P5 Yearly Overview 2021-2022
Monthly Archives: September 2021
P5a review of the week
Here are some of the things we learned this week.
Coal mining. We have been learning about renewable and non renewable energy, particularly in Scotland. Looking at maps of mines, we discovered that most of them closed a very long time ago. We carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of mining on the landscape. The more chocolate chips (coal) we mined, the worse the effect on the landscape. We drew what we imagined would happen to a landscape.
Short o spelling words
We had a class meeting to share our views with the pupil council and sustainable squad reps. We shared what we think is going well at Kingsland and what changes we would like to see. Here are the post boxes that Vivienne and Rosie made for our views.
Other highlights are
- adding tens and near tens to 2 or 3 digit numbers
- playing in the MUGA at break and lunch
- writing a description of the Amur leopard
- Skipper assembly
- drawing us in our boats on the river of life, avoiding the rocks
P5 Block 1 revision at home
Spelling practice. Use some of the short vowel words we have learned this term in these activities.
Write a short story using as many of the words as possible.
Create a word search using either squared paper or an online template. https://thewordsearch.com/maker/
Writing in paragraphs. We have learned how to organise our writing into paragraphs. We take a new paragraph when we change person, place, time or subject.
Write a description of your favourite toy, your pet or your bedroom. Include at least three paragraphs.
We have been working on place value and addition. Play these games to practice number bonds. https://www.mathplayground.com/number_bonds_20.html
Show your understanding of place value by completing these questions.
3D shape. We have been learning to recognise 2D and 3D shapes. Go on a shape hunt around your house, garden or local area. Take photographs of the shapes you see and label them with their name.
short o spelling
crop | crops | cropped | cropper | cropping |
cross | crosses | crossed | crossing | crossover |
boss | bosses | bossed | bossing | bossed |
coffee | coffees | coffeepot | coffeemaker | coffeecake |
flock | flocks | flocked | flocking | flocking |
strong | stronger | strongest | strongman | headstrong |
plot | plots | plotted | plotting | plotters |
long | longer | belong | longingly | belonging |
Hello pheasant
Our week started with watching a pheasant out the window. Can you answer these questions about pheasants? Reply below!
Is it a male or female pheasant? How do you know?
Are pheasants native to the UK?
Which children’s novel features pheasant poachers?
P5a’s week
Here are our spelling words
Eden thought up this sentence to include all of the words!
‘I wish I had the skill to sing lyrics to my song while eating pancakes and syrup in the cygnet infested water while not missing the finish of the swimming race.’ Brilliant!
We are looking at maps of Scotland to locate towns, cities and power stations.
Others highlights include
- designing a gingerbread house Christmas card
- adding doubles
- adding several small numbers
- writing a description of a castle
- recognising 3D shapes in the world
- problem solving strategy ‘draw a picture’
- voting for Rosie as Pupil Council rep and Vivienne for Sustainable Squad rep
…and our forced perspective photographs!
p5b elections
Well done to all the pupils who applied for the jobs of class council rep and sustainable squad rep. They were all well prepared and spoke clearly and confidently about their strengths and hopes for the coming year.
Our class council representative this year is Jade (secretary – Lola).
Our sustainable squad representative is Caitlin (secretary Ella).
Stop-start animations
A huge thank you to the pupils from primary 6/7 who helped us create our animations using our pipe cleaner people. We took photos on our I pads and then put them into I movie to create a short film. We really enjoyed this and will try adding some background scenery and sound effects next week.
number bonds games
We love playing this game and it helps us remember our number bonds to 20.
short i spelling
miss misses missing missed missile
finish finishes finished finishing unfinished
swim swims swimming swimmer swimsuit
wish wishes wished swishing wishbone
skill skills skilled reskill skilling
lyric lyrics lyrical lyricist lyricists
syrup syrups syrupy syrups syrupy
cygnet cygnets cygnets cygnets cygnets