This afternoon we got the chance to share our learning with each other and the P6/7 class. For the past few weeks, P4/5/6 have been busy researching and learning new things about Shetland in the past.
Each pupil got the chance to choose an area of local history that interested them and they could decide how they wanted to present their information. Everyone was encouraged to think creatively about the different ways information can be shared.
In our classroom, we displayed posters, leaflets, models, and stop motion animations.
Pupils chose to find out about The Braer disaster, Jarshoff, Shipwrecks, Historical landmarks in Shetland, World War 2 in Shetland, The Quendale Mill, Sumburgh Lighthouse, The Shetland Bus, Sumburgh Airport, Mousa Broch and Whaling.
We also got the chance to see what P6/7 had chosen to research. It was a lovely afternoon of sharing and learning new things. How lovely it was to hear so many wonderful compliments being given by everyone!
This week saw our final online call with the Children’s Parliament, Alan Turing Institute and our fellow pupils at Oakwood, Doune and St Mary’s. It was a very positive call where achievements were recognised and celebrated. The Investigators had to think about what they had got better at by being an Investigator, what surprised them about their time as an Investigator and what they were most proud of. They then had to be creative, showing their thoughts in drawing form. (See Self Portraits below)
Sharing our ideas and thoughts during the meeting this week.
The Investigators for 22/23 are now in discussions as to how they can support the new Investigators for the next school year. We are currently thinking about who this could be and how we can involve past, present and incoming pupils in our AI work in the future. There are some exciting plans afoot so please look out for more details in August!
If you have not had a chance already to view the final report for the year, please see below.
We were treated to a brilliant concert this afternoon by the Children’s Classic Concerts group. Some of the class were even given the chance to compose music and be part of the show!
What a day! The pupils in P4/5 had an exciting day in Lerwick today, learning about life in Shetland in the past.
On our way to set sail with The Swan, some pupils were unsure and feeling a bit nervous. It wasn’t long before these feelings disappeared as we got busy on deck with the skipper and his 2 crew mates. We got some hands on learning to see what it takes to sail a traditional vessel, the history of the Swan – and our maritime heritage.
It was good fun, working as a team to raise the sail and have a go at steering the boat! Some future skippers at Dunrossness perhaps…? One of the highlights was definitely exploring the bunks downstairs. Most folk thought it would be quite a comfortable sleep in there, apart from when you would have to put in the extra plank of wood across the bunk opening, to keep you from falling out on a rough night out at sea! On Wednesday, P6 will have a whole day on board The Swan, learning “the ropes” and working as a team. We know they’ll have great fun!
All ready to set sail!
And we’re off!
Working together to tidy up the ropes.
Keeping the ropes neat and tidy.
The sail is up! Hooray!
Future Skippers?
We learned about the history of The Swan.
Trying out the bunks. It was cosy!
We found a secret compartment in the table.
Did you have fun…?
We took a moment to stand and look out at the exact spot where The Swan was built.
Could you sleep in there boys?
As well as our sailing experience, we spent time at the Shetland Museum, hopping through the ages and discovering the different people who have settled in Shetland over thousands of years.
We learned about crofting and fishing life in Shetland and the different jobs men and women were responsible for. After our tour, we got a chance to do some “carding” with sheep’s fleece, to make it soft enough to then spin into yarn. We can certainly see how hard life must’ve been in the past!
We always love to hear what P4/5/6 have been up to when they are not at school. One of our P4s brought in his medal from a recent athletics competition. He won 3 out of the 4 events! Amazing achievement!
We did it again! Everyone has worked hard to earn pegs for their super effort, perseverance and kind actions. This week we managed to reach our goal and have planned to have a disco on Monday 20th in the school hall as our class prize.
We have begun learning about Fairtrade and what it means. We worked in groups to sequence the different stages of making a chocolate bar. We were surprised by how long it takes to go from planting cocoa trees to buying chocolate in the shop! We are finding out just how important it is that these farmers are given a fair price for their hard work.
On Wednesday, while we were getting ready to go home, we were treated to some fiddle tunes. We love to hear music in P4/5/6!
We have one JRSO pupil within our P4/5/6 class, who has been working with the other P6 pupils in Mrs Scanlan’s class next door, to help promote road safety in our school. These pupils worked so hard to compile and deliver a special assembly following Road Safety Week. They also invited the older classes to create a road scene picture which highlighted some of the road safety dangers they addressed in their assembly. These pictures are displayed in the main foyer. Time has also been spent with some of the younger P2 pupils playing a board game that reinforces road safety. The JRSO pupils also plan to visit the ELC pupils to share ‘Ziggy’ stories in the future. Well done to all the JRSOs!
Our JRSOs for this year!Playing along with some of our P2 pupils in the Explore & Learn Room. (No Ratings Yet) Loading...
We had our class prize today! When our peg jar was approaching the finish line, we all voted for what we would like as our prize. There was no clear winning idea, so we have enjoyed laptop time and crafts. It has been a lovely, relaxed afternoon full of creativity and fun!
I wonder what everyone will vote for next time…?
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