Wind Power!

As part of our topic looking at Renewable Energy, we have been working with a partner this week to construct a wind powered car.  Each group were only allowed to select up to 4 “wheels” using the materials provided, along with straws, wooden skewers and tape.

This was definitely a task to test our patience and perseverance!  We quickly found that our first designs were not quite right and needed to be modified.

Then it was time to have a little test to see if their cars were going to work.  Most groups found that there were still small changes to be made to improve on their design.

It was lovely to see everyone working together to solve the problem.  What a helpful bunch we are in our class!

Next week we will set up a fair test and measure how far each car travels when wind energy is provided.  We will also evaluate our own  designs, thinking about what could be adapted to make improvements.  We’ll let you know the results next week!

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