Tag Archives: Celebration

Summer Newsletter now available

Its that time of year when we celebrate the success, talents and activities going on in and around the school and its community. Please make sure you read the latest newsletter published by the school as there are important dates and information for next term.

All newsletters can be accessed under the heading PARENTS > NEWSLETTERS or should you wish to access the latest newsletter, click the link to the right of this post or click here.

Archbishop at Lourdes for Feast Day Celebrations

Pupils and staff of Lourdes Secondary celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes on Friday the 8th of February with the Most Reverand Archbishop Philip Tartaglia. Mass for S1 and S6 was concelebrated by the Archbishop, Monsignor Gilmartin and school chaplain Father John Carroll.

Invited guests included Head Teachers from our associated primaries, our Student Council and members of the Parent Council. The Archbishop spoke of his “closeness” to the community of Lourdes Secondary and encouraged pupils to “listen to Jesus”.

After Mass, the Archbishop joined invited guests and S6 Caritas pupils for a celebratory lunch. A number of liturgical and fun events took place throughout the day to mark this important event in the school calendar.

Burns Celebration

Many thanks to English, Art and Music Departments who provided such beautiful evocations of the work of Robert Burns.

Our pupils art work, singing, piping, recitation and all round creativity was quite outstanding; the front foyer has never looked so resplendent. 

Congratulations to all involved.

Brigadoon Launch CD today!

Brigadoon are delighted to announce our first EP released today!!!!  The EP includes 3 original songs written by Findlay MacMillan (S5) one of which is his very own Christmas Song “That time of year”.

 After a lengthy recording process we are delighted with the final production on the EP.  We would love it if you were able to support the band as the costs of hiring a professional studio were large!!

We are selling the EP for only £4 the EP which contains 3 originals and the Christmas bonus track – what a bargain!

 If you would like a copy could you please contact Mrs MacVicar, Performing Arts Faculty directly or via the School Office – 0141 582 0180.

Hint of Pink

Today Lourdes Secondary School turned pink in support of breast cancer research. Pupils were invited to wear something pink and volunteers from the Higher Leadership class teamed up with members of staff to raise awareness.

Amongst the festivities, there was a Teacher’s Blind Date, nail bar, bake sale and pink lemonade stall! 

Overall, the day was a huge success and a great time was had by all.  Thanks to the tremendous effort and hard work of staff and pupils, a total of £1,137.11 was raised.

For photographs from the day click here