
Today we looked at the next aspect of our topic  – electricity.  It was great fun exploring the electricity boxes and trying to make an electrical circuit to light the bulbs!  Lots of exciting discoveries were made  and I’m sure the hilarity could be heard throughout the school as we tried to create a complete circuit with our bodies!


STEM – final challenge!

Today was our last STEM session with Emma Chittick this year. The children were asked to use all of the knowledge and skills gained over the past couple of weeks to build something that would generate electricity. Everyone was raring to get started and it didn’t take long for their designs to take shape!

Some made wind turbines, some used solar cells, while some used both in the same structure. It was great to see the children interacting and problem solving together to try and achieve success. I was very proud to see everyone working so well as a team and providing support for each other. Well done P5/6!


We had a visit from the school nurse today to remind us how to wash our hands properly. It is so important to keep washing our hands thoroughly, especially at this time of year with all of the nasty bugs that can so easily be spread from person to person.

Everyone took turns to cover their hands in a special cream that will show up under UV light. Then we all washed our hands carefully, following the advice given, and put our hands under the UV light. If anything did not get washed properly, it showed up on your hands with the special light.

Everyone did a brilliant job and now we need to remember to keep this up with our daily handwashing routines!


This term we are looking at renewable energy so we invited Emma Chittick into our class to work on a few STEM projects linked to our learning. In week 1, the children were challenged to build a wind turbine using Lego. When their structures were ready, everyone had a trial run and were given time to make any necessary alterations to their design. It was very exciting waiting to see if it would turn with the wind from the fan! We measured how much electricity was produced from each design.

In week 2 the class were asked to build a structure with solar panels that would capture natural light and artificial light. This meant that they had to design a structure that could change the angle of the solar panel. Again, they were given a trial run, then a fair test with the same conditions for each group. During our testing, we quickly realised one disadvantage when relying on solar energy. The position of the sun moved as we were testing at our classroom windowsill, resulting in less direct natural sunlight for some of the tests.

Keep a look out for the final challenge next week!

Happy Holidays

That’s been a fast term!

What have P5/6 been up to on their final day of term?  They all worked on grammar activities first thing before heading out to the multicourt for class P.E. where we scored a record number of frisbee goals! Then we all worked on our own personal learning goals before lunch so all different types of activities were going on at the same time.  The afternoon saw us gather together to have a whole school photo to celebrate our 50 years and this was followed by a great JRSO assembly.  Happy holidays everyone and here’s hoping this weather holds!

World Mental Health Awareness Day

Today we took part in a live, national, health and well-being lesson.  We watched and listened as the presenters talked to us about recognising and expressing our emotions and building our resilience by developing a growth mindset.  They also touched on self care and we explored a range of methods we could use both inside and outside school.  We recorded some of our thoughts on our activity sheets as we watched.

If you would like to watch it again at home…follow the link below.


Team Work

At several points during our day today, we’ve had to work well together as part of a team.  Our Class P.E. session saw us teamed up to play Ultimate Frisbee.  Our main focus during the game was to think about spreading ourselves out over the court, getting into good positions and calling to our team mates to pass.  We’ve been building up our “team playing” skills over the first few weeks and we’re getting better!

The afternoon saw us focus on what it means to be included or excluded and the feelings associated with this.  Some heartfelt stories were shared and while some of these were sad to hear, there were many more uplifting and humorous tales of inclusion, belonging and kindness being shown.  We also played a class team building game where every pupil was required to contribute in order for the task to succeed.  This led us on to thinking about what skills are needed during team tasks.  The children worked in cooperative groups to decide upon their “Diamond Nine” skills.  They demonstrated that they are developing good skills in this area!!

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