All of the elves in P5/6 would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!
All of the elves in P5/6 would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!
What a brilliant afternoon we had today in P5/6! We managed to squeeze in quite a few games in a short space of time and a quick snack before it was time to go home.
Mrs Henderson’s favourite game was the “drawing on your head” game. Brilliant concentration and amazing results! I wonder if you can tell what they were asked to draw…?
Unfortunately we didn’t manage to capture any photos of the fabulous dancing that was going on in the P5/6 classroom, but I can tell you it was full of fun and there were smiles all round!
We are getting through all the Christmas activities at an alarming speed! Today saw many of P5/6 wearing some wonderful looking jumpers! Please remember that this year, donations to Save The Children can be paid online.
We really enjoyed having our Christmas meal in our classroom this year. Although some changes are difficult just now, this was one that we all agreed was good fun! We got on the Christmas songs and tried hard not to sing along! We couldn’t have crackers this year which was a shame. We would have loved sharing this tradition with Eveline and Liam! However, we did tell some Christmas cracker jokes.
Here are some of them….What do you call a reindeer with ear muffs on. ANYTHING YOU WANT! What’s the best Christmas present? A BROKEN DRUM….YOU CAN’T BEAT THAT!
Once again, the canteen staff did us all proud! Thanks too, to all those who delivered the food to our room. Team effort as always!
Not too many photos from today but these will give you an idea of the atmosphere in P5/6!
What a surprise to come back to school to find that John has pieced together all the mud kitchen resources we sourced last term, many kindly donated by parents throughout the school and our staff members. A HUGE thank you from P5/6!
We hope to begin playing with it next week, but first we are going to organise ourselves into friendship groups for playing, these will be swapped around so we get to play with different people. We also want to decide on some rules and have time to organise the bits and pieces we’ll play with.
Because we want to quarantine the equipment between groups, another offer of a fish box or similar storage box would be great so we can split the equipment.
Finally, we have been drafting a letter to our Parent Council to see if they could help us purchase some waterproof suits that will help protect our clothing.
Here we are with the kitchen….so far! John may have more plans for us!
Recently, P5/6 were given a talk and PowerPoint presentation by our class member Ethan. He prepared his talk with the help of Mrs Leslie, to tell us all about Erb’s Palsy and how this affects his daily life. We learned about how Ethan came to have this condition and he told us about some of the physical difficulties he experiences. We also leaned about some of the exercises he does to strengthen his arm. This week, as a thank you for listening, Ethan gave us all a tattoo, badge and wrist band as a gift. Here we all are! Thank you, Ethan!
It’s been so lovely to have been able to have our whole class together for our first full week! Keep a watch on our P5/6 Blog for regular updates on what we’ve been doing at school.
How are you all? I hope this Post finds you all well and enjoying your home schooling. It’s very different for all of us but we all just have to try our best to get used to the new situation that we find ourselves in. Mrs A. Henderson has asked that, from time-to-time, we still use our Class Blog to set small challenges. Well…are you up for it? Here is a Language Challenge you could try and post up your work.
I found a lovely poem all about using the outdoors as a classroom and how you can learn from it. Please read the poem below and then add your own verse in the comments to tell me how you’ve been using, or could use, outside as your classroom.
The Best Kind of Classroom – by Ian MacMillan
This is the best kind of classroom,
No walls, just sky and trees.
This is the best kind of classroom,
No radiators, just a gentle breeze.
This is the best kind of classroom,
It’s a journey through time and space.
From the smallest seed to the largest tree,
This is a forest and a learning place.
This is the best kind of classroom,
Where the seasons don’t happen in books.
Where learning is watching and thinking and talking,
Where everyone notices and everyone looks.
See what you come up with P5/6!
A huge well done to our P5/6 pupils on two wonderful performances at our Carol Concert! We are very proud of you all! What super singers, instrumentalists, percussionists and performers. We hope you enjoyed your time rehearsing and on the stage. Thank you for rehearsing so well and thanks too, to parents and carers supporting at home and on the day.