
The wet and windy weather hasn’t stopped us from enjoying our new playtime equipment.  The skipping has been very popular and I think it is possibly time to dig out all of those old skipping rhymes for the children to try!

It has been lovely to see the class taking turns, co-operating, negotiating and problem solving in our outdoor play area.  Well done P5/6!

The class like to try and jump over the spinning rope without the rope touching them.
I wonder what’s on the menu today?

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Mud Kitchen Progress!

What a surprise to come back to school to find that John has pieced together all the mud kitchen resources we sourced last term, many kindly donated by parents throughout the school and our staff members.  A HUGE thank you from P5/6!

We hope to begin playing with it next week, but first we are going to organise ourselves into friendship groups for playing, these will be swapped around so we get to play with different people.  We also want to decide on some rules and have time to organise the bits and pieces we’ll play with.

Because we want to quarantine the equipment between groups, another offer of a fish box or similar storage box would be great so we can split the equipment.

Finally, we have been drafting a letter to our Parent Council to see if they could help us purchase some waterproof suits that will help protect our clothing.

Here we are with the kitchen….so far!  John may have more plans for us!


Musical Performances and End of Term

What a superb end to our first term!  Over the past two days, the children have worked brilliantly in groups, pairs and on their own to carry out research on their chosen life cycle.   We look forward to sharing our finished displays and information next term!  We enjoyed a brisk walk around the Boddam loop road during our class P.E. time today and finished off with a short musical concert from our cello and violin players.  It was fabulous to hear them play so beautifully and with great confidence!

A huge well done to all the children for handling this first term so well!  We are extremely proud of you.  Have a relaxing holiday!

Ness Book Fest Reading Challenge

In P5/6 we do ERIC time (Everyone Reading In Class) every day.  It’s  20 minutes of peaceful, calm reading which really sets us up for the day!  Today we joined up with many schools all over Scotland to take part in the Ness Book Fest Reading Challenge.  There were 14,200 children all reading simultaneously all over the country! More than double the number reading last year.  David Walliams, Michael Morpurgo and David Baddiel books continue to be favourites in P5/6.  Keep on reading everybody!

Thank You Ethan

Recently, P5/6 were given a talk and PowerPoint presentation by our class member Ethan.  He prepared his talk with the help of Mrs Leslie, to tell us all about Erb’s Palsy and how this affects his daily life.  We learned about how Ethan came to have this condition and he told us about some of the physical difficulties he experiences.  We also leaned about some of the exercises he does to strengthen his arm.  This week, as a thank you for listening, Ethan gave us all a tattoo, badge and wrist band as a gift.  Here we all are!  Thank you, Ethan!

Mud Kitchen

We are so lucky to have the school grounds that we do, especially now that each class needs their own area.  We’re also delighted to have been given a donation from the Sumburgh Airport Fire Station.  This is allowing each class to invest in toys for their play space and also improve our indoor, wet playtime provision.  However, P5/6 have been wondering about a mud kitchen for outdoors!  We are looking into ways we can maybe make this happen so are appealing to our parents first!  We’ve looked at a few ideas and have a list of items we’d like to try and gather.  If any of you have these items or know where we could source them, please get in touch.  Also, if you know of anybody who would be willing and able to put it together for us, that would be amazing!  We are looking for the following.   Pictures just for a guide.  We may be able to ask the Parent Council to help us in some way but we hope we can do a lot ourselves in the first instance.   THANK YOU for any help you can manage!

Wooden pallets

Sink or sink with draining board

Nails / Screws for assembly

Pots, pans, sieves, spoons, bowls, teapots, trowels etc…

Different Ways Of Learning

We have been talking about how, for some pupils, learning times tables comes easily, whilst for others, they are really tricky to remember and recall quickly.  We looked at different learning styles today and talked about how finding a way that suits our individual learning style might just make it easier to learn these tables.  Over the past two weeks, we’ve tried out various ways to see which way we prefer.  We’ve also tried aural learning, chanting our tables to the clave rhythm.


Leaves all around us

As part of our Biodiversity topic we have been classifying living things, including ourselves!  We made classfication keys about our class members and more recently looked at a range of different types of leaves from our nature garden and Mrs Henderson’s garden!  We sorted them into groups according to texture, size, scent, number of leaves, edges etc,  Then we tried to see if we could identify the tree they came from, just by their leaves.  Some were very obvious, but some were quite tricky to identify.



In P5/6 we have been creating a list of things we would like to use at playtime.  Our budget is £60, so we need to try to find the best deal for each item on our list.

We have been learning how to navigate around shopping websites, using filters so that we can find exactly what we are looking for.  We found out that it was important to check how many items were being advertised and to compare products.  Some products were very cheap but the delivery charge was very high!

Ethan discovered that if he looked a little further and narrowed his search a little more, he was able to find 3 basket balls for the same price as 1 in an earlier search.  Well done Ethan!

Ava and Freya thought they had found a great deal on chunky chalk with 100 pieces in the pack!  It’s a good job they read the reviews as that particular product had a low rating with lots of complaints!  Well done for spotting that girls!

We have noted down all of the things that we think could be bought and now we have to add it all up to check that we are within our £60 budget.  Fingers crossed!

Fiona was looking for chunky chalk to use at playtime. She tried to find the best deal by looking at how many were in a pack, the price and the delivery charge.
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