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It has been a busy scientific term in P4/5/6!  Over the past few weeks we have explored all aspects of Light.  We learned about shadows, reflections and how light can bend when it travels through a different medium.

We had fun with a periscope, looking around the room for a secret message being held up on a whiteboard.  This was made possible with the mirrors reflecting the light.

Our camera obscuras showed us how light is reflected into our eyes.  This appears as an upside down image.  Our brain flips this around so that it makes sense to us.  But in this camera, it is projected upside down on to the tracing paper screen.  One pupil decided to do some handstands so that she would be seen the “right way up” in her friend’s camera obscura!  It was lots of fun to experiment with.


Platinum Jubilee

This week P4/5/6 have been finding out about the history of our school and they have been looking at all the amazing artefacts that have been kept following the Queen’s visit to our school in 1969, when she opened it.  Some pupils were surprised to hear that there were once 5 small village schools in the South Mainland and that these schools were all closed to make the school that we have today….although it’s grown over the years too!

We invited Mary Andreas in to talk to us and prepared questions to ask her about her memories of the Bigton school and how she felt about moving to a much bigger school, out with her community.  She also recalled how the children and teachers prepared for the Queen’s visit and talked to us about her feelings on the day.  We looked at photographs and enjoyed spotting some relations.

Our discussions this week ahead of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, have definitely sparked an interest in the pupils to go home and ask their older family members about their experiences of school.  Well done everyone!

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Star Fundraiser!

A huge well done to one of our pupils who recently cut her long locks  in aid of The Princess Trust.  To date, she has raised an amazing £743 .   Very well done!

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We got mail!

Five pupils were delighted to come back from their Easter Holidays to find that they had received replies to the author letters they wrote for World Book Day!  Some were standard replies from very busy authors but we were still grateful!  One  was a lovely, handwritten, personalised reply.  The rest of the class are patiently waiting!  🤞

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Term 4 has begun!

What a bright and sunny start to the new term!   We have been working outside on some problem-solving Maths games and learning about different mental strategies when adding.

We also began our Queen’s Jubilee entries for the Living Lerwick art competition.  Everyone was asked to design a picture showing what the Queen might see or do if she came to Shetland for a visit.

It was lovely to see the children making choices about how they would present their picture, using pencils, pens, paint or collage.

I was so proud to hear so many supportive comments when confidence levels dipped amongst some pupils, believing their picture was not good enough.  What an amazing team we have in our classroom!  You can take the following quote with you the next time you need a confidence boost…

“Believe in yourself!”  (Ella, P4)

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Last Day Of Term

It’s been a beautiful day and what better way to start it than a walk to school!  Our JRSOs have been working hard behind the scenes to organise the final activity in The Big Walk and Wheel Challenge.  They’ve been encouraging all classes to be physically active during the day, especially when some pupils can’t manage to walk or wheel to school.  Today, they helped organise the buses to drop everyone off at the football pitch to walk to school together.  Some pupils even managed some laps of the pitch while they waited for the buses to arrive.  The website tells us, we have logged 368 physical activities and we are in 295th position in the Uk for participation and 74th in Scotland!

For the rest of our day, we enjoyed time reading our own books, finishing our Easter cards, problem solving Maths using Tangram shapes, active time with P6/7 and Assembly time with Mrs Finch!  Now time for a rest!  Fingers crossed 🤞 for a holiday filled with weather like today!

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Well done P4/5/6!

In our class we have a Recognition Board with a  class focus for the week.  This is something that we all recognise as being an area for us to develop and improve.

This week we were trying hard to be organised and ready, making sure that we are back in the classroom promptly once we have hung up our belongings in the cloakroom.

Everyone tries very hard to achieve our weekly focus so that they can get their name on to the Recognition Board.  When everyone’s name is on, we can receive our class prize.

The class voted to have time playing in the “forest” as their prize.  Looking at the forecast, we decided that Tuesday would be our best chance, to avoid any snowy showers later in the week!

We had fun building dens, creating bug hotels, playing hide and seek and playing ball games.

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It’s quiz time!

Wednesday afternoon was spent in P1/2, sharing with them the electrical quiz boards that we made last term.

Each pair supported a couple of P1/2s to try out their quiz and gave them time to explore the electrical circuits used to the play the game.  If they managed to match the question with the correct answer, the bulb lit up!

Everyone in P4/5/6 did so well to explain their quiz and how to use it.  They showed patience and understanding when more time was needed for the pupil to find the right answer.  We would like to thank the P1/2s for having us in their classroom, they listened so well to their buddies and were so enthusiastic about each game they played.

We have missed having these opportunities to mix with other classes and develop important communication and social skills.  We hope to be able to do something like this again soon!

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Travelling Sound

On Wednesday morning we looked at how sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases.  We used the tuning forks again to create vibrations to make the rice dance on our “drums”.

Then we moved on to making some string telephones to see if sound could travel along the string.  It was lovely to see everyone working as a team, helping each other to measure the string and build their phones.  We developed our skills in tying knots and untying

knots (when the string got in a tangle).  Lots of perseverance shown from everyone!  Well done!

Our photographer Eilidh, took some great photos of everyone passing on a secret message to their partner.

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Good Vibrations

We had some fun this afternoon learning about sound and vibrations.

It was very interesting listening to the different tuning forks vibrating, after we had tapped them on the floor.  Some made a high pitched sound, some were quite low.

We could feel the vibrations in our hands too and when we touched the tip of the tuning fork, the vibrations and the sound stopped.

We all enjoyed being able to test them out in a container of water too…

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