We are delighted to welcome back all of our pupils and especially our new S1. It has been a great start to the new school year.
Please find below a Welcome Back message from our Head Teacher, Mr Monaghan.
We are delighted to welcome back all of our pupils and especially our new S1. It has been a great start to the new school year.
Please find below a Welcome Back message from our Head Teacher, Mr Monaghan.
Our Christmas Newsletter is now available to view here.
Happy Christmas to all our families and our wider community at Lourdes Secondary. We hope you have a rest-filled break.
A reminder, and warm invitation to all of our S1 parents to come along to our S1 Welcome Evening.
This is on Tuesday 12th September from 4.00-6.00pm.
Tour around the school with your child, visit departments and talk to staff to gain an insight on the learning experiences your child encounters on a daily basis.
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well and that our pupils have had a relaxing break. I also want to congratulate our S4,5 and 6 pupils on their SQA results.
We are really looking forward to welcoming pupils back on Monday 16th August at 8.50am and will be following Scottish Government guidelines.
We will operate a recovery timetable for this session similar to the one we ran in June. All staff and pupils who are not exempt will be required to wear masks in the building unless eating or drinking for at least six weeks. Our one-way system will remain in place.
I attach 2 letters from the Director of Education for your information.
Please click here to access todays update from the Head Teacher – this concerns your childs return to school next week.
Have you ever said to your child “that’s not the way I do it” or “Don’t ask me, I’m rubbish at maths”? If so, then take the opportunity to come along to our Virtual Numeracy Event for all S1 parents and careers on Thursday 17th September at 7pm for an hour of support and help with Numeracy which will help you support your child at home with their Numeracy in the future.
The event will take place online and you can participate in the comfort of your own home. More details to follow. We look forward to seeing you there.
Dear Parent,
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff and pupils in the school to welcome you and your child to Lourdes Secondary. We are looking forward to working with you and your son/daughter in the weeks and months ahead.
I am delighted to report to you that the new pupils in S1 have made an excellent start in Lourdes Secondary. I have been impressed with the children’s general attitude, behaviour and the high standard of uniform. We have a significant number of pupils wearing the blazer in S1 and, with your support, I would like to see all S1 pupils wearing the blazer. We have a small stock of blazers in the school at a reasonable price should you wish to purchase one. Please contact the school office for further information.
We are completely committed to ensuring that your child is happy, safe and working to their full potential and your support and engagement in the life and ethos of the school will be very much appreciated.
There are a number of key members of staff who are responsible for guiding and supporting your child through their S1 experience:
Mr Kerr is the Depute Head teacher responsible for your child.
Miss Campbell is the (Acting) Principal Teacher of Pastoral Care for S1 who will provide guidance and coordinate personal support for the pupils.(Mr Downes is currently supporting our S6 pupils)
Ms Cox is the Principal Teacher of Support for Learning who works with all subject staff to ensure that the pupils are being supported appropriately in their learning.
Mrs Dolan is the Principal Teacher of the ALN Provision who coordinates support for a specific group of S1 pupils
Mrs McBride is the Principal Teacher of Nurture who provides support and nurture to a specific group of pupils throughout the school
Miss Campbell is your first point of contact for all matters. Contact details are: gw17campbellsarahann@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
If you have any questions or concerns relating to your child please do not hesitate to contact Miss Campbell who will liaise with the subject teachers and deal with any issues sensitively and promptly.
Break/Lunchtime arrangements
We are currently operating a cash less payment system in the canteen see Letter issued 17 August 2020
For pupils who have not signed-up to the new on line payment system we would encourage them to continue to bring snacks and packed lunches into school.
Calendar of events and important dates
We are currently working on a calendar of dates for the issue of pupil tracking reports to parents. This information will be passed to parents in the next few weeks.
Best wishes to you and your families,
Gerry McGuigan
The Connected Learning iPad scheme will provide every pupil with an iPad and a range of e-learning tools and resources to assist and enhance their learning at Lourdes Secondary and at home.
All parties involved (pupils, parents/carers and the school) must agree with a range of terms and conditions before an iPad can be issued.
If we were in different circumstances our Parental Information Evenings would have gone ahead in April, however we have now reverted to recording the session for you, so you are fully aware of the expectations when receiving a school iPad.
Senior school pupils (S4-6) have already completed their Home School Agreement, therefore please watch the video and complete the online form for your child if they are in:
Senior School Catch up: https://bit.ly/3aKRoqV
This must be completed by Friday 28th August, at 5pm.
IPads will be issued at Lourdes Secondary from Monday 7 September until Friday 18 September. Your child will be informed of their session by their Pastoral Care teacher. Please ensure your child has an appropriate school bag to carry the iPad (as stipulated in the Home School Agreement).
Should you have any questions regarding this deployment, please do not hesitate to contact headteacher@lourdes-sec.glasgow.sch.uk marking your email for the attention of Mrs McMullan.
S1 Pupils: Wednesday 12th August
S2 pupils: Thursday 13th August
S3 pupils: Wednesday 12th August
S4 Pupils Thursday 13th August
S5/6 Pupils Friday 14th August
We intend to operate a one-way system in the school and this will be fully explained to the children on their first day.
Glasgow City Council is driven to reduce the exposure to cash handling in our establishments and during the academic session 2020/21, we will be introducing an online payment system in our schools for all purchases including trips, concert tickets, uniforms and school meals. However, as Glasgow has a substantial number of establishments, this will take some time to implement across the city.
In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:
Given the First Ministers announcement earlier should you wish access to your estimate grade for session 2019-20, please contact the relevant Principal Teacher via email (details below). Please DO NOT come into the school for this information, this will ensure yourself, returning pupils and staff are kept safe given the current situation.
Mr Peck, gw10peckmichael@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mr McLellan, gw10mclellanpaul@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mr McNaught, gw10mcnaughtjames3@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Social Subjects,
Miss Irvine, gw09irvinejenna2@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Modern Languages,
Ms Wilkes, gw15freepascale@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mrs Delaney, gw09delaneyjulie@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mr Fagan, gw09fagangordon@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mrs Twaddle, gw09twaddlecorinne@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Mrs McMullan, gw10mcmullanlisajoy@glow.sch.uk
Performing Arts,
Mrs MacVicar, gw09macvicardebbie@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
Religious Education,
Mrs Killin, gw11killinterri@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk
We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.
We have just been informed that the canteen in our school will be adopting a no cash payment system from Wednesday 12 August.
In the short term and until we have had time to understand and fully implement the online payment system, the following system will operate in Lourdes Secondary:
· Pupils in receipt of free school meals will continue to receive their lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes as normal.
· Pupils who would normally buy a lunch from the canteen/café Lourdes should be encouraged to bring a packed lunch into school until the new system is implemented.
· S1 pupils will not be allowed out of school at break and lunchtime. Pupils should bring a packed lunch/snack to school with them.
· S2/6 pupils who decide to go out at lunchtime must factor in greatly increased waiting times in the local shops. Our lunch time will remain at 40 minutes.
We will keep you up-to-date with changes and developments.