Please see below for an important letter regarding the Flu Vaccine rollout for this year.
Welcome Back
We are delighted to welcome back all of our pupils and especially our new S1. It has been a great start to the new school year.
Please find below a Welcome Back message from our Head Teacher, Mr Monaghan.
First edition of “Nurture News”
Have a look at the first edition of “Nurture News” – a newsletter celebrating learning and wider achievement opportunities from the Welcome Room at Lourdes Secondary.
Lourdes Secondary School Improvement Plan 2023-24

Christmas Newsletter
Our Christmas Newsletter is now available to view here.
Happy Christmas to all our families and our wider community at Lourdes Secondary. We hope you have a rest-filled break.
S5 & 6 Tracking Reports
S5 S6 pupils have been issued with a paper copy of their 2nd Tracking Report of the session. This contains useful information for parents/carers about your child’s subject levels and current grades. If any queries, please contact your child’s Pastoral Care teacher.
S5/6 Parent’s Evening Tuesday 28th November
S5/6 Information Evening
Lourdes needs YOU
Would you like to help out with trips/events in our school? Would you like to be a part of school events? Do you have any special skills/talents that you could share with our pupils? Please click here
Lourdes needs YOU!
We are looking for parent/carer volunteers to assist with:
– supervision on trips/outings (Blackpool trip/Hill walks/Theatre trips), – assist with the running and delivery of events (greeting visitors/serving teas/coffees)We would also love for parents/carers with talents/skills that they wish to share to feel that they can do so in our school environment.
If you are able to assist with any of the above…or more…then please fill out this form
**Please note – any information provided will be stored securely. You will only ever be contacted by a member of SLT or Mrs Connor, PT Parental Engagement**
S1 Welcome Evening
A reminder, and warm invitation to all of our S1 parents to come along to our S1 Welcome Evening.
This is on Tuesday 12th September from 4.00-6.00pm.
Tour around the school with your child, visit departments and talk to staff to gain an insight on the learning experiences your child encounters on a daily basis.