Category Archives: Parents

Parental Tracking and Reporting Group – Can you help?

Are you a Parent or Carer with a child at Lourdes Secondary? – if so, please make sure you read the attached letter which was issued today.

If you would like to be involved in this steering group, please email, or phone 0141 582 0180, or complete and return the tear-off slip from the letter below.

Senior Phase Information Evening November 2017

Many thanks to all pupils, parents and carers who demonstrated their support to their children and the school tonight. The evening was jammed packed with information and helpful hints to support our pupils as they progress through the senior phase of Lourdes Secondary.  Please find below links and material that was used tonight.

Information Evening Booklet

Senior Phase Info Eve Nov 2017

Headstrong Ltd

Parental Questionnaire from the BECS Faculty

Could all Parents/Carers with children in Business Education and Computing Science (BECS) please take five/ten minutes to complete our online questionnaire. This will close on Sunday 19 November at 10pm.

If your child is in S1-3 please click here.

If your child is in S4-S6 and studies Computing Science please click here .

If your child is in S4-S6 and studies Business Education (Admin & IT or Business Management) please click here.


Our Pupil Leadership Team 2017/2018



Head Girl: Emily Harley

Head Boy: Ciaran Byrne

Deputes: John Carlyle, Emma Donnelly, Carly Horne, Erin Maguire, Rachel McBride