S1 Parents – A Message from the Head Teacher – 25 August 2020

Dear Parent,

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff and pupils in the school to welcome you and your child to Lourdes Secondary. We are looking forward to working with you and your son/daughter in the weeks and months ahead.

I am delighted to report to you that the new pupils in S1 have made an excellent start in Lourdes Secondary. I have been impressed with the children’s general attitude, behaviour and the high standard of uniform. We have a significant number of pupils wearing the blazer in S1 and, with your support, I would like to see all S1 pupils wearing the blazer. We have a small stock of blazers in the school at a reasonable price should you wish to purchase one. Please contact the school office for further information.


We are completely committed to ensuring that your child is happy, safe and working to their full potential and your support and engagement in the life and ethos of the school will be very much appreciated.

There are a number of key members of staff who are responsible for guiding and supporting your child through their S1 experience:

Mr Kerr is the Depute Head teacher responsible for your child.
Miss Campbell is the (Acting) Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care for S1 who will provide guidance and coordinate personal support for the pupils.(Mr Downes is currently supporting our S6 pupils)
Ms Cox is the Principal Teacher of Support for Learning who works with all subject staff to ensure that the pupils are being supported appropriately in their learning.
Mrs Dolan is the Principal Teacher of the ALN Provision who coordinates support for a specific group of S1 pupils
Mrs McBride is the Principal Teacher of Nurture who provides support and nurture to a specific group of pupils throughout the school

Miss Campbell is your first point of contact for all matters. Contact details are: gw17campbellsarahann@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

If you have any questions or concerns relating to your child please do not hesitate to contact Miss Campbell who will liaise with the subject teachers and deal with any issues sensitively and promptly.

Break/Lunchtime arrangements 

We are currently operating a cash less payment system in the canteen see Letter issued 17 August 2020

For pupils who have not signed-up to the new on line payment system we would encourage them to continue to bring snacks and packed lunches into school.

Calendar of events and important dates

We are currently working on a calendar of dates for the issue of pupil tracking reports to parents. This information will be passed to parents in the next few weeks.

Best wishes to you and your families,


Gerry McGuigan

Pupil iPad Deployment – starting 7 September 2020

The Connected Learning iPad scheme will provide every pupil with an iPad and a range of e-learning tools and resources to assist and enhance their learning at Lourdes Secondary and at home.

All parties involved (pupils, parents/carers and the school) must agree with a range of terms and conditions before an iPad can be issued.

If we were in different circumstances our Parental Information Evenings would have gone ahead in April, however we have now reverted to recording the session for you, so you are fully aware of the expectations when receiving a school iPad.

Senior school pupils (S4-6) have already completed their Home School Agreement, therefore please watch the video and complete the online form for your child if they are in:

S3 https://bit.ly/2FDdi3T

Senior School Catch up: https://bit.ly/3aKRoqV

This must be completed by Friday 28th August, at 5pm.

IPads will be issued at Lourdes Secondary from Monday 7 September until Friday 18 September.  Your child will be informed of their session by their Pastoral Care teacher. Please ensure your child has an appropriate school bag to carry the iPad (as stipulated in the Home School Agreement).


Should you have any questions regarding this deployment, please do not hesitate to contact headteacher@lourdes-sec.glasgow.sch.uk marking your email for the attention of Mrs McMullan.

School Meals Update

We intend to issue information to parents/carers regarding the online payment system for school meals early next week with the plan to implement the new system from Monday 24th August.

In the meantime the following system will continue to operate in Lourdes

· Pupils in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.

· Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes should be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is implemented.

A message from PE staff

Message from the PE Staff

We have really missed working with the young people in the PE department in Lourdes Secondary. We are keen to get as many of the activities up and running again as soon as possible and we are confident that the procedures outlined below will allow your child to participate safely in PE over the coming months.


  • Pupils will follow a one-way system when entering and leaving the P.E Department.
  • Pupils will enter into the department via the technical corridor/P.E stairs (as normal).
  • The girls will go straight through the boys changing room door and enter into the gyms. The girls will get changed (social distancing is advised during changing) in gym 1, 2 or 3 (directed by a member of the P.E Department) and leave all belongings in the designated gym. The young people will continue walking through the gyms and exit via the gym 2+3 changing room doors and make their way to the appropriate working area.
  • The boys will walk straight through the fire door to the outside area and across to the Games Hall. They will enter through the normal door and into the Games Hall to change (social distancing is advised during changing). All belongings will be left inside the Games Hall. Pupils will leave the Games Hall via the Fire Exit and make their way to the appropriate working area.
  • Hair must be tied up.
  • If you the young people are injured, they should stay with their class and where appropriate help out with roles such as timekeeper/scorer/referee etc.
  • If the young people forget their kit, they will stay with their class and help out in roles such as timekeeper/scorer/referee etc.
  • All jewellery should be removed in the changing area and left with belongings.
  • At all times valuables should be hidden at the bottom of bags and kept out of sight. The school cannot take responsibility for the loss of any personal property.
  • The P.E Department will do their very best to protect any valuables by ensuring doors are locked when the changing areas are not in use.
  • No pupils will be allowed back to their bags during the lesson and the doors will remain locked until the lesson is finished.
  • If pupils need the toilet, girls will use the gym 3 changing room toilets (one in at a time) and boys use gym 2 changing room toilets (one in at a time). Changing room doors out to the pitch will remain unlocked.
  • Each class will sanitise their hands before the lesson and during lesson if they need to. Hand sanitisers will be readily available to the pupils.
  • After class, pupils will leave through the same doors they arrived in. Girls will get changed and leave via Gym 3 changing room. Boys will leave via the Games Hall door. All pupils will leave via the school car park and will follow the car park round to the Kirriemuir Playground. The young people will re-enter the school via the main doors.
  • Pupils participating in PE during Period 7 will leave via the school park.

Points to consider

  • Until further notice all PE activities will be conducted outside regardless of the weather. The young people must dress appropriately. They must be prepared for rain or sunshine!
  • Pupils should not wear any item of clothing for their P.E lesson that they are going to wear for the rest of the school day (e.g. – a rain jacket).
  • At present, there are restrictions on PE activities. PE lessons will be adapted to minimise the sharing of equipment and to ensure social distancing as appropriate. No contact sports or team games will be delivered in PE until further notice.
  • Pupils may be asked to sanitise the equipment they used, e.g. rubbing down a hockey stick with an anti-bacterial wipe.

PE staff will present the information above to your children during their first PE lessons.

August 2020

Parental Meetings

During these challenging times, we would kindly ask that Parents/Carers should only access the school premises when they have a pre-arranged meeting with their child’s Pastoral Care teacher or Depute Head. We will not be able to accommodate unscheduled meeting.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.

A message from the Head Teacher – 11 August 2020

First day arrangements

S1 Pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S1 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day. S3 guides will escort the pupils to class.
  • S1 pupils will be given access to the canteen and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break and lunchtimes


S2 pupils:             Thursday 13th August

  • S2 pupils should assemble in the Tarfside playground at the beginning of the day
  • S2 pupils will not be allowed to leave the school at break time but, with permission from their parents, may wish to leave the school at lunchtimes.
  • S2 pupils will be given access to the café Lourdes and Tarfside playground at break and  lunchtimes


S3 pupils:             Wednesday 12th August

  • S3 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S3 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S3 pupils will be given access to the Tarfside at break and  lunchtimes


S4 Pupils              Thursday 13th August

  • S4 pupils should assemble in the Quadrangle at the beginning of the day.
  • S4 pupils with permission from their parents may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S4 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


S5/6 Pupils          Friday 14th August

  • S5/6 pupils should assemble in the front playground at the beginning of the day (Kirriemuir Drive)
  • S5/6 pupils may wish to leave the school at break and lunchtimes.
  • S5/6 pupils will be given access to the front playground at break and  lunchtimes


Movement in and around the school

We intend to operate a one-way system in the school and this will be fully explained to the children on their first day.


School Meals

Payment Method

Glasgow City Council is driven to reduce the exposure to cash handling in our establishments and during the academic session 2020/21, we will be introducing an online payment system in our schools for all purchases including trips, concert tickets, uniforms and school meals. However, as Glasgow has a substantial number of establishments, this will take some time to implement across the city.

In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:

  • Children in receipt of free school meals will receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.
  • Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes will be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is fully implemented.
  • S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.
  • S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime should consider greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes. Period 6 will start at 1.45pm.


SQA Estimates

Given the First Ministers announcement earlier should you wish access to your estimate grade for session 2019-20, please contact the relevant Principal Teacher via email (details below).  Please DO NOT come into the school for this information, this will ensure yourself, returning pupils and staff are kept safe given the current situation.

Mr Peck, gw10peckmichael@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mr McLellan, gw10mclellanpaul@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mr McNaught, gw10mcnaughtjames3@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Social Subjects,
Miss Irvine, gw09irvinejenna2@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Modern Languages,
Ms Wilkes, gw15freepascale@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mrs Delaney, gw09delaneyjulie@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mr Fagan, gw09fagangordon@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mrs Twaddle, gw09twaddlecorinne@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Mrs McMullan, gw10mcmullanlisajoy@glow.sch.uk

Performing Arts,
Mrs MacVicar, gw09macvicardebbie@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

Religious Education,
Mrs Killin, gw11killinterri@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk

We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.

School Meals – 11 August 2020

We have just been informed that the canteen in our school will be adopting a no cash payment system from Wednesday 12 August.

In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:

· Pupils in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.

· Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes should be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is implemented.

· S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.

· S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime must factor in greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes.

We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.

Return to School Information – 5 August 2020

5 August 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you and your loved ones continue to be safe and well.  We are now able to finalise details on your child’s return to school next week.

1.       Our young people will return to school as part of a phased programme:

  • S1 and S3 return to school full time on Wednesday 12 August and each day thereafter
  • S2 and S4 return to school full time on Thursday 13 August and each day thereafter
  • S5 and S6 return to school full time on Friday 14 August and each day thereafter

New S5/6 pupils requesting appeals can come into school from Wednesday 12th August to speak to Principal Teachers.

It is our expectation that, with your support, pupils should return to school in full school uniform with appropriately equipped school bags. The timings of the school day will remain unchanged. The school day will begin at 8.50am and end at 3.15pm.

2.       Movement in and around the school:

  • Each year group will be given an assigned entrance to, and exit from, the school
  • Pupils will be encouraged to follow social distance guidelines within the school building.

3.       Learning and Teaching:

  • Pupils in all year groups will follow a full timetable including all activities involved in PE.
  • Pupil timetables will be issued to them when they return to school.

4.       Morning breaks and lunchtime:

  • We are considering assigning year groups to particular zones around the school. More details about this will be issued to pupils next week.

5.       Hygiene:

  • Pupils will be encouraged to use Hand Sanitisers which will be located in and around the school. In addition to this, staff will provide access to hand sanitisers and wipes in classrooms. Pupils are also very welcome to bring their own hand sanitisers into school for personal use. Pupils can, if they wish, wear a mask.

6.       General Health:

  • Pupils who display any symptoms of COVID should be kept at home; High temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Parents should follow NHS advice and inform the school of any positive COVID tests.

7.       Extra-Curricular Activities:

  • There will be no extra-curricular activities at lunchtime or after school until further notice.
  • School trips are also on hold

8.         Pastoral Care:

There have been a number of temporary changes in Pastoral Care:

Year group             Pastoral Care Teacher

  • S6                          Mr Downes (covering for Mr MacKinnon)
  • S1                          Miss Campbell (covering for Mr Downes)
  • S2                          Miss Fitzpatrick (covering for Mrs Cairns)
  • S3                          Mrs Cassidy
  • S4                          Mr Blaney
  • S5                          Mrs Hughes

Pastoral care staff should be your first point of contact for any advice/ information relating to support for your child.

I will keep parents/carers up-to-date with changes and new developments as the new session progresses. In the meantime, again, I would like to thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school for further information on any of the points above.

Kind regards


Mr McGuigan
Head Teacher

A Message from Head Teacher and Letter from Director of Education – 31 August 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well and have managed to have some relaxation over the summer school holiday. We have missed our pupils and are looking forward to welcoming them back to some form of normality.

Return to School

As we approach a return to school please click here to  see the attached letter from Maureen McKenna ( Executive Director of Education) for your information.

As detailed in the letter our school will reopen to pupils on Wednesday 12th August. We have still to finalise the details of how pupil return can be done as safely as possible and I will write to you next week with our plan.

SQA Results 

Pupils will receive their SQA results on Tuesday 4th August and on behalf of all staff I wish all pupils the very best of luck – I hope your hard work is rewarded.

If any new S5 or S6 pupil wishes to change subject choices for next year after receiving their results they should come to school at any time between 9am and 2pm on Wednesday 5th or Thursday 6th of August.

If any pupil wishes to request an appeal for a subject they should in the first instance contact the Principal Teacher of the subject. It is not always possible to appeal a result and the first part of this process is a discussion between the pupil and the Principal Teacher. This should be done on their return to school week commencing Wednesday 12th August.

Best Wishes

Gerry McGuigan

A message from the Head Teacher – 24 June 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following yesterday’s statement from the Deputy First Minister, and the communication from the Director issued earlier today:

At present we are still working on the basis that staff will return on the 10th and 11th August for 2 in-service days and pupils will return after this dependant on what timetable we can run. We will know what timetable to run nearer this date. I will update you as soon as information becomes available. Thank you all for all the support you have provided to our school all year but in particular during last three months in the most difficult of times your understanding and co-operation has been invaluable.

To all our pupils:

We have really missed having you in school and are looking forward to seeing you in August. Please now switch off from school work and try to enjoy the summer break.

I hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.

Love, Teach, Care


Mr McGuigan