A Message from Head Teacher and Letter from Director of Education – 31 August 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well and have managed to have some relaxation over the summer school holiday. We have missed our pupils and are looking forward to welcoming them back to some form of normality.

Return to School

As we approach a return to school please click here to  see the attached letter from Maureen McKenna ( Executive Director of Education) for your information.

As detailed in the letter our school will reopen to pupils on Wednesday 12th August. We have still to finalise the details of how pupil return can be done as safely as possible and I will write to you next week with our plan.

SQA Results 

Pupils will receive their SQA results on Tuesday 4th August and on behalf of all staff I wish all pupils the very best of luck – I hope your hard work is rewarded.

If any new S5 or S6 pupil wishes to change subject choices for next year after receiving their results they should come to school at any time between 9am and 2pm on Wednesday 5th or Thursday 6th of August.

If any pupil wishes to request an appeal for a subject they should in the first instance contact the Principal Teacher of the subject. It is not always possible to appeal a result and the first part of this process is a discussion between the pupil and the Principal Teacher. This should be done on their return to school week commencing Wednesday 12th August.

Best Wishes

Gerry McGuigan