AI – Mission 2

We recently completed our latest Mission from the Children’s Parliament.  It was based around Safety and Security.  We revised what ‘data’ is, the different ‘types’ of data there can be and how it is used in AI systems.

We then thought about our rights and how this relates to safety and security with AI.  We talked about online gaming and the importance of keeping data safe to protect their right to play and privacy.  We discussed sharing locations online and talked about safety in relation to this too.

Our next task was to try to guess the identity of a mystery YouTube channel user based on their recommendation homepage.  They had to consider what this person may like, where they might live, how old they are etc…  For this activity, we needed to think like AI and to have respectful and fair ideas about this person.  We are hoping to hear more about the mystery user when our Investigators have their online call next week!

Our final task was a craft based one.  We each got a wooden house to decorate.  The outside needed to reflect information they’d be happy to share with the world!  Within the inside of the house, they were to write, draw or symbolise pieces of information that should only be shared with family and friends.

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Busy making our houses. The Children’s Parliament provide all the wonderful resources we use.

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