First Aid Training

On Wednesday 26th April Jennifer Thomson from the Fire Service came in to teach us how  to carry out CPR if someone had stopped breathing.

We watched a DVD which showed us all the steps in what to do if we found someone lying in the ground injured or ill.

We then practised CPR on mannequins which was really quite difficult to get right. We learned how to approach a casualty, ensuring we did not place ourself in danger. We discussed the importance of calling for help to deal with the casualty or to contact the emergency services.

Towards the end of the session we were shown how to place someone in the recovery position and then practised it on each other.

By the end of the afternoon we all felt more confident that we could help save a life using CPR.

Final STEM Challenges

Challenge No 1


We all had a fantastic time creating our own robots which could move-but they were not allowed to have wheels!

Challenge No2

Robot Wars comes to Shetland!

This time we had to design a robot which could move using wheels.

Using the knowledge we had gained from the first challenge, we quickly designed and made moving robots which used wheels.

We then went on to race our robots.


In the longer distance race:

1st. Christie and Ronan

2nd. Niamh and Bertie

3rd. Molly and Emily

In the shorter distance race:

1st. Emily and Molly

2nd. LilyJane, Zara and Holly

3rd. Jessica and Tia

Final ‘Big Challenge’ Race:

=1st Ronan and Christie, Molly and Emily

Best programming of robots:

Ronan and Christie, Emily and Molly

Everyone did a super job and had a brilliant time!





Body Works- Glasgow Science Centre

In the forenoon P4-7 found out all about ‘Disgusting Digestion’!

It was really interesting…….but..  yes…quite disgusting at times!

Poor Frankie and Lily Jane were given the difficult task of trying to eat two dry crackers in one minute! They did not succeed.

Even Ms Scanlan got involved!

Christie helped to demonstrate just how long our  intestines are?

In the afternoon we had a super time going around different ‘stations’ where we got to try out lots of different fun activities relating to the human body.


It was a super session and we all learnt a lot about how

our bodies work.

Fabulous Fun during STEM Visit

Emma Chittick visited our class today to help promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Judging by the children’s great enthusiasm and fun during the session she certainly succeeded.

The children had to programme the Lego Minds to simulate a satellite orbiting the Earth. Once this mission was accomplished they then went on to programme the ‘satellite’ to avoid space junk using its sensors.

It was super to see the concentration and perseverance displayed by the class as well as their enjoyment of the challenges set.

Emmy: It was really fun and I enjoyed using the iPad.

Christie: It was very complicated but it was great fun.

Ruby: It was really interesting to learn how to move the robot.


SMUHA squad acts


P5’s squad act Grumpy Parents saw the ‘children’ make things difficult for their party-loving parents!


Primary 6 were hapless vikings in their Clumsy Vikings squad act.

They sang their own version of the Up Helly Aa song.






P6 Visit to Quendale Farm

Primary 6 had a really enjoyable and informative visit to Quendale Farm where they were  learning all about lambing.  This included finding out what signs to look out for when sheep are ready to lamb and the importance of scanning to find out how many lambs the sheep is carrying. The children were also told about some of the difficulties sheep can have when lambing and even got to try out the ‘lambing simulator’ where they helped to ‘lamb’ a sheep! A highlight of the visit for everyone was getting to hold a lamb.

The children had a super time and want to say a huge thank you to everyone at Quendale farm.







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Louise Sales from the SSPCA visited our class today to tell us about the important work carried out by the SSPCA in helping badly treated and injured animals.

We watched a video about how to treat animals correctly and what to do if we find an injured animal or suspect someone is mistreating an animal.


We answered a quiz about looking after animals. Then we had to put ourselves in the role of an SSPCA officer and had to decide what action we would take to rescue an animal and what equipment we would have to use.


We played a ‘Snakes and Ladders’ style board game but it also involved answering questions about animals and their welfare.


Emily:I liked when we got the questions in the quiz and board game.


AJ:I enjoyed it and I’m happy I won the game.”


Holly:I enjoyed it- the game was fun and fair.

Lily-Jane:I liked the game, the video clip and the quiz.





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