Tag Archives: Christmas

Christmas Newsletter

We would like to take this opportinity to wish all of our pupils, parents and local community a happy and peaceful Christmas. School closes at 2.30pm on Friday 19th December 2014.

The Christmas newsletter can be found by clicking here.

School starts back on Monday 5th January 2015 at 8.50am.

Christmas Fair – Saturday 13th December 2014

Lourdes Secondary Christmas Fair this Saturday 13th December, there will be raffles, games, shows, crafts, and lots of chances to win great prizes. The entry cost is a £1 donation, tea and coffee included in the price. Stalls will be in the SS hall, Social Area, Dinner Hall, Concert Hall and Foyer. Some of our Drama groups are also performing in the concert hall. We hope you come along and join the fun. The Fair will be open from 10:30 – 1:30. Santa will be making an appearance, further details to follow.

We would be grateful of any donations for the Tombola or Home Baking stall, please send them into Mrs Cullen in Home Economics.

We look forward to seeing you all there on Saturday

Christmas Fayre – 13 December 2014

We are having their first Christmas Fayre where there will be raffles, games, shows and lots of chances to win great prizes. The entry cost is a £1 donation, tea and coffee included and it will be on the 13th December 2014. The Fayre starts at 10am and will finish at 1pm. There will be a variety of things in the SS hall, Social Area, Dinner Hall, Concert Hall and Foyer. We hope you come along and join the fun!

S3 XL Christmas Parcels

We are going to make parcels of foods and non-perishable items to be given to some of the Elderly in the local community
We are sending out a letter to every young person in the school to ask for a donation of a tin or non-perishable item and once this is all gathered in we will make up the parcels to be delivered to the Elderly. We are also hoping that staff will help by bringing in an item too.
Pupils should hand in names of people to receive parcels and any items to their class tutor teacher.
The class who donates the most wins the mystery PRIZE!
All items should be received by Monday 16th December