School Meals – 11 August 2020

We have just been informed that the canteen in our school will be adopting a no cash payment system from Wednesday 12 August.

In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:

· Pupils in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.

· Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes should be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is implemented.

· S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.

· S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime must factor in greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes.

We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.