Review of the week

Our spelling pattern was the sound m, made with m, mm or mb.

In writing we are learning the features of explanation texts, and this week we focussed on present tense verbs and time and sequence words. We can find these in texts and highlight them.

Our grammar lesson taught us that sentences have a subject and an object, and we practised finding them in sentences. Here is Cara’s colour coded work.

In maths we are learning about time, and graphs. We use a key in graphs called pictograms to count the number represented.

Our science topic is the states of matter; solids, liquids and gases. We are scientists and have set our own questions about things we want to know. We are researching these questions and presenting our answers in posters or power point slides to share.

Here are some of our questions!

Skipper’s strategy for building resilience this term is ‘challenge your mindset’. We listened to a book ‘My Fantastic Elastic Brain’ and drew the parts of the brain and what they do.

Also in health and well-being we are looking at first aids techniques and practised putting people in the recovery position.



n spelling

night nights nightmare midnight nightlight
knight knights knighted knighting knighthood
knack knacks knacker knackered knickknack
gnaw gnaws gnawed gnawing gnawer
gnarl gnarls gnarly gnarled gnarling
align aligns aligning aligned alignment
pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia
pneumatic pneumatic pneumatic pneumatic pneumatic

Woodland art with Cherith

We had a wonderful day yesterday learning how to sketch woodland creatures with local artist Cherith Harrison.  She showed us how to draw the creatures and also how to use lines and shading to create the texture of their fur or spines. We are really proud of our beautiful drawings. Thank you Cherith!

Our week

It was great to see everyone back after the Easter break.

Our spelling words have the n sound made with n, kn, gn, or pn. We also have a common word.

In writing we are learning the features of an explanation. It explains how or why something occurs, and is non-fiction. Our example text is How Paper is Recycled.

Our maths is telling the time. We are matching analogue and digital clocks, putting times in order and distinguishing am from pm. We learned that am means ante meridiem and pm means post meridiem.

We are also interpreting charts where the picture stands for more than one item.

Our science topic is on the three states of matter; solid, liquid and gas. We will link this to the water cycle and water preservation. We listened to the story ‘We are water protectors’ by Carole Lindstrom and the illustrations are by Michaela Goade. The pictures are bright and colourful and show the water in beautiful patterns.

A similar artist is Ted Harrison and we painted pictures in his style.

We have been trying out lots of novels before choosing our next class novel. Thanks to everyone who brought books in, they were great suggestions. We have settled on ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold.

Art Competition

Lowri, Leah and Zara ran their own art competition last term and announced the winners today.

Rosie came first with this joy tree.

And Jackson came second with Harry Potter.

Well done to the winners and to the girls for organising it!

oi/oy spelling

toil toils toiled toilet toiling toiletries
soil soils soiled soiling topsoil undersoil
join joined joining joiner joint conjoined
voice voices voicing voiceless voiceover voicemail
loyal loyalty loyalist loyalists disloyal disloyalty
ploy employ deploy employed employment deploying
royal royals royalty royalist unroyal royalties

Happy Easter holidays everyone!

We are happy to be at the end of term, and here are some of our highlights.

  • The Big Drum Adventure- Anna
  • Sunflower art
  • class novel  ‘The fish in Room 11’
  • planting sunflowers – Lily
  •  learning about rocks and natural disasters
  • gymnastics in PE – Eden
  • Burns competition- Taylor
  • writing information report – Zara
  • Oor Wullie poem – Grace
  • playing keyboard in music – Eden
  • making Easter basket – Jackson
  • Out of this World show – Cara
  • learning about rocks and crystals – Cara


Today we broke the rules for April Fools. Thanks for your efforts and kind donations to p7 camp.

Have a great Easter Holiday!