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P6 Visit to Quendale Farm

Primary 6 had a really enjoyable and informative visit to Quendale Farm where they were  learning all about lambing.  This included finding out what signs to look out for when sheep are ready to lamb and the importance of scanning to find out how many lambs the sheep is carrying. The children were also told about some of the difficulties sheep can have when lambing and even got to try out the ‘lambing simulator’ where they helped to ‘lamb’ a sheep! A highlight of the visit for everyone was getting to hold a lamb.

The children had a super time and want to say a huge thank you to everyone at Quendale farm.







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Louise Sales from the SSPCA visited our class today to tell us about the important work carried out by the SSPCA in helping badly treated and injured animals.

We watched a video about how to treat animals correctly and what to do if we find an injured animal or suspect someone is mistreating an animal.


We answered a quiz about looking after animals. Then we had to put ourselves in the role of an SSPCA officer and had to decide what action we would take to rescue an animal and what equipment we would have to use.


We played a ‘Snakes and Ladders’ style board game but it also involved answering questions about animals and their welfare.


Emily:I liked when we got the questions in the quiz and board game.


AJ:I enjoyed it and I’m happy I won the game.”


Holly:I enjoyed it- the game was fun and fair.

Lily-Jane:I liked the game, the video clip and the quiz.





Primary 5/6 Assembly

Ciaran introduced our assembly.


We began by playing a musical piece the class had worked on with Mrs Inkster. Jasmin Flower was an 18th Century Chinese folk song.




Fearghas, Ciaran, Declan and AJ presented their research on China as a PowerPoint. They found out about its location, climate, rivers and mountains as well as China’s currency, flag, population and cities. They all spoke out clearly as they presented their eye-catching slides.



Unfortunately Lily Jane was poorly and missed the assembly but she had worked hard with the rest of her group to prepare an attractive and informative PowerPoint about China’s wildlife.

Animals they had found out about included the giant panda, red panda, Siberian tiger, Golden haired tamarin monkey, Chinese cobra, Chinese white dolphin and Yangtze alligator.

They did an excellent presentation, and finished off with a quiz -just to check who had been listening carefully.

Bertie, Archie, Michael, Alex and Jake were interested in finding out about famous Chinese landmarks. Bertie researched information about The Forbidden Palace in Beijing and found an attractive picture which was enlarged to show the audience.


Archie told everyone about the Terracotta Army, who it was made for and why. He also created a wonderful ‘statue’ of a Terracotta Warrior which the group named Lee Chang.


Michael, Alex and Jake put a lot of time and effort into painting their own Great Wall of China. They shared some interesting facts, they had found out about the wall, with the audience. Did you know it is getting shorter every day due to natural erosion and people taking bricks for private use?


Shane, Ronan, Katie and Niamh did a super job at teaching the audience some Mandarin. They demonstrated different ways of greeting each other then went on to teach us parts of the body and head. The audience were then asked to show how much they had remembered by placing arrows on the correct part of the head.img_0761


Molly, Emily, Zara, Jessica and Christie finished off  with a wonderful presentation about the Chinese New Year. It was full of interesting information about the traditions and decorations found at this time of year. They had made their own lanterns, firecrackers,  ‘Hong Bao” (lucky red envelopes containing sweets and money) and a chulian (red banner with a poem on it). They even performed a ‘lion dance’.





Molly and Emily introduced our short play about how the twelve years of the Chinese Calendar came to be named after animals.





We finished off our assembly by singing ‘Happy New Year’ in Mandarin.


Everyone in the class had a great time working towards the assembly and sharing what they learned with family, friends and the rest of the school.

Zara commented, “The assembly went really well and I enjoyed doing it.”

Declan really enjoyed playing guitar in Jasmin Flowers.

“I had a great time,” said Michael.

Jessica said, “My parents were very proud of me.”

Fearghas thought it was great fun.

Holly said, “I really enjoyed the assembly today.”

“I was a bit nervous but I really enjoyed it,” commented Emily.

Ruby said, “I loved being the cat in the play.”

Christie commented, “It’s the best assembly I have ever pulled off.”

Emmy really liked being the dragon in the Zodiac play.

Niamh really enjoyed playing the ox.

“It was the best assembly ever,” commented Alex.

Molly said, “I really enjoyed doing the lion poem and a big thanks to the audience.”

Jake said, “It was a good Assembly and I enjoyed doing it very much.”

AJ enjoyed the assembly and Ronan said it was the best ever.

Bertie said he was a bit worried at first and Shane said he really liked doing the assembly.

Ciaran and Katie both said they enjoyed doing the play.

Archie commented, “Amazing assembly!”

Everyone in the class would like to thank John for putting up the beautiful Chinese decorations and their lanterns in the hall.

Also thank you to Mrs Inkster for teaching them to play Jasmine Flowers.



Library Visit

After we went to Tesco we went to the play park to have our snack and have a little play, then we walked to the library and met Marghee.


We were split into two groups and one group stayed and looked at books and made up their own poems, meanwhile the other group explored inside and outside the library.




We got to see all of the staff areas  and we saw people eating lunch, they had spinning shelves  but you had to turn a handle to spin them.


She showed us a room of computers that anyone could use if they didn’t have one or if it was broken, or if you didn’t have a printer.


Zara said,” It was really fun and I enjoyed being in the library”.

By Molly and Emily



Visit to Tesco

We were amazed just how big the store was when we went through to the back. There were huge storage areas full of all sorts of different foods. We saw the chilled area where fruit and vegetables are kept before going out into the store.image

We were given special vests to put on before we went onto the shop floor to let customers know what we were doing there.


We felt like detectives trying to find different fruit and vegetables from different parts of the world including the U.K.





Whilst it was interesting to discover all the different places around the world where our food comes from, we were also keeping a lookout for any Fairtrade products we could see in the store.


Zara and Emmy found Fairtrade bananas.

We also foundimage Fairtrade cocoa, drinking chocolate, coffee and tea. Fairtrade cocoa and drinking chocolate image image

Shane quickly spotted the Fairtrade chocolate!



We got to smell and taste different foods and spices.

We were also given a bag full of interesting information, puzzles and colouring sheets about food, as well as a bottle of water and a piece of fruit.

Here we are with Trina who showed us around.


Bertie said, “It was good tasting different food.”

Michael commented, “It was a really good day. I loved being in the Tesco store.”


New Fairtrade Recipes

Primary 5/6 enjoyed trying out two new recipes using as many Fairtrade ingredients as possible.

Christie, Ruby, Katie,Archie and Bertie made Double Chocolate Gooey Cookies which were rated as ‘delicious’ by all those who tasted them.


Ruby placing the biscuit mixture onto the tray.
