag.  Futsal will take place on a Tuesday morning with Outdoor PE on a Wednesday morning.

Please remember that each week your child is given both spelling and maths homework. Miss Clark’s class will also soon be given weekly reading homework. Homework is usually due in on a Thursday or Friday. Please ask your child about this.

Thank you for your support. Remember children are off on holiday on Monday 1st and Thursday 4th May.  Have a fantastic long weekend and we will see the children on Tuesday morning.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Kelly.

Primary 6 20.4.17

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely Easter break. We are glad to have the children back and we are looking forward to an exciting last term in Primary 6.

This week we have been busy practising for our assembly which will take place next Friday 28th April in the new school hall. The assembly will begin at 11:30am. You should have received 2 letters regarding the assembly. If you are planning on attending the assembly could you please send the slip back to the school as soon as possible detailing how many people will be attending. The children have also been asked to wear black trousers/leggings/jeans and a white t-shirt/shirt for the performance. Children can bring these clothes into school during the week next week in a carrier bag or can wear them to school on Friday for the performances. The children have been working very hard on this assembly and we can’t wait for you to see it! All children have received a section of the script and song lyrics home to practise. Any support you could provide your child with this would be much appreciated.

You should also have received a letter about our upcoming use of the Living & Growing programme in both Primary 6 classes. If you have any questions about this programme then please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.

Our PE times have changed. They will now be:
Outdoor PE – Monday
Indoor PE – Wednesday

Please note that for next week only the children will have their second PE time on Thursday instead of Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 6 – 31.3.17

Hello everyone

Primary 6 and 7 put on two excellent performances of “Alice the Musical” on Wednesday. We were all amazed with the high standard of the singing, acting, dancing and narration. We are so proud of all the children. Their dedication, hard work and commitment made this a show to remember! Thank you for all your support with helping children to learn lines, dances and providing costumes for the show. We really appreciate it 🙂

In Primary 6 this week we have begun preparing for our P6 Class Assembly which will take place on Friday 28th April at 11:15am in the new school hall. We have been decorating scenery and almost everyone has now been allocated parts. The remaining parts will be allocated and lines handed out on the first day back after the Easter Holidays. Any assistance you could provide the children with in learning their lines would be appreciated.

Thank you to all the children who handed in their Titanic Fact Files this week. They look fabulous and it is clear the children worked very hard on these personal projects. Well done everyone.

This week we have said goodbye to two very special members of staff. First, Eveline who has worked in the school kitchen since 2001. The children made a card in the shape of a school dinner tray which was presented to her today at assembly. Some children also said their favourite memories of Eveline.

The other member of staff leaving us yesterday was Miss Inglis the PE specialist. She has made a very positive impact on the children in the class, with many choosing to be part of her running after school club. We appreciate everything she did for us. We are hopeful that running club might continue after the holidays with another member of staff leading it. We will let the children know after the holidays if this is the case. We wish both Miss Inglis and Eveline well in the future.

Thank you for all your support. Have a relaxing and enjoyable Easter Holiday!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly.

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