
Higher Biology

The course builds on National 5 Biology but is also suitable for those wishing to study Biology for the first time if they have another good science qualification. Biology the study of living organisms plays an important role in our everyday life. It is an increasingly important subject having an impact in the modern world as Biologists work to find the solutions too many of our world’s problems. Technological advances in recent years have made Biology even more exciting than ever. And we try to take pupils on hands on trips to see some of these advances. The general aim of the course is to develop pupil’s interest and enthusiasm for Biology in tandem with skills of scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking and knowledge and understanding of each unit area. Learners will apply these skills when considering the applications of each unit on our lives. This can be done by using a variety of approaches, including investigation and problem solving. Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.

The Higher Biology course looks at the molecular level of organism to the whole organism and beyond!

Unit 1: DNA and the Genome The Unit covers the key areas of: structure of DNA; replication of DNA; Gene expression; cellular differentiation; the structure of the genome; mutations; evolution; genomic sequencing.

Unit 2: Metabolism and Survival The Unit covers the key areas of: metabolic pathways; cellular respiration; metabolic rate; metabolism in conformers and regulators; metabolism and adverse conditions; environmental control of metabolism; genetic control of metabolism.

Unit 3: Sustainability and interdependence The Unit covers the key areas of: food supply, plant growth and productivity; plant and animal breeding; crop protection; animal welfare; symbiosis; social behaviour; components of biodiversity; threats to biodiversity.